Update – road re-opened, Kennedy Good Bridge, Belmont, Lower Hutt

Source: New Zealand Police (District News)

Motorists are advised that Kennedy Good Bridge, Belmont has re-opened following a crash earlier this afternoon.

One person was assessed and treated for minor injuries at the scene.

Police wish to thank motorists for their patience while the road was closed.


Issued by Police Media Centre

Road closed – Tamaki Drive, Auckland

Source: New Zealand Police (District News)

Tamaki Drive is closed between Ngapipi Drive and Ohaku Street, following a crash.

The crash involving two vehicles was reported shortly before 5pm.

Serious injuries are reported, Ambulance is in attendance.

Diversions are in place, Police advise motorists to avoid the area and expect delays.


Issued by Police Media Centre

Update following protest in Auckland City

Source: New Zealand Police (National News)

Please attribute to Inspector Juliet Burgess, Auckland City Police:

A protest convoy that travelled through Auckland City District today has now dispersed and Police report no issues from today’s protest activity.

Police recognise the right to peaceful protest and the need to balance this with the ability for members of the public to safely go about their usual business.

Police maintained a high presence on the convoy route to maintain public safety and minimise the disruption to the travelling public.

Police acknowledge the importance of our partnership with other agencies such as Waka Kotahi and Auckland Transport in ensuring a good outcome. We also acknowledge the co-operation of protest leaders, facilitated through our Police Liaison Officers, to ensure cohesion, information flow, enhanced safety and minimised disruption.

We offer our thanks to the local community who have been disrupted the most by this activity, and express our gratitude for their patience.


Issued by Police Media Centre

Police seek tramper, Pureora Forest Park

Source: New Zealand Police (National News)

Police wish to make contact with the owner of the pack shown in the photos attached to this release.

The pack was left at Hauhungaroa Hut in the Pureora Forest Park at around 6.50pm yesterday, and the man who left it has not returned for it.

If you are the owner of the pack or if you have information as to the whereabouts of that person, please contact Police on 105, referencing event number P056209776.


Issued by Police Media Centre

Serious Crash, State Highway 57, Koputaroa:

Source: New Zealand Police (District News)

Police are responding to a one vehicle crash on State Highway 57, near Potts Road, Koputaora.

The crash was reported around 3:20pm.

The Serious Crash Unit has been advised.

The Road is blocked and motorists are advised to take an alternate route.


Issued by Police Media Centre 

Road Closed – Kennedy Good Bridge, Belmont, Lower Hutt

Source: New Zealand Police (District News)

Motorists are advised to avoid Kennedy Good Bridge, Belmont while emergency services respond to a crash.

The crash involving two vehicles was reported at around 2.30pm.

One person is believed to have received minor injuries.

Diversions are in place, motorists are advised to avoid the area and expect delays.


Issued by Police Media Centre

Correction – Serious crash, Upper Harbour Motorway, Greenhithe

Source: New Zealand Police (National News)

An earlier release contained incorrect details regarding the circumstances of a crash on the Upper Harbour Motorway in Greenhithe, Auckland last night. 

Police apologise for the error.

The correct details are as follows: 

One person has critical injuries following a crash on the Upper Harbour Motorway in Greenhithe, Auckland last night.

At around 8.15pm, a driver travelled the wrong way down the Squadron Drive on-ramp and collided with a ute towing a boat and another car.

The driver of the car who travelled the wrong way has critical injuries. 

Three passengers from the other two vehicles have moderate injuries.

The road was closed while the Serious Crash Unit examined the scene.

Enquiries into the circumstances of the crash are under way. 


Issued by Police Media Centre. 

Serious crash: Upper Harbour Motorway, Greenhithe, Auckland

Source: New Zealand Police (National News)

One person has critical injuries following a crash on the Upper Harbour Motorway in Greenhithe, Auckland last night.

At around 8.15pm, a car towing a boat travelled the wrong way down the Squadron Drive on-ramp and collided with three other cars.

The driver of the car towing the boat suffered critical injuries and three others have moderate injuries. 

The road was closed while the Serious Crash Unit examined the scene.

Enquiries into the circumstances of the crash are under way.


Issued by Police Media Centre. 

Update following Parliament protests in Wellington City

Source: New Zealand Police (District News)

Please attribute to Acting Superintendent Wade Jennings, Relieving Wellington District Commander:

Protest groups that marched to Parliament today have departed the grounds and Police report no issues from today’s protest activity.

An estimated 300 people marched from Civic Square to Parliament.

Police maintained a high presence in the city to manage traffic and keep counter protest groups apart.

Approximately 45 staff were on duty for the protest and march, which was uneventful. 

With protestors largely gone from the area we expect no further disruptions.

Police thank the local community and businesses who have been disrupted the most by this activity and we are grateful to them for their patience through this.


Issued by Police Media Centre

Update: Missing person Dylan Barford

Source: New Zealand Police (District News)

Police enquiries into the whereabouts of missing man Dylan Barford have identified a CCTV recording of Dylan in the early hours of Sunday 24 September.

The image accompanying this release shows Dylan in the vicinity of Westgate Shopping Centre at around 12.30am on Sunday 24 September.

Police would like to hear from anyone who was around the Westgate Shopping Centre at this time. Please contact Police on 105, referencing case file number 230924/2185.

Police are also appealing to residents of the Massey/West Harbour area to review their CCTV cameras and contact Police if their footage reveals sightings of Dylan late on Saturday night or early on Sunday morning. We also make the same appeal to motorists with dashcam footage in this area at this time.

Dylan is 34 years old, of medium build, 168cm tall and has tattoos on the rear of his right elbow and left forearm.

He was last seen wearing a black jacket and blue adidas tear away track pants late on Saturday evening 23 September.

Police and his family have concerns for his welfare and safety.

Police continue to conduct enquiries in the area as the investigation continues.


Issued by Police Media Centre