United Nations review an opportunity to improve the rights of disabled people

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: United Nations review an opportunity to improve the rights of disabled people

Minister for Disability Issues Carmel Sepuloni welcomes a UN announcement that begins the planned review of New Zealand’s implementation of the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
“The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has today publicly released a ‘List of Issues’ it wants the government to report on,” Carmel Sepuloni said. “I’m looking forward to receiving external feedback on the progress New Zealand has made to date on improving the rights of disabled people.
“The UN review also provides a valuable opportunity to make international comparisons and to seek feedback from our disability community.
“This is New Zealand’s second review since ratifying the Convention in 2008. It’s a robust, nearly two year-long process that starts with this ‘list of issues’ from the UN and ends with its ‘Concluding Observations’, which are their recommendations for further improvement.
“New Zealand was instrumental in the development of the Convention, and a New Zealander is the first person with a learning disability to sit on a UN Committee.
“Since becoming Minister I’ve met with many groups within the disability sector including the Independent Monitoring Mechanism (IMM) – the Human Rights Commission, the Office of the Ombudsman and Disabled People’s Organisations – to listen and understand the issues that face disabled New Zealanders.
“The ‘list of issues’ for this review is the combined result of the issues raised in our last review and the IMM’s report, and any additional topics of interest from the UN Committee.
“There are 100 issues on the list which relate to each of the Convention articles. These include questions about education, health, employment, accessibility, seclusion, restraint and data.
 “The issues are far ranging, affecting all areas of disabled people’s lives. I encourage any organisation, group, or individual, to provide feedback during the consultation process as it is those with lived experience and working close to the issues whose opinions we want to hear from most,” Carmel Sepuloni said.

Minister congratulates bronze winning Para athlete Adam Hall

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Minister congratulates bronze winning Para athlete Adam Hall

Minister for Disability Issues Carmel Sepuloni congratulates Kiwi Paralympic alpine skier Adam Hall who has won New Zealand’s second Bronze medal at the 2018 Paralympic Winter Games in PyeongChang.
“My warmest congratulations goes out to Adam for his outstanding achievement in PyeongChang,” said Carmel Sepuloni.
“Maintaining a place at the top of his sport for more than a decade is an impressive display of both talent and determination. 
“A great presence in the international para alpine skiing scene, and now representing us at his fourth Paralympics, Adam continues to prove he’s a force to be reckoned with.
“Like many New Zealander’s across the country I’m excited at our progress, and proud of our Kiwi team’s efforts.
“There is a huge amount of work that goes into making sure we’re represented at the Paralympics, and everyone involved should be very proud.
“I look forward to meeting our Para athletes to offer my congratulations in person, and thank them for their efforts, when we officially welcome them home later this month,” Carmel Sepuloni said.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo to visit

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Indonesian President Joko Widodo to visit

Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo will visit New Zealand from 18 to 19 March, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced today.
“This year marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between New Zealand and Indonesia. President Widodo’s visit is the centre-piece of a year-long series of engagements to celebrate this significant milestone and strengthen the relationship,” Jacinda Ardern said.
Indonesia has the world’s fourth largest population and is the world’s third largest democracy. It is the largest economy in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). It is a major market for New Zealand meat, dairy and agriculture exports, with total two-way goods trade of NZ$1.76 billion in 2017.
President Widodo will be visiting New Zealand for the first time and will be accompanied by his wife, Ministers and a business delegation.
“President Widodo’s visit is an opportunity to increase trade between New Zealand and Indonesia as well as discuss how we can tackle issues of common interest in the Asia-Pacific region,” Jacinda Ardern said.
Prime Minister Ardern first met President Widodo at the East Asia Summit in November 2017.

Renewed Partnership with Ngāi Tahu to Grow Future Tribal Leaders

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Renewed Partnership with Ngāi Tahu to Grow Future Tribal Leaders

A partnership between the Ministry of Youth Development (MYD) and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu designed to support rangatahi located in the Ngāi Tahu takiwā will continue over the next 18 months, Minister for Youth Peeni Henare announced today.
“I am pleased to commit to this renewed partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu which will see the creation of rangatahi-led leadership, mentoring and volunteering initiatives which utilise a Ngāi Tahu kaupapa-based approach,” Peeni Henare said.
Funding is made through MYD’s Partnership Fund and the Ngāi Tahu Funds, it builds on the 2017 collaboration between MYD and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu which saw 250 rangatahi take part in activities such as taiaha wananga, coding workshops, and outdoor pursuits. 
Lisa Tumahai, Kaiwhakahaere, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, says this programme will help grow opportunities for Ngāi Tahu rangatahi. 
“We will invest in programmes that will help us create tribal leaders of the future. This investment will focus on growing cultural, entrepreneurial, and leadership capacity in our rangatahi,” Lisa Tumahai said. 
“As we move forward, we hope to build on the success of this collaborative funding approach and increase government partnerships. 
Some of the rangatahi targeted by the partnership face challenges when accessing development opportunities, whether this is due to a lack of financial or social resources, or because they are living in a rural or isolated location.
“Part of this renewed funding will establish a contestable fund for Māori organisations who will deliver initiatives to rangatahi and taiohi from both Ngāi Tahu and other iwi who are living within the Ngāi Tahu takiwā. The other portion will be targeted towards continued support for successful initiatives that were delivered through the initial partnership,” Peeni Henare said.
Up to 250 young people will take part in opportunities with both partners investing $100,000 each to enable this.
“A key aspect of MYD’s direction is to support partnerships with business, philanthropic sectors, iwi, and other funders, to collectively engage with and make investment decisions to support an increase in youth development opportunities. This partnership fits well with our goal of effective collaboration and provides an opportunity to inspire and grow the leaders of tomorrow,” Peeni Henare said.

Contact: Patisepa Helu 021 821 562

Downstream Energy sector speech on low emissions economy

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Downstream Energy sector speech on low emissions economy

DOWNSTREAM – 14 March Sky City Convention Centre Akld
Kia ora koutou, ata marie
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou
Well, good morning! And thank you for the rare opportunity to perform a double-act with Dr Megan Woods, my colleague, the Minister of Energy and Resources.
Those of you who I have met over the years may have heard me say before that my first professional job was at a wee outfit called the Electricity Corporation of New Zealand, back when there was such a thing.
When I was there we erected New Zealand’s first every wind turbine on Brooklyn Hill in Wellington.
At the time, a number of Wellingtonians objected. But eventually, amid public polarisation and debate, it got built.
Fast forward twenty-mumble years, when the turbine was completely worn out, 85% of Wellingtonians said they wanted it replaced.
No one was going to take away ‘our’ wind turbine. It had become a part of the city, and a part of the skyline.
And now we have a new one, which cost half as much money to build and yet generates four times as much electricity as the original.
A lot has changed in the last few decades.
But I want to talk today about the changes coming in the next few decades.
The Prime Minister has now famously referred to climate change as the nuclear free moment of our generation.
And I am the lucky chappie tasked – along with Dr Woods and others – with laying out the architecture of how we become a net-zero emissions economy by the year 2050.
A thirty-year economic transformation and, I believe, the greatest economic opportunity in at least a generation.
Every country on Earth is obliged, under the Paris Agreement, to reach net zero emissions in the second half of this century.
And according to the work undertaken by Vivid Economics for the cross-parliamentary climate change group GLOBE NZ, we are able to do this by 2050.
Our view is that, because we can, we should.
As a comparatively wealthy OECD country we have the opportunity to lead the world in the fight against catastrophic climate change – and that leadership position is what creates economic opportunity for New Zealand.
Your sector is at the heart of that.
We are incredibly lucky to already be at around 80-85 percent renewable electricity generation.
We are blessed with abundant renewable and clean energy resources in New Zealand.
Although, as you know, when we include transport and industrial process heat in the energy landscape, it’s quite a different picture.
Minister Woods, and our colleague Julie Anne Genter, the Associate Transport Minister, are putting a lot of effort into shifting the dial in those areas in particular, where some of the greatest transformations will happen to meet our 2050 goal.
Those areas, and of course other sectors of our economy, like agriculture.
We’re all in this together and every sector needs to play its part in this transformation.
It’s a transformation that will turn New Zealand into a nation which utilises and manages its resources sustainably, cost effectively, and responsibly to meet our obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
It’s a transformation that aims to ensure we continue to enjoy that world class quality of life well into the next Century and beyond, and to share that with more New Zealanders.

Thirty-odd years ago another government put in place the architecture for an economic transformation.
Some of what they did was necessary, some of it visionary and progressive, but some of it left communities reeling.
As a country, we’re still dealing with the consequences today.
So we want to make sure that the coming transition is just and that it is effective.
We do not want the kind of economic transformation that our country saw in the 80s and 90s, which left communities and families in shock and did not support them to adjust.
But at the same time, it needs to be effective, because a just transition cannot be an excuse to slow down or dilute the changes that are coming.
Done properly, a well-managed shift to clean, renewable energy will ensure that sector can be profitable, can be prosperous, can be sustainable and can be resilient through the back half of the 21st Century and beyond.
Our goal is to build up the energy sector, to future-proof it – along with the other important sectors in our economy.
The legislative centre-piece of this thirty year transition is the Zero Carbon Act, which I’ll be introducing into Parliament in September or October this year.
The Zero Carbon Act does two things, primarily. It’ll put into law the goal of becoming a net-zero emissions economy and it’ll establish a politically independent Climate Commission to guide us down the pathway to get there.
The purpose of the Zero Carbon Act is to provide the long-term predictability and stable policy environment that industry needs in order to be able to make the kind of significant investment decisions that, so far, are being withheld because of the lack of such a clear operating environment.
At the moment, we’re gathering the evidence base from the Productivity Commission, the Biological Emissions Working Group, and the second report of the Climate Change Adaptation Technical Working Group.
We’re also conducting new economic modelling about the costs and benefits to the economy of the transition.
Then in June of this year we’ll be asking for your input into the design of the Bill.
For example, what exactly do we mean when we say a net-zero emissions economy? And what will be the precise powers and functions of the Climate Commission?
The Zero Carbon Act should pass in mid-2019, setting our long term emissions target in law and establishing an independent Climate Commission to drive the transition to net zero emissions.
In parallel to all of that, we are also already working on the next stage of the Emissions Trading Scheme review.
This will put some meat on the bones of the in-principle decisions the previous Government made around things like the current $25 fixed price option, and aligning ETS unit supply with our emissions reduction targets.
Basically, what do we need to do to make the ETS do what it’s supposed to do, which is reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

Now, in parallel to these two big legislative reforms, we also want to make some progress in some key areas of the economy.
And because we don’t want to wait until the middle of 2019 to get stuck in them, we’re also going to set up an Interim Climate Committee, to start to look at those issues.
That Interim Committee won’t have decision-making power, but it will get started on two pressing questions.
Firstly, whether or not agriculture should be included in an Emissions Trading Scheme and, if it is, how should it be included?
If it isn’t, what is a better way to reduce net agricultural emissions?
And what effect does it have on our economy overall if we keep some sectors excluded from paying for their climate pollution?
Secondly, how we can achieve 100% renewable electricity.
Yes, I know, some people in this room are sceptical.
And I know why. When we start talking about those last vital percentage gains to get to 100 per cent total renewables we are talking about potentially significant cost challenges.
And we need to be as mindful of affordability and security of supply as we are about the need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.
If it was easy or simple, we’d have done it already. But I want you to know that this government is committed and that we want to know from you what you think it’ll take to get there.
Yes, we will need to settle on decisions and solutions… but those decisions and solutions need to be based on sound evidence, consultation and discussion – like the discussion that’s no doubt going to take place here.
These kinds of discussions will help inform the decision-making by the Interim Climate Change Committee, which will then pass on its advice to the Climate Change Commission.
I know the energy sector needs long-term stability and certainty to make investments in the types of technology and infrastructure that will lay the tracks to our 100% renewable goal.
The whole point of the Zero Carbon Act is to provide the kind of stability and certainty you’ll need.
Because leaders in the electricity sector are already certain change is going to change the way people access, use and pay for their power.
A couple of weeks ago there was an interesting podcast from Radio New Zealand that featured Dr Keith Turner, the former head of Meridian Energy, and Neil Barclay, the current Meridian boss.
They were asked to look into the future and say what they thought New Zealand’s electricity system would look like 10 or 15 years from now.
Dr Turner’s vision was more smart applications, smart data use and a lot of new technologies; principally around batteries and solar power.
Neil Barclay shared that vision but also sees an electricity sector in New Zealand that will be far more efficient. And, in his words, there will certainly be more renewables.
I couldn’t agree more with both of them.
New Zealand’s electricity industry is fundamental to our wealth AND our welfare.
Reliability, affordability, and security of supply are paramount to households and businesses alike.
What also now needs to be at the forefront of thinking, both in New Zealand’s energy sector and from us in government, is how those demands of reliability, affordability, and security of supply can be delivered in a low emissions, sustainable way.
I know that you in the energy sector have already been thinking about that for some time.
I’m here to give you my commitment – as Minister for Climate Change – to work hard with my colleagues in government, like Dr Megan Woods, to ensure we politicians apply a new focus to our thinking on those challenges too.
It needs to start now.
Every dollar invested today in fossil fuels is a dollar that is not invested in wind, solar, or geothermal.
Every dollar spent building a new power plant is a dollar not spent retrofitting old buildings to make them more efficient.
Every dollar spent extracting oil and gas is a dollar not spent building fast charging infrastructure for electric cars.
We are living in a carbon constrained world.
We simply cannot allow our emissions to keep rising.
The time for investment in last century’s fuels is over.
Our goal of 100% renewable electricity is a bit like that first Wellington wind turbine.
To begin with, some people oppose it.
They say it’s unnecessary, it’s unproven, it’s expensive.
But like the tourists who flock to the top of Brooklyn Hill to see it every day, the rest of the world will look to us when we do achieve the goal of 100% renewables, or even, frankly, when we get really close.
And when we achieve that goal, I bet no one will look back.
No reira, tena koutou katoa

New Zealand rural women represented on the global stage

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: New Zealand rural women represented on the global stage

Opportunities and challenges for rural women was the key theme of New Zealand’s National Statement at the Sixty-Second Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 62) delivered today in New York.
The National Statement was delivered by Minister for Women Hon Julie Anne Genter.
“New Zealand rural women’s continued resilience and innovative spirit were represented on the world stage today,” Ms Genter said.
“The Provincial Growth Fund will ensure more money is invested in our regions, and this will benefit our rural women.
“New Zealand recognises that women are disproportionately affected by climate change in weather dependent rural economies.
“New Zealand supports the Gender Action Plan, recently adopted by the United Nations, which seeks to promote gender-responsive climate policy.
“Reproductive and sexual health services and rights continue to be of particular importance in New Zealand, and around the world. 
“We were able to shine a light on rural New Zealand women who throughout history have been the backbone of rural New Zealand communities.
“We are pleased their leadership is increasingly being recognised. An example of this recognition is the appointment of Katie Milne as Federated Farmers president, making her the first woman president in its 118 year history”, said Ms Genter.
The Commission on the Status of Women is the main global policy-making body dedicated to gender equality and the advancement of women. Every year, representatives of UN Member States meet in New York to evaluate progress on gender equality, identify challenges, set global standards, and formulate policies to promote gender equality and the advancement of women worldwide.

NZ acknowledges Tillerson contribution

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: NZ acknowledges Tillerson contribution

Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters says he wishes to acknowledge the contribution former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has made for the working relationship with New Zealand, and wish him and Mrs Tillerson well for the future.
“Speaking of the future, we look forward to building a similar productive working relationship with the President’s nominee for Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, following Senate confirmation processes.”

NZ joins condemnation of nerve agent attack

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: NZ joins condemnation of nerve agent attack

NZ joins condemnation of nerve agent attack
Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters says the New Zealand Government has grave concerns over the use of a chemical nerve agent in the United Kingdom resulting in critically serious injuries to some of those exposed. 
“We share and support the concerns expressed by other nations about such use of chemical weapons. The use of chemical weapons as a tool of war, or for murder or assassination is totally repugnant, and this incident is an affront to global rules and norms. As New Zealand has stated on many occasions, we are deeply disturbed at any use of chemical substances banned by the Chemical Weapons Convention,” he said. 
“The New Zealand Government will express its views at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Executive Council meeting taking place this week in The Hague. We expect that any other OPCW member with information about this incident would support a full and thorough investigation so that the perpetrators are held to account.
“How this military grade nerve agent was transported from Russia and released abroad is the key issue here, and warrants urgent international investigation,” said Mr Peters.

Consumer finance review highlights lending issues and debt collection practices

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Consumer finance review highlights lending issues and debt collection practices

Stakeholder feedback has confirmed that predatory practices, irresponsible lending and unacceptable debt collection practices are still impacting on vulnerable New Zealanders.
 Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Kris Faafoi said research, undertaken by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, confirmed his fears.
 “While many lenders have improved disclosure and the information provided on their web sites, consumer advocates are expressing strong concerns about the high cost of credit, and inadequate assessments of the affordability of loans.
 “People are being provided loans they are not going to be able to pay back, and are drawn into situations where the cost of the resulting debts is many times the original due to interest rates and penalty charges.
 “Clearly the reforms of the CCCFA in 2015 didn’t go far enough and we need to act to protect people from the appalling burden these debts can create.”
 The research is part of a review of consumer finance regulation and is likely to lead to new legislation.
 “I expect to release a discussion paper on the key issues and proposed solutions around the middle of this year. This will report the findings of the review. It is likely to consult on a number of options for interest rate caps, as well as options for improving compliance with lender responsibilities.
 “The review is also looking at the debt collection methods employed by some debt collection agencies.  Unrealistic repayment schedules, debtors being harassed, false and misleading claims and punitive interest and fees applied during debt collection are some of the unacceptable practices that have been described. I am going to ensure we address the concerns that I have been hearing about lending practices that impact on vulnerable people.”
 You can find more information on the review here.

Singapore-New Zealand Inaugural Defence Ministers’ Meeting

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Singapore-New Zealand Inaugural Defence Ministers’ Meeting

Defence Ministers Ron Mark and Dr Ng Eng Hen today conducted their second annual Singapore-New Zealand Defence Ministers’ Meeting in Auckland.
This meeting reinforces Singapore and New Zealand’s mutual agreement to enhance defence ties in the face of common security challenges.  Mr Mark noted that this was also his first meeting with a South East Asian counterpart in his capacity as Minister of Defence.
Substantively, their meeting completed the review of the bilateral defence relationship framework and agreed for further cooperation between the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF), through Air Force Staff Talks, an Education and Training Working Group, and an Operational Working Group. New Zealand would continue to evaluate the proposal for Singaporean F-15 jets to train at Ohakea Air Force Base.
On behalf of Singapore, Dr Ng expressed his gratitude for SAF training opportunities in NZ and for the NZDF to train together. Mr Mark noted that Singapore is New Zealand’s closest defence partner in South East Asia, and the history of collaboration between the SAF and NZDF demonstrated the warmth, strength and maturity of the relationship.
Dr Ng and Mr Mark acknowledged the longstanding collaboration between Singapore and New Zealand on overseas peace-support missions, including in Timor-Leste, Afghanistan and most recently in Iraq as part of the Defeat-ISIS coalition.
Dr Ng and Mr Mark conducted in depth discussions on the regional security architecture and security issues. They affirmed their ongoing commitment to the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus framework and Five Power Defence Arrangements. Dr Ng expressed support for New Zealand’s co-chairmanship of the ADMM-Plus Experts’ Working Group on Cybersecurity with the Philippines.
Mr Mark expressed New Zealand’s support for Singapore’s chairmanship of ASEAN in 2018, and was looking forward to attending the Shangri-La Dialogue in June.