Oxfam announces leaders of Independent Commission on Sexual Misconduct

Source: Oxfam New Zealand – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Oxfam announces leaders of Independent Commission on Sexual Misconduct

Zainab Bangura, a former Under-Secretary General of the United Nations, and Katherine Sierra, a former Vice-President of the World Bank, will co-chair an Independent Commission on Sexual Misconduct, Accountability and Culture Change, Oxfam said today.

The Independent Commission has been formed in response to incidents of sexual misconduct by Oxfam staff in countries including Chad and Haiti and concerns about the way Oxfam responded to them at the time.

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Oxfam announces Zainab Bangura and Katherine Sierra to co-lead Independent Commission on Sexual Misconduct

Source: Oxfam New Zealand – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Oxfam announces Zainab Bangura and Katherine Sierra to co-lead Independent Commission on Sexual Misconduct

Zainab Bangura, a former Under-Secretary General of the United Nations, and Katherine Sierra, a former Vice-President of the World Bank, will co-chair an Independent Commission on Sexual Misconduct, Accountability and Culture Change, Oxfam said today.

The Independent Commission has been formed in response to incidents of sexual misconduct by Oxfam staff in countries including Chad and Haiti and concerns about the way Oxfam responded to them at the time.

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Trailblazing foursome lead charge in 100km Oxfam event

Source: Oxfam New Zealand – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Trailblazing foursome lead charge in 100km Oxfam event

The first feet across the finish line for Oxfam Trailwalker 2018: team ‘Buff Wait There’s More!’ smash the Whakatāne record by almost two hours. Photo: Artur Francisco

The persevering ‘Buff Wait There’s More!’ Oxfam Trailwalker team have trumped home to a record-breaking run.

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