Staff and Student Seminar: Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Are We Asking Too Much of the International Criminal Court?

Source: University of Waikato – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Staff and Student Seminar: Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Are We Asking Too Much of the International Criminal Court?

Every decision the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor takes is contested – too soft or too hard on States; politically motivated or naïve about the political implications of her decisions; favoring the powerful States or not taking their interests seriously enough.

Join Professor Tim McCormack for a special seminar for Faculty of Law staff and Students that delves into these issues and more.

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VCs at risk of opting out of government’s vision, Otago uni cuts show

Source: Tertiary Education Union – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: VCs at risk of opting out of government’s vision, Otago uni cuts show

Vice-Chancellors need to accept that cutting jobs to meet narrow performance metrics will do nothing to help rebuild an inclusive tertiary education sector that meets the needs of all New Zealanders, the Tertiary Education Union said today. The TEU is calling on Vice-Chancellors to rethink the way they make decisions so our public universities can better […]

Tai Tokerau Climate Change Conference

Source: NorthTec – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Tai Tokerau Climate Change Conference

NorthTec and co-conveners, the Northland Regional Council, Northland District Health Board and Amokura Iwi Consortium, are hosting a Climate Change conference on 8 and 9 June. The Minister for Climate Change, the Honourable James Shaw, will open the conference following a pōwhiri.

University signs MOU to continue successful volunteer scheme

Source: University of Otago

Headline: University signs MOU to continue successful volunteer scheme

An initiative that has enabled more than 100 mostly geography students from Otago University to carry out voluntary work abroad since 2006 has been given a new lease on life, following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by Vice-Chancellor Professor Harlene Hayne in Wellington this week.

Cannabis: What’s the harm?

Source: University of Otago

Headline: Cannabis: What’s the harm?

A researcher of the effects of cannabis says any law change to free up the drug’s availability needs to take account of scientifically-robust data showing regular use in young people is associated with a higher risk of mental health issues, use of other substances, and lower levels of achievement.

Pelvic pain a major issue for women nearing mid-life, Otago research reveals

Source: University of Otago

Headline: Pelvic pain a major issue for women nearing mid-life, Otago research reveals

Many women nearing mid-life suffer some form of pelvic pain like period pain, or pain with sex however, pregnancy and childbirth appears to offer some protection, latest findings from the University of Otago’s Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study reveal.

Budget forgets that tertiary education is the foundation of the future

Source: Tertiary Education Union – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Budget forgets that tertiary education is the foundation of the future

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s aspiration that this Budget provides a foundation for the future has been dealt a severe blow by the failure to invest further in tertiary education. Aspects of the Budget welcomed by the Tertiary Education Union include the commitment to build more houses, extend low cost GP visits, invest in rebuilding the health system, […]

Tuai takes out top award at Ockhams

Source: University Of Auckland – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Tuai takes out top award at Ockhams

The evocative story of Tuai, one of the first Māori men to travel to England in the early 19th century won University of Auckland Professor Alison Jones and Professor Kuni Kaa Jenkins the Illustrated Non-Fiction category of the 2018 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards last night.

Primary schools to study the worm that once held up State Highway One

Source: University of Otago

Headline: Primary schools to study the worm that once held up State Highway One

Researchers from Catchments Otago – a University of Otago Research Theme – are embarking on a year-long study with three Dunedin primary schools into the mysterious ancient velvet worm – peripatus – thanks to a $20,000 grant from the Unlocking Curious Minds Fund from the Ministry for Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

‘Free media’ week killings – but don’t forget crimes against Papuans

Source: Dr David Robie – Café Pacific – Analysis-Reportage:

Headline: ‘Free media’ week killings – but don’t forget crimes against Papuans

“Save Papuan Journalists” – a theme poster from last year’s May 3 World Press Freedom Day event in Jakarta, Indonesia.
West Papuan media freedom issues tend to be “lost” in the standard press freedom reports on Indonesia.
Image: David Robie/Pacific Media Centre

By David Robie

MONDAY – just three days before today’s World Press Freedom Day – was the deadliest day for news media in