Parliament Hansard Report – Tuesday, 22 October 2024 – Volume 779 – 001426

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


The Speaker took the Chair at 2 p.m.


ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Teanau Tuiono): E te Atua kaha rawa, ka tuku whakamoemiti atu mātou, mō ngā karakia kua waihotia mai ki runga i a mātou. Ka waiho i ō mātou pānga whaiaro katoa ki te taha. Ka mihi mātou ki te Kīngi, me te inoi atu mō te ārahitanga i roto i ō mātou whakaaroarohanga, kia mōhio ai, kia whakaiti ai tā mātou whakahaere i ngā take o te Whare nei, mō te oranga, te maungārongo, me te aroha o Aotearoa. Āmene.

[Almighty God, we give thanks for the blessings which have been bestowed on us. Laying aside all personal interests, we acknowledge the King and pray for guidance in our deliberations that we may conduct the affairs of this House with wisdom and humility, for the welfare, peace, and compassion of New Zealand. Amen.]

Parliament Hansard Report – Karakia/Prayers – 001425

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


The Speaker took the Chair at 2 p.m.


ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Teanau Tuiono): E te Atua kaha rawa, ka tuku whakamoemiti atu mātou, mō ngā karakia kua waihotia mai ki runga i a mātou. Ka waiho i ō mātou pānga whaiaro katoa ki te taha. Ka mihi mātou ki te Kīngi, me te inoi atu mō te ārahitanga i roto i ō mātou whakaaroarohanga, kia mōhio ai, kia whakaiti ai tā mātou whakahaere i ngā take o te Whare nei, mō te oranga, te maungārongo, me te aroha o Aotearoa. Āmene.

[Almighty God, we give thanks for the blessings which have been bestowed on us. Laying aside all personal interests, we acknowledge the King and pray for guidance in our deliberations that we may conduct the affairs of this House with wisdom and humility, for the welfare, peace, and compassion of New Zealand. Amen.]

Parliament Hansard Report – Thursday, 17 October 2024 – Volume 779 – 001424

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


Hon CHRIS BISHOP (Leader of the House): Next week, the House will consider the first readings of the Mental Health Bill and the Policing (Police Vetting) Amendment Bill. We will consider further stages of the Gambling (Definition of Remote Interactive Gambling) Amendment Bill, the Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill, and the Contracts of Insurance Bill. On Thursday morning, there will be extended hours for private, local, and members’ business. On Thursday afternoon there will be a two-hour debate on constituency and local issues.

Just finally, in closing, I’ve just been informed that today is the final day of the Australian Associated Press news outlet in New Zealand. I think they’ve been here for 50 years, including in the press gallery, and I’m sure all members wish them well.

Hon KIERAN McANULTY (Labour): I thank the Leader of the House for the update and thank him for including an extended sitting to cover off the deficit in members’ days. By my calculation, there still is one owing to the House. Can he commit to ensuring there’ll be another extended sitting before the end of the year to tally it up?

Hon CHRIS BISHOP (Leader of the House): Ha, ha! I think it depends on how you define the “owing” point. As the member will be aware, we have had some unanticipated and quite tragic interruptions to the House this year. But certainly, from the Government’s point of view, we will do our best, subject to other important business between now and the end of the year, to fit that in.

Parliament Hansard Report – Prayers/Karakia – 001423

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard

lass=”BeginningOfDay”>THURSDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2024

The Speaker took the Chair at 2 p.m.


GREG O’CONNOR (Assistant Speaker—Labour): Almighty God, we give thanks for the blessings which have been bestowed on us. Laying aside all personal interests, we acknowledge the King and pray for guidance in our deliberations, that we may conduct the affairs of this House with wisdom, justice, mercy, and humility for the welfare and peace of New Zealand. Amen.

Parliament Hansard Report – Business Statement – 001422

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


Hon CHRIS BISHOP (Leader of the House): Next week, the House will consider the first readings of the Mental Health Bill and the Policing (Police Vetting) Amendment Bill. We will consider further stages of the Gambling (Definition of Remote Interactive Gambling) Amendment Bill, the Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill, and the Contracts of Insurance Bill. On Thursday morning, there will be extended hours for private, local, and members’ business. On Thursday afternoon there will be a two-hour debate on constituency and local issues.

Just finally, in closing, I’ve just been informed that today is the final day of the Australian Associated Press news outlet in New Zealand. I think they’ve been here for 50 years, including in the press gallery, and I’m sure all members wish them well.

Hon KIERAN McANULTY (Labour): I thank the Leader of the House for the update and thank him for including an extended sitting to cover off the deficit in members’ days. By my calculation, there still is one owing to the House. Can he commit to ensuring there’ll be another extended sitting before the end of the year to tally it up?

Hon CHRIS BISHOP (Leader of the House): Ha, ha! I think it depends on how you define the “owing” point. As the member will be aware, we have had some unanticipated and quite tragic interruptions to the House this year. But certainly, from the Government’s point of view, we will do our best, subject to other important business between now and the end of the year, to fit that in.

Parliament Hansard Report – Wednesday, 16 October 2024 – Volume 779 – 001421

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard

Question No. 2—Prime Minister

2. Rt Hon CHRIS HIPKINS (Leader of the Opposition) to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by all his Government’s statements and actions?

Rt Hon CHRISTOPHER LUXON (Prime Minister): Yes, and especially our actions to get on top of inflation. This morning Stats New Zealand confirmed that inflation fell to 2.2 percent in the September quarter, the lowest rate in more than 3½ years, and it is clear that our plan, our economic plan, is working, which is why under our Government we’re getting on top of inflation fast. Just before the election last year, Treasury picked that inflation would have only fallen to 3.1 percent by this time and wouldn’t have reached 2.2 percent until the end of next year. And that’s despite all the scaremongering from the Opposition that fully funded tax relief, which Labour didn’t support, for supporting working families with the cost of living would actually push inflation higher. It didn’t do that. But, instead, our economic plan is delivering lower inflation, lower interest rates, two interest rate cuts in 10 months versus, I think, six or seven increases over the last six years. Importantly, what we’re seeing is that the foundations for economic growth to get New Zealand back on track are in place.

Rt Hon Chris Hipkins: Why did his Government cut funding for apprenticeships in critical infrastructure sectors when apprentice numbers are already in decline, compounding the skills shortages in the trades sector?

Rt Hon CHRISTOPHER LUXON: Well, what I’d say to the member is the Apprenticeship Boost was actually another case of Labour leaving behind another fiscal cliff. We’ve made funding for Apprenticeship Boost permanent so the programme wouldn’t expire like it would under Labour and, at the same time, we’re targeting it at the skills that we need.

Rt Hon Chris Hipkins: Why has he and his Government cut funding for apprenticeships in areas such as pipeline construction, bitumen resurfacing, road construction and maintenance, and drinking and waste-water treatment when this country is facing major challenges in those areas and this will only exacerbate skill shortages?

Rt Hon CHRISTOPHER LUXON: Well, we have to make sure we are spending money carefully. That’s what we do on the side of the House; we don’t waste money. That’s only a very small proportion of those that are actually using Apprenticeship Boost, and what I’d say to you is that we are making sure that we’ve got support for the skills we need like building and agriculture and manufacturing, forestry, food, and hospitality.

Rt Hon Chris Hipkins: Why was providing over $200 million in tax breaks to the tobacco company Philip Morris more important to his Government than keeping people in apprenticeships?

SPEAKER: Just a moment. I think there’s a word there that probably shouldn’t have been in it. Do you want to ask that question again.

Hon Member: What’s that?

SPEAKER: I think you referred to the entity belonging to someone, which it didn’t. So just ask the question again.

Rt Hon Chris Hipkins: Why was providing over $200 million in tax breaks to companies like Philip Morris, the country’s largest supplier of cigarettes, more important to his Government than keeping people in apprenticeships?

Rt Hon CHRISTOPHER LUXON: Well, I reject the characterisation of that question. What I would say to that member is that on this side of the House we are very committed to lowering daily smoking rates. We are determined to deliver on Smokefree 2025 and we’re going to make alternatives available. Also what I’d say is, with respect to the so-called tax that he talks about, what we’ve done is make sure Treasury is conservatively estimating the loss of excise tax by any shift that happens to an alternative product other than cigarettes.

Rt Hon Winston Peters: Prime Minister, how often have you met someone whose logic is that when the tax on cigarettes go up, as it did December last year, it somehow is a concession to some business?

Rt Hon CHRISTOPHER LUXON: It’s just prudent to actually set money aside. And for the most extreme scenario, if we get a shift from cigarettes to alternative products—that’s what we’re accounting for.

Rt Hon Chris Hipkins: Why should the construction sector have trust in his Government when they are cutting apprenticeships and, in their first 10 months in power, they have spent their time gutting school building programmes, shelving State housing projects, cancelling major infrastructure projects, and leaving the industry staring down a pipeline that’s looking more like an empty barrel?

Rt Hon CHRISTOPHER LUXON: Again, what you see is you see a business confidence at a 10-year high. Why is that? Because they know this is a Government dealing with and improving the economic fundamentals. We are making sure there is financial discipline and no wasteful spending. We’re making sure that inflation now, for the first time in 3½ years, is within the band. Interest rates cuts are coming down; confidence is up. That leads to economic growth and people in work.

Rt Hon Chris Hipkins: If things are so good for the building and construction sector, why are there 10,000 fewer people employed in the building and construction sector now than there were the day he became Prime Minister?

Rt Hon CHRISTOPHER LUXON: Because this economy is dealing with the lag effects of woeful economic mismanagement by that member and his former Government. What is good news is that consents are up 2 percent; the Infrastructure Commission’s latest pipeline estimates a total of over 6,000 projects—$147 billion worth; and the Transport Government policy statement put in $33 billion for the next three years. If the member cares a lot about it, I look forward to his support of our fast-track legislation, because that was a great idea from David Parker. We’ve built on it; there’s 149 fantastic projects: 55,000 potential new homes, 30 percent increase in electricity generation, and 180 kilometres of new roads, rail, and public transport.

Rt Hon Chris Hipkins: Why won’t he admit that his Government doesn’t care about the damage it causes to New Zealand’s infrastructure, workforce, and economy, as long as his favourite pet projects like tax breaks for landlords and tobacco companies get billions of dollars that could so desperately be spent elsewhere?

Rt Hon CHRISTOPHER LUXON: Aww, it’s a terribly sad day for the Leader of the Opposition. We have good news, which is we have inflation in the bands, we’ve delivered income tax relief for low and middle income working New Zealanders—people the Labour Party used to care about but don’t any more—we’ve got fast-track legislation sitting there, and he refuses to support it. Come on board, do something positive.

Parliament Hansard Report – Karakia/Prayers – 001420

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


The Speaker took the Chair at 2 p.m.


TEANAU TUIONO (Assistant Speaker): E te Atua kaha rawa, ka tuku whakamoemiti atu mātou, mō ngā karakia kua waihotia mai ki runga i a mātou. Ka waiho i ō mātou pānga whaiaro katoa ki te taha. Ka mihi mātou ki te Kīngi, me te inoi atu mō te ārahitanga i roto i ō mātou whakaaroarohanga, kia mōhio ai, kia whakaiti ai tā mātou whakahaere i ngā take o te Whare nei, mō te oranga, te maungārongo, me te aroha o Aotearoa. Āmene.

[Almighty God, we give thanks for the blessings which have been bestowed on us. Laying aside all personal interests, we acknowledge the King and pray for guidance in our deliberations that we may conduct the affairs of this House with wisdom and humility, for the welfare, peace, and compassion of New Zealand. Amen.]

Parliament Hansard Report – Petitions, Papers, Select Committee Reports, and Introduction of Bills – 001419

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


SPEAKER: No petitions have been delivered to the Clerk, but Ministers have delivered 18 papers.


  • 2023-24 annual reports of ACC, Crown Irrigation Investments, Crown Law, Inland Revenue, Kāinga Ora, LINZ, MBIE, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, NZQA, the Remuneration Authority, Stats NZ
  • Reports on the 2023-24 non-departmental appropriations for Vote Education, Vote Housing and Urban Development, and the Emergency Management and Recovery portfolio
  • Government response to the Climate Change Commission’s Monitoring report: Emissions reduction (July 2024); the ACC 2023-24 climate report and 2024-25 service agreement.

SPEAKER: Those papers are published under the authority of the House. No select committee papers have been presented. No bills have been introduced.

Parliament Hansard Report – Tuesday, 15 October 2024 – Volume 777 – 001418

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


New Zealand Defence Force—Sinking of HMNZS Manawanui

Hon CHRIS PENK (Associate Minister of Defence): I rise to make a ministerial statement regarding the all-of-Government response to HMNZS Manawanui‘s sinking off the coast of Samoa on Saturday, 5 October. I’d also like to acknowledge the brave ship’s company and passengers, who evacuated overnight in extreme conditions, and Commander Yvonne Gray, who made the right decision to evacuate the ship. We should be incredibly proud of all of our New Zealand Defence Force personnel, who are all highly skilled and serve New Zealand without hesitation.

With the passengers and crew safe, the Government’s focus shifted to mitigating any environmental impacts. I assure this House, the people of New Zealand, and those of Samoa that we will do everything that we can. The New Zealand Defence Force is leading the all-of-Government response to this incident, named Operation Resolution, which includes support from Maritime New Zealand, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Ministry of Defence, and wildlife experts from Massey University. Operation Resolution involves working with Samoan authorities to understand the implications of this incident and to evaluate salvage options. Personnel have been clearing flotsam from the beach area, and navy divers are regularly assessing the ship’s position and the status of oil tanks onboard.

I’d like to express our deepest thanks to the Samoan Government for their support and patience as we assess the impact of this incident on their exclusive economic zone, or EEZ, and to the Samoan personnel who rescued the ship’s crew and passengers on that fateful Saturday night. We are also grateful for the support provided by HMS Tamar of the Royal Navy, and other partners. The defence force is investigating options to mitigate the capability loss as a result of the HMNZS Manawanui‘s sinking. The navy still has diving and survey capabilities that operate independently of Manawanui and are, therefore, still available and deployable. Further considerations, including as part of the upcoming Defence Capability Plan, will provide options for broader and longer-term solutions.

On Thursday, 10 October, Chief of Navy Rear Admiral Garin Golding announced the details of the New Zealand Defence Force court of inquiry into the matter. This inquiry will collect and record evidence and report on the sequence of events leading up to the loss of the ship, the cause of the grounding, the subsequent sinking, and details on notification procedures, along with injuries sustained and, of course, any environmental damage. We do know that there will be many questions, but the appropriate process does need to play out through the court of inquiry, which is being conducted strictly in accordance with the Armed Forces Discipline Act. The Government recognises the high level of public interest in the matter and will continue to keep the New Zealand public informed as new information comes to light, subject to privacy, national security, and commercial sensitivity concerns.

It is important that we do not rush to speculate on what happened and also to allow the court of inquiry process to play out. While we do not yet know what caused this terrible incident, I do wish to echo the sentiments of the Minister of Defence, the Hon Judith Collins, that we do know that the ship’s captain’s gender had no role to play in the incident. Our personnel are highly skilled, and it is a testament to their courage, comradeship, and commitment that the evacuation of HMNZS Manawanui was carried out safely—that is, with no loss of life. The Government will continue to do everything that we can to continue to mitigate the impact of this incident on Samoa and the wider Pacific.

Parliament Hansard Report – Karakia/Prayers – 001417

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


The Speaker took the Chair at 2 p.m.


SPEAKER: Almighty God, we give thanks for the blessings which have been bestowed on us. Laying aside all personal interests, we acknowledge the King and pray for guidance in our deliberations that we may conduct the affairs of this House with wisdom, justice, mercy, and humility for the welfare and peace of New Zealand. Amen.