Early Learning Strategic Plan terms of reference announced

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Early Learning Strategic Plan terms of reference announced

Education Minister Chris Hipkins today released the terms of reference for the Early Learning Strategic Plan, which aims to give all children genuine opportunities for high quality early learning.
“Quality early learning provides children with a strong foundation for their future learning that can influence the rest of their lives.  It’s also hugely important to working parents, Chris Hipkins says.
“There is a strong case for having a strategic plan to set out a systematic and stepped approach to continuing to develop and strengthen the early learning sector, to meet the needs of children and their families and whānau.
“To inform the development of the 10 Year Strategic Plan, I have established an independent Ministerial Advisory Group (MAG), with five members from diverse backgrounds and with relevant expertise, and a Reference Group made up of sector representatives and academic experts.
“The two groups will develop the strategic plan alongside the Ministry of Education and public consultation on the draft strategy is expected to begin in September 2018. Key themes will be raising quality, improving equity and the role of choice.
“The development process will take into account the Government’s stated objectives for early learning, including revisiting decisions by the previous Government that have undermined the shift towards a more qualified workforce. Over time, this Government’s aim is to achieve 100% qualified teachers in all centre-based teacher-led early learning services and to improve group size and teacher: child ratios for infants and toddlers.
“I’m also releasing the terms of reference for the Government’s review of home-based ECE. This review will take place alongside the development of the Early Learning Strategic Plan, with both being closely aligned.
“Home-based ECE is the most rapidly growing ECE service type. The number of home-based providers has grown by 158% since the early 2000s. We know benefits of early childhood education are conditional on quality. That’s why the review will make sure the right policy settings are in place to support high-quality ECE for all children at home-based services,” Chris Hipkins says.
The Ministry of Education will develop a discussion document on home-based ECE, with public consultation expected to start in July 2018. 
The Early Learning Strategic Plan Terms of Reference can be found here and Review of Home-based Care Terms of Reference can be found here.
Contact: Ranjani Ponnuchetty 027 575 0542 ranjani.ponnuchetty@parliament.govt.nz
Ministerial Advisory Group members

Professor Carmen Dalli (Chair)
School of Education,
Victoria University of Wellington

Carmen has a BA (Hons) from the University of Malta, a MEd from the University of Bristol and a PhD from Victoria University of Wellington. Carmen is Honorary Consul for Malta in Wellington.
Her research spans early childhood policy studies, professionalism in the early years, and under-three year olds in early childhood settings. She has a strong interest in children’s transitions from home to their first early childhood setting and the nature of learning in the first years.
Carmen was recently the principal investigator for the Quality early childhood education for under-two-year-olds report produced for the Minister of Education. Her research in early learning policy and practice has been widely published in New Zealand and internationally.

Professor Meihana Durie
Māori Studies unit, Te Pūtahi-ā-Toi (School of Māori Art, Knowledge and Education), Massey University.

Meihana is the head of Massey University’s Māori Studies unit. He is a current recipient of the Health Research Council of New Zealand Hohua Tutengaehe Postdoctoral Fellowship and received the Sir Peter Snell Doctoral Scholarship in Public Health and Exercise Science in 2008.
He helped establish Ngā Purapura, a development committed to the empowerment of whānau through education in health, exercise, sport and the growth and creation of new Māori bodies of knowledge.

Dr Alex Gunn
Associate Dean, Teacher Education
University of Otago

Alex has taught in urban and rural not-for-profit and community-based education and care settings for children aged between birth and school-age.
She has worked in general education, initial teacher education and post-graduate education studies at the University of Canterbury and the University of Otago.
Alex’s research interests include early childhood education, inclusive education and social justice, and educational assessment and teacher education.

Professor Stuart McNaughton
Chief Science Advisor, Ministry of Education
Professor of Education and Director of the Woolf Fisher Research Centre at the University of Auckland

Stuart research areas are literacy and language development, the design of effective education for culturally and linguistically diverse populations, and cultural processes in development. He has published extensively of these topics and was awarded the Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to education in New Zealand. 
As a Director of the Woolf Fisher Research Centre, Stuart leads a research team in studies of effective educational interventions for schooling success with a focus on Māori and Pasifika children. He is a member of the Literacy Research Panel of the International Literacy Association and in 2014 was inducted into the Reading Hall of Fame.

Dr Tanya Wendt Samu
Senior Lecturer,
Pasifika education 
University of Auckland

Tanya has over twenty years’ experience in under-graduate and graduate teaching, including course development and coordination.
Tanya has experience in the tertiary sector focused on teacher education and collaborative research projects in Pasifika education – beginning with the former School of Education of the University of Auckland (1996-2000; 2002-2003), and then with the former Auckland College of Education (2004).
Tanya has contributed to international curriculum development and teacher capacity building education projects in Samoa, Tonga, Kyrgyzstan and Nauru.

Reference Group members
The Reference Group membership will be drawn from existing early learning representative groups: the Early Childhood Advisory Committee (ECAC) and the ECE Policy Research Forum.
The following members of the Early Childhood Advisory Committee and ECE Research Policy Forum have been invited to join the Reference Group:

Thelma Chapman

Christian Early Childhood Education Association of Aotearoa

Hellen Puhipuhi

Pasifika Advisory Group

Cathy Wilson

Montessori Aotearoa of NZ (MANZ)

Charmaine Thomson

NZEI Te Riu Roa

Sandie Burn

NZEI Te Riu Roa

Marianne Kayes

Hospital Play Specialists

Karen Affleck

The Federation of Rudolf Steiner Waldorf Schools in New Zealand

Kathy Wolfe

Te Rito Maioha Early Childhood New Zealand

Susan Bailey

Playcentre Federation of New Zealand

Kararaina Cribb

Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust

Peter Reynolds

Early Childhood Council

Karen Shields

Early Childhood Leadership Group

Susan Foster-Cohen

Early Intervention Association of  Aotearoa New Zealand (EIAANZ)

Clare Wells

NZ Kindergartens Inc

Susan Phua

New Zealand Home-based
Early Childhood Education Association

Keith Newton

Barnardos New Zealand

Raewyn Overton-Stuart

Home Early Learning Organisation (HELO)

Helen McConnell

Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu

Hikitia Ropata

Education Council

Professor Margaret Carr

University of Waikato

Professor Helen May

Victoria University of Wellington

Dr Anne Meade


Dr Linda Mitchell

University of Waikato

Dr Lesley Rameka

University of Waikato

Professor Claire McLachlan

University of Waikato



New regulations toughen up our animal welfare standards

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: New regulations toughen up our animal welfare standards

Cabinet has approved a raft of new regulations to strengthen our animal welfare system, says Associate Minister of Agriculture responsible for animal welfare Hon Meka Whaitiri.
“As the dedicated animal welfare minister in this coalition government I am proud of these regulations which will have a significant effect on the humane treatment of our animals.
“Most animal welfare offences are of a lower level of seriousness, which may not warrant a prosecution under the Animal Welfare Act. These new regulations will introduce penalties and fines to deal with this sort of animal mistreatment.
“The new regulations will mean that people who leave distressed dogs in hot cars will be liable for a $300 fine and people can now be fined where sick or injured farm animals are transported to slaughter plants.
 “These regulations were developed over three years working with industry and advocacy groups, and after formal public consultation. Over 1400 submissions were received and analysed during that process. I have to say that the majority of those submissions supported the regulations.
“These changes are part of my vision for the sector which will see better outcomes for our animals and reinforce our international reputation for a strong record on animal welfare in agriculture,“ says Meka Whaitiri.
The new regulations are available at:  http://mpi.govt.nz/law-and-policy/legal-overviews/animal-welfare/animal-welfare-regulations/

Opening address to the Massey University National Security Conference 2018

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Opening address to the Massey University National Security Conference 2018

Tēna koutou, tēna koutou, tēna koutou katoa.
Professor Rouben Azizian, Director, Centre for Defence and Security Studies – thank you for the invitation to speak.
I would like to acknowledge:
the Australian High Commissioner Mr Ewen McDonald,
the Canadian High Commissioner Mr Mario Bot,
the Chilean High Commissioner Mr Rodrigo Espinosa,
the Fijian High Commissioner Mr Filimone Waqabaca,
representatives from the Japanese, Republic of Korea and the UAE Embassies.
Although this is my first official speech as the Minister with Responsibility for the GSCB and NZSIS – this is not my first interaction with the topic.
When you’re the Leader of the Opposition you receive regular briefings on intelligence matters relating to national security because of the statutory duty on the agencies to keep that office informed. This is critical to ensure a bipartisan approach to these important matters. As a result I came to the role with a useful foundation of information and I have been quick to build on that.
That bi-partisanship illustrates the kind of country we are, New Zealand enjoys an enviable way of life and we have highly cherished values and ideals: open and democratic government; observance of the rule of law; freedom of the individual, including freedom to act collectively and freedom to dissent; freedom of information and freedom of trade across our borders. These things not only define our character as a nation; they also underpin our economic and social wellbeing.
Our connectedness to each other and the rest of the world, especially via the internet is a source of great opportunity, but it also brings threats. New Zealanders’ safety and prosperity benefit from having a strong and effective intelligence and security sector.
The role of good intelligence
The world is challenging and uncertain.
Strong, timely and robust intelligence and advice enables the Government to make informed decisions and set appropriate policy. This ensures New Zealanders are safe both here and abroad, and contributes to international relations and the economic wellbeing of the country.
New Zealand’s intelligence agencies collect, assess and report on the intelligence in accordance with priorities set by the Government and in line with New Zealand’s laws and its human rights obligations. They also provide protective services, such as cyber-security and physical and personal security advice.
To achieve these objectives, the GCSB and NZSIS must be focused on the core national interests they are there to serve, and they must be collaborative.
In this respect, the agencies have come a long way since their recent reviews.
Just a few years ago it was apparent their organisational cultures were internally focused, defensive to external bodies, including to other parts of the government, and lacking in rigour in complying with some parts of their legal framework. It did not help that the oversight and accountability architecture around them was inadequate.
Democratic government requires openness and transparency. They are values which have been instilled in me from a young age and go to the heart of public trust and confidence. It is important that the government – both the elected representatives and government departments – conduct themselves with appropriate accountability. This poses a predictable challenge for security and intelligence agencies. Much of the effectiveness of their work depends on their information, their methods and their people not being exposed. But accountability and oversight is important even in this sector.
To maintain public confidence, as much as to maintain the social licence to function, we have to strike the balance very carefully when it comes to our security and intelligence agencies.
I expect both agencies to be as transparent as they can about the nature of the threats the country faces and their role in helping to manage these threats.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the steps both agencies have taken in recent years to be more open and transparent, and I encourage them to push ahead in this respect wherever possible.
It is a positive development that the heads of our agencies regularly communicate publically about the issues facing those agencies.
But there is an obvious limit.
No one can expect our security and intelligence agencies to disclose operational details, targets of their work, methods deployed or the nature of their intelligence gathering.
We are entitled to – and should – look with great scepticism on those who make public demands for our agencies to pursue specific targets or to take particular actions against specified interests.
There is no credible public response to such calls.
What it is possible to say is that the total machinery around our services – whether Ministerial or Cabinet priority-setting, the agencies themselves and the oversight bodies, whether the Parliamentary committee or the Inspector-General – means we have services that are capable and responsive.
Our intelligence and security agencies seldom get to boast of their successes. Their failures risk being well-known.
The Intelligence and Security Act 2017
As well as being the Minister responsible for the NZSIS and the GCSB, I am also the Justice Minister. As such it would be no surprise that I have a particular focus on the law, and the way in which the law interacts with the everyday needs of New Zealand and New Zealanders.
It is an absolute bottom line that the agencies must act within the law at all times. The rule of law demands nothing less.
The NZSIS and the GCSB are now operating under a new single Act – the Intelligence and Security Act 2017. The Act provides that everything they do must be lawful, necessary, reasonable and proportionate.
Labour supported the new Act through the House as we recognised the need to ensure the agencies had a modern and appropriate legislative framework, which balances the need for operational effectiveness with improved transparency.
I am pleased that the new Act sets out the NZSIS and GCSB’s objectives and functions in a more transparent way. Importantly, the new Act also states far more clearly what the agencies can do under a warrant.
Work associated with the implementation of the Act is now largely complete.
Ministerial Policy Statements are a unique instrument under the Act – these are publicly available and add another layer of transparency designed to give the public understanding and reassurance about what the two agencies do and the standards of conduct they are expected to meet.
Oversight of the intelligence agencies
“Who watches the watchers” is an age old question which has particular relevance here.
When it comes to the NZSIS and the GCSB high public trust in the system comes from having in place the right checks and balances and oversight of the agencies. I am certain that the measures in place today are far more rigorous than they were five or ten years ago.
The main, but not the only, independent oversight body is the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, and this role has been further strengthened in the new Act. The present Inspector-General, working under the new legislation and with a better resourced office, has proven the office to be robustly independent. This is vital for public confidence.
I am pleased with the strong compliance regimes the GCSB and NZSIS have developed. A key part of this is having meaningful engagement with the Inspector-General. Examples of this in action could be her oversight of new processes the agencies have developed, or working to ensure their compliance framework is effective.
Achieving sound compliance systems and processes is critical to maintaining public trust and confidence.
I was pleased to note that the Inspector-General found both the GCSB and the NZIS have compliant systems and processes in her Annual Report.
The threats New Zealand faces
I’d like to finish by touching on the national security threatscape, focusing particularly on counter-terrorism and cyber threats. I raise these examples partly to highlight the work the NZSIS and GCSB do, but also as these are two threats that for me are front of mind.
The threat of terrorism remains a reality today. The continued instability in Syria and other parts of the Middle East is still a cause of threats worldwide, especially as radical extremist messages are easy to propagate through social media. Those messages now easily reach into otherwise benign communities like New Zealand.
We are not immune to the possibility of extremist action here.
Countering the threat of terrorism remains a significant focus for the NZSIS (with the GCSB’s assistance where required).
At any one time there are between 30 and 40 people on NZSIS’s counter-terrorism risk register. These individuals are assessed to represent a potential threat to New Zealand related to terrorism.
Internationally, the number of individuals travelling to support Daesh in the Middle East conflict zone is believed to have decreased significantly.
It is possible foreign terrorist fighters in Iraq and Syria may seek to leave, either returning to their country of origin or to other countries.
Events last year in the southern Philippines city of Marawi gave raise to concerns of Daesh strengthening its footprint in South East Asia. This is a concern that the Government is aware of and something we are keeping an eye on.
Cyber threat scape
In terms of cyber threats, the GCSB noted a 15 per cent increase in serious incidents affecting New Zealand in the year to June 2017.
Incredibly nearly a third of these had indicators of connection to foreign intelligence agencies.
New Zealand organisations were subject to both direct and indirect threats, and New Zealand infrastructure is being used as staging points by threat actors to target systems in other countries.
Motivation varies from espionage to revenue generation and seeking to secure political outcomes.
In February, the Government added New Zealand’s voice to the international condemnation of the NotPetya cyber-attack which international partners have now attributed to the Russian Government. It targeted Ukraine, but had a global impact – including affecting supply chains in New Zealand. In December New Zealand also expressed concern about international reports which link North Korea to the major WannaCry ransomware campaign.
While New Zealand was not significantly impacted by NotPetya or WannaCry, we are not immune from this type of threat, which is why New Zealand called out these instances of reckless and malicious cyber activity.
A key means through which the GCSB helps protect New Zealand organisations of national significance from these threats is the CORTEX malware detection and disruption programme.
An independent review assessed that in the 12 months to June 2017, CORTEX led to the avoidance of $40 million of harm to public and private sector organisations.
The Government is has recently considered how best to extend CORTEX services beyond the current 66 nationally significant public and private sector organisations who receive them.
I will have more to say publicly in this space in the coming weeks.
In closing, thank you for the opportunity to speak this morning.
You have a fantastic line up of speakers and I have no doubts that you will find the next two days incredibly engaging.
Kia ora.

Rollout of innovative Kauri dieback cleaning stations

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Rollout of innovative Kauri dieback cleaning stations

The roll-out of 20 innovative cleaning stations has started as part of the Department of Conservation’s efforts to reduce the spread of kauri dieback, Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage announced today.
Stations will be installed on busy and high-risk DOC managed tracks in the kauri region, including the Kauri Loop track in the Hakarimata Scenic Reserve, near Huntly – the first track to have one of the new cleaning stations installed.
Other tracks are in the Kauri Coast and Bay of Islands Districts, Whangarei, Auckland, Whitianga, Hauraki, Tauranga, and Waikato, including two tracks managed by Auckland Council and Whangarei Regional Council.
“Human traffic is the main way kauri dieback is spread, so cleaning footwear and gear and staying on the track is the best way to contain the disease and save these forest giants,” Ms Sage said.
“Research shows people are far more likely to use cleaning stations if they see others do it, and if they can see the stations are good quality and well signposted.”
DOC has trialled various cleaning methods and stations over recent years. Two years ago it piloted world-first prototype cleaning stations at four sites in Northland and the Coromandel. Extensive testing, monitoring and evaluation of the stations resulted in further improvements.
This led to the installation of a large walk-through, partly-automated cleaning station at Tāne Mahuta in Waipoua Forest last year. It is helping to ensure that every one of the almost 150,000 people who visit the site every year arrive at the tree – and depart again – with clean footwear.
“Stations are designed to be easy to install and maintain and hard to ignore.”
The cleaning stations feature a brush fixed to the base, so people can clean their shoes while holding onto a rail, rather than balancing on one foot holding a scrubbing brush. They also feature a pedal pump to spray disinfectant on to the bottom of footwear.
Information from ongoing monitoring and feedback will inform any further refinements, ahead of future roll-outs later this year.

Te Akaitiki: The Evolving Cook Islands-New Zealand Relationship

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Te Akaitiki: The Evolving Cook Islands-New Zealand Relationship

Introductory remarks at the address by Prime Minister Puna
New Zealand Institute of International Affairs
Legislative Council Chambers, Parliament
Te Akaitiki: The Evolving Cook Islands-New Zealand Relationship
Last week, it was a pleasure to introduce the Papua New Guinea Foreign Minister Rimbink Pato.  Today, from the other side of the Pacific, it’s a delight to introduce the Prime Minister of the Cook Islands. 
The difference between those two countries in size, resources and historical relationship with New Zealand highlights the complexity of the challenge for how New Zealand engages in the Pacific.  
It’s that diversity, and the need to really understand the individual differences of each Pacific island country, which underpin our Pacific Reset.
You have heard our outline of the five principles New Zealand will follow to chart its regional diplomacy.
They are:
exhibiting friendship, including honesty, empathy, trust and respect;
demonstrating a depth of understanding of the Pacific, drawing on the expertise in both the region and New Zealand
striving for solutions of mutual benefit
pursuing collective ambition with Pacific partners and external actors
and seeking sustainability by focusing on the region’s long-term goals
With the Cook Islands, we have a unique connection which takes us beyond a simple country-to-country relationship. 
It goes beyond its formal status of self-governing in free association with New Zealand since 1965.
It goes beyond its status of a becoming a dependent territory of New Zealand in 1901.  It’s inspiring to remember that even in those days, such was the relationship with New Zealand, some five hundred Cook Islanders joined the New Zealand armed forces in World War One.
Before that, going back centuries to the great ocean voyages of discovery and settlement in New Zealand, we have the close links between language and cultures of both the Cook Islands and New Zealand Maori.
The fact that Cook Islanders are also New Zealand citizens underlines the special and unique nature of the relationship.
It has been a successful relationship. 
Over many years, New Zealand has actively supported the aspirations of the Cook Islands to have a voice in international processes and to provide its people with sustainable economic development. 
The Cook Islands now has diplomatic relations with well over forty countries.
Of special note, tourism, barely noticeable in 1965, now provides around 60% of GDP.
Such is the country’s economic performance, the Cook Islands is expected next year to graduate into the OECD High Income category.
Prime Minister, we have always been most welcome in your country during visits there.  Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her team were very warmly received during our visit last month. 
To mark our special relationship with the Cook Islands we announced changes to the pension portability arrangements which has been an outstanding issue between our two countries.
Under the change a person resident in the Cook Islands for five years after fifty years old will be recognised as if they were living in New Zealand.
This removes an unhelpful anomaly that incentivised Cook Islanders to return to New Zealand after the age of fifty.
This is a special opportunity, Prime Minister, to welcome you to New Zealand.  On Friday, we meet formally for the Joint Ministerial Forum at Waitangi, when we will discuss in depth a number of bilateral and regional issues.  
We will discuss them as equal partners, reflecting the maturity of the relationship.  
It is a relationship which has come a long way but continues to develop.
It is Te Akaitiki: the evolving Cook Islands-New Zealand relationship.

Speech to the Articial Intelligence Forum 2018

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Speech to the Articial Intelligence Forum 2018

Good morning everyone, and thank you to the organisers -New Zealand AI and the AI Forum of New Zealand – for their invitation to come along today to give the opening address.
For many of us today this is the first step – or maybe a second or third – in a journey to understand more about this powerful technology and its likely impacts on society, the economy and government.
Events like this are an essential part of the process; we all need to be in the conversation to understand more about the opportunities but to also understand the risks and challenges. 
Introduction to portfolios
I’m very privileged to have three Ministerial portfolios that all relate to New Zealand becoming a leading digital nation. 
Government Digital Services, which is a brand new portfolio;
Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media; and
Open Government, which I am responsible for in my role as Associate Minister for State Services.

These three portfolios link up in a way never seen before in New Zealand, perhaps anywhere.
They are interconnected and allow me to work across a range of issues and opportunities.
Ultimately, together they will significantly strengthen our democracy, renew our economy and ensure that New Zealanders thrive in an increasingly digital world.
The Convergence of Disruptive Technologies
Today’s world is one that is being shaped by technological advancements.
They are disruptive, transformative and interconnected.
It is this interconnection or convergence that is fuelling far greater change, at a pace that has not occurred before.
AI will further accelerate this change, acting as a catalyst for this new world order, amplifying other disruptive technologies such as 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, and robotics.
It is this convergence that is driving the emergence of the digital economy, not only allowing for the development of new business models but also increasing the speed of digital innovation.
International research and evaluation indicates countries as well as companies that are quick to embrace the potential of emerging digital technologies such as AI stand to gain the most from significant productivity gains.
New economic growth will come to those that embrace this technology, not those that resist or delay adopting it.
No one can accurately predict the future. Would any of us have imagined when the first mobile phone came onto the market that it would evolve into a supercomputer that you carry in your pocket?
And some bold predictions that got made:
In 1977, Ken Olsen, founder of Digital Equipment Corporation, predicted “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.”
Microsoft’s Bill Gates predicted in 2004 that “Two years from now, spam will be solved.”
Well I think we’re still waiting for that one.
The prediction of a future where robots dominate society is best consigned to the realms of Science Fiction.
However, experts do believe that AI will fundamentally change the way people will work and live in the next ten to twenty years.
Exactly how we plan for and manage this change needs to begin now so that we can embrace the opportunities, in a way that also minimises the risks and challenges.
Government has levers and that is the thinking that needs to be done.  Some of it is being done, not enough of it is being done.
We need to accelerate that – as to what those levers are and how they can ultimately be used to the benefit of our economy but also to protect our citizens, our businesses in ways that we perhaps haven’t thought of.
AI and the future of New Zealand
The government is committed to creating a fair and equitable digital economy where we all benefit from the opportunities that adoption of new technologies promise.
Our two biggest priorities right now, coming in as a new government, in this space are digital inclusion – where everyone can connect and participate.  And kick starting our digital economy.
Obviously AI has a huge part to play in that and it’s what and how we can work together that are the questions now.
Having the right skills and the ability to upskill or retrain when needed is an important driver of a more inclusive society.
There’s no doubt that the digital economy will create new jobs that will require new skills. Indeed, many existing jobs will also require new skills. That’s what always happens in the face of technological change.
One of the biggest challenges we have in our country right now is our education system coming up to speed with the new skills that are needed and to make sure we have teachers who can teach those skills. Right now we don’t have enough.  
For the majority of employees it is likely that AI technologies will enhance and enable the tasks required in their roles.
However, it is also likely that increased automation will render some roles obsolete.
This is where we need to concentrate our efforts to ensure that retraining and re-skilling come into play, as well as educating future generations to ensure they have the skills to succeed.
The government working in concert with New Zealand businesses and the wider community will ensure we are developing a culture of life-long learning, building a workforce that is adaptable and agile in the face of rapid change.
It is all about how we prepare today’s workforce for tomorrow’s jobs.
Now these aren’t just words.  Before the Labour party became the leaders in this government, we did a piece of work, a two year piece of work called the Future of Work Commission.
Twelve opposition MPs worked together to plot what the effect of digital disruption would be on our society and what the policy thinking was that we needed to do around that.
Whether it’s in education; whether it’s in our economic development opportunities; whether it’s the impact on Pacific and Maori populations; whether it’s how we look at security of work when people are displaced out of employment; where does government fit in?
So a lot of that thinking has been done.  It’s out of date now, that report was released at the beginning of last year – but it shows joined up thinking can happen and is happening in this government.
New Zealand is already internationally regarded as an innovative country doing some great research and development with AI.
Across all our Universities we have varied research being undertaken on AI.
One example being the ground breaking work of AUT’s NeuCube a world-first development environment and a computational architecture for the creation of Brain-Like Artificial Intelligence.
We also have the internationally leading work of Dr Mark Sagar, CEO and co-founder of Soul Machines, with Baby X- a virtual animated baby that learns and reacts like a human baby. It uses a computer’s cameras for “seeing” and microphones to “listen” as the inputs.
Waikato University, its machine learning group is doing a lot of work on deep learning for agritec in soil analysis and grape yield.
New Zealand companies like IMAGR are embracing the opportunities around AI that are allowing them to enter new overseas markets through their innovative work on AI in retail.
FaceMe, in 2017 won the Virgin Business Challenge, voted The Most Likely NZ Start-up to Succeed Internationally. This gave FaceMe access to mentoring from Richard Branson helping build the foundation for them to further develop internationally.
MedicMind, has created a world-first AI medical platform for medical researchers and clinicians, that will eventually use AI to auto-diagnose a large range of diseases based on a single photograph.
Recently, Vodafone NZ has announced it is looking to enhance our start-ups in IoT and AI through its accelerator program, Vodafone xone.
AI in government
In the recently published Oxford Insights Government AI Readiness rankings, New Zealand was ranked at number nine in preparedness for implementing AI in public service delivery.
This publication comprises nine metrics, ranging from digital skills and government innovation to existing data capabilities.
I am aware of several examples where Government agencies are already utilising AI technologies.
In this context, officials are carefully thinking about the potential risks of unintended consequences (including unconscious bias in how the algorithms are developed) as a result of the unethical application of AI technologies. This is a really critical thing.
For example, the New Zealand Customs Service is investigating the use of AI techniques not to make decisions, but to help develop a justifiable rule-set that officials can then use in their own decision-making.
This illustrates how AI technologies are being utilised by Government to support and improve human decision-making and service delivery, supported by a culture that gives careful considerations – but I contend not enough yet –  to the ethics of using AI.
AI also has the potential to improve Government Digital Services, by automating repetitive tasks, thereby freeing up our staff to deliver higher value services.
We envisage that this will see ‘human-machine pairing’ in the future, where the human capability is augmented and enhanced by AI.
The Ministry of Primary Industries’ (MPI) world-first trial of a digital biosecurity officer named Vai is the first ever Digital Employee to be deployed at an airport.
During peak times, Vai will take some of the load off MPI officers by answering simple biosecurity questions from the public freeing up officers’ time so they can deal with the really important aspects of their roles.
What a great example of AI being adapted and applied to challenges that are uniquely distinctive to us.
The Service Innovation Lab in the Department of Internal Affairs is developing principles on how AI can be applied to active government as a platform.
In the Ministry of Social development – giving human rights and an ethics framework to ensure every priority is given to data within the Ministry required to go through a formal assessment.
MBIE – they’re working on a project to work out what sort of jobs and how many will be in the future and what are the policy implications.
The Chief Science Officer is working with the OECD to frame up indictors of wellbeing and digital privacy and what are the importance of predictive algorithms.
And the Privacy Commissioner is investigating privacy issues arising from algorithms.
We also know the Department of Corrections, ACC, Oranga Tamariki, Inland Revenue, NZTA, the social investment agency – they’re all working on algorithmic work in some way or another.
My fear is that this is all a bit disconnected. That there is no centralised co-ordination around this.  There is no centralised way of looking yet at how we can do this in the best possible way, where data governance is really important.  That’s something that I will be looking at in the future.
A couple of things I want to touch on that the government has started a piece of work on. We’re part of a group of countries called the Digital 7 countries.
We recently hosted them in New Zealand and New Zealand is now leading a piece of work to progress the opportunities that AI promises but also to understand the risks.
This is a piece of work on digital rights – it’s very much looking at human rights in a digital context.
What sort of rights? The rights to line of sight; rights to where your data is being used; how it’s being used; what privacy rights are; the right to an explanation and possibly the right to appeal if you are not happy with how your data is being used.
It’s urgent that we are doing a piece of work on this.  The United Kingdom is has established the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation – an advisory body to ensure data driven technologies like AI are used safely and ethically.
And the Canadian government has also begun the first round of consultation around the responsible use of AI in government.
Those developments are going to help inform New Zealand’s thinking.
So what is this government doing to try to work more closely with you out there in the community?
Working with the community & the establishment of the DEDIMAG and the CTO
A few weeks ago I was pleased to announce the working group on Digital Economy and Digital Inclusion.
This group has been set up to canvass a wide range of opinions and insights about how we as a nation will evolve into an equitable and inclusive digital nation.
The group brings together innovators and leading thinkers from urban and rural New Zealand, NGOs, Māoridom, industry, and community groups.
The first eight members have been appointed, they’ve had one meeting. The Group will expand to 14 members, with Frances Valintine serving as Chair.
Membership of the group will change over time, and additional subject-matter experts may be called upon to advise the Group as its work develops.
Members will be reaching back into their communities for broader input and innovation rather than a more traditional monthly attendance at a meeting.
The group will be one that is highly collaborative who see their own stakeholders, colleagues, communities and the public, as virtual members of the Group.
I see this group as a vehicle to help explore and to widen the discussion around some of the social license and ethical use of AI questions that are arising.
It will also assist me with appointing a Chief Technology Officer – a vital role to ensure we can use and develop digital technologies for the benefit of all New Zealanders.
Research into AI in New Zealand
As New Zealand prepares to understand more about AI and its effects it is essential that we all understand the opportunities this technology will bring, but to also understand the risks associated with it.
In order to do this, government has supported the AI Forum to commission a piece of research looking at AI and its potential impact in New Zealand.
This analysis will be published in May of this year and will further facilitate an open discussion from an informed base.  
And you will see this government doing its best to try and work differently. What will that look like? A more joined up approach, across government agencies and between government and the community.
And there’ll be a new approach to risk.  We have to, we have to start taking a new approach to risk. It’s not easy within the way that our adversarial system but we have to take a new approach to risk, we have to practice what we are starting to preach.
Putting wellbeing at the core of how we measure success – economic and social success – in our country.  So look out for that being discussed this year and being implemented in our budget next year.
Government knows we have to invest in life-long learning. It’s essential to keep the cohesiveness of our society together with disruption that technology is bringing. Active and agile government and a new social partnership between government and the community.
So as you embark on your journey to discover more about this technology, I would also urge you to think more broadly about how we as Kiwi’s can adapt and innovate with this technology for our unique opportunities and challenges.
And I urge you to give your messages to the government about how we can do this better.
And that we all begin this journey together in an inclusive and equitable way – “Kia mahitahi tātau i runga i te tika me te pono”.

Tabuteau supports wood processing potential in Tairāwhiti/East Coast

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Tabuteau supports wood processing potential in Tairāwhiti/East Coast

Under-Secretary for Regional Economic Development Fletcher Tabuteau spoke at a Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association (WPMA) public meeting in Gisborne today to discuss the benefits of growing the wood processing sector in the region. 
“With the launch of the Provincial Growth Fund and its focus on the forestry sector, there is exciting potential for innovation and growth in what is an incredibly important industry across Tairāwhiti/East Coast,” Mr Tabuteau says.
“The region’s goals for a strong forestry sector, with a focus on processing, align with the Government’s aims of lifting productivity in the provinces.”
Currently only four per cent of wood is processed locally and generates $27.8 million in regional GDP. The forestry industry has indicated this could be increased to 25 per cent which could provide an additional $120 million in regional GDP.
“As part of the One Billion Trees planting programme, it is definitely worth exploring ways of lifting the wood processing sector as a contributor to economic growth,” Mr Tabuteau said.
“I share the goals of the WPMA for a strong wood processing sector. The Government has already started with a commitment through the PGF to invest $200,000 to kick start the creation of a major wood processing ‘centre of research excellence’. We look forward to seeing the results of this preliminary work.”
While in Gisborne Mr Tabuteau also met with regional economic development agencies Activate Tairāwhiti and the Eastland Community Trust to discuss how the Government can best support them to deliver economic growth.
“I will be holding similar meetings with other agencies around the country in the coming months,” Mr Tabuteau said.
Media contact: Laree Taula, 021 992 200
E: laree.taula@parliament.govt.nz

Minister studies major sports event broadcast

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Minister studies major sports event broadcast

Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media Minister Clare Curran will travel to the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast tomorrow for a first-hand look at what it takes to broadcast a multi-media mega sports event.
“The broadcast of the Commonwealth Games is a major event for TVNZ and is the first time since 2006 that it has broadcast this major sports event,” Clare Curran said.
“To bring the event to all New Zealanders, TVNZ will screen coverage on three broadcast channels as well as an online only channel.  TVNZ OnDemand will live stream all four of TVNZ’s Commonwealth Games Channels. Visiting the broadcast centre and talking to TVNZ and other broadcasters will give a hands on insight in to how such an event is broadcast across multiple platforms.”
The visit will also provide the Minister with the opportunity to meet with TVNZ’s major production company partners.
“These partners are key players in producing New Zealand broadcast content and I’ll be able to discuss with them the issues they face over local production,” Ms Curran says.
“I am committed to locally-produced public interest broadcasting and digital media which provides choice, has universal appeal and promotes our unique culture. The Games coverage helps tell our stories and build our national identity.
The Minister will also meet representatives from Optus, which is the official support network for the Games.
“Optus is one of the largest telecommunication operators in Australia and is hosting a 5G technology showcase at the Games. It has built the fibre network around the venues providing Wi-Fi access for athletes and team officials,” Clare Curran said.
The Minister leaves tomorrow morning and returns on Friday.  During the visit she will also take in the New Zealand v Scotland hockey game and attend a dinner with leading TV production houses.

Taskforce to review ‘Tomorrow’s Schools’ appointed

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Taskforce to review ‘Tomorrow’s Schools’ appointed

The experts charged with undertaking the biggest review of the way our schools are governed, managed and administered in 30 years have been appointed.
 Education Minister Chris Hipkins says our schooling system needs to be able to respond to the education needs of the future. This Government wants a high quality public education system that brings out the very best in all New Zealanders.
 “The Tomorrow’s Schools Review Independent Taskforce will focus on the changes we need to make to governance, management and administration in education to ensure the fitness of the school system to meet the challenges we face,” Chris Hipkins says.
The Taskforce members are:
Bali Haque, ChairBarbara Ala’alatoaMere Berryman         John O’Neill Cathy Wylie
 “I announced the terms of reference for the review in March. The taskforce will look at how we can better support equity and inclusion for all children throughout their schooling, what changes are needed to support their educational success, and at the fitness of our school system to equip all our students for the modern world.
 “The Taskforce will also be supported and informed by a designated cross-sector advisory panel of about 30 members that will include representatives of teachers, principals, boards of trustees, the LGBTQIA+ community, parents of children with additional learning needs, employers and young people.
 The organisations already invited to be represented on the panel include:   
NZ Educational Institute Te Riu RoaNZ School Trustees AssociationNZ Principals’ FederationNZ Pasifika PrincipalsAssociation of Proprietors of Integrated SchoolsTe AkateaSecondary Principals Association of New Zealand (SPANZ)Ngā Kura ā IwiNZ Association of Intermediate and Middle SchoolsArea Schools Association of NZPost Primary Teachers AssociationSpecial Education Principals AssociationTe Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori
 “This is a significant review that could have implications for a wide range of New Zealand families. That is why genuine and meaningful consultation is paramount, and I expect the Taskforce will spend the next few months gaining an understanding of our current system and engaging with all stakeholders on the themes and scope outlined in the Terms of Reference.
 “The feedback from the Education Conversation launched by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern last month will play a key role in shaping the Taskforce’s advice to me.  It is one of the earliest chances for all New Zealanders to give their thoughts and experiences of the schooling system, and their advice on any improvements and changes.
 The Taskforce is due to report back to the Minister in November 2018. Its recommendations will form the basis for further public consultation in 2019.
 The review of Tomorrow’s Schools is part of the Government’s education work programme, announced in February.
 More information on the review, including the Cabinet paper is available at http://www.education.govt.nz/tsr
 Bali Haque, Chair, has provided leadership to principals and teachers as the President and Executive member of the Secondary Principals Association of New Zealand, and as an Executive member of the PPTA. He has been the Principal of four secondary schools and Deputy Chief Executive of NZQA.
 Author of Changing our Secondary Schools published in 2014, Bali critiques the education reform process in New Zealand since 1989. He also authored New Zealand Secondary Schools and your Child a Guide for Parents, published in 2017. Bali has presented extensively to school leaders and teachers on change management, strategic planning and self-review, professional development and assessment practice.
Barbara Ala’alatoa is a New Zealand Samoan, born and raised in Auckland.  Barbara was appointed as inaugural Chair of the Education Council of Aotearoa NZ in 2015. Her term expires on 1 July 2018.  Barbara is currently Principal at Sylvia Park Primary School, where she and her team have designed a unique home school partnership, Mutukaroa, which has resulted in significant shifts in student achievement and is currently being rolled out to other schools.
 Barbara has over 30 years’ experience in teaching and working across the education sector, including lecturing at Auckland College of Education and co-ordinating schooling improvement at the Ministry of Education.  In 2014, she received the Honour, Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to education. 
Professor Mere Berryman, iwi: Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Whare, is a Professor at the University of Waikato and Director of Poutama pounamu. She aims to challenge the pervasive and historical discourses that perpetuate educational disparities for Māori students and disrupt these through school leadership and reform initiatives. In her research, she combines understandings from kaupapa Māori and critical theories and has published widely in this field. In 2016, she received the New Zealand Honour, Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to education and to Māori in education.
Professor John O’Neill is Head of the Institute of Education at Massey University. For over 35 years he has been a teacher, teacher educator and educational leader in schools and universities in England and New Zealand. In 2012, he received the Teacher Education Forum of Aotearoa New Zealand career excellence award and a Massey University Research Excellence medal. He is an honorary member of the Normal and Model School Principals’ Association and an honorary life member of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education.
Dr Cathy Wylie is a Chief Researcher at New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER). Her main research expertise is education policy and how it impacts on learning, teaching, school leadership and more equal learning opportunities. Cathy’s 2012 book, Vital Connections, makes a case for system change to strengthen all our schools and counter uneven educational opportunities. Her longitudinal study ‘Competent Learners’ provides important understanding about engagement and achievement in learning from early childhood education into early adulthood, and of the importance of the national curriculum’s key competencies. 
Cathy received the NZ Association of Educational Researchers McKenzie Award in 2010 and was made a Member of the Order of New Zealand for services to education in 2014.


Public urged to have say on transport priorities

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Public urged to have say on transport priorities

Transport Minister Phil Twyford is encouraging the public to have their say on the Government’s proposal to increase fuel excise duty by between 9 and 12 cents a litre over three years.
This was proposed in the draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport released yesterday and includes an equivalent increase in road user charges paid by diesel and heavy vehicles.
“We have paid for our land transport system using fuel excise duty since 1927 and using road user charges since 1977. Money raised from these charges can only be spent on the land transport system, so it is important that people have a say on how much is paid and what it is spent on,” Phil Twyford said.
“Our proposed increase of between 3 and 4 cents a year over the next three years continues the track of recent years with charges going up by 3 cents a year in 2009 and 2010, 2 cents in 2012 and 3 cents again in 2013, 2014 and 2015.
“The estimated average cost of 3 cents a litre extra for a driver of an average car filling up a 50 litre tank once a fortnight is around 75 cents a week or $39 a year.
“The funding increase will go toward a 42% increase in spending on local road improvements, a 96% increase in spending on regional roads and a 22% increase in local road maintenance along with an 81% increase in road safety and demand management.
“National Leader and former Transport Minister Simon Bridges was actively considering raising fuel excise duty further than this increase to pay for his handpicked expensive and “roads of National significance”. To now suggest a National government wouldn’t have raised this duty is fantasy,” Phil Twyford says.