Market studies Bill first reading signals powers to be in effect by end of 2018

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Market studies Bill first reading signals powers to be in effect by end of 2018

Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Hon Kris Faafoi told Parliament that he intends for market studies powers to be in place by the end of the year.
At the first reading of the Commerce Amendment Bill last night, Mr Faafoi said he was committed to quickly delivering a more competitive, confident and productive business environment to deliver positive outcomes for all New Zealanders.
“Consumers should be at the heart of competition and consumer policy. This is why advancing the Commerce Amendment Bill to ensure that the selected markets are delivering better outcomes for all New Zealanders is a priority.
“We are concerned as a Government that some markets appear to not be working as well as they should be for consumers. A Commerce Commission market study, where the Commission has the power to compel organisations and businesses to provide information, will identify the causes of poor performance in these markets.
“As a Government we can then make an informed decision as to whether intervention is desirable, and if so, what form that intervention may take.”
Mr Faafoi confirmed that the Bill would allow a market study to be initiated by the Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister or self-initiated by the Commerce Commission “to ensure there’s no politics in ensuring the best interests of the consumer are served”.
“Market studies will ensure New Zealand consumers get fair and appropriate treatment by delivering competitive markets and supporting honest business.”
The Commerce Amendment Bill reflects the outcomes of a targeted review of the Commerce Act and a review of the effectiveness of the economic regulation regime for major airports.  In addition to the provision of a market studies power, the Bill introduced today repeals the little used cease and desist regime, introduces an enforceable undertakings regime, and makes amendments to improve the effectiveness of the regulatory regime for airports under Part 4 of the Commerce Act.
The Bill now moves to the Transport and Infrastructure Committee, and will be reported back to Parliament by 10 September. More information is on MBIE’s website here.

Australian racing expert to review NZ racing industry

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Australian racing expert to review NZ racing industry

Racing Minister Winston Peters has announced the government has appointed senior Australian racing expert John Messara to review the New Zealand racing industry’s governance structures, and provide recommendations on future directions for the industry.
“Racing is a significant industry creating $1.6 billion to GDP annually, it employs up to 50,000 people, and has many passionate supporters. However, it is vital an assessment is conducted on whether the industry is meeting its full financial potential, and whether its governance arrangements are top heavy,” said Mr Peters. 
“For this reason it is pleasing Mr Messara has agreed to conduct a strategic review to provide advice to the Government,” he said.
“Mr Messara is considered one of Australia’s most successful racing administrators. As Chair of both Racing New South Wales and Racing Australia, he led reforms to increase and secure long-term revenue,” Mr Peters says.
“His review will also assist the government in determining if the current Racing Act 2003 and the proposed Racing Amendment Bill are fit for purpose,” he said.
Mr Messara will start the review later this month with the objective of producing a report by mid-year. He will be provided administrative support through the Department of Internal Affairs.
Contact: Stephen Parker 021 195 3528

An historic day for action on climate change

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: An historic day for action on climate change

Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.
 This is an historic day.
 Today ends all new oil and gas exploration in the waters around Aotearoa New Zealand.
 What a win.
 It’s a win for the Green Party and a win for all of us who care about the environment and the impacts of climate change.
 Today will go down in history as the moment New Zealand said fossil fuels are not our future.
 Today we have drawn that line in the sand.
 As I have said many times, the world cannot burn most of the fossil fuel reserves that have already been discovered without causing catastrophic global warming.
Anyone who wants to take real action on climate change, but still wants to keep looking for new coal or oil, simply isn’t serious.
Today’s decision shows this Government is serious.
As the Green Party has been saying since we formed 20 years ago, ENVIRONMENTAL SUCCESS is ECONOMIC SUCCESS.
Business now understands that.
More and more farmers now understand that.
Our well-being and the well-being of our planet demand that we move to cleaner, low-emission ways of doing business and living our lives.
That doesn’t mean shuffling off into a cave with a candle.
It means embracing smart science, smart technology, and smart use of people and resources that can deliver cleaner, low-emission returns.
More oil exploration can’t do that.
But the expertise that’s been built up in that industry can be turned to more environmentally sustainable and economically sustainable enterprise.
The Prime Minister talked about applying skills from the oil industry to mining silica to use in solar panels.
Here’s something else.
This country needs some pretty big infrastructure upgrades – to ensure safe drinking water systems and storm water systems and sewerage systems.
That’s work that needs expertise in drilling, pipe construction and reticulation, and that’s expertise that exists in the oil industry.
Countries who’ve signed up to the Paris Agreement have committed to mobilize at least $1 TRILLION in Green Investment by 2030.
Business consultancy, PwC, says New Zealand’s share of the global clean energy market could be worth up to $22 BILLION a year, if we implement clean energy policies to encourage it – like we did today.
This University and others in New Zealand get it.
Just go to Victoria University’s Faculty of Engineering home page.
What are two of the newest courses offered for study?
Our job, as a Government, is to provide the leadership and the plan to help ensure New Zealand is part of the world’s green, sustainable economy.
Decisions, like the one announced by the Prime Minister today demonstrate that leadership.
Establishing a Zero Carbon Act, and an independent Climate Change Commission demonstrates that leadership.
Our commitment to 100 percent renewable electricity generation by 2035 demonstrates that leadership.
And our goal for New Zealand to be a net zero emissions economy by 2050 demonstrates that leadership.
There will be those who’ll criticize today’s decision.
My question to them is – what’s your solution?
Because sticking to business-as-usual in oil exploration will leave people like you – studying here – with bigger, more difficult, more costly problems to solve later.
Leaving decisions – like the one announced today – for future generations to make only delays and limits the options and opportunities that can come from a managed transition to a new low-emissions economy.
Clinging to old forms of energy that have helped put us on a collision course with climate change is not sensible, nor is it responsible leadership.

Refresh puts spotlight on cyber security

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Refresh puts spotlight on cyber security

Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media Minister Clare Curran today announced a comprehensive refresh of New Zealand’s approach to cyber security. 
“Cyber threats are growing in number and are increasingly sophisticated. The reality is that digital technology provides new avenues for criminals and other states to gain advantage and cause harm here,” Clare Curran said.
“New Zealander’s widespread use of connected devices and the security challenges of emerging technology are intensifying the problems. 
“So it’s timely for us to step up New Zealand’s cyber security efforts so that we are not left vulnerable to cyber intrusion and to refresh the 2015 strategy so we can deal with increasingly bold, brazen and disruptive threats.
“This Government has committed to building a connected nation, promoting and protecting digital rights. We intend to close the digital divides by 2020, and to make ICT the second largest contributor to GDP by 2025. A modern, responsive cyber security system is essential to this.
“We must protect the information and network systems that are vital to our economic growth, ensure the integrity and security of our increasingly digitalised government services and make sure Kiwis can interact online without suffering harm.”  
The refresh of the Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan will involve close collaboration with the private sector and citizens.
It will consider whether the government has the right resources and the right arrangements to address the increasing cyber threats facing New Zealand.
“We must work collectively to build New Zealand’s cyber security capability and resilience so I invite everyone to join the play a key role in this work to refresh New Zealand’s Cyber Security Strategy,” Clare Curran said.
“The problems are growing and it’s timely to look at what more can be done to improve New Zealand’s cyber defences.”
The National Cyber Security Centre, which focuses on countering sophisticated cyber threats and protecting New Zealand’s networks of national importance, recorded 396 incidents over the 2016-17 year.
The Centre estimates that advanced cyber threats have the potential to cause $640m harm annually to New Zealand’s organisations of national significance.
“The refresh of the current strategy will be led by the National Cyber Policy Office (NCPO) within the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) and involve a wide range of government agencies,” Clare Curran said. 
“Workshops will be held at an early stage of the process.” 
The Cabinet paper is being proactively released and is available at:

Vaccination our best shot to avoid the flu

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Vaccination our best shot to avoid the flu

Health Minister Dr David Clark has rolled up his sleeve today for his influenza vaccination as part of the annual campaign that kicked off last week
“Lifting immunisation rates for health care workers is a particular focus this year so I encourage District Health Boards to embrace the Ministry of Health’s goal that at least 80 per cent of healthcare workers are vaccinated to avoid passing the virus to vulnerable patients,” Dr Clark said. 
“I hope this year is a record-breaker after more than 1.2 million New Zealanders got vaccinated last year, which was a fantastic effort. This year’s funded vaccine will protect against four strains of influenza for the first time, including the A(H3N2) strain that badly affected people in the Northern Hemisphere during their winter.
“Our influenza season normally begins from June, so getting vaccinated by mid-May is the best way to be protected for winter. If you’re vaccinated, you’re less likely to catch influenza, less likely to pass it on to others, and less likely to be severely ill if you do catch it.
“Recent research shows about one in four New Zealanders is infected with influenza each winter, but many don’t develop symptoms and may be unaware they’re sick. But many tens of thousands seek medical advice for flu-like symptoms every year and on average, about 400 die of influenza or its complications each year.
“People can get their flu shot for free if they’re at high risk of getting influenza, including those aged 65 and older, pregnant women, and people with chronic or serious health conditions, such as heart disease, cancer or severe asthma. Many employers also provide free influenza vaccination to staff, which it is a great way to protect employees’ health at the same time as reducing the disruption to business caused by influenza each winter.
“The vaccine is available from general practices and many community pharmacies for those eligible for it free or for a small fee,” Dr Clark said.

Planning for the future with climate change – we owe this to you

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Planning for the future with climate change – we owe this to you

Tena koutou katoa
I want you for a moment to think about what you will be doing in 2048. Hopefully you will of course have graduated. You may well have a mortgage. A partner. Kids. If my attempts to predict the future as a teenager was anything to go by, you will also travel on a hover board.
But what will our world be like? Our environment, and New Zealand’s place in the world?
The idea of having to think about the what ifs 30 or even 40 years before it happens is an overwhelming prospect. But the truth is, we have to.
I know that decisions we make today have a long lasting impact. But the temptation in politics for too long, has been to do everything in three year cycles. Not too think too far ahead least you have to make hard decisions.  But if there is one issue that proves we just can’t operate like that anymore, its climate change.
And that is why I am here. As young people I know that you have a good grasp of the important issues of the day.  You have been a part of some of the most significant. But climate change is not just another movement that is increasingly being led by you, it is one that will also cost you unless we take action.
There is another reason we are here today. I have always been a big believer of evidence informed policy making. I had to remind myself of that the first time I ever spoke about climate change 10 years ago at a public meeting, and was booed very loudly by a group that included my grandmother.
Evidence matters. Science matters. And that is why I want to acknowledge the Climate Change experts and researchers here at Victoria University who have done such excellent work to raise the profile of the problem.  Your own campaigns over the last few years helped inform us and keep action on climate change on the agenda.  Professors James Renwick and Tim Naish are just a few of your great spokespeople, thank you to you and your teams.
But while you do the work, it is ultimately us as politicians who have the chance to make that work a reality.  And I can think of no better place start doing that, than right here in New Zealand.
When I spoke with Al Gore a few months ago I said that New Zealand’s role in climate change is anchored in who we are as a nation – we were the first to give women the vote, we were around the table when we established the United Nations, we were at the forefront of the anti-nuclear movement and this feels like the next stage for New Zealand to make a stand on an issue.
We are anchored in the Pacific – surrounding us are nations, including ourselves, who will be dramatically impacted by climate change. You can’t avoid seeing the impact around us, especially in the Pacific as warmer sea temperatures contribute to more storms, as we see more droughts and fires, and more extreme weather in general. That’s just the obvious impact of climate change. There’s also sea level rise, ocean acidification, the movement of mosquito borne diseases like zika and dengue.
Tens of thousands of New Zealanders and Pacific peoples live on the coastline and will be affected by rising sea levels.  That means people may need people to move their homes, breaking up communities and causing stress and hardship. , Underground infrastructure and fresh water sources could be inundated with sea water, and crops that have previously been a staple will change or even disappear.  For the pacific, this is not just a hypothetical, it is real.
On my recent visit to Samoa and Tonga I saw the damage to homes. It was devastating and wide spread.  And it wasn’t just homes that were effected.  Schools, parliament buildings, businesses and infrastructure like power lines that were taken out by coconut trees. Families struggling to fix their homes were sending children to school where they had to learn in tents supplied by UNICEF.  The damage from these storms is immense and the reconstruction period is long and hard.
I have said in the past that I believe we have a duty to our pacific neighbours to raise the need for mitigation and adaptation in the face of these challenges. Increasingly though I have come to see that we are the pacific. When we raise these issues, and when we act on them, it will be as much about Tokelau as it is about us. 
And action is taking place already. And not just by us.
Around the world we see oil companies investing billions of dollars in clean energy. Companies are investing in charging stations for electric vehicles. Oil companies themselves are looking to the future and that includes renewables. We all know we are going to have to do things differently.
Norwegian-based Energy Company Statoil has developed its own climate road map in support of the Paris Climate Agreement. It includes by 2020 putting 25 percent of its research funding into developing new energy and energy efficiency solutions, and making decisions that support a low carbon future.
You might have seen in the news over the weekend that oil giant Shell issued a report in 1988 predicting climate change and noting that with fossil fuel combustion being a major source of CO2 in the atmosphere, a forward looking approach by the energy industry was needed. They followed that up some 30 years later by this week saying they strongly support the Paris Agreement and the need for society to transition to a lower carbon future, while also extending the economic and social benefits of energy to everyone.  To quote shell “successfully navigating this dual challenge requires sound government policy and cultural change to drive low-carbon choices for businesses and consumers. It requires cooperation between all segments of society.”
I completely agree.
And that is why I am here with our partners, New Zealand First and our Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones, and the Green Party and our Climate Change Minister James Shaw, along with Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods.
They are here because we together made it a priority as a Coalition Government to make a fresh start in tackling this problem.
In striking a balance I would like to acknowledge the manner in which New Zealand First and the Green Party were able to join Labour in finding a pathway that both protects existing permit holders while signalling our shift towards a just transition in the sector.
We have a Minister for Climate Change, James Shaw, who represents us internationally, as well as leading the agenda at home. Just a few weeks ago he spoke to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group on Land, being held in Christchurch. There were 120 scientists and experts, from 59 countries there.
I’m sure he was proud to be able to tell them that we have committed to the goal of becoming a net zero emission economy by 2050, with an interim step of making our electricity system 100 percent renewable by 2035. They’re ambitious goals we should all be proud of.
And we have to be ambitious about what we can do to make a difference. Because in this enourmous challenge we are facing, also lies opportunity for us. If we create a plan.
And this government has a plan.
Firstly, sustainable, low emission food production promises to be a valuable opportunity if we can get it right.
We are also encouraging and incentivising innovation and investment to deliver a clean, green carbon neutral New Zealand – and the Green Investment Fund will support this. It aims to stimulate up to $1 billion of new investment in low carbon industries by 2020, kick-started by a Government investment of $100 million.
As part of our regional development work and under the leadership of Minister Shane Jones, we have started a programme to plant 1 billion trees in the next 10 years. This will contribute to reducing CO2 emissions, both through C02 absorption and by reducing erosion.
We are setting up an Independent Climate Commission of experts who will develop carbon budgets right through to 2050. That means they’ll set the amount of carbon we can afford to put into the atmosphere each year to get us to carbon neutrality, while ensuring we have enough energy available to run our economy and country.
We also have to make sure that we are focused on just transitions – that in areas where fossil fuels have played a major role, we don’t switch off the tap overnight, that we make decisions 30 years in advance and invest in those regions. We have asked MBIE to start work co-ordinating this activity.
But just transitions have to start somewhere. And unless we start thinking about the when and the how now, we run the risk of local communities experiencing a jarring shock just because we didn’t think beyond short electoral cycles.
And that is why we have to consider the future of oil and gas exploration in New Zealand. Not for tomorrow, but for 30 or 40 years time.
The need to transition to a low carbon economy is understood and agreed on by both sides of parliament as well as widely supported by this industry.
So it comes as no surprise that we have been considering what to do about the future of oil and gas exploration.  We have previously talked about the ‘block offer’ where areas of land and sea are offered to companies for oil and gas exploration.
In considering this we have been clear about two things:
We need to give certainty.
We need a plan.
Certainty means being clear that we need to honour existing permits. And as a government, we are committed to that. In honouring these permits, we protect current jobs and businesses and provide time to work on change for the future together.
New Zealand First accentuated its support for protecting the rights of existing permit holders and this we agreed to, to ensure certainty for all those in the industry currently holding exploration and mining permits.
There are currently exploration permits that cover an area roughly the size of the North Island, and a number of mining permits. These all have a long shelf life, and a long lead time.  Nothing will end tomorrow.
But certainty is also about setting our expectations for the future. And that is what we have done today.
Today we announced that onshore block offers will now be limited to acreage in the Taranaki region.
We have also announced that we will no longer be granting any new offshore oil and gas exploration permits.
This is another step on our transition away from fossil fuels and towards a carbon neutral economy.
Some will say that is not enough to prevent climate change. Of course that’s true. But as you know now, this is not the only thing this Government is doing to address climate change.  The Block Offer is only one part of our plan. Climate Change Minister James Shaw may tell you more after this speech.
And this announcement is also only the beginning of our work on Just transitions. While I am reassuring people today that we are not going to rip their jobs from under them, nor leave communities to cope with change on their own, we also need to talk to them face to face about the 30 year plan.
We’ve seen before the enormous social damage done in the 1980s due to rapid, uncaring change. I’m a child of the 80’s – I grew up at a time when this country was going through incredibly difficult economic change in a very short period. People lost jobs suddenly, communities were gutted, families were displaced. I saw plenty of evidence of that growing up in Murupara and Morrinsville.
We will not let that happen here. I want to thank New Zealand first. Supporting our regions and ensuring we have a plan for the longer term, and honour our existing commitments has been a key point of advocacy for them. And last week Shane Jones started that by investing $20million in the Taranaki region as we work towards the future.
This Government has set ambitious targets for our country – hitting these targets will have huge benefits for everyone. We protect our environment, have a healthier environment, create new jobs in new industries and can live up to our reputation as a leader on the world stage.
We have been a world leader on critical issues to humanity by being nuclear free, the first to support women’s’ vote and now we could be a world leading in becoming carbon neutral.
We owe this to future generations – but ultimately, we owe it to you.
[speech given at Victoria University, Wellington]

Clean energy a regional development opportunity

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Clean energy a regional development opportunity

Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones welcomes the opportunity to work with New Zealand’s energy sector as the country begins a just transition to a low carbon economy.
The Government has today announced no new permits for offshore oil exploration, limiting block offer 2018 to new onshore acreage in Taranaki. However, existing permits will not be affected, which was the priority of New Zealand First in negotiations.
As is the normal practice, existing permit holders will continue to be able to apply for permit extensions and change of conditions in line with New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals protocols.
“Last week I launched the Taranaki Regional Economic Development action plan, which identifies ‘four futures’ for the region, including energy,” Shane Jones said.
“The initial money the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) committed to investigate establishing Taranaki as an internationally recognised leader in clean energy technology is an example of the collaboration needed between Government and the energy sector going forward. 
“I was heartened by the conversations I had with various stakeholders, who show a genuine willingness to lead the way and seize the opportunities that the transition provides us with.
“The block offer does not affect any jobs that are already there. New Zealand First’s support is predicated by its commitment to protect the rights of existing permit holders to ensure certainty for all of those in the industry that currently hold exploration, prospecting and mining permits – these permits continue as far out as 2046.
“With ten years’ worth of natural gas consented, plus potentially billions of dollars of natural gas reserves permitted but yet to be consented, we can ensure economic returns and security of supply.
“With a long-term plan, we can protect jobs and provide the time needed for economies that have traditionally relied on fossil fuels, such as Taranaki, to diversify and future proof.
“The just transition will not happen overnight so there’s no need for scaremongering and, while it will undoubtedly pose challenges, it also provides opportunity through investment in new technology and new industries.
“I’ll be working to ensure our regions are supported to tap into these opportunities and will be encouraging clean energy proposals that meet the criteria of the PGF,” Shane Jones said.

Consultation opens on Block Offer 2018

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Consultation opens on Block Offer 2018

Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods has today announced the start of consultation with iwi and hapū on the proposed Block Offer 2018 release area for petroleum exploration permits.
The proposed release area is restricted to the onshore Taranaki Basin, and covers a 1,703 square kilometre area.
“The onshore Taranaki Basin has a long history of oil and gas production and exploration,” said Megan Woods.
“The purpose of the consultation is to identify areas of sensitivity or significance that I need to be made aware of.  This could include sites that might need to be protected for their cultural, social or spiritual significance.
“Iwi and hapū can request the removal of areas within blocks, or put conditions on any permits over certain areas to protect them.
“To be clear, the area for consultation includes a small amount of conservation land – approximately 2 percent of the entire release area. All conservation land will be excluded from the final tenders.
Iwi and hapū will have 40-working days to make a submission and the final area for tender is expected to be announced in August.
Further information will be made available at

Planning for the future – no new offshore oil and gas exploration permits

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Planning for the future – no new offshore oil and gas exploration permits

The Coalition Government is taking an important step to address climate change and create a clean, green and sustainable future for New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced today.
“There will be no further offshore oil and gas exploration permits granted,” said Jacinda Ardern.
Minister Woods has announced that this year’s block offer will be limited to onshore acreage in Taranaki alone.
“We are protecting existing exploration and mining rights. No current jobs will be affected by this as we are honouring all agreements with current permit holders.
“There are 31 oil and gas exploration permits currently active, 22 are offshore. These permits cover an area of 100,000 sq kms, nearly the size of the North Island, and run as far out as 2030 and could go an additional 40 years under a mining permit.
“Today we are providing certainty for industry and communities so they can plan for the future. We are making careful and considered changes over time and supporting communities with a managed transition.
“We will be working with the Taranaki community and businesses in particular on this as a long term project and I will be visiting myself later in May to underline this Government’s commitment to ensuring there is a just transition to a clean energy future.
“Last week’s announcement of the Taranaki Action Plan was a first step in that process.
“All three of the parties in this Government are agreed that we must take this step as part of our package of measures to tackle climate change. I’m grateful for the support of New Zealand First in ensuring the transition away from fossil fuels protects jobs and helps regions equip themselves for the future. I also thank the Green Party for their continued advocacy for action on climate change.
“In each of the last two years only one permit has been granted for offshore oil and gas exploration. This decision does not affect current reserves or the potential finds from current exploration permits. As the industry itself admits, there is good potential for more to be found.
“This is a responsible step which provides certainty for businesses and communities that rely on fossil fuels. We’re striking the right balance for New Zealand – we’re protecting existing industry, and protecting future generations from climate change,” said Jacinda Ardern.

Four well-beings core to local government’s role

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Four well-beings core to local government’s role

Two important local government bills have had their first reading in Parliament tonight.
The Local Government (Community Well-being) Amendment Bill seeks to restate the promotion of social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of communities to the statutory purpose of local government.
Re-inserting the four well-beings back into the Local Government Act will acknowledge the valuable role local leadership has to promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of citizens and communities, Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta said.
“We face serious challenges such as the impact of population growth, climate change and ageing infrastructure. A broader focus in the way councils meet the challenge of setting priorities and planning for the future is required.
“Reintroducing an emphasis on the four well-beings will engage councils and citizens on an intergenerational approach to improving quality of life outcomes in our towns and cities.”
The Bill also seeks to give councils back the ability to collect development contributions in order to fund increased demand for community facilities, such as libraries, sports grounds and swimming pools resulting from developments.
“This will provide some relief to councils as we continue to work towards a broader range of funding and financing tools to assist local government.”
The minister thanked Labour’s Rongotai MP Paul Eagle for the considerable effort he had put into developing a private member’s bill to restore the four well-beings. This bill is due to be withdrawn given the new legislation introduced by the minister.
Meanwhile, a Local Electoral Matters Bill introduced by the minister addresses the design, trial and analysis of new voting methods for local elections, and will make it easier to trial electronic voting, including online voting.
“The detail of how a trial will be implemented will be set out in regulations and I expect further consideration of any privacy issues to be thoroughly canvassed prior to introduction to better enable a full analysis of participation via different voting methods.”