Housing Minister’s KiwiBuild adding nothing new

Source: National Party – Headline: Housing Minister’s KiwiBuild adding nothing new

Housing Minister Phil Twyford’s gloating over the fact his KiwiBuild dream has now delivered frames on 18 houses reinforces how futile his efforts have been and how many questions remain, National’s Housing and Urban Development spokesperson Judith Collins says.

Primary Sector Council toothless against Greens

Source: National Party – Headline: Primary Sector Council toothless against Greens

The announcement of a Primary Sector Council to provide advice to the Government on issues confronting the primary industry will amount to nothing more than lip-service to one of the most important sectors in our economy, National’s spokesperson for Agriculture Nathan Guy says.

Govt must ensure beneficiaries meet obligations

Source: National Party – Headline: Govt must ensure beneficiaries meet obligations

The Government’s overhaul of New Zealand’s welfare system must not lessen the incentive for beneficiaries to find work or the sanctions imposed on those who try and cheat the system, National’s Social Development spokesperson Louise Upston says.

“New Zealanders are a fair minded people who want to help those who fall on hard times. But they also believe that people should help themselves and when they can work they should.

“Anyone who needs access to welfare can get it. It’s only right that they in return they meet obligations including looking for work, turning up to appointments, staying drug free and being honest about their living arrangements.

“It’s the clear expectation of tax payers that if beneficiaries are not doing that, then there should be sanctions.

“This is not ‘beneficiary bashing’. This is simply us wanting to make sure that every New Zealander is achieving their potential and that’s done by getting out of dependency.

“The Prime Minister’s promise to overhaul the welfare system, including ‘ensuring access to entitlements’, also completely disregards the incredible fact that we currently have the lowest number of sole parents on welfare since the 1980s.

“That is representative of the bold, brave moves of so many parents across New Zealand who’ve made the decision to get off a benefit and into work.

“We know getting off benefits and into work improved the lives of parents, and their children.

“And the work is there. We have 4.5 per cent unemployment and thousands of jobs being created every month. The work is there and if people can work, then you should.

“The dignity of work is beneficial for everyone,” Ms Upston says.

Govt doesn’t know if emissions will fall

Source: ACT Party

Headline: Govt doesn’t know if emissions will fall

“Despite much fanfare over its decision to ban offshore oil and gas exploration, the Government doesn’t know whether it will lead to lower global greenhouse gas emissions”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods confirmed in response to a written parliamentary question from Mr Seymour that no “specific estimate” of the impact of the Government’s decision on global greenhouse gas emissions had been made.

“Jacinda Ardern has said climate change is her generation’s ‘nuclear-free moment’.

“Yet, when she announced her Government’s decision to end offshore oil and gas exploration, she didn’t actually know whether it would help in the fight against climate change.

“An end to exploration and production in New Zealand will just mean those activities shift to other countries, doing nothing to reduce total emissions.

“The Government has decided to gut an industry that pays $500 million a year in taxes and royalties, and employs 11,000 people at peak times, without knowing how it would affect global greenhouse gas emissions.

“That is economic vandalism of the worst kind”, says Mr Seymour.

Woods caught telling fibs on oil and gas consultation

Source: ACT Party

Headline: Woods caught telling fibs on oil and gas consultation

“Industry was kept in the dark over the Government’s oil and gas decision, despite claims to the contrary”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

In response to a written parliamentary question from Mr Seymour, Energy and Resources Megan Woods said no “formal consultation was undertaken with PEPANZ.” 

PEPANZ is the industry association for the oil and gas sector.

“Woods’ confirmation there was no consultation conflicts with her previous statements.

“On Q+A on 22 April, Woods was asked by Corin Dann: ‘Did you consult with them? Did you talk to them? I mean, the argument is that you didn’t.’ Woods replied: ‘Oh, well, that’s simply not the case.’

“We now know that statement was false.

“This Government is currently consulting dozens of industries, but it was too arrogant to talk to the oil and gas sector for fear that would spoil its publicity stunt.

“Instead of facing up to the people of Taranaki, or talking to the industry, Jacinda Ardern swanned off to London and Paris to gain the approval of her fellow world leaders.

“That symbolises perfectly the arrogance of the Ardern administration”, says Mr Seymour.

Govt puts regions on the backburner yet again

Source: National Party – Headline: Govt puts regions on the backburner yet again

The Government continues to undermine regional New Zealand, with the Conservation Minister scuttling a plan to extract waxes and resins from a wetland in Northland that would create jobs for locals, National’s Regional Development Spokesperson Paul Goldsmith says.

“For all its talk about helping people in Northland to get ahead, Eugenie Sage has put politics ahead of creating jobs in the region.

“The joint venture by Ngai Takato and Resin & Wax Holdings to extract valuable waxes and resins from a peat wetland in the Far North would help secure the iwi its economic and environmental future.

“But Ms Sage is now getting in the way of that and appears to be doing all she can to stop it.

“She is making no attempt to strike a balance between managing our environment and responsible economic growth.

“The iwi themselves have said that while the venture would provide jobs and opportunities for its people, the environment is also a primary focus for them. The consented area for extraction avoids conservation land.

“Ms Sage needs to let them get on with it but so far, this looks like another win for the Greens over NZ First.”

Coalition must consider regulatory improvements

Source: National Party – Headline: Coalition must consider regulatory improvements

The coalition Government is showing itself unwilling to listen to suggestions on improving the performance of regulators including the Commerce Commission, National Party Commerce and Consumer Affairs Spokesperson Brett Hudson says.

“The New Zealand Initiative has released a thoughtful report ‘Who Guards the Guards?’ based on responses from businesses. This follows on from recent Productivity Commission work on the same subject,” Mr Hudson says.

“The least Commerce Minister Kris Faafoi could do is read and consider the New Zealand Initiative’s work, rather than ignoring it as he has done.

“It questions whether or not the structure and governance of our large regulators are appropriate for the business environment of today, and includes a comprehensive survey of businesses and proposed changes.

“Instead of receiving the report as a constructive critique, Kris Faafoi in a recent interview has dismissed it out of hand.

“This need not be a highly partisan political subject. We are all interested in improving these organisations. Why is Mr Faafoi being so closed to positive change?

“Our regulators have important roles in protecting our markets, competition and consumers’ interests.

“How they are perceived to exercise their powers is important to their effectiveness and the performance of our markets.

“A Government focused on supporting the creation of jobs and lifting incomes would welcome feedback from all quarters, including businesses, on how to make our economy work more productively and how to support the economic growth that delivers jobs and incomes.

“It is unsurprising that business confidence is struggling in an environment where the Commerce Minister dismisses the ideas of business leaders as self-serving and unworthy of listening to.

“This is not the response of a Government which views businesses as partners in lifting jobs, incomes and prospects for New Zealanders. It is the response of a Government with a closed mind.”

Council & Govt must prioritise sport infrastructure

Source: National Party – Headline: Council & Govt must prioritise sport infrastructure

Auckland Council and the Government must prioritise Auckland’s sporting infrastructure to ensure that community sport is not put at risk, National’s Sport and Recreation Spokesperson Nikki Kaye and Local Government (Auckland) Spokesperson Denise Lee say.

“Auckland Council’s draft long-term plan for youth sport and recreation infrastructure is inadequate. The current plan contains a capital shortfall of at least $500 million over the next ten years and does not sufficiently satisfy local demand,” Ms Kaye says.

“There are between 90 and 150 sports fields and courts needed in Auckland right now. These sports facilities are vital to the survival of organisations that provide sport and recreational opportunities and employ more than 25,000 Aucklanders.

“This deficiency is exacerbated by the Government moving to scrap Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). PPPs are an innovative way to spend taxpayer money efficiently, and are crucial to ensuring sport and recreation remains accessible for all Aucklanders.

“Scrapping PPPs will hold Auckland and other parts of New Zealand back in terms of sporting infrastructure. Even if the Government doesn’t support PPPs then it could consider partnerships that harness central, local and community funding.

“With intensification there will be a growing need to utilise space better. With over $4.85 billion allocated to school infrastructure by the last Government, a large amount of which was destined for Auckland, there are huge opportunities for greater partnerships.”

Ms Lee says National will be holding a series of meetings over the next six months with the community and sporting organisations to help progress projects across Auckland to ensure more young people and their families have access to sport and recreation facilities.

“We know there are councillors and local board representatives who feel strongly about this so we plan to work closely with them.

“While we are focusing on Auckland, we will also be working with local MPs to identify other areas of New Zealand where projects can be progressed.

“The economic ramifications of poor sporting infrastructure are huge, with the sector contributing at least $1.9 billion to Auckland’s economy each year.

“Physical inactivity cost New Zealand’s health care system over $200 million in 2013 and some research indicates that around 20 per cent of young Auckland children are overweight.

“The Education Minister needs to continue the Auckland Education Growth Plan which was being worked on by the previous Government and was due to be considered by Cabinet last November. It is important to look at the work done so far to factor in potential opportunities around sport and recreational infrastructure.

“We must prioritise sport and recreation in our communities and Auckland Council and the Government must front up with more funding to support Auckland’s sporting infrastructure.”

Govt must address living costs with sensible policies

Source: National Party – Headline: Govt must address living costs with sensible policies

A Salvation Army report highlighting the impact the cost of living is having on many families should motivate the Government to work hard to address the drivers of deprivation National Party spokesperson for Social Development Louise Upston says.

“Today’s report says that in the past calendar year, sixty per cent of families requesting help with basics from the Army were new to the organisation – an average of 336 families every week.

“It puts the blame squarely on rising rents, petrol prices and basic food costs.

“That’s why it’s imperative the Government focuses firmly on addressing the drivers of poverty by growing the economy to create more jobs and to lift incomes.

“It is therefore mind-boggling that this Ardern-Peters Government is introducing new fuel taxes that will not only increase the cost of an average tank by $15, but will also directly impact the cost of food because of increased transport costs. 

“Ill thought-out policies like these are harmful to our most vulnerable families and do nothing but take New Zealand backwards by undermining an economy which is delivering for all New Zealanders.

“Contrast that with our record where in the last two years of the National Government the economy created 231,000 jobs at average of 9,600 per month.

“During our term in office we raised the minimum wage from $12 an hour in 2008 to $15.75 in 2016/17. That’s an increase of 31 per cent – more than twice the rate of inflation.

“We increased benefits for the first time in 40 years and, since 2011, reduced the number of children living in benefit-dependent households by 60,000.

“Every effort must be made to help those living in material hardship and it’s encouraging many are coming forward to receive the assistance that they need – but, in the long term, any positive impact on hardship must be underpinned by sensible policies and strong economic management,” Ms Upston says.

Our nuclear-free moment? Or business as usual?

Source: ACT Party

Headline: Our nuclear-free moment? Or business as usual?

Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods will today travel to Taranaki to talk to those affected by her Government’s oil and gas decision.

The Government’s messages have been either contradictory or dishonest.

“The Government is talking out both sides of its mouth”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“On the one hand, we have Jacinda Ardern selling this decision in London and Paris as her generation’s ‘nuclear-free moment’.

“But on the other, Megan Woods is trying to assure industry that it is business as usual. ‘Nothing’s changed’, she said this weekend.

“Which is it? The Government is being dishonest with New Zealanders. It cannot have it both ways”, says Mr Seymour.