Overnight closures SH6/High St through Greymouth coming up

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Greymouth residents, road users and people travelling through the town after 8 pm at night will face local road detours from Sunday, 3 November.  (The weekend after Labour Weekend).

Access will be restored by 5am the next morning again, with more night closures through until Thursday morning, 14 November.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) is asphalting sections of SH6/High St through central Greymouth between Franklin St and the Marlborough Street roundabout.

Access will be available for residents and emergency vehicles, with everyone else detoured onto local roads.

How will I get across Greymouth?
Other road users, including heavy vehicle drivers/ 50MAX and HPMV, will be able to follow signed, well-marked detours via Grey District Council roads.

The closures are weather dependent and may be rescheduled if it is wet.

Check Journey Planner for exact closure locations. 

journeys.nzta.govt.nz(external link) 

“Thanks to all residents and locals for your patience while this essential summer sealing work is underway,” says Moira Whinham, Maintenance Contract Manager for NZTA on the West Coast.

Overnight closure on stretch of HB Expressway tonight

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


A stretch of State Highway 2 / Hawke’s Bay Expressway will close overnight tonight for repairs to guardrail and flexible barriers.

The expressway will close between the Pākowhai/Links Road and Evenden Road roundabouts from 8pm tonight and reopen at 5am on Thursday.

Northbound road users will be detoured onto Evenden Road and left onto Pākowhai before rejoining the expressway.

The reverse will apply for southbound road users.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi acknowledges the closure is short notice and is confident the overnight closure will minimise disruption to commuter traffic.

NZTA advises road users to plan their journey accordingly and thanks people for taking the detour.


SH1 Karāpiro barrier repairs tomorrow night

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


Road users will experience delays on State Highway 1 (SH1) at Karāpiro tomorrow night (Thursday 24th October) while contractors carry out urgent repairs to damaged median barriers.

Approximately 56 posts have been damaged recently, resulting in 300m of un-tensioned wire. NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) wants the barriers repaired ahead of the long weekend. Slow and controlled moving traffic management will be in place from 9pm for around 4 hours to enable contractors to carry out the work safely, which will result in approximately 20 minute delays for drivers.


SH1 Southern Motorway CLOSED southbound at Penrose Rd overbridge

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) advises State Highway 1 Southern Motorway is closed to southbound traffic between the Ellerslie Panmure Highway and the South Eastern Highway due to a serious incident.

Emergency services are in attendance and the road is likely to be closed for some time. People are encouraged to delay their travel, where possible, or allow extra time for their journeys using alternative routes. Please visit the NZTA Journey Planner website for up-to-date information on the closure.

journeys.nzta.govt.nz(external link)


SH2 recovery work at White Pine Bush

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Work has begun on one of the last recovery projects in the White Pine Bush area on State Highway 2 between Napier and Wairoa.

Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) alliance crews, on behalf of NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi, have been working to restore access through the area after Cyclone Gabrielle caused extensive damage to the road and numerous sites alongside it.

Tangoio Falls Reserve Underslip – Active

Crews have started work just south of White Pine Bush above Tangoio Falls Reserve.

There, Cyclone Gabrielle damaged two retaining walls on the steep slope: a small timber crib wall and a mortared rock wall. During the next few weeks, crews will be stabilising sections of the retaining walls with ground anchors and shotcrete.

Much of this work will be done by workers abseiling, using the guardrails to abseil down to the site beneath the road. This site will be down to a single lane under a short stop/go until the work is finished, with the aim to have it back to two lanes for this Christmas.

White Pine Bush Underslip – Active

Crews have been working at a large retaining wall job since March this year. This new wall consists of 220 ground anchors and will be sprayed with concrete once testing is completed. This is expected to be finished before Christmas this year.

Watch this video for more information about this site:

White Pine Bush North – Complete

Two-lane access was recently restored at another site, just north of the White Pine Bush carpark entrance.

There, Cyclone Gabrielle floodwaters had scoured away the ground under the road shoulder, undermining the outside lane. The repair was a retaining wall and rock rip rap to stabilise the ground.

With the site down to one lane while the repair was underway, TREC took the opportunity to work at nights to speed up delivery.

The local contractors all had the capacity and people to work both day and night shifts. From start to finish, the wall was built in a month, halving the expected timeframe.

TREC Hawke’s Bay Project Manager Chris Mahoney says work through the White Pine Bush section means this stretch of road is still down to one-lane.

“We know it’s frustrating seeing those traffic lights, and having to wait. We know it’s been a frustrating time on this stretch of road since the cyclone and we want to reassure people we are working to restore two-lane access as quickly as possible through this area of State Highway 2.

“It’s a priority to ensure disruption is minimised for vital sectors like farming, horticulture and tourism, to connect with local and export markets.

“We are grateful to communities for their support, crews for their hard work and road users for their understanding. We know it hasn’t been easy with so many worksites in operation and we do want to reiterate our thanks to people for their patience,” says Mr Mahoney.

Attached is a map of the worksites at White Pine Bush, Tangoio Falls Reserve Underslip infographic and a before and after of the repair at White Pine Bush North.

View larger map [PDF, 1.5 MB]

Slovak Republic

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Safe Travel

  • Reviewed: 18 November 2022, 08:21 NZDT
  • Still current at: 22 October 2024

Related news features

If you are planning international travel at this time, please read our COVID-19 related travel advice here, alongside our destination specific travel advice below.

We advise New Zealanders to exercise increased caution in the Slovak Republic (level 2 of 4).

Slovak Republic

Widespread military action is underway in neighbouring Ukraine. You should not attempt to cross into Ukraine from the Slovak Republic. If you have arrived in the Slovak Republic from Ukraine and are in need of consular assistance, contact the New Zealand Embassy in Austria which is accredited to Hungary at nzviennaconsular@aon.at or on +43 1 505 3021, or phone the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs 24/7 Consular emergency line on +64 99 20 20 20 (outside of New Zealand).

Terrorist groups, individuals returning to Europe from areas of conflict, and individuals adhering to various forms of extremist ideologies, continue to make threats to conduct attacks across Europe. Groups adhering to various ideologies have conducted attacks in the past. 

New Zealanders in the Slovak Republic are advised to keep themselves informed of potential risks to safety and security by monitoring the media and other local information sourcesWe recommend following any instructions issued by the local authorities and exercising vigilance in public places.

Petty crime such as bag snatching, passport theft and pickpocketingoccurs and is more common in tourist areas, in larger cities and in and around transport hubs, particularly in Bratislava. Thieves often work together, sometimes involving children, and may distract victims and rob them while their attention is diverted. We advise New Zealanders to be alert to their surroundings at all times and take steps to safeguard and secure their personal belongings.

Car thefts and break-ins also occur. Do not leave belongings in view in your car, make sure it is locked and be wary of others offering help. Criminals sometimes puncture tyres when they are stopped and proceed to follow the vehicle to offer ‘help’ and then rob the target while they are distracted.

Some clubs and restaurants overcharge. Always ask to see the menu and price list before ordering drinks or food, and check your bill carefully before paying. Avoid disputes about overcharging, as they can lead to violence. 

There have been incidents of drink spiking followed by robbery and assault reported in the Slovak Republic. Extra care should be taken to ensure your food and drink is never left unattended. We recommend against accepting drinks from strangers or recent acquaintances.

Civil unrest
Protests and demonstrations occur on occasion in the Slovak Republic and may disrupt local public services and transport. New Zealanders are advised to avoid all demonstrations, protests and large public gatherings as even those intended as peaceful have the potential to turn violent with little warning. Follow any advice from local authorities.

General travel advice
You should carry a photocopy of your passport or another form of identification at all times.

Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are severe and can include lengthy imprisonment.

Same-sex relationships are legal but public displays of affection may be frowned upon or attract unwanted attention.

New Zealanders travelling or living in the Slovak Republic should have a comprehensive travel insurance policy in place.

New Zealanders in the Slovak Republic are encouraged to register their details with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Travel tips

The New Zealand Embassy Vienna, Austria is accredited to Slovak Republic

Street Address The ICON Vienna, Tower 24, Level 15, Suite 15.02, Wiedner Gürtel 13, 1100 Vienna, Austria Telephone +43 1 505 3021 Email nzconsular-vienna@mfat.net Web Site http://www.mfat.govt.nz/austria Hours Mon-Fri 0900-1200 and from 1400-1600 Note Notarial Services (by appointment only): 0900-1200 Monday & Friday; 1230-1400 Wednesday

New Zealand Honorary Consulate Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Street Address Dvořákovo nábrežie 10, 811 02 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Telephone + 421 2 5941 8211 Email nzconsulate-slovakia@nzconsulate.sk

See our regional advice for Europe

Kilbirnie traffic lights – State Highway 1 works planned

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Kilbirnie and Miramar, residents, and those travelling to the area need to be ready for upcoming night works at the intersection of Kilbirnie Crescent, State Highway 1 and Hamilton Road.

Road crews will be on-site on Tuesday, 29, Wednesday, 30, and Thursday, 31 October, to conduct investigations.

They will be digging up the road to check the location of underground services ahead of a planned upgrade of the intersection’s traffic lights early next year.

Knowing what is underground and where is essential to allow proper preparation for the planned upgrade.

The investigation work will be done at night between 9 pm and 5 am when there is less traffic. It will help reduce delays and disruptions for road users.

The intersection will be under stop-go traffic management during the works. Short travel delays can be expected and drivers travelling between the Wellington CBD and the Miramar Peninsula should allow extra time for their journeys, especially when travelling to the airport.

NZTA/Waka Kotahi and the Wellington Transport Alliance thank drivers for their patience and understanding while we work to improve this essential highway intersection.

Further updates on the planned traffic signal upgrades will be provided as the project progresses.

Works Schedule:

  • Tuesday, 29 October to Thursday, 31 October, 9 pm – 5 am (weather permitting)
  • Four-way stop go at the intersection of Kilbirnie Crescent, SH1, and Hamilton Road,
  • Drivers can expect travel delays.
  • Two contingency days have been set aside in case of rain – Sunday, 3 November and Monday, 4 November.

Lower speed limits on SH1 Whangārei to Te Hana, SH14 Dargaville to Whangārei, SH15 Maungatapere

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


New speed limits will soon come into effect on short sections of the following state highways:

  • SH1 Whangārei to Te Hana – changes in place from w/c 21 October 2024
  • SH14 Dargaville to Whangārei – changes in place from w/c 29 October 2024 
  • SH15 Maungatapere School – changes in place from w/c 29 October 2024 

Note: All other approved changes on SH15 were implemented on 13 May 2024

The changes we are making on SH1, SH14 and SH15 focus on short sections of state highway, including schools, and involved extensive community engagement and input prior to approval.

School speed changes include new electronic variable speed limit signs outside five schools to reduce speeds during pick up and drop off times.

For more information, please visit: 

Speed management in Northland and Auckland(external link)


Stretch of SH51 at Awatoto to close for Iron Maori event

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


A stretch of State Highway 51 between Ellison Street and Waitangi Road will be closed at the beginning of next month for the Iron Maori triathlon event. The road, near Awatoto, will be closed between 6am and 1pm on Saturday 2 November.

A detour will be in place. Southbound vehicles will be detoured down Te Awa Avenue and into Waitangi Road before rejoining SH51.

Northbound vehicles will be detoured down Te Awa Avenue, right onto Awatoto Road, right onto Meeanee Road and onto State Highway 2 / Hawke’s Bay Expressway.

Please allow extra time for your journey and plan accordingly, given the area will already be busy with spectators and participants.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi would like to thank road users for their patience during the closure.


Overnight resurfacing work for SH11 Paihia next month

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) advises overnight road resurfacing work will take place on State Highway 11 Paihia, between MacMurray Rd and Te Kemara Ave, from Sunday 3 November.

Work will take place between 9pm and 5am.

Between Sunday 3 and Tuesday 5 November, SH11 Seaview Rd will be closed overnight between MacMurray Rd and Kings Rd. A short detour via MacMurray Rd and Kings Rd will be in place.

From Tuesday 5 to Friday 8 November, work will take place on SH11 Marsden Rd between Kings Rd and Paihia Wharf, with stop/go traffic management in place.

No works will take place on Friday and Saturday night.

Work will resume on Sunday 10 November between School Rd and Te Kemara Ave, with stop/go traffic management in place, and is expected to be completed by Friday 14 November.

Access for residents and emergency services will be maintained throughout the works.

We appreciate there will be increased noise for residents and businesses in the area, and short delays for road users.

This work is weather dependent and may be rescheduled to the next available night in the event of unsuitable weather. Please visit the NZTA Journey Planner website for up-to-date information on these works, including any changes due to weather.

Journey Planner(external link)

For more information about the overall maintenance programme and planned works, visit the Northland State Highway Maintenance Programme website:

Northland state highway maintenance programme(external link)

NZTA thanks everyone for their understanding and support while we carry out this essential maintenance.