Clinical trials and research units

Source: Waikato District Health Board – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Clinical trials and research units

The Waikato DHB has the goal of becoming an internationally recognised centre for research. It has a number of active clinical trials and research units based on Waikato Hospital campus including critical care research, respiratory and gastroenterology research, cardiology trials, trauma research, neurology research, breast cancer (Waikato Breast Cancer Research Trust), rheumatology research and trials, cancer and blood research and trials, diabetes research, renal trials, and researching the use of digital health.


Source: Waikato District Health Board – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Research

Waikato DHB aims to be a centre of excellence in research – including clinical research and participation in national and international clinical trials, academic research for professional development, as well as research that drives social and cultural change and service delivery improvements for the people in our health district.

The diversity and geographical span of the Waikato health district provides many opportunities for innovative and collaborative research. 

Research is supported by strong links with both Auckland and Waikato universities and research foundations as well as Waikato DHB’s own resources – a superb library, a well structured research approval process and research governance, and Waikato’s ability to attract world-leading clinicians with an interest in research and training.

For healthcare support staff

Source: Waikato District Health Board – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: For healthcare support staff

We have a Health Care Support Development team  dedicated to building the confidence and knowledge of our healthcare support staff.
The Health Care Support Development team provides education and training for health care support staff e.g. healthcare assistants (HCAs), psychiatric assistants, rehabilitation assistants, hospital attendants/ orderlies, employed by Waikato DHB other Waikato health providers by agreement. DHB.

Iwi Māori Council

Source: Waikato District Health Board – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Iwi Māori Council

On September 27, 2017 the The Waikato DHB Board and has a governance relationship with the local iwi through its Iwi Māori Council signed their revised Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The significance in the signing of this document is the recognition of the special relationship between the Waikato DHB and Iwi.

The Iwi Māori Council has since 2000, worked together with the DHB engaging on and for Māori Health.

Iwi members to the Council are: Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato-Tainui, Raukawa and Hauraki from Tainui Waka and are joined by Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Whānganui, and Māta Waka (Te Rūnanga o Kirikiriroa). Our Kaunihera Kaumātua Chair joins the Council and brings also Tikanga guidance.

The number one priority of the Waikato DHB in its Strategy is Radical Improvement of Māori Health by eliminating health inequities for Māori .      

Rheumatic Rever resources

Source: Waikato District Health Board – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Rheumatic Rever resources

Sore throat rapid response services in the Waikato – Waikato District Health Board is working with communities to provide free sore throat rapid response services to eligible children and their households across the Waikato, to identify and treat Group A Streptococcal (GAS) throat infections and prevent rheumatic fever and heart damage. 

Hapū Wānanga

Source: Waikato District Health Board – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Hapū Wānanga

We are now fully booked for Hapū Wānanga for 2018, please check again in October for 2019 dates.

A FREE kaupapa Māori labour, birth and parenting programme designed for young pregnant women and their families/whānau in the Waikato

Thames Hospital history

Source: Waikato District Health Board – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Thames Hospital history

In November 2018 Thames Hospital celebrates 150 years since its opening in 1868. Celebrations include a programme of events from Friday 2 November to Sunday 4 November (registration required), and a series of lectures that feature how the hospital has developed its patient care from its simple beginnings through to the specialised services and innovative technology of today.

Suicide prevention

Source: Waikato District Health Board – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Suicide prevention

Having a low mood that you can’t seem to shake off.
Having little or no interest in doing things that you used to enjoy.
Being grumpy and irritable.
Lack of energy and feeling tired most of the time.
Changes in sleep and eating patterns.
Problems with concentrating and staying focused.
Low self-esteem and loss of libido. 
Feeling empty, lonely and isolated.
Increased use of alcohol or other forms of self- medicating.
Feeling embarrassed or ashamed about not being able to cope.
Feeling overwhelmed by tasks/events/expectations that normally would be easy to handle.

Institute of Healthy Ageing

Source: Waikato District Health Board – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Institute of Healthy Ageing

The institute is a collaborative venture between Waikato DHB, the University of Auckland and the University of Waikato, and was launched in 2013. Its purpose is to facilitate the sharing of research and clinical expertise, and the development of research initiatives in the field of ageing, older people’s health and rehabilitation.  initiatives. 

Respiratory research

Source: Waikato District Health Board – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Respiratory research

The Respiratory research unit offers a wide variety of research trials varying from local collaborative projects to global studies.

We participate in clinical trials ranging from phase I through to phase IV. 

All of our studies have received appropriate local regulatory and ethical approval and are conducted according to ICH-GCP standards.

Location:  Waikato Hospital, Level B01 Menzies Building.

Studies in progress 

We currently have a variety of studies in progress for a range of medical conditions including:

  • Asthma 
  • COPD
  • Pneumothorax
  • RSV
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Influenza A

The Respiratory Research team 

2 x consultants
2 x research fellows
2 x study co-ordinators/research nurses
1 x administration assistant


If you want to take part in research, or want to know more details about the individual studies available please contact one of the team: