Tuai takes out top award at Ockhams

Source: University Of Auckland – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Tuai takes out top award at Ockhams

The evocative story of Tuai, one of the first Māori men to travel to England in the early 19th century won University of Auckland Professor Alison Jones and Professor Kuni Kaa Jenkins the Illustrated Non-Fiction category of the 2018 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards last night.

Parent concerns for disabled children drive PhD

Source: University Of Auckland – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Parent concerns for disabled children drive PhD

Most parents want their children to outlive them. Hoping your child dies before you is a strong sign of how distraught some parents feel, as the University of Auckland graduate Hemant Thakkar found out during the research for his PhD.

Coasts in crisis

Source: University Of Auckland – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Coasts in crisis

Coastal populations around the world have exploded in recent decades but our enthusiasm for living by the sea coincides with a projected rise in risk to the coastal environment including extreme weather events, sea level rise, and the impact of human activities.

Jury’s out on whether sildenafil (Viagra) helps growth-restricted babies

Source: University Of Auckland – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Jury’s out on whether sildenafil (Viagra) helps growth-restricted babies

As results from a major New Zealand-Australian clinical trial are revealed, the jury’s out on whether sildenafil – also known as Viagra – taken by mothers during pregnancy could help babies suffering from stunted growth in the womb by increasing blood supply to the placenta.

How committed are food companies to health?

Source: University Of Auckland – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: How committed are food companies to health?

A new study ranking the nutrition commitments of 25 of New Zealand’s largest food companies has found large variations with some companies leading the way, but many are not doing nearly enough to reduce the biggest cause of ill health in New Zealand, unhealthy diets.

Experts address urban challenges

Source: University Of Auckland – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Experts address urban challenges

As Auckland’s population continues to grow and the city intensifies, a key challenge is how to create high-quality urban spaces, accessible to all. Experts will address these issues at the School of Architecture and Planning’s annual lecture series Fast Forward.