Bachelor of Business Studies at EIT sets former student up for job at Nanogirl | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

44 seconds ago

A Bachelor of Business Studies at EIT has set former student Georgia Paterson up for her chosen career.

A Bachelor of Business Studies at EIT has set former student Georgia Paterson up for a job with renowned scientist Dr Michelle Dickinson at her Auckland company Nanogirl.

Georgia, 21, will be graduating at the Napier Municipal Theatre on Friday, where she will also be awarded the Fletcher Challenge Trust Award for Academic Excellence in the Bachelor of Business Studies majoring in Management.

She says that she realised in year nine at Havelock North High School that she wanted to study at EIT.

“I knew that I didn’t want to go to university. I don’t know why. I think just the debt that you can get up, moving away from home, I didn’t have a set decision what I wanted to study. So university for me was always out of the picture. And then in year 10, you can take a business subject at Havelock High. So I took that and I really enjoyed it.”

“The teacher was really awesome, and you can’t take it in year 11, but you can take it in year 12 and 13. So I took that as one of my subjects all the way through, and it was just a subject that I really enjoyed and I excelled at as well. So when I kind of got to the end of high school, I was tossing up whether I wanted to work, just go in and work full time or study at EIT.

“Obviously, 2019 was peak COVID for all of us and because of that and the risk of jobs and redundancy and things like that, I just kind of decided, I looked at EIT, the programme has everything you need. It was affordable. I could live at home, I could still work part-time, and I was doing something that I actually wanted to do. And I feel like the business degree is quite versatile, like it’s really broad and it doesn’t dial you down into one specific thing.”

Not only did Georgia have to deal with COVID-19, but also the aftermath of Cyclone Gabrielle, which caused devastation to EIT’s Hawke’s Bay campus. However, she is now glad that she has finished her degree and set to graduate on Friday.

“Even with the award and everything, it was all quite a shock and very exciting. So it’d be cool to just finally actually officially graduate.”

“The letter came through and I was at work, and it was such a nice surprise.”

Her parents will be at the ceremony as well as her Auckland boss, Dr Michelle Dickinson, who is also her cousin.

She says that when she was offered an internship at Nanogirl, she jumped at it. When her internship finished at the end of last year, she was offered a maternity position as operations manager.

“It’s always busy, always learning new things, and even just being in the city, it’s totally different to Hawke’s Bay. So it’s been a real eye-opener with what goes on in a fast-paced area.”

“Currently, I’m the operations manager. So part of the business, is we do lots of live events. So we run over a hundred birthday parties and assembly school shows. I organise the staffing and the rotation and everything to do with that to make sure it all runs smoothly and that the customer gets what they’ve ordered.”

As for the future, Georgia says she is still figuring that out.

“I’m still kind of figuring that out, but I think just because of my strengths and what I’m good at. I think I will look into event management or project management further down the line.”

Russell Booth, Senior Lecturer and Programme Co-ordinator – Business at EIT, said: “Georgia has always been a focused and organised young woman and it is no surprise to any of the staff within the School of Business that she is now the Operations Manager at Nanogirl.”

“Georgia obviously made a big impression whilst completing her final semester internship. Her strengths have always been about being organised and organising others coupled with a real drive to succeed and it will be fascinating to see where Georgia’s career path takes her as she gains more confidence and experience.”

Seed collection unearthed at EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

19 mins ago

Environmental Management Lecturer Dr Glen Robertshaw with an expansive seed collection dating back to the late 70s.

More than 1000 seed samples dating back to the 70s have been unearthed at EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus in Taradale.

The collection features seed varieties of different sizes, shapes and colours from around the world.

Environmental Management Lecturer Dr Glen Robertshaw says it is a thing of beauty.

“As part of the unpacking and moving back into our building we have come across a curious wooden box with about 1000 seed samples from all around the world.”

Two index books that came with the collection provided the collector’s name A J England, and details of where the seeds came from between 1978 and 1984.

Robertshaw asked long serving staff members who knew nothing about it, and an internet search yielded nothing. With the name, he turned to the White Pages.

“I wanted to see if there were any Englands around in Hastings, so I looked through the White Pages and just rang a few people. Eventually his son, Darren England, rang me back.”

Darren England says he knew his father, who passed away in 2016, had donated the collection to EIT and after the floods, wondered what had happened to it.

“It’s nice to see the legacy is carrying on.”

A J England pictured in the 1980s in his office at Wrightson NMA Grain Store, Omahu Road. Photo/Supplied.

His father worked in the grain and seed industry and upon moving from Australia to Hawke’s Bay, ran the grain store for Wrightson NMA.

“I remember when we were young, we’d be driving somewhere, and he’d stop the car and jump a fence and grab some seeds off something. He was always on the lookout for odd seeds.”

Darren says his father made the wooden stands and case from scratch.

“I think it was too good to get rid of it and none of the family wanted it so he thought EIT could use it. He just wanted it to stay local I think.”

Horticulture and Environmental Management Lecturer Gerard Henry says the collection is “fairly unique”.

“I mean, it may not have been an untypical thing to have taken part in back in the 70s and even in the 80s. But for it to have survived and for us to find it now is pretty rare I’d say.”

Robertshaw, who teaches biosecurity and soil science courses, says the research opportunities are endless. He has also spoken to Massey University which has an extensive seed collection.

“We can do a lot from looking at the viability of the seeds after all this time to looking at DNA changes over time between varieties then and the varieties now. And at the very least it’s a teaching resource for us.”

EIT offers level 5 and 6 of the NZ Diploma in Environmental Management, as well as a Bachelor of Applied Science (Biodiversity Management).

Journey of self-discovery leads to graduation for EIT Te Pūkenga Tairāwhiti student | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

3 mins ago

EIT | Te Pūkenga Tairāwhiti student Leslie Tuhou is looking forward to graduating with a Bachelor of Computing Systems on Friday.

A journey of self-discovery will culminate in EIT | Te Pūkenga Tairāwhiti student Leslie Tuhou (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Awa) graduating with a Bachelor of Computing Systems next month.

Leslie is set to graduate at the Tairāwhiti Campus graduation ceremony at the War Memorial Theatre in Gisborne on Friday, 8 March.

Leslie’s study started while she was at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori O Ngā Uri a Māui, where she became one of the first students from the kura to do Trades Academy. It also turned out to be the first year Computing was offered in Trades Academy at EIT | Te Pūkenga Tairāwhiti.

By the time Leslie finished kura she had completed foundation and intermediate computing, putting her on a path to study further at EIT | Te Pūkenga.

“I thought about it and enrolled in Level 4, but then I received a call saying I had done well getting my NZ Certificate in Computing Intermediate User L3 and that I could move up to the degree if I wanted”.

 “I chose computing specially to separate me from the family, but in a good way, because I grew up in a sports family. I wanted to break out and do something different, I wanted to be a wahine Māori in IT, especially coming from Kura Kaupapa”.

“I enjoyed meeting new people at EIT, from all walks of life, which was something new for me. The events like ‘Clash of the Courses’ and ‘Lip Sync’ competitions were all good fun while you are getting to know the environment and interacting with people socially. And some free lunches too”.

Many courses in the computing degree captured Leslie’s interest, “especially digital forensics, databases, web, programming and subjects about data”.

She was busy in her final semester working on a group project for Tāiki E while also taking an IT research course. The project involved using IoT technologies to transform 12 pātaka kai placed out in the Gisborne community to measure the weight of fruit and vegetables, and monitor levels in real time.

With time ticking for both the Tāiki E project and her research assignment Leslie decided to write her assignment in Te Reo Māori.

“The reason I wrote the research report in Māori was because I was recuperating from illness, and everything was due. It was so much quicker and easier for me to write. I was nearly there and needed to get my assignment in on time”.

As for the research, Leslie had chosen Māori Data Sovereignty as her IT topic, highlighting key differences between indigenous data sovereignty and mainstream data sovereignty.

“Tēnei te tuku mihi ki tāku whānau, wāku hoa, wāku kaiako, me te hunga katoa i awhina ahau i tēnei haerenga. Ahakoa ngā aupiki me ngā auheke, kua ea. Mei kore ko koutou, kua kore ake ko au. Nei rā te mihi maioha atu ki a koutou katoa.”

As for the future, Leslie would like to work in an area that incorporates Māori-medium with Information Technology.

Tina Blumenthal, Senior IT Lecturer at EIT |Te Pūkenga Tairāwhiti says: “Leslie has done exceptionally well to come from kura kaupapa and embrace the computing degree. She’s a great team player, has worked through the study challenges, and it is because of her tenacity, her openness to fill her kete with learning, and determination to become the best she can, that she is graduating.”

“As one of the lecturers, I consider it a privilege to have had the opportunity to watch Leslie’s confidence grow and help her navigate her way towards achieving her goals”.

Tracey Tangihaere, Executive Director of the EIT | Te Pūkenga Tairāwhiti Campus, said: “Our role at EIT Tairāwhiti is to support Māori learners in their chosen fields of study.”

“Our Kura Kaupapa graduates show commitment and drive to find select career choices that will help their community as well as advance their passions. Leslie demonstrated tenacity and resilience coming into a new non- Māori speaking environment , we wish Leslie all the best for her next journey.”

Youth-driven health initiative to spread crucial messages about nutrition | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

3 mins ago

Manaora Rangatahi Guidelines group filming at Aunty’s Garden in Hastings for a 20-week social media campaign.

A 20-week social media campaign, driven by rangatahi Māori aims to spread crucial messages about nutrition and well-being across New Zealand.

The Manaora Rangatahi Guidelines is part of Nourishing Hawke’s Bay: He wairua tō te kai, a collaborative local project between EIT | Te Pūkenga and University of Auckland (UoA).

The guidelines will feature as a 20-week social media campaign, launching on March 4, with influencers Tamati Rimene-Sproat, Pere Wihongi, Georgia Awatea Jones and local rangatahi.

Senior Research Fellow Dr Rachael Glassey, manager of Nourishing Hawke’s Bay, says the core of the project is about empowering youth with holistic health and well-being guidelines.

“It’s a project that the rangatahi have poured their hearts into, offering a fresh take on health that covers everything from eating well and staying active to keeping your mind healthy and staying connected with our culture.”

“These guidelines are about more than just health tips; they’re a blueprint for making real, positive changes in our lives, for everyone across New Zealand.”

Seventeen rangatahi from around Hawke’s Bay have been involved in the project since the middle of last year.

They looked at health guidelines from New Zealand and overseas, and applied mātauranga Māori to them. Then, they sought feedback from their peers at school before refining the messages.

“The current Ministry of Health guidelines don’t really resonate with young people. Our rangatahi participants added key aspects around mātauranga Māori and sustainability. The goal is to bridge these gaps and connect more meaningfully with youth,” Rachael says. 

Rangatahi Guideline project lead Raun Makirere-Haerewa says it is important to ensure the messages not only make sense to the rangatahi but that they buy into them.

“I think a big part of the level of engagement and excitement is from the fact that we’re putting the onus on them to create this. It’s not a template. They’ve come up with the work.” 

A wānanga was held over three days at Houngarea Marae last month, at which time the campaign content was shot.

Māori media personality, Tamati Rimene-Sproat, says he was happy to be involved with the kaupapa as it aligned with his values.

“It’s rangatahi led and rangatahi driven for rangatahi and that’s really important to me so when Raun reached out and asked if I was interested it made sense to me, and then I had actually done work with Professor Boyd Swinburn in the past, so when his name came up it gave a level of importance and value.”

New Zealand musician, voice actor and kapa haka composer and performer Pere Wihongi (Te Rarawa, Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Kuri, Ngāti Wai) says she was honoured to help contribute.

Flaxmere College student Joseph Curtis says the experience has been “healing”.

Manaora Rangatahi Guidelines group at Houngarea Marae.

“I feel like I have connected more with my Māoritanga here. I feel like I am getting fitter, socialising more and eating healthier. I’m looking after myself, others and having a Māori input on almost everything I do.”

He says he will continue to support the kaupapa.

Ariki-Jaid Moke and Mikaera Rountree, who also attend Flaxmere College, say it has been an “eye-opener”.

“Before we came here, we didn’t really understand how important our health and well-being was. So this has helped us understand the importance of hauora and well-being,” Ariki-Jaid says.

Professor Boyd Swinburn says it has been a journey, and they are interested to see how it unfolds further.

“We’ve got a longer term vision on this, but exactly how are we going to get there is a bit uncertain. We’re just going to follow the kids and let them guide us.”

EIT | Te Pūkenga student excited about Italian experience after being selected for Bragato Exchange | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

5 mins ago

EIT | Te Pūkenga Viticulture & Wine Science student Casey Mackintosh has been chosen as the Wine-Searcher Bragato Exchange Scholar.

After an exciting 2023, EIT | Te Pūkenga Viticulture & Wine Science student Casey Mackintosh is looking forward to a new experience as she heads off to Italy later in June on a Bragato Exchange.

Casey, 28, is in her final year of the Bachelor of Viticulture & Wine Science but is finishing the programme part-time while she works in the industry at Villa Maria Winery, which is now owned by Indevin.

The exchange, which has a new principal sponsor in Wine-Searcher, is now known as the Wine-Searcher Bragato Exchange Scholarship. Other sponsors are PGG Wrightson, Taradale Rotary Club and the Ōtātara Trust. It was established in recognition of the historical connection between Conegliano and New Zealand and is named after Romeo Bragato, who was influential in identifying potential wine growing regions here and studied in this area of Italy. It is commemorated with an academic partnership between EIT | Te Pūkenga and the University of Padua.

The exchange was started in 2003 and provides an opportunity for an Italian student to visit New Zealand in August, spend time at EIT | Te Pūkenga and visit the wine areas of NZ and an EIT | Te Pūkenga student to visit Padua and then travel around the wine areas of Italy hosted by alumni in the Italian summer.

The award comes after a big year in 2023, which saw Casey, who is originally from Northland, come second in the 2023 Tonnellerie de Mercurey North Island Young Winemaker of the Year, following the competition held at Indevin’s Gimblett Gravels winery.

She says that she is excited about the year ahead.

“I feel incredibly lucky to receive the Wine-Searcher Bragato Exchange Scholarship. I am extremely grateful to EIT | Te Pūkenga and the generous sponsors for providing this incredible opportunity.”

“It doesn’t quite feel real yet and I suppose it won’t until I am there sipping prosecco, in the sun. I am looking forward to meeting new people and soaking up Italian culture.”

Renee Dale, Wine Specialist at sponsors, says: “It is wonderful to see that this exchange retains such high interest and to see such a high calibre of applicants.”

“It was a real challenge for the selection panel to choose between them. Although all candidates showed great potential, each bringing their own unique stories and outlooks, Casey in particular demonstrated a solid understanding of the exchange, its purpose and just what the experience would bring to her skillset as a future winemaker. I look forward to welcoming Casey into the Romeo Bragato alumni and following her journey, both in the exchange later this year, and in the years to come.”

Renee, who was the first female Bragato exchange recipient in 2006, is also heartened to see the significant number of female applicants this year.

Sue Blackmore, the Head of the EIT | Te Pūkenga School of Viticulture & Wine Science, said: “We are excited that this exchange will continue to provide EIT graduates with a unique life changing opportunity. The exchange enables the building of invaluable connections, as well as the opportunity to be hosted by the University of Padua and by ex-exchange scholars in different parts of Italy.”

“We are extremely thankful to our long-term sponsors and the new main sponsor, Wine searcher, who are ensuring the longevity of this valuable exchange that commemorates its founder, Kevyn Moore.”

Karakia marks another step in reopening of EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay Campus | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

39 seconds ago

A dawn karakia was held this morning to mark the opening of three blocks – G, M and A at the EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay Campus.

A dawn karakia this morning marked a significant step in the reopening of the Hawke’s Bay campus of  EIT | Te Pūkenga.

Nearly a year after Cyclone Gabrielle caused extensive damage to the campus in Taradale, the blessing marked the opening of three blocks – G, M and A. The cyclone caused extensive damage to the Taradale site in February with up to 90 per cent of the ground-floor buildings – more than 500 rooms – being damaged by flood water and contaminated silt.

About 30 per cent of the Hawke’s Bay campus was able to be reopened for delivery in time for the start of Semester 2 in July.

The kaikarakia at this morning’s ceremony were Mana Hazel, Wirihana Raihania, Te Kaha Hawaikirangi, Piripi Smith and Chad Tareha. In attendance were EIT | Te Pukenga Staff and Management, Chris Olsen and Steve Price from Gemco Construction and Dylan Rodger from RCP.

EIT | Te Pūkenga Executive Director Glen Harkness said the opening of the three blocks was an exciting development on the road to full reopening of the campus.

“The buildings A, M and G will enable significantly more delivery and student facing services to return to campus. Of note, G block is home to the Hawke’s Bay Secondary Schools Trades Academy, which will see secondary school students return to campus shortly.”

“We are very grateful to our staff, and our contractors and consultants who have worked hard to rebuild our campus. While we have appreciated the way the community has allowed us to deliver our programmes throughout Hawke’s Bay, it is good to be coming home and resuming normal services.”

“We are part of this community and it is important that people are able to see what we have to offer. We offer a full range of qualifications from certificates to postgraduate level, with full-time, part-time and online study options available.”

After ten years in management, South African immigrant keen to start Graduate Diploma of Business at EIT | Te Pūkenga | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

39 seconds ago

South African immigrant Jacques Carey is looking forward to doing his Graduate Diploma of Business at EIT | Te Pūkenga this year.

South African immigrant, Jacques Carey, who has more than ten years of management experience, as well as many certificates, courses, and an apprenticeship, is is now  keen to get back into the books.

He will do this by studying for a Graduate Diploma of Business at EIT | Te Pūkenga this year.

Jacques, 39, who moved over from South African more than five years ago, has worked for Jamestrong Packaging, both here and in Auckland, for all of those years. Jamestrong is a manufacturer and supplier of metal packaging for the food, infant and nutrition markets.

Jacques’ previous role was as a Procurement Manager at an engineering company in Randburg, South Africa before moving out to New Zealand with his wife, Tanya. He started out at Jamestrong in Auckland in January 2019 and was recently  promoted to manufacturing manager in Hawke’s Bay in June 2023.

“I started my Bachelor of Applied management at MIT in Manukau in 2022, where I resumed my studies for about 18 months, before we moved to Hawke’s Bay.”

“I moved over to EIT and went to speak to one of the lecturers, Russell Booth,  who suggested that I should do a Graduate Diploma in Management.”

In order to qualify for the diploma, Jacques has had to do the Recognition to Prior Learning (RPL) programme. This looks at all qualifications a learner has had in the past, including “life lessons”.

Jacques says he is looking forwarded to getting into his studies at EIT| Te Pūkenga as while he has enjoyed his Open Polytech course, he prefers sitting in a classroom.

“I liked the whole engagement in class.”

Apart from his studies, Jacques and Tanya are taking their time exploring New Zealand as well as enjoying family visiting from South Africa.

“The Graduate Diploma in Business suits Jacques down to the ground,” explains Russell Booth, who is also the co-ordinator for the Graduate Diploma.

“It is at the right level for Jacques and allows us to recognise the extensive depth and breadth of his impressive work history through the RPL process towards a New Zealand based qualification. The RPL process means that Jacques only needs to attend classes in person to develop the knowledge that he feels is missing and required to progress his career.”

Top EIT | Te Pūkenga researcher promoted to Associate Professor | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

3 mins ago

A Top EIT | Te Pūkenga academic has been promoted to Associate Professor in recognition of her internationally recognised research and academic leadership.

Dr Pii-Tuulia Nikula, now an Associate Professor at EIT | Te Pūkenga School of Business, is well known for her research on the international student recruitment industry and sustainability.

She has been the author and co-editor of two books this year – Student Recruitment Agents in International Higher Education and Sustainable Education Abroad: Striving for Change.

EIT | Te Pūkenga Executive Director Glen Harkness congratulated Dr Nikula, saying: “Pii-Tuuliais an internationally recognised researcher and innovative educator with extensive industry, teaching and research experience in the fields of management, sustainability, higher education and international education.”

 “Pii-Tuulia is a good examples of the depth of research talent EIT | Te Pūkenga has and has brought much recognition for our research capabilities at EIT | Te Pūkenga.”

“With talent like this in our Professoriate, research at EIT | Te Pūkenga is in good health.”

Dr Nikula says she is excited to have been promoted.

“I want to acknowledge my academic and industry referees for their support. I’d also like to thank everyone who has supported, inspired and guided me throughout my academic journey, including my students, colleagues, managers, and academic and industry collaborators.”

“I’ll continue my leadership with the goal of making a positive impact at EIT and beyond!”

Dr Nikula teaches courses in sustainable organisations, global strategies and research methods and supervises under- and postgraduate level students. She also has extensive experience in course and curriculum design and programme and course coordination roles.

Before her academic career, Nikula worked as an entrepreneur and held management and leadership roles within the international student recruitment sector.

She is co-founder of Climate Action Network for International Educators ( and is the Chair of the School of Business and School of Computing Research Committee. She also serves as an editorial board member for Higher Education Quarterly and as an associate editor for Higher Education Research and Development and Journal of International Students.

EIT | Te Pūkenga information day showcases wide range of programmes in Tairāwhiti, Wairoa and Ruatoria | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

2 mins ago

EIT | Te Pūkenga will be holding open days on the Tairāwhiti Campus and the Wairoa and Ruatoria Learning Centres on 11 October.

A wide selection of programmes offered by EIT | Te Pūkenga will be on display at information and enrolment days in Tairāwhiti, Wairoa and Ruatoria next month

The day is open to anyone who is interested in studying at EIT | Te Pūkenga and who would like more information about what programmes are on offer.

The event will be held on 11 October between 9am and 6pm at the EIT | Te Pūkenga Tairāwhiti Campus, while prospective students (ākonga) are welcome to go to the Wairoa and Ruatoria Learning Centres between 10am and 2pm on the same day.

Tracey Tangihaere, the Executive Director, Tairāwhiti at EIT | Te Pūkenga, says the information and enrolment day gives people of all ages the chance to view the full-time and part-time programmes on offer.

“We are very proud of our wide range of programmes and would encourage everyone to come and choose something that suits them.”

“We are quite unique in offering people a full range of qualifications from certificates to postgraduate level, with full-time, part-time and online study options available.”

“They also have the chance to remain at home with whānau while pursuing top class qualifications like our Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts through Toihoukura.”

“Whether you’re looking to get qualified, upskill, or just exploring your study options, come chat to our staff about how EIT | Te Pūkenga may support you.”

Prospective students will be given a tour of the campus and a chance to chat to the student liaison team and tutors about what is on offer.

Check out the EIT | Te Pūkenga website for more info or phone 0800 CALL EIT.

EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay Campus opens for information and enrolment day | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

49 seconds ago

The EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay campus will be open for an information and enrolment day between 9am and 6pm on 12 October.

The EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay campus, which has been largely closed since Cyclone Gabrielle struck, will open for an information and enrolment day next month.

The day is open to anyone who is interested in studying at EIT | Te Pūkenga and who would like more information about what programmes are on offer.

The event will be held between 9am and 6pm on 12 October at the EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay Campus. Events will also be held on the same day between 10am and 2pm at the Maraenui, Hastings and CHB  Learning Centres

EIT | Te Pūkenga Executive Director Glen Harkness says it is an important achievement to have the Hawke’s Bay Campus in Taradale open for information day.

“A lot of hard work has been done to get our campus partially reopened and we are delighted to be able to welcome prospective students to come and see the wide range of programmes we offer.”

 “EIT | Te Pūkenga has shown over the years that we provide the people of Hawke’s Bay the opportunity to stay local but still achieve their tertiary education dreams.”

“We are quite unique in offering people a full range of qualifications from certificates to postgraduate level, with full-time, part-time and online study options available.”

“Whether you’re looking to get qualified, upskill, or just exploring your study options, come chat to our staff about how EIT | Te Pūkenga may support you.”

Prospective students will be given a tour of the campus and a chance to chat to the student liaison team and tutors about what is on offer.

Check out the EIT | Te Pūkenga website for more info or phone 0800 CALL EIT.