Release: Māori and Pacific people hit hardest by lack of jobs

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The latest unemployment figures reveal that job losses are hitting Māori and Pacific people especially hard, with Māori unemployment reaching a staggering 9.7% for the December 2024 quarter and Pasifika unemployment reaching 10.5%.

“The Government is continuing to take Māori backwards in every possible way,” Labour spokesperson for Māori Development Willie Jackson said.

“Christopher Luxon has no plan for Māori to support whanau into meaningful employment. The Prime Minister had every opportunity to front up to Māori at Waitangi to provide a positive plan for all of us to work together. Instead, he left it to David Seymour to speak and further divide our nation.

“The reality is, when National took power the Māori unemployment rate was 8.2%. They have had more than a year to deliver results, and instead we see rising unemployment, shocking health disparities, and tragic poverty rates,” Willie Jackson said.

Unemployment among Pacific People is now 10.5%, up from 6.1% when National took office. Across all groups, unemployment reached 5.1%—a four-year high.

“The Government’s failure to deliver real results for Pacific People is shameful and shows their complete lack of attention to this community,” Labour Pacific People’s spokesperson Carmel Sepuloni said.

“That is a huge increase in Pacific unemployment, 1 in 10 Pacific people in New Zealand are now unemployed. This is bordering on a crisis for our people.

“Instead of supporting our people into work, this Government chooses to slash funding for frontline services, cut public sector jobs, and has left a total of 33,000 more people out of work,” Carmel Sepuloni said.

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Waitangi Treaty Grounds address

Source: ACT Party

Government Powhiri Address
David Seymour, Leader ACT New Zealand
Wednesday 5th February, 2025

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e rau Rangatira

Two years ago here, I set out my party’s three goals for the Treaty.

Tuatahi, ki a maimoatia te reo me te ahurea Māori

(one, to cherish the Māori language and culture).

Tuarua, ki a whakatika ngā hapa o mua.

(two, to put right the wrongs of the past)

Tuatouru, ki a ōrite ai te āhei atu o ngā Tamariki katoa ki a puāwaitia.

(three, to give every child an equal chance to flourish)

Since then I’ve held to these goals and promises. Some who heard my words here and understood them have tried to pretend they didn’t.

Instead they’ve poured poison in the ears of young people. They’ve said that I want to take away their mana, their reo, and their culture.

Some of the poison goes so far it’s actually funny. Rawiri Waititi even wrote in the newspaper that I want to take away people’s outdoor hobbies.

What is the point of these claims. It cannot be seeking the truth, because the things they say are not true.

Perhaps blaming me is a convenient distraction from other failures.

The numbers don’t lie.

Māori home ownership. Māori school attendance. Māori crime victimization. Māori unemployment. Māori incomes. Māori life expectancy.

None of it is good news, and none of it’s getting better because people think the Treaty is a partnership.

If this is what a Treaty partnership looks like, how is it working out for Māori?

What is good news is we now have a Government with practical solutions to these problems, and the ACT Party is proud to play its part.

New resource management laws and building laws will make it easier for the next generation to build a place of their own in this country.

Charter schools, and curriculums and assessments with rich content will provide young New Zealanders with useful maps for navigating the twenty first century.

We’ve got the values right on crime. Now the Government stands beside the victims, who are disproportionately Māori.

We know there’s no mana in dependency, it’s a trap, and traps Māori the most. That’s why the Government is bringing back mutual obligation in welfare.

Getting off welfare means jobs in a growing economy. I’m proud to lead the charge against the red tape that crushes the wairua of our economy.

The Government is funding more medicine than ever, by a lot. It’s setting ambitious targets to get health wait times down. The biggest health benefits will go to those with the biggest needs.

That is the mahi. Kia ōrite ai te āhei atu o ngā tamariki katoa ki a puāwaitia.

My critics need to explain why these problems can’t be solved under a treaty that granted equal rights.

They need to explain why divisive identity politics is necessary to solve these problems, especially when it’s going out of fashion around the world.

That’s my wero to you,

Ngā mihi.

Release: Unemployment soars as Government fails Kiwis

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The latest unemployment figures reveal that job losses are hitting Kiwis hard, with unemployment reaching 5.1%—a four-year high.

“This is what happens when the Government chooses to slash funding for frontline services, cut public sector jobs, and undermine economic stability,” Labour finance spokesperson Barbara Edmonds said.

“Christopher Luxon’s coalition of chaos continues to plunge New Zealand deeper into recession. Their cuts have devastated the job market, and now 33,000 more Kiwis are unemployed in just the past year.

“They promised a better economy, but all we’ve seen is an economic downturn, rising unemployment, and the sharpest recession, excluding COVID-19, in 30 years—all of which happened under National’s watch.

“If the Government was serious about economic growth, it would reverse its cuts and take immediate action to stabilise the job market. That means investing in public services, infrastructure, and climate initiatives that create jobs, not axing funding for schools, hospitals, and public housing.

“Labour’s focus is on rebuilding an economy that works for all Kiwis. The Government has had more than a year to deliver results, and instead it has chosen to hand out $2.9 billion to landlords and $216 million to tobacco companies, while families are left struggling to pay the bills. It’s time for leadership that invests in jobs, skills, and the future, not cuts and excuses,” Barbara Edmonds said.

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Owning the Wrong Stuff

Source: ACT Party

The Haps

David Seymour’s speech at the Treaty Grounds today is widely anticipated. This week’s Free Press covers other matters, but for a preview of ACT’s Treaty approach, you can read Seymour’s column in the Herald.

The COVID Royal Commission, Mark II, designed by Brooke van Velden, is open to public submissions, and now there’s an online portal to make it easy. After Labour’s attempted whitewash, ACT campaigned for people to be able to say what they think about the lockdowns, mandates, and other public health measures. There will be another pandemic, probably not this decade but almost certainly this century, and lessons learned from this one could be worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

If you don’t normally listen to Radio New Zealand, we understand. However Kathryn Ryan interviewed David Seymour for half an hour on the Regulatory Standards Bill, and we think it’s worth an exception.

Owning the Wrong Stuff

Last Monday we shared David Seymour’s State of the Nation speech. This week it is still in the headlines. How is this possible? The speech said two things people know deep down are true, but politicians are afraid to say.

The Government owns the wrong stuff. Its books show $570 billion worth of assets, enough to build a four-lane highway from Whangarei to Invercargill six times, but you wouldn’t know it. The Government is having to downsize hospitals while the rest of the world is buying military hardware, and our roads and pipes need attention.

Meanwhile, in New Zealand, the Government is invested in houses (60,000), a property valuation firm, farms, electricity generators, and sunset industries such as mail and television, among many other weird and wonderful things.

Could it be an idea to, just maybe, just ask the question, without anyone getting their knickers in a knot: Does the Government own the right stuff. And if not, should it try selling some shares in power companies to invest in some roads and water treatment plants?

Perhaps all Governments should think of ownership like this. Every year we ask what we own, what benefits the public get from it, and could the Government own something with greater public benefits for the same money? If the answer is yes, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to change, then sell the thing that doesn’t pay and buy something that does.

As for healthcare and education, the Government shells out a fortune, nearly $6,000 in healthcare for every single person each year. That’s up from $4,000 five years ago, but nobody’s happy. Perhaps it is time to say, if you want to take your $6,000 to a private insurer like Southern Cross, you can.

There would have to be rules. The company would need to accept any patient who applied, without discrimination. The company could never cancel anyone’s policy. They would become responsible for all of the person’s care. Hospitals still owned by the Government would need to accept patients from any insurer at the same price.

If this all sounds out there, fear not. It’s roughly how most healthcare systems in Europe work. It means that there would be people with an incentive to sort out the endless waste and dysfunction in what’s been described as our third world system run by first world medics.

The Left say in a private system the poor miss out. Europeans would be surprised to hear this. What the Left don’t seem to get is this: You can have equal public funding, but allow competition to provide the service. Some would say the best of all worlds.

Of course there is a reason why few politicians dare to raise these questions. The media have demanded to know from David Seymour exactly what he will sell tomorrow. They want a list. The hard Left say this is another Seymourian conspiracy, but they can’t say what. The Opposition have called on the Chris Luxon to rule out ever selling anything. Luxon says he won’t now but might in the future.

There’s another reason why there are still articles in today’s papers, ten days after the speech was given. People know that, while New Zealand is a success story, as countries go, we’re not holding our ground at the moment. What we’re doing isn’t working.

If we want to remain a first world nation and an island paradise—most countries can only do one—we need to work differently. That’s the other thing about Seymour’s speech, it told the truth we avoided all through the Clark-Key-Ardern era.

As goes the Treaty Principles Bill, so goes this speech. This country needs a party that’s brave, articulate, and patriotic, and we’re glad we have ACT.

Hipkins must rule out Te Pāti Māori attempt to break democracy

Source: ACT Party

Responding to Te Pāti Māori’s call for an unelected Te Tiriti Commissioner to veto legislation from Parliament, ACT Leader David Seymour says:

“ACT would like to thank Te Pāti Māori for being so honest about the fact they don’t support rule by elected Parliament. Ironically, they’ve shown voters electing the next Parliament what’s at stake if they vote Labour, the Greens, or Te Pāti Māori.

“If we take Te Pāti Māori seriously, it would be one vote, for one party, once. A person who ‘needs to be Māori’ would have a veto on all laws.

“If breaking democracy is a bottom line for Te Pāti Māori, Labour and the Greens need to rule out ever being in Government with them, or they’ll never be in Government with anyone. New Zealand voters will see to it, and Labour and the Greens will be collateral damage.

“Labour and the Greens need to decide if they’re still serious parties. Labour and the Greens faced a test when the Speaker asked for their votes to censure Te Pati Māori’s haka last year. They voted against the Speaker and with Te Pati Māori. If they can do that to Parliamentary debate, what else are they up for?

“Te Pāti Māori’s latest crazy demand also shows why they oppose the Treaty Principles Bill. It is about all New Zealanders having an equal say through democratic processes. Te Pāti Māori want the opposite.

“The Treaty Principles Bill would prevent our founding document from being twisted to justify these kinds of constitutional travesties. Te Tiriti promised the same rights for all New Zealanders. That should include the right to cast a vote and have your values put into action by Parliament, without an unelected Commissioner vetoing your democratic choices on behalf of one group of New Zealanders.”

We’ve heard you.

Source: ACT Party

The Government has been getting it in both ears over new climate commitments it’s made under the Paris Agreement.

James Shaw and Jacinda Ardern signed us up to impossible targets. Climate Change Minister Simon Watts is trying to make them workable.

As ACT’s Agriculture and Rural Communities spokesman, I’m writing to say: We’ve heard you.

As a signatory to the Paris Agreement, New Zealand is required to sign up to increasingly ambitious emissions targets. That’s what has led to the Climate Change Minister’s latest commitment.

However, ACT has heard serious concern over the economic impact of the Government’s commitment, including costs likely to be lumped on farmers.

Yesterday, the Herald interviewed David Seymour about the Paris Agreement:

We know New Zealand farmers are the most efficient in the world, and it does not make sense to reduce New Zealand food production only to see other less efficient farmers overseas picking up the slack.

In short, ACT is listening, and we encourage you to pass on your concerns to the Climate Change Minister and your local MP.

Meanwhile, ACT’s Ministers in the Government are delivering common sense, affordable policy in key areas that affect farmers such as replacing the handbrake that is the RMA, simplifying freshwater farm plans, and stopping the implementation of last Government’s attack on property rights with their directive on Significant Natural Areas. I’ve also lodged a member’s bill in Parliament’s ballot to stop councils from considering local emissions when granting resource consents.

ACT is determined not to sacrifice farmers and growers at the altar of the climate gods. There is more work to be done to return to common sense, and I hope we’ll have your support.

Release: Still no commitment to build more public houses

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

Despite being confronted every day with people in genuine need being stopped from accessing emergency housing – National still won’t commit to building more public houses. 

“Chris Bishop is full of it. It is completely heartless and out of touch of him to be comfortable with people sleeping in cars and tents, while he stands up and boasts about saving money,” Labour housing spokesperson Kieran McAnulty said. 

“It’s simple, build more public houses so that people have somewhere to live. Housing is the bare minimum that a person needs to live, and to help turn their life around.  

“Chris Bishop has already instructed Kāinga Ora to build fewer houses each year in his letter of expectation, leading to a net loss of houses in Auckland next year, and cut $1.5 billion from building and maintenance costs in last year’s budget.  

“If the best that he can come up with is the number of overall homes won’t go backwards, then it shows their priority is cutting spending, not housing people.

“He says a lot of words about how the private sector will step in, yet figures out today from Statistics New Zealand shows overall building consents for new homes are down nearly 10% for 2024. 

“Chris Bishop completely missed out the words that matter – a commitment to building more public houses,” Kieran McAnulty said.  

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Government plan fails on growing public housing stock

Source: Green Party

The Green Party says the Government is giving up on growing the country’s public housing stock, despite overwhelming evidence that we need more affordable houses to solve the housing crisis.

“The Government has given up on the housing crisis, using the review into Kāinga Ora to push their privatisation agenda,” says the Green Party spokesperson for Housing Tamatha Paul.

“Public housing is as essential as public healthcare and public education. Housing is a human right that this Government is denying our communities from accessing. 

“The housing crisis in Aotearoa is getting worse and worse. Instead of making excuses to allow poverty and homelessness to skyrocket, the Government needs to back Kāinga Ora to build at scale and at pace. 

“This Government is deliberately stripping Kāinga Ora to the bare bones, playing straight into the hands of wealthy landlords looking to exploit housing insecurity for private profit. We cannot rely on the private market to solve our problems, we have seen it entrench poverty and homelessness across generations. 

“The last Government sold just 276 state houses over six years, but increased public housing supply by over 7,000 homes. With this new direction, Bishop will sell 900 per year. That’s not just opening the door to privatisation, it’s welcoming it in with open arms. 

“In the past, our country’s leaders made a conscious decision to house everybody and grow public housing stock at scale. We can make that decision again and we must resist the sale of public housing at all costs because it will have consequences for generations to come.

“Public housing is a crucial part of ensuring we don’t have gentrified, segregated communities, and that our neighbourhoods reflect the make-up of our wider society, culturally and economically.

“Housing is a public good that provides the basis for a stable home for whanau, so that no one is left behind. The Government should be building thousands of new homes,” says Tamatha Paul.

Marama Davidson to mark return to politics at Waitangi

Source: Green Party

Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson will return to politics at Waitangi on Monday the 3rd of February where she will hold a stand up with fellow co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick. 

“I am alive, I am well and I am back,” says Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson. 

“I’m delighted to be returning to my Taitokerau whenua, and to stand alongside my fellow wahine co-leader Chlöe and our Green Party colleagues to demonstrate our movement’s core beliefs in upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and in championing the wellbeing of people and planet. 

“I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to return to my work. And I am grateful, beyond words, for the aroha and support my whānau, my community and so many have graced me with this past year.  

“I believe in community – I believe in our collective strength, and my journey over the past year has made so clear how necessary it is to take care of others, and to be taken care of. 

“We know the value of caring for one another. Together, we will create the future our mokopuna deserve,” says Marama Davidson. 

Release: Mining plan offers false promises with real damage

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The Government is doubling down on outdated and volatile fossil fuels, showing how shortsighted and destructive their policies are for working New Zealanders.

“Shane Jones’ announcement is shortsighted, environmentally reckless, and a giveaway to private mining interests,” Labour’s energy spokesperson Megan Woods said.

“We are not against mining as long as it is done in an environmentally sustainable way. Under the Labour government, we were also doing work on critical minerals that would help us decarbonise and move away from fossil fuels like coal in a way that ensures jobs in the long term.

“However, the government’s plans, combined with the Fast Track law, lead to greater environmental risks with no public scrutiny.

“This Government wants New Zealanders to believe mining is essential for the energy transition, but what they won’t tell you is that gold mining has nothing to do with renewable energy and fossil fuels are the most expensive energy source that we have.

“Shane Jones talks about economic benefits, but what he is really talking about is private profits being shipped offshore while Kiwis are left with the environmental damage.

“Kiwis deserve an energy strategy that moves us forward, one that invests in wind, solar, and storage, creates sustainable jobs, and puts people before corporate profits. Instead, Shane Jones is pushing a plan that prioritises mining private profits over climate action, regional prosperity, and long-term energy security,” Megan Woods said.

“His proposal to mine the iron sands off the Coast of Taranaki drove away offshore wind investment, proving once again that this Government is holding New Zealand back while other countries move forward with clean energy solutions,” Labour’s environment spokesperson Rachel Brooking said.

“Climate and environmental protections are critical to our future, and this Government’s shortsighted and destructive approach will harm New Zealand’s economy long after Shane Jones is gone from Parliament.”

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