Māori tourism definite advantage for NZ

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Māori tourism definite advantage for NZ

There’s plenty of scope for Māori tourism in New Zealand to grow, says Māori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta.
She has opened the World Indigenous Tourism Summit in Waitangi today and says a Māori dimension is crucial to this country’s hugely important tourism sector.
Tourism is our country’s biggest export industry, contributing 21 per cent of New Zealand’s foreign exchange earnings. Our tourism industry continues to grow, directly and indirectly employing 14.5 per cent of the workforce in Aotearoa.
In 2008, just 361,000 overseas tourists reported visiting a Māori tourism experience. Latest annual International Visitor Survey statistics show this number had grown significantly by 2017 with more than 50 per cent of 3.7 million overseas tourists engaging in a total of four million Māori tourism experiences. And the industry sees further great potential.
“While it is hard to ring-fence the economic value of Māori tourism we do know there are some indigenous rock-stars in the industry and plenty of scope for Māori tourism to grow,” said Nanaia Mahuta.
In a survey conducted by the Ministry of Māori Development in 2014, more than 100 Māori tourism operators indicated their desire to expand and to look to future markets so they can understand what they need to do to develop.
“Twenty years after the first Treaty of Waitangi settlements, many iwi now have a significant asset base to leverage off and many are choosing to invest in long-term sustainable tourism ventures.
“Alongside this has been a proliferation of small to medium Māori tourism enterprises – many of which start off small and are initiated by whānau or family groups,” said Nanaia Mahuta.
“A range of opportunities could be explored as we think about further development of a connected network of tourism products, experiences and events that could link to regional growth and employment.
“For example, I am keen see the development of heritage trails linking our famous battle sites and history across many of our regions.
“There are significant tourism opportunities for whānau and local communities to get into and the conference will help extract the valuable dimension that Māori culture can bring to the industry.”

Congratulations to NZ’s Commonwealth Games team

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Congratulations to NZ’s Commonwealth Games team

New Zealand’s Commonwealth Games team has done itself and New Zealand proud with their huge success on the Gold Coast, Sport and Recreation Minister Grant Robertson says. 
“This was our biggest ever Commonwealth Games team and they have delivered an amazing collective performance bringing home 15 Gold, 16 Silver and 15 Bronze medals,” Grant Robertson said.
“Those 46 medals make 2018 New Zealand’s most successful ever away Commonwealth Games, beating Glasgow (45) four years ago. That’s a fantastic achievement.
“These were a Games of diversity and inclusivity, with an equal amount of medal opportunities for men and women and with all our athletes able to compete alongside each other with emotion and pride. We have truly seen how the power of sport brings people together during these 11 days.
“It’s not just the NZ team that should hold their heads up high. New Zealanders up and down the country, our supporters on the Gold Coast and Kiwis around the world have given amazing support to our athletes. We have all been captivated and inspired by our team’s performances.
“I’d also like to congratulate the Gold Coast organisers for an extremely well-run Games. Roll on Birmingham 2022,” Grant Robertson said.

Ministers welcome another climate change breakthrough at International Maritime Organisation

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Ministers welcome another climate change breakthrough at International Maritime Organisation

Climate Change Minister James Shaw and Associate Transport Minister Julie Anne Genter today welcomed the successful adoption of a maritime greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategy at the United Nations International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
Yesterday the IMO agreed a strategy to reduce international shipping emissions by 50 per cent by 2050, compared to 2008 levels, and urgently phase out emissions from shipping this century.
“This is another important breakthrough in the global effort to preserve a safe and stable climate for future generations,” said Mr Shaw.
“There is now clear agreement that international shipping must urgently act to reduce emissions.
“The world is moving to take action on climate change and the New Zealand Government is proud to be part of that movement.
“I thank all those involved in the negotiations, especially the members of the High Ambition Coalition led by the Marshall Islands, who pushed for an effective outcome,” Mr Shaw said.
“The transport sector has an important role to play in the global climate change effort,” said Ms Genter.
“Developing clean, low-emission shipping will be vital for island nations like New Zealand and our Pacific neighbours.
“The IMO strategy is another significant example of what can be achieved when governments step up and countries work together,” Ms Genter said.

Statement on Syria

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Statement on Syria

This morning the Government was advised that targeted military action would be taken in response to the latest chemical weapons attack in Syria, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says.
“The Government has always favoured diplomatic efforts and a multilateral approach. The use of the veto powers at the Security Council prevented that course of action. We have always condemned the use of the veto, including by Russia in this case.
“New Zealand therefore accepts why the US, UK and France have today responded to the grave violation of international law, and the abhorrent use of chemical weapons against civilians.
“The action was intended to prevent further such atrocities being committed against Syrian civilians.
“We stand firm in our condemnation of the use of chemical weapons in Eastern Ghouta. This is clearly in breach of international law.
“It is now important that these issues are returned to the United Nations multilateral processes including the Security Council,” Jacinda Ardern said.

First meeting for airbag recall group

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: First meeting for airbag recall group

Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Kris Faafoi met with the Takata airbag oversight group at its first meeting in Wellington last night.
Mr Faafoi thanked members for their willingness to work together in order to make quick progress and remove dangerous airbags from New Zealand vehicles.
“I asked the group to provide me with robust feedback on how this process is going and advice on how we can get more airbags replaced more quickly.
“We know New Zealanders have taken this compulsory recall seriously, with around 250,000 users visiting the recalls.govt.nz website since last week and around 1.5 million page views of the site but we need to keep momentum up and ensure drivers and passengers are protected from the risk of unsafe airbags by having as many as possible replaced, as quickly as possible.”
A compulsory recall was issued last week for 50,000 vehicles that have Takata Alpha-type airbags  and new measures were put in place for the recall of a further 257,000 vehicles with Takata airbags also requiring repair. Measures were introduced to halt vehicles with affected airbags being brought into New Zealand, and vehicles with affected airbags cannot now be sold in trade.
Members of the oversight group include representatives from MBIE, NZTA, NZ Customs Service, the Motor Industry Association (MIA), Vehicle Importers Association (VIA), the AA and Consumer New Zealand.
“This group will meet monthly until the compulsory recall is concluded at the end of 2019 and will report on progress of the recall of both Alpha and non-Alpha type airbags,” Mr Faafoi says. “I will be attending where possible and I am ready to hear from the group if at any time they don’t think we are making the progress we need.
“Announcing the recall I noted there are other measures we can take including flagging vehicles at warrant of fitness if they have airbags that still require replacement. If I am not completely convinced progress is adequate and that everything possible is being done to ensure replacement of these airbags – which have been a known risk since 2013 – I will not hesitate to act further.”
The compulsory recall is focussed on Alpha-type airbags because they present the highest safety risks to drivers and passengers.

Progressive and inclusive Trade for All Agenda launched

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Progressive and inclusive Trade for All Agenda launched

The Government will ask New Zealanders what is essential to them in future trade talks.
Minister for Trade and Export Growth David Parker said the move builds on the Coalition Government’s approach to negotiating the recently-signed Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.
“We want to provide the opportunity for New Zealanders to express their views as we develop our Trade for All agenda,” says Mr Parker.
“Our objective is for trade to benefit everyone.”
Cabinet has agreed on some key principles for our trade policy agenda, including opposition to Investor State Dispute Settlement clauses.
“New Zealand is a trading nation – and we always will be. Trade is a critical part of our economy, with some 620,000 New Zealand jobs depending on exports,” Mr Parker says.
“In the current global environment, with a rise in protectionism and fears of trade wars, fair international trade rules are more important than ever, for ensuring that our trading partners treat us fairly.
“At the same time, we know that many people have concerns about how trade deals are negotiated – and what they mean in practice.
“We share some concerns about the excesses of global capital but it is important not to blame trade for other matters, whether it be the impact of technological disruption or tax avoidance by multi-nationals.
“Some of those can’t be addressed through trade, but require other Government policy responses,” Mr Parker says.
“We want to hear Kiwis’ views on how trade policy can contribute to sustainable, progressive and inclusive economic development for the benefit of all of us.”
Feedback is already being sought on how progressive trade issues can be advanced in the Pacific Alliance negotiations with Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.
New Zealand, Chile and Canada in March agreed to work through trade policies to boost sustainable development by addressing climate change, gender equality, indigenous rights and minimum work standards.
Consultations on the progressive Trade for All agenda will start in the coming months.
The Cabinet paper is available on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade website at: https://www.mfat.govt.nz/en/trade/nz-trade-policy/trade-for-all-agenda

$3.4m to extend Hauraki Rail Trail

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: $3.4m to extend Hauraki Rail Trail

Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis today announced up to $3.4 million in funding to help improve and extend Waikato’s Hauraki Rail Trail.
This is the second major investment to be made through the Ngā Haerenga, the New Zealand Cycle Trail Enhancement and Extension Fund and will see the trail extended from Miranda to Kaiaua at one end and from Te Aroha to Matamata at the other.
“This investment will bring the current 120 kilometres of trail up to about 168 kilometres, providing a more attractive multi-day ride that will encourage riders to stay longer in the region,” Mr Davis says.
“This longer trail, at an easy grade and finished to a world-class standard, is what the Hauraki Rail Trail Charitable Trust had always envisaged, and it’s great to be able to help them reach their goal.
“The enhanced trail, which offers access to accommodation, food and beverage and a range of natural attractions, provides an excellent opportunity for business growth and job creation in the northern Waikato.
“There’s potential to develop a bigger international market for the trail. When it’s complete, each section of the trail will show off a different facet of the region – from the rich Māori and goldmining histories to the beauty of the Kaimai Ranges and the Coromandel Peninsula.
 “Funding also covers a smaller project to install bike racks in Te Aroha created by local artist Adrian Worsley, whose quirky sculptures are made entirely from recycled materials and will be a unique feature of the trail.”
 The central government contribution is being matched with funding from the Hauraki District Council, the Matamata-Piako District Council and the Te Aroha Business Association.
 Extensions to the trail are expected to take up to two years to complete.
In February the Government announced $2.4m towards extending and upgrading the Tasman cycle trail. 
For more information on Nga Haerenga, the New Zealand Cycle Trail visit: http://www.mbie.govt.nz/info-services/sectors-industries/tourism/nga-haerenga-new-zealand-cycle-trail

PM to meet Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: PM to meet Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern today confirmed she will meet Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in a private audience at Buckingham Palace while visiting London for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting next week. 
“I am grateful that Her Majesty is taking the time to meet with me in what is an incredibly busy week for her as Head of the Commonwealth,” said Jacinda Ardern.
“This will be my first meeting with Her Majesty so I’m very much looking forward to sharing this government’s vision for New Zealand and our priorities.”
The audience with Her Majesty is an “on appointment” audience, which is offered to new Prime Ministers from those countries where the Queen is head of state. The Prime Minister will meet Her Majesty at Buckingham Palace on Thursday 19 April.
“I’ll also be meeting The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall the previous day at Clarence House. Their Royal Highnesses have had two very successful visits to New Zealand over the last few years, so this is a good chance to update them on issues of interest.
“I’m also looking forward to a very special Youth Town Hall where I will be meeting students from three London schools and hearing about the key social issues which concern them like gender equality.”
The Youth Town Hall is being hosted at City Hall on Wednesday 18 April by London Mayor Sadiq Khan who has also invited Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada.
The Prime Minister departs for Europe on Friday 13 April and spends a day with New Zealand athletes competing in the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast. In Europe she will meet the President of France Emmanuel Macron in Paris, German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin and British Prime Minister Theresa May.

Ensuring a strong polytechnic sector for New Zealand’s regions

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Ensuring a strong polytechnic sector for New Zealand’s regions

Education Minister Chris Hipkins has outlined a programme of work to reform the polytechnic sector to make sure these institutions are sustainable and effective in delivering for our regions.
“A strong, modern and dynamic polytechnic sector is crucial to achieving a world-class skills system across all New Zealand’s regions.
“The 16 polytechnics around the country are crucial to vocational training – they account for about 20 percent of total government spending in tertiary teaching and learning. But over the past decade domestic student numbers have dropped by a third.
“I have asked the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC), over the next six months, to work on the ‘Institutes of Technology and Polytechnic (ITP) Roadmap 2020’ project.
“TEC will work with polytechnics, and the broader community, to explore and test different options for change. As part of this process, we’re looking at what has been done in other countries and what that might look like in New Zealand. 
“I have considered whether increased funding, which was reduced in real terms over the last nine years, would solve the issues in the sector. But while a funding system specifically designed to meet the cost challenges of the sector could help make it less vulnerable to fluctuating demand, it will not be enough on its own.
“I believe there’s value in exploring how the network of polytechnics can operate more as a system so that we can use the resources of the network as a whole to achieve high quality provision across the country. It’s about making sure the sector is agile and able to respond to the changing patterns of demand and the changing needs of learners.
“This process is about securing a strong regional presence for polytechnics. We want to make sure they can deliver what New Zealand learners and employers need.
“I will report back to Cabinet in December 2018 with possible options for change and whether these options require policy or legislative changes.
The Ministry of Education is also conducting a wider review of vocational education and training (VET). This review will take place alongside the polytechnic sector reform, and will clarify what the skills system should be producing, who should pay, and how the funding and regulatory systems can best support meeting our skill needs across the system as a whole.
The Cabinet paper and more details about the ITP Roadmap 2020 programme of work can be found here.

Speech to the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific in Nadi, Fiji

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Speech to the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific in Nadi, Fiji

Speech to the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific in Nadi, Fiji
To our Fijian hosts – Bula vanaka. Tēnā koutou.
Director General, Ministerial colleagues, Distinguished Delegates, ladies and gentlemen – warm Pacific greetings.
The 34th session provides us all an excellent opportunity to share our views on the key issues facing the Asia Pacific region.
New Zealand is pleased with the increasing focus and attention to issues that have relevance and interest particularly for the small island states of the Pacific.
The FAO has a very important role to play in assisting the small island developing states of the Pacific to deal with the real challenges around climate change, sustainable resource management, small scale agriculture, food security and nutrition.
We acknowledge the important role played by women in agriculture, and support the greater recognition of this in FAO programmes and activities.
Climate Change
New Zealand recognises the Pacific region’s unique vulnerability to the impacts of climate change.
We are supporting countries towards low carbon development through our renewable energy programme and by providing assistance to prepare proposals for the Green Climate Fund.
We are also providing assistance for adaptation and resilience-building initiatives across the region.  We are on track to meeting our commitment to provide NZ$200 million climate-related support – targeted mainly to the Pacific.
Globally, New Zealand is working with other countries to find ways of reducing global agricultural emissions, while increasing production to feed an expanding global population.
The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases, is a key vehicle for this. The Alliance has 49 members, including a number of the countries present here today.
Within New Zealand climate change is a key priority of the government and action is being taken across the board, including through an afforestation programme – of planting One Billion Trees, over the next 10 years.
Food Security and Nutrition
New Zealand recognises and supports the call for urgent and concerted action, to address the challenges of food security and nutrition, in Small Island Developing States.
Promoting sustainable development of Pacific agriculture and fisheries resources and improving national regulatory frameworks for food safety, will be critical to this.
Well-coordinated and evidence based actions are needed across the region, to address underlying issues and promote tangible improvements, in food consumption patterns and nutritional quality.
This morning, I listened carefully to the President’s comments – and agree – that indigenous people producing and eating our own food, is something we should promote.
I’d like to acknowledge the important work of Codex in promoting food safety for health protection and trade.
New Zealand’s Pacific Reset
The New Zealand Government is a progressive government, and is focused on building an inclusive and diverse economy for all.  It is on this platform, we intend to support our relationships with our Pacific neighbours.
Our region faces a growing array of challenges. The strategic environment is changing and becoming more contested. Recognising these trends, New Zealand has recently announced a Reset of our strategic approach within the Pacific region.
The Reset and its core elements, were set out in a recent speech by the New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Rt Hon Winston Peters.
The refreshed approach includes building deeper partnerships with Pacific Island countries, and in doing so, applying the following principles to our work in the Pacific: understanding, friendship, mutual benefit, collective ambition, and sustainability.
The core elements of the Reset were highlighted during the recent Pacific Mission by the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister, which visited a number of Pacific nations.
We are looking forward to continuing to work with our neighbours and being active members of FAO, to address the issues we are discussing today.
Thank you. Vinaka.