Eligibility – Search and Rescue

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 6 July 2023
Last updated 6 July 2023



This page sets out the eligibility criteria for courses funded through the Search and Rescue Fund.

This page sets out the eligibility criteria for courses funded through the Search and Rescue Fund.

 Programme eligibility
Programme eligibility conditions are specified in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and the Ministry of Transport.
Learner eligibility
The learner must be:
a Domestic Student; and
nominated to undertake the search and rescue training by New Zealand Search and Rescue (NZSAR), or by a search and rescue organisation approved by NZSAR.
Verification of learner identity
When a learner enrols for the first time, and if they are enrolled in a programme with an equivalent full-time student (EFTS) value greater than 0.03, then a Community Education Provider must verify the learner’s identity. This complies with the reporting requirements under clause 13 of Schedule 18 of the Education and Training Act 2020. 
Once you have verified the learner’s identity, you can then check if they are eligible to be a valid domestic enrolment.
For subsequent enrolments in consecutive years, we don’t need you to re-verify the learner’s identity. However, assess your level of risk around identity verification and, if appropriate, develop a policy on when to re-verify.
We recommend that you become familiar with the Department of Internal Affairs’ Identification Management Standards.
Verification of learner eligibility
You must use one of these methods to verify each learner’s eligibility to enrol in Search and Rescue funded training. 

Type of student

Verification method

New Zealand citizen

The Community Education Provider must:
(a) confirm the student’s citizenship status using the student’s National Student Number (NSN), or
(b) receive an assertion through RealMe® that the student was born in New Zealand (before 2005), or
(c) sight an original or certified copy of one or more of these documents:
(i) a New Zealand birth certificate, or
(ii) a New Zealand passport, or
(iii) a New Zealand certificate of citizenship.
(d) If a student is unable to obtain a birth certificate, contact us to confirm that a whakapapa statement signed by both the student and a kaumātua is acceptable evidence of citizenship.

New Zealand resident

You must sight an original or certified copy of one or more of these documents:
(a) a passport with a current residence class visa (a passport with a visa label), or
(b) a passport, and letter or email, confirming current  residence class visa (label-less visa, followed by confirmation with Immigration New Zealand, where appropriate), or
(c) a certificate of identity from Immigration New Zealand if the student is a refugee.

Sighting original or certified copies is vital
Where you need to sight either an original or a certified copy of a document:
an original means the original hard copy
a certified copy means a photocopy, scan or photograph that has been endorsed as a true copy of the original.
A certified copy must:
be certified by an official of the issuing authority or a person authorised by law in New Zealand to certify documents, such as a Justice of the Peace, a lawyer, or a court official (Court Registrar or Deputy Registrar), and
have the official’s signature on each page, with their name and title shown clearly below their signature.
In all instances, you are responsible for verifying the learner’s identity and eligibility.

Search and Rescue

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

The Search and Rescue Fund focuses on training volunteers. We prioritise funding for targeted, skills-based short awards (under 40 credits each), including micro-credentials.
We fund the Ministry of Transport to provide search and rescue training to learners who are nominated by New Zealand Search and Rescue (NZSAR), or by NZSAR-recognised organisations. NZSAR provides strategic leadership to the New Zealand Search and Rescue sector, and works alongside organisations and individuals that provide search and rescue services.

Reporting – Emergency Management

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 6 July 2023
Last updated 6 July 2023



This page sets out the reporting requirements for the Emergency Management Fund.

This page sets out the reporting requirements for the Emergency Management Fund.

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), which receives Emergency Management funding, must collect and retain the information specified in its Memorandum of Understanding and report via Workspace 2.

Enrolment – Youth Guarantee

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Definition of an EFTS
From 1 January 2023, we are defining an equivalent full-time student (EFTS) of YG provision leading to:
a Level 1 or 2 qualification as 80 credits, and
a Level 3 qualification as 120 credits (no change).
This means that 0.5 EFTS (or 50% of a full-time, full-year learner workload) is equivalent to a:
40-credit workload for learners enrolled in Level 1 and 2 Youth Guarantee qualifications, and
60-credit workload for learners enrolled in Level 3 Youth Guarantee qualifications.
No change to reporting systems or requirements
Mixes of Provision, Single Data Return (SDR) reports and Ngā Kete information products will continue to calculate all YG funding and delivery volumes using the 1 EFTS = 120 credit definition.
Track learner consumption of EFTS carefully
We do not require tertiary education organisations (TEOs) to change their programmes for 2023.
However, TEO tracking of consumption using course enrolments starting on or after 1 January 2023 needs to reflect:
80 credits per EFTS for Level 1 and 2 qualifications; and
120 credits per EFTS for Level 3 qualifications.
Track learner consumption of their 2.5 EFTS per learner entitlement carefully
You should not enrol a learner in a programme if the enrolment will take them over the 2.5 EFTS per learner limit for YG.
Consider course re-enrolments and learner EFTS consumption
Similarly, consider a learner’s course re-enrolments before you enrol them in a further programme. Where a learner does not complete a course successfully and you re-enrol them and claim funding, they consume additional EFTS towards their entitlements.
Admission and enrolment process
We recommend that a tertiary education organisation’s (TEO’s) admission and enrolment process for YG includes the steps below: 

Youth Guarantee process






Provides information on qualifications (including courses), the admission and enrolment process, and the withdrawal process.



Applies to the TEO for admission and enrolment (separately or together)



Verifies the learner’s identity



Confirms the learner’s eligibility to study (and eligibility for provision funded through YG, including prior achievement)



Recognises prior learning



Makes a formal offer to enrol the learner on a course or programme of study, excluding recognised prior learning



Formally accepts the offer



Records the enrolment



Invoices the learner for any charges for personal items



Pays any charges for personal items, or arranges for them to be paid



Records payment of any charges



Provides the learner with information about all planned learning activities in their programme



Records the learner as a valid domestic enrolment once the 10% or one month (whichever is earlier) period for eligibility for TEC funding has passed

Note: We expect the TEO to inform each learner during the enrolment process about all planned learning activities leading to the award of the qualification the learner has enrolled in. “Planned learning activities” includes self-directed learning activities the TEO expects the learner to engage with/participate in. It does not include self-directed activities the learner initiates.
For the full requirements when enrolling learners in YG provision, see the Youth Guarantee funding conditions for the relevant year.
We expect you to publish admission information before the start of each programme. This information should include: 
admission requirements
criteria and process for selecting learners for entry into restricted entry courses (if relevant)
criteria and process for assessing and recognising a learner’s prior learning
criteria and process for cross-crediting courses across multiple qualifications
documents that a learner must submit (for example, a learner’s academic transcript or record from another TEO)
the enrolment process
minimum attendance and code of conduct requirements
withdrawal requirements and process, including refunds
process for travel assistance funding, and
student support services available including pastoral care.
For the full requirements when enrolling learners in YG provision, see the Youth Guarantee funding conditions for the relevant year.
Inducement to enrol
For the full requirements when enrolling learners in YG provision, see the Youth Guarantee funding conditions for the relevant year. An enrolment is not a valid domestic enrolment if the learner has been induced to enrol.
We recommend that you contact us to discuss this before offering items or activities to learners for enrolling with you.
For the full requirements when enrolling learners in YG provision, see the Youth Guarantee funding conditions for the relevant year.
Enrolment form
An enrolment form should collect all of the information you are required to report in the Single Data Return (SDR) to determine whether the learner is eligible for YG. 
To ensure an enrolment form collects all of the necessary information, you need to be familiar with the SDR Manual. You can also use the Ministry of Education’s generic enrolment form.
We recommend that you publish your enrolment form.
Enrolment application
To enrol in a programme leading to award of a qualification, a learner needs to apply to the TEO by completing and submitting the TEO’s enrolment form, and providing evidence to enable the TEO to:
verify the learner’s identity, and
determine the learner’s eligibility. 
Enrolment changes
If a learner’s enrolment changes for any reason, you must update your records to reflect the changes. We recommend you send updated enrolment information to the learner.
We suggest you specify the period in which a learner can change their enrolment or withdraw from a course (so it is clear on their academic record, and they do not incur unnecessary course-related costs). 
Verification of learner identity
For the full requirements for verification of learner identity and eligibility, see the Youth Guarantee funding conditions for the relevant year. Tertiary education organisations (TEOs) must ensure that learners are eligible to be enrolled in YG funded programmes. To comply with the reporting requirements under clause 13 of Schedule 18, clause 13 of the Education and Training Act 2020, a TEO must verify the learner’s identity when the learner enrols for the first time.
Note: The TEO must sight either an original or a certified copy of the original.
Originals must be in hard copy format.
Certified copies can be either in hard copy format or digital format (photograph or scan).
For audit purposes, the TEO must retain copies of the Record of Achievement (ROA) that was used on first enrolment to determine eligibility.
Recognition of learning/prior achievement
For the full requirements when enrolling learners into Youth Guarantee provision, see the Youth Guarantee funding conditions for the relevant year. For information on the prior achievement requirements refer to Learner eligibility – Youth Guarantee – Limit on qualification prior achievement.
Recognition of learning/prior achievement refers to previous study or experience (prior achievement) relevant to the programme the learner is about to enrol in or is currently studying. It enables a learner to proceed with their study without repeating aspects of the qualification previously studied, or re-learning skills the learner has already achieved through past work or other experience.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL), and credit recognition and transfer (CRT), are forms of recognising learning/prior achievement. For information and guidelines for TEOs, see Guidelines for the recognition and award of learning for credit – NZQA.
It is the TEO’s responsibility to recognise each learner’s prior learning and adjust the courses in their programme. A TEO cannot claim YG funding for RPL or CRT, or for delivering tuition where the learner already has prior learning (ie, skills and/or knowledge).
This means the TEO is responsible for:
undertaking a preliminary evaluation of the learner and identifying whether they are likely to have the knowledge, skills, and attributes that can contribute to the graduate outcomes of the qualification
seeking evidence of prior academic achievement, including using an NZQA Record of Achievement, when each learner enrols, and
for Level 3 qualifications, carrying out a National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) qualification check with NZQA to see each learner’s full NCEA achievement and paid and unpaid credits.
If you have any questions about the process, please contact the NZQA Qualifications Data and Data Analysis team on 0800 697 296.
Unpaid NZQA fees for credits
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) administers a process for clearing unpaid credits achieved at secondary school. We supply NZQA with enrolment information after each Single Data Return (SDR) and this information is used to match national student numbers (NSNs) with NZQA records.
To see a learner’s paid and unpaid credits, NZQA recommends doing an NCEA qualification check prior to enrolment.
If you have any questions about the process, please contact the NZQA Qualifications Data and Data Analysis team on 0800 697 296.
Student Loans and Allowances
A TEO that provides YG programmes must not charge tuition fees to any learner. 
A Youth Guarantee learner who is under 18 years old is not eligible for a Student Loan under the Student Loan Scheme. A learner who is 18 to 24 years old, however, may be eligible to access course-related costs and living costs as part of the Student Loan Scheme.
Note: Learners who turn 18 while enrolled in a Youth Guarantee funded qualification are not eligible for course-related costs or living costs until their next programme (qualification) enrolment.
TEOs must ensure that YG learners understand they need to confirm their eligibility for a Student Loan or Student Allowance with StudyLink as part of deciding to undertake study (using the tools on the StudyLink website). It is important that learners make good study decisions based on all the relevant information. 
For learners to be able to access any part of the Student Loan or Student Allowance Schemes, the qualification(s) the learner is enrolled in must meet the loan entry threshold (LET) and be approved in Services for Tertiary Education Organisations (STEO) by the TEC.
TEOs must add the appropriate source of funding to the Verification of Study (VoS) to StudyLink. For all YG enrolments code 22 should be added to the VoS.
TEOs are no longer required to use concurrent qualifications to indicate to StudyLink the type and age of learners enrolled. Concurrent qualifications will only be used where a learner is enrolled in multiple qualifications simultaneously and the full study load (EFTS value of the qualifications) needs to be advised to StudyLink. 
For the full withdrawal requirements, see the Youth Guarantee funding conditions for the relevant year. A “withdrawal” is when a learner ceases to participate in a course or programme, either:
by providing notice to the TEO that they wish to withdraw participation, or
as a result of non-attendance or non-participation for any reason.
Disengaged learners who have not formally withdrawn
A learner may have disengaged from the programme but not have formally withdrawn. For example, they may have failed to attend face-to-face courses. 
Determine at the earliest opportunity if a disengaged learner is withdrawing from a course. If the enrolment continues to be reported and is unsuccessful, it will be counted as a course non-completion for the calculation of Educational Performance Indicators (EPIs). 
Setting a withdrawal date for a withdrawn learner
TEOs need to apply a “withdrawal date” to any enrolment in the Single Data Return (SDR) where a learner withdraws.
Advising StudyLink and other parties of learner withdrawal
When a learner in receipt of a loan and/or allowance withdraws from a programme, the date of withdrawal that the TEO must notify to StudyLink is the date the TEO determined that the learner had ceased to participate (eg, for non-attendance or non-participation).

Monitoring and reporting – Equity Fund

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 25 September 2023
Last updated 25 September 2023



The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) monitors each tertiary education organisation’s (TEO’s) performance and practices, to inform our decisions about future funding.
The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) monitors each tertiary education organisation’s (TEO’s) performance and practices, to inform our decisions about future funding.

Reporting for Equity funding
TEOs should outline their support for the Equity funding learner groups as part of their normal Investment Plan documentation. This includes a Learner Success Plan and Disability Action Plan where applicable.
Equity funding for learners with disabilities
We collect information from tertiary education institutions (TEIs) on their use of Equity funding for learners with disabilities.
Collecting this data is very important, as it supports work being undertaken by the TEC and the Ministry of Education to improve outcomes for disabled learners in the tertiary sector. The detailed information provided by TEIs on the challenges, highlights and successes of supporting disabled learners helps inform work on funding needs. It will also continue to be reviewed to gauge additional content needs for the Kia Ōrite Toolkit.
The Kia Ōrite Toolkit – A New Zealand code of practice to achieve an inclusive and equitable tertiary education environment for disabled learners.
The data is collected through the ‘Equity funding: Tertiary students with disabilities’ reporting template, which captures various types of learners and resourcing information, such as costs, staff numbers, services provided, learners accessing the services, challenges faced by TEIs, etc.
You can access the latest reports below:

Eligibility – Equity Fund

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 23 February 2023
Last updated 23 February 2023



This page sets out the eligibility criteria for receiving funding from the Equity Fund.
This page sets out the eligibility criteria for receiving funding from the Equity Fund.

For the full eligibility requirements, see the Equity funding conditions.
Is my organisation eligible?
Most tertiary education organisations (TEOs) do not need to provide any additional information to the TEC before receiving Equity funding. We calculate and distribute Equity funding based on SDR data on key indicators and evidence for learner cohorts that have been underserved by the tertiary system. All eligible TEOs will receive Equity funding if any of their learners fall under these two elements:
Māori and Pacific learners
disabled learners.
We expect TEOs to:
actively consider how they will use this funding to supplement other investments to ensure the success of all learners
include these plans in their normal Investment Plan round documentation, including Learner Success and Disability Action Plans
be prepared to discuss their approach with their Relationship Manager/Advisor.
Providers will not be eligible to receive Equity funding if they receive a final zero allocation in DQ1-2 and DQ7+ funds.
If you are a new provider, and receive DQ1-2 and DQ7+, we will use your April delivery data to calculate your Equity funding allocation. This will be confirmed with you in May. You will receive your Equity payments monthly from June. If any adjustments are needed, these will be calculated following the August and December data returns.
If you have any questions about your eligibility for Equity funding, please contact our Customer Contact Group on 0800 601 301 or email customerservice@tec.govt.nz.

Funding and payments – Search and Rescue (ACE)

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 6 July 2023
Last updated 6 July 2023



Funding for Search and Rescue Adult and Community Education (ACE) provision is allocated for a specific number of hours of training.

Funding for Search and Rescue Adult and Community Education (ACE) provision is allocated for a specific number of hours of training.

The Minister responsible for tertiary education issues the Search and Rescue (ACE) Fund funding mechanism. The funding mechanism outlines the general form and essential components of the fund. It gives us the mandate to allocate the funding, tells us what the funding can be used for, and details how we administer the fund.
The Ministry of Transport receives funding from the Search and Rescue (ACE) Fund and must:
Funding rate
Funding for Search and Rescue (ACE) is set through the Government’s annual budget process. It is agreed via the Memorandum of Understanding. 
The TEC determines the amount of Search and Rescue (ACE) funding for a Community Education Provider.
Search and Rescue (ACE) funding is paid in equal monthly instalments on the first banking day of each month.
Funding wash-ups
For the 2022 methodology and technical specifications for calculating funding wash-ups, see Calculating the 2022 wash-up (PDF 1.1 MB).

Funding and payments – Emergency Management (ACE)

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 6 July 2023
Last updated 6 July 2023



Funding for Emergency Management (ACE) Adult and Community Education (ACE) provision is allocated for a specific number of hours of training.

Funding for Emergency Management (ACE) Adult and Community Education (ACE) provision is allocated for a specific number of hours of training.

The Minister responsible for tertiary education issues the Emergency Management (ACE) Fund funding mechanism. The funding mechanism outlines the general form and essential components of the fund. It gives us the mandate to allocate the funding, tells us what the funding can be used for, and details how we administer the fund.
The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) receives Emergency Management (ACE) funding and must:
Funding rate
Funding for Emergency Management (ACE) is set through the Government’s annual budget process. It is agreed via a Memorandum of Understanding.
The TEC determines the amount of Emergency Management (ACE) funding for NEMA.
Emergency Management (ACE) funding is paid in equal monthly instalments on the first banking day of each month.
Funding wash-ups
For the 2022 methodology and technical specifications for calculating funding wash-ups, see Calculating the 2022 wash-up (PDF 1.1 MB).

Funding conditions – Equity Fund

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 5 December 2023
Last updated 5 December 2023



To receive Equity Fund funding, tertiary education organisations must comply with the funding conditions.
To receive Equity Fund funding, tertiary education organisations must comply with the funding conditions.

Quality Evaluation 2026 – PBRF

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 30 November 2023
Last updated 30 November 2023



This page is about the Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) Quality Evaluation 2026. 
This page is about the Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) Quality Evaluation 2026. 

The next PBRF Quality Evaluation will be held in 2026.
In July 2021, the Government announced changes to the PBRF, based on the independent review conducted in 2019–2020 and further targeted consultation. These included changes to the Quality Evaluation. See Performance-Based Research Fund – Ministry of Education.
The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) then established a Sector Reference Group (SRG) to provide advice and recommendations on operational design changes to the design of Quality Evaluation 2026. The SRG ran a consultation process from September 2021 to October 2023.
The following documents and pages provide further information on Quality Evaluation 2026:
Guidelines for Quality Evaluation 2026
What is the Quality Evaluation?
The Quality Evaluation is an assessment of the research performance of staff at participating tertiary education organisations (TEOs) by expert peer review panels. It is held periodically and is the largest component of the Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF).
The Quality Evaluation process is based on the submission and assessment of Evidence Portfolios. Peer review panels assess Evidence Portfolios against agreed standards and this process is moderated by the Moderation team.
TEOs also review their staff against the eligibility criteria and participate in our audit processes.
Once peer review panel decisions have been made and approved, the results are given to each participating TEO and a report on the Quality Evaluation results is published.
For more information on participating TEOs (over all four rounds – 2003, 2006, 2012 and 2018), see TEO participation in PBRF Quality Evaluations (PDF 369 KB).