Resealing work ahead for SH50 near Taradale

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

State Highway 50 (SH50) Links Road in Napier will be closed for two nights later this month for resealing.

The road, between SH50 Korokipo Road and SH2 Hawke’s Bay Expressway, will be closed Friday 24 January and Saturday 25 January.

The work will take place between 8pm and 5am both nights and will be finished at 5am Sunday 26 January.

A detour is available for light vehicles. People travelling on SH50 wanting to access the expressway will be detoured through Waiohiki, onto Gloucester Street and right into Meeanee Road before joining the expressway. The reverse will apply for people travelling the expressway who want to access SH50.

This detour isn’t suitable for High Productivity Motor Vehicles (HPMV). The detour is expected to add approximately 5-10 minutes to people’s journeys.

This work is weather dependent and contingency dates are Sunday 26 and Monday 27 January, 8pm to 5am each night.

The following week (Monday 27 January to Friday 31 January), sections of SH50 Korokipo Road, between Ngaruroro River Bridge at Omahu and Omarunui Road, will be under stop/go traffic management for resealing.

That work will take place during the day between 7am and 5pm. Please expect delays of up to 10 minutes to journey times.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi thanks all road users for their patience while we improve both sections of SH50, ultimately making them more resilient, safer and efficient for travellers.

Financial performance

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 29 September 2023
Last updated 29 September 2023



We collate the annual audited data on the financial performance of all public tertiary education institutions (TEIs) for comparative purposes.
We collate the annual audited data on the financial performance of all public tertiary education institutions (TEIs) for comparative purposes.

The collated data brings together the information contained in TEIs’ published annual reports which are based on financial results the institutions have provided to us in a standard reporting template.
Unless indicated otherwise, the figures are presented at a TEIs’ consolidated group level and reflect the most recent submission of information.
This information will allow TEIs to compare their performance to other tertiary institutions. This can also be done via our tertiary education performance reports or by examining individual financial performance in greater detail.
The spreadsheet below outlines the individual financial performance of each TEI for each year since 2004.
Tertiary education institution financial performance by year (XLSX 3.9 MB) 

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Learner Success Community of Practice spotlights people, culture and leadership

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 16 January 2025
Last updated 16 January 2025



Auckland University of Technology (AUT), Lincoln University and Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi share how they are building learner success into the culture and operations of their organisations.
Auckland University of Technology (AUT), Lincoln University and Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi share how they are building learner success into the culture and operations of their organisations.

The three organisations presented their approaches to building a culture of learner success at the Community of Practice session on 30 November 2024. People, culture and leadership is a key capability that a tertiary education provider needs to get right to enable learners to succeed.
We are pleased to share recordings of their presentations.
AUT – Felicity Reid, Joanna Scarbrough and Katy Thomas talk about creating the right environment for change across Ki Uta Ki Tai (their Learner Success Plan) and other strategic change projects. In their presentation they discuss the formation of cross-functional teams and working groups, along with creating processes to enhance interconnected decision-making and prioritisation, storytelling, data and insights.
Lincoln University – Tracy-Anne De Silva discusses their Manaaki Tauira Course Enhancements Programme. Their presentation focuses on engaging staff in the development of the programme, which they applied to several of their qualifications. The programme supports their learner success work and contributes to their culture of continuous improvement.
Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi – Kuao Wawatai (Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau a Apanui) talks about closing the leaks in the tauira learning pipeline. The presentation focuses on the ecological approach the wānanga takes to learning and how everyone who works at the organisation contributes to tauira success. Kuao shares how they use data and tauira voice to build understanding of the importance of putting tauira at the heart of their organisation.
Watch the presentations at Learner Success Community of Practice.
Learner Success Community of Practice sessions
The Tertiary Education Commission hosts online Community of Practice sessions in partnership with the tertiary sector. The aim is to connect tertiary education organisations to share knowledge, collaborate, and promote individual, group and organisational development to improve the success of their learners.
To find out about upcoming sessions, please contact 0800 601 301 or with the subject line [EDUMIS # Learner Success Community of Practice].
To view recordings of previous sessions, visit Learner Success Community of Practice.
Download the Ōritetanga Learner Success approaches: 7 key areas of capability diagram (PDF 335 KB). 

Road resurfacing works planned for State Highway 6 QEII Drive

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Smoother roads and safer driving are on the cards for users of State Highway 6 Queen Elizabeth II Drive in Nelson.

At the end of January, contractors will be laying new asphalt on two sites on the well-used route. Asphalt is a longer lasting solution and provides a stronger road. It also reduces the amount of future road maintenance needed.

Work will be underway between the Trafalgar and Haven Road Roundabouts from 8 pm to 6 am on the nights of Tuesday, 28, Wednesday, 29 and Thursday, 30 January.

On Tuesday, 28, and Wednesday, 29 January, between 8 pm and 6 am, resurfacing work will be done on State Highway 6 between Trafalgar Street and Wildman Avenue.

This will be done under stop/go and a 30 km/h temporary speed limit.

On Wednesday, 29 January, and Thursday, 30 January, between 8 pm and 6 am, contractors will be working on State Highway 6 between Wildman Avenue and Haven Road Roundabout. 

It will require a full road closure until the resurfacing is completed. A local road detour will be in place in both directions via Wildman Avenue and Hay Street. The detour is expected to add under five minutes to travel times.

QEII Drive is a busy route within Nelson and carries approximately 12,000 vehicles daily. As such, it is critical it is regularly maintained to ensure it remains resilient and reliable for road users.

While the work has been deliberately timed to happen at night when there are fewer vehicles on the road, some traffic delays can be expected until the work is completed. Drivers must plan their journeys accordingly.

Works schedule:

  • Tuesday, 28 January and Wednesday, 29 January. 8 pm – 6 am.
    • Trafalgar Street roundabout to Haven Road roundabout.
    • Stop/Go traffic management and 30 km/h temporary speed limit.
  • Wednesday, 29 January, and Thursday, 30 January. 8 pm – 6 am.
    • Wildman Avenue to Haven Road roundabout – SH6 CLOSED.
    • Local road detour via Wildman Avenue and Hay Street.
    • Travel delays of under five minutes.

More Information:

Sealing an iconic tourist route on SH43

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


Work has restarted at Tāngarākau Gorge, following the Christmas holiday shutdown, as crews continue sealing the final 1.5 kilometres of State Highway 43.

The gorge sealing project will ultimately see the unsealed 12-kilometre section of the Forgotten World Highway chip-sealed, making the road safer and more accessible for locals and visitors wanting to experience the iconic back country journey.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Project Manager Sree Nutulapati says the project has been incredibly worthwhile and he’s excited to see the gorge sealed.

“This highway is iconic for tourists and for businesses alike – it’s important we get this sealing finished, to ultimately make the gorge safer, and travel more efficient.”

“The sealing will provide a more resilient and safer connection between Taumarunui and Stratford.

“We want to thank road users for their patience over the next few weeks while the sealing gets finished.”

The project is on track to be completed in full by the end of February.  


Overnight resurfacing from next week on SH44, New Plymouth

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


Crews will be resurfacing State Highway 44 Molesworth Street in New Plymouth from next Monday.

The overnight work is scheduled to begin Monday 20 January and is expected to take 10-12 nights to complete.

During the work, crews will be onsite between 7pm and 6am and the road will be under stop/go traffic management.

Delays of between 5 and 10 minutes can be expected.

Outside the overnight work hours, the road will be open with a 30 km/h speed limit in place.

Access to and from some sideroads adjacent to SH44 may be impacted temporarily while work is taking place.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi is advising road users to plan ahead during this work and take advantage of alternative routes.

NZTA appreciates the overnight closures will cause disruption and we’re confident that by doing the work overnight, the construction timeframe will be as short as possible.

This work is weather dependant.


Reminder: SH1 at Karāpiro 4 day closure in January

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

A reminder for State Highway 1 (SH1) road users that SH1 at Karāpiro, south of Cambridge, will be closed for 4 days in January for maintenance and repair work.

The closure is between Karāpiro Road and SH1/29 at Piarere from midnight on Sunday 19 to midnight Thursday 23 January 2025.

All traffic will need to take detours or alternative routes to avoid the area. The full closure is the safest and most efficient way to complete the work required.

During the works, contractors will lay 42,000m2 of chipseal and apply a second seal on barrier areas and shoulders. They will also carry out works at the intersection with Maungatautari Road, and general maintenance such as mowing and sign repairs.

All properties within the closure and sideroads leading to it will have access maintained but delays are expected. Vehicles will be grouped and piloted through the site on the following schedule:

  • Northbound from near the SH1/29 roundabout: Leaving on the hour.
  • Southbound from Karāpiro Road: Leaving on the half hour.
  • People coming from sideroads will join the convoy as it passes their road.

All visitors and service providers can join this piloted access when they are visiting a property within the closure. 

Emergency services will have full access through the site at all times.  

Detour routes

While access to properties within the closure will be maintained, all other traffic should use the detours:

  • Karāpiro Road/Taotaoroa Road/SH29 in both directions with a speed restriction of 70km/h.
  • State highway traffic and freight will be encouraged to use SH26/SH27.  HPMVs and over-dimension loads also need to use SH26/SH27. This will add approximately 50 minutes to journeys.
  • Inter-regional traffic will be encouraged to use other routes like SH2/SH27 to the east of the closure. This will add approximately 18 minutes to journeys.

Traffic presenting at the stacking points at the north and south of the works area will not be turned around and can join the piloted convoys.

Following the resealing, the road will reopen with a 70km/h temporary speed limit.  Rollers and sweeping will take place before the road opens, but it will still need traffic on it at a reduced speed for up to a week for chip to bed in completely.

As always, work is weather dependent and any changes will be updated on Journey Planner. link)

State Highway 1 Blenheim roundabout resurfacing to begin next month

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

State highway summer maintenance continues in Marlborough with two busy Blenheim roundabouts to be resealed early next month.

The State Highway 1/State Highway 6 Nelson Street roundabout will be the first to be resurfaced with night works planned from Sunday, 2 February until Tuesday, 4 February, between 7 pm and 5 am.

During this time the roundabout will be closed to all traffic to allow for asphalting work to be carried out and a local road detour will be in place.

Contractors will then carry out night works on the State Highway 1 Main Street roundabout from Sunday, 9 February, until Wednesday, 12 February, between 7 pm and 5 am.

During this time the roundabout will be closed to all traffic to allow asphalting work to be completed and the same local detour route will be in place.

Mark Owen, Regional Manager Wellington/Top of the South, says the work is deliberately planned to coincide with State Highway 1 Weld Pass night closures.

“Most southbound traffic will be using the inland route. It means fewer vehicles will be using State Highway 1 through Blenheim. This way the resealing work affects fewer drivers.”

Mr Owen says because State Highway 1 through Blenheim is a busy arterial route, it is essential it is maintained and kept up to standard for all road users.

“To ensure the roundabout resealing is more durable, asphalt will be used. It is a longer lasting solution that provides a stronger road. It also reduces the amount of future maintenance needed, meaning fewer disruptions for drivers.”

A local road detour will be in place for all traffic in both directions via Alabama Road, Battys Road, Nelson Street, Hutcheson Street and Lansdowne Street. This detour is expected to add up to 10 minutes to travel time.

Once asphalting work is complete, road markings will be reinstated under night works with stop/go controls and a 30 km/h speed limit.

Mr Owen says the roundabout resealing will create some disruption and delays.

“Given it is in the heart of Blenheim, some impact on drivers is unavoidable. But contractors will do their best to minimise this as much as they can. However, people travelling through Blenheim can expect delays and should allow extra time for their journeys.”

“We have other state highway maintenance works underway in Marlborough as well. Please, check our NZTA Journey Planner before you travel so you are up-to-date on the latest road conditions, “ Mr Owen says.

NZTA Journey Planner(external link)

Works Details

State Highway 1, Grove Road / State Highway 6, Nelson Street roundabout

  • Sunday, 2 February to Tuesday, 4 February. 7 pm and 5 am.
  • Full road closure at the Pitchill Street, Lane Street (on Dillon’s Point Road), Auckland Street and Bomford Street intersections before the roundabout.
  • Local road detour in both directions for all vehicles, including heavies, via Alabama Road, Battys Road, Nelson Street, Hutcheson Street and Lansdowne Street. This detour is expected to add up to 10 minutes to travel time.
  • No access to the northern end of the Blenheim Railway Station during work hours. Access to the carpark will be via the southern end (Horton Street) only.
  • Access will be available for emergency services.
  • A 30 km/h temporary speed limit will be in place during the day outside of work hours. Road users must follow the instructions of contractors and obey all temporary speed limits and traffic controls.

State Highway 1, Main Street roundabout

  • Sunday, 9 February to Wednesday, 12 February. 7 pm and 5 am.
  • Full road closure at the Alfred Street, Freswick Street, Kinross Street, Symons Street and Park Terrace intersections before the roundabout.
  • Local road detour in both directions for all vehicles, including heavies, via Alabama Road, Battys Road, Nelson Street, Hutcheson Street and Lansdowne Street. This detour is expected to add up to 10 minutes to travel time.
  • Access will be available for emergency services.
  • A 30 km/h temporary speed limit will be in place during the day outside of work hours. Road users must follow the instructions of contractors and obey all temporary speed limits and traffic controls.

More Information:

Closures resume at State Highway 6 Epitaph Slip Site

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

The New Year has seen the resumption of resilience and rockfall remediation work on State Highway 6 between Moeraki and Haast.

Severe weather in November saw State Highway 6 closed at the Epitaph Slip site following a major rockfall and flooding.

Major rock scaling work required to remove dangerous unstable rocks above the highway was put on hold over the holiday period so the teams on site could take a well-deserved break. 

There was no movement or other changes at the site over the break, and with the holiday period over, work crews have returned to the site to continue with further blasting and removal of material above the highway.

From this week, there will be weekly road closures at the slip site every Tuesday and Thursday, between 12:30 pm and 4 pm. These will continue until March.

The closures are essential. Because explosives are being used, it will not be safe to drive through the works area and the highway must be closed while rocks and debris are removed.

NZTA/Waka Kotahi appreciates the closures will create delays and disruption for drivers. However, it is critical this work be completed to improve the highway’s safety and resilience.

Because there are no available detour routes, driver must be aware of the  closures and plan their travel accordingly.

Updates on the highway’s status can be found the NZTA/Waka Kotahi website. Drivers are encouraged to check road conditions before they travel.

Works Schedule:

  • Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, 12:30 pm to 4 pm. Closures will be ongoing until March.

SH6 CLOSED to all traffic at the Epitaph Slip Site. No immediate detour available. Drivers should avoid the area and time their travel to outside the closure periods.

Upcoming night closures for SH2 Petone for resurfacing works

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


People travelling on SH2 through Petone, need to prepare for several night-time road closures from Tuesday, 21 January. Detours will be available through Lower Hutt.

Roxanne Hilliard, Wellington Alliance Manager, says it is a continuation of the State Highway 2 Hutt Valley resurfacing works that began last year.

“Crews will begin with resurfacing the highway in January and then will need to come back in mid-February to do further works on what is a relatively sharp bend near the Petone  Overbridge.”

Ms Hilliard says that drivers often take this faster than the advised speed of 55 km/h, so it’s important that the road surface is as skid resistant as possible to help prevent crashes.

“The high traction material being used must be applied several weeks after the January resurfacing works, which is why we need to come back again in February to complete the job.”

“A temporary speed limit of 50km/hr will be in place on SH2 Petone until mid-February. Drivers are being asked to slow down while this work is in place. We appreciate everyone taking care while this important safety work is completed,” Ms Hilliard says.

Works schedule and detour maps

  • Tuesday, 21 January
    • Petone to Dowse Interchange will be closed to northbound traffic. Southbound traffic will be down to one lane, with a temporary speed limit of 30 km/hr.
  • Wednesday, 22 January
    • Dowse Interchange to Petone will be closed to southbound traffic. Northbound traffic will be down to one lane, with a temporary speed limit of 30 km/hr.
  • Local road detour available (below)
  • Thursday, 23 January
    • the Petone southbound onramp will be closed. Drivers will need to use Dowse Interchange to travel southbound.
  • Sunday 26 and Monday 27 January
    • A structure next to the overbridge southbound will be removed. This will require a southbound road closure.
  • Mid-February
    • For two nights crews will be water cutting the road surface to remove any excess bitumen. This means that one night will be a northbound closure and the other night will be southbound.
    • Following the water cutting, calcined bauxite will be applied, taking up to four nights.
    • Updates on the timing of these work closures will be provided closer to the time.
