New dates for HB Expressway resealing

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

This week’s night closures for resealing on State Highway 2 Hawke’s Bay Expressway have been postponed due to the forecast rain.

However, the closure on this Wednesday night (22 January) between Meannee Road and Pākōwhai Road/Links Road roundabouts will still take place 8pm and 5am, as the barrier installation planned at this location is not weather dependent. 

The new dates for resealing are:

From Monday 27 to Friday 31 January, sections of SH2 Hawke’s Bay Expressway will be closed from 8pm to 5am each night. The work will be finished by 5am on Saturday 1 February.

  • 27 – 29 Jan – Between Prebensen Drive and Taradale Road roundabouts, closed for 3 nights. Local road detour suitable for all vehicles.
  • 30 Jan – Kennedy Road on ramp, closed for 1 night. Local road detour suitable for all vehicles.
  • 30 – 31 Jan – Between Meeanee Road and Pākōwhai Road/Links Road, closed for 2 nights. Local road detour not suitable for heavy vehicles.

SH50 Links Road resealing – no change

At this stage, weather is not expected to disrupt the resealing of SH50 Links Road and work will go ahead as planned on Friday night.

The road, between SH50 Korokipo Road and SH2 Hawke’s Bay Expressway, will be closed Friday 24 January and Saturday 25 January, 8pm to 5am each night.

People travelling on SH50 wanting to access the expressway will be detoured through Waiohiki, onto Gloucester Street and right into Meeanee Road before joining the expressway. The reverse will apply for people travelling the expressway who want to access SH50.

The detour is expected to add approximately 5-10 minutes to people’s journeys.

Existing weight restrictions apply to heavy vehicles on Redclyffe Bridge at Waiohiki (8 Tonne) and Ngaruroro River Bridge at Omahu/Fernhill.

If vehicles exceed these restrictions, there is no access during closure times.

NZTA thanks people for their understanding and patience while these important works take place.

SH50 Korokipo Road resealing – new dates

The resealing works planned for Monday 27 January to Friday 31 January along sections of SH50 between Ngaruroro River Bridge at Omahu/Fernhill and Omarunui Road, have been rescheduled to the following week (Monday 3 February to Friday 7 February).

That work will take place during the day between 7am and 5pm. Please expect delays of up to 10 minutes to journey times as sections of the road will be under stop/go traffic management.

SH50 Korokipo Road stop/go

New dates

Monday 27 January

Monday 3 February, 7am to 5pm – stop/go

Tuesday 28 January

Tuesday 4 February, 7am to 5pm – stop/go

Wednesday 29 January

Wednesday 5 February, 7am to 5pm – stop/go

Thursday 30 January


Friday 31 January

Friday 7 February, 7am to 5pm – stop/go

Cobble skinks beat the odds and fly home

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  20 January 2025

It comes after a DOC ranger surveying coastal areas near their original habitat found new populations of these skinks, with one significant site estimated to hold over 22,000.

The release took place on the 15 of January with representatives of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae, DOC and Auckland Zoo staff present.

The skinks are being returned from Auckland Zoo, where they have been cared for and successfully bred since 2016, after their only known habitat was severely impacted by coastal erosion. The skinks were flown to Nelson by Air New Zealand and transported to the release site by vehicle.

These skinks live in a unique environment consisting of beach stones or “cobbles” and were believed to be in severe decline, occupying less than one hectare of coastline habitat in 2016. An assessment of the coastline was undertaken to locate a suitable, stable site to release the animals.

At the time, it was thought there were less than 100 left in the wild. Based on this information the species was classified as Nationally Critical and thought to be under imminent threat of extinction with every passing storm.

An emergency rescue salvage of 35 individuals was undertaken in 2016, with six more transferred in 2022. These animals have been cared for by expert herpetologists at Auckland Zoo and bred in the Zoo’s specialist facilities to reach 148 individuals.

DOC Biodiversity Project Lead Kate Simister says, “We are really pleased to have found the situation is not as dire as originally thought. Although significant threats such as sea level rise, coastal erosion and weeds encroaching on their habitat still face cobble skink in the long-term, for now, we can return the captive population to the wild and focus our efforts on in-situ management and protection.”

Auckland Zoo’s Head of Animal Care and Conservation Richard Gibson, says when a small number of skinks were rescued and sent to the Zoo in 2016, they were thought to be the last of their species, so the stakes were extremely high.

“Through a combination of prior experience and evidence-based adaptation, we quickly established a successful husbandry regime under which the skinks both thrived and reproduced.

“Genetic and demographic management plans meant these few animals quickly became the potential source to recover the species and we learned a great deal about their natural history while in our care, things that would help inform their eventual recovery.

“Now we know they’re not quite as close to the precipice of extinction we have the luxury of returning the Zoo population to the wild to reintroduce valuable genetics. We will continue to work with our DOC partners and iwi to plan for long-term security for this species living so precariously close to the edge,” explains Richard.

Ngāti Whātua Orakei representatives said a special karakia at Auckland Zoo for the Cobble skinks ahead of their safe return to the wild. Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae representatives were also there to greet them on their Te Waipounamu arrival.

“On behalf of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae, we are so grateful to be a part of this amazing kaupapa, especially for our tamariki to be involved on this special day,” said Deputy Chair of Ngāti Waewae, Hamiria Ngaamo.

“It is also a great opportunity to grow and continue our connections with Ngāti Whātua Orakei, Auckland Zoo, and Te Papa Atawhai ki Kawatiri, who all have done such an incredible job taking care of these taonga for their safe return home.”


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EIT Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) graduates secure roles at partner school | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

3 minutes ago

EIT Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) graduates Isaac Winterson (second left) and Becca Williams with Havelock North Primary School Principal Nick Reed (right) and Deputy Principal Greg Bain (left).

EIT’s partnership with local schools continues to thrive, with two Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) graduates the latest to secure jobs at Havelock North Primary School.

Becca Williams and Isaac Winterson finished the programme, renowned for its practical, community-focused approach, at the end of the semester, having completed placements at Havelock North Primary during their three years.

Isaac is excited to begin his career teaching Year 4 students. Reflecting on his time at EIT, he credited the programme’s practical focus for preparing him for the realities of teaching. 

“The practical experience was invaluable. Being in classrooms, working alongside incredible teachers, and applying what I learnt built my confidence over the three years,” Isaac said. “I’m stoked to start this new chapter.” 

Isaac also expressed gratitude for the supportive environment at EIT, where lecturers provided personalised guidance. 

For Becca, joining the staff at Havelock North Primary is a homecoming. A former student at the school, she completed her final practicum in a Year 3 classroom, spending two days a week on-site throughout her final year.

“It feels so special to return to the school I attended as a child,” Becca shared. “The connections I’ve made with staff and students during my practicum gave me insight into the school’s culture and prepared me for this opportunity. It’s like a year-long job interview.” 

Becca credits EIT’s focus on real-world experience and the close relationships with lecturers for her success.

“The support was incredible. Unlike larger universities, where you might not even know your lecturer’s name, at EIT, you can contact them anytime,” she said. 

Principal Nick Reed and Deputy Principal Greg Bain have long been advocates of EIT’s Bachelor of Teaching (Primary), commending its hands-on approach and the positive impact it has on teacher preparedness.

The partnership, which dates back to the programme’s inception more than a decade ago, sees candidate teachers spend 40 per cent of their training in classrooms around the region, giving schools a unique opportunity to mentor and assess future educators.

They congratulated Becca and Isaac, and said they ticked a lot of boxes.

“We’re lucky to have them because there were a number of other schools who were keen to sign them up as well. So, we were fortunate to get in nice and early with the interview process and secure their services,” Nick said.

EIT Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) graduates Isaac Winterson (second left) and Becca Williams with Havelock North Primary School Principal Nick Reed (right) and Deputy Principal Greg Bain (left).

Greg said both Becca and Isaac were “really successful in being able to build relationships with the staff and kids”.

“We want people who are going to go the extra mile for the kids,” Nick added.

Greg described the partnership with EIT as mutually beneficial, allowing the school to evaluate top talent throughout the year.

“We get a really good look at the candidates coming through, which is really positive. I tell every candidate teacher that this is basically your interview for the whole year you’re here, so make the most of it,” he said.

Nick added: “They’re well prepared and providing that they’ve had positive postings, which in most cases they have, they’re ready to make a difference from the get-go.”

Kirsty Jones, EIT Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) Programme Co-ordinator, says: “It is always so rewarding to see graduates winning jobs in the partner schools where they practiced the craft of teaching, it is a fabulous endorsement of the quality of EIT’s BTP programme.”

“This year the graduates were snapped up by local schools with most securing positions before they had even finished their final course work. They will all start teaching in 2025.”

“Many of our past graduates have been appointed as senior leaders and mentor teachers for these beginning teachers too. I feel so proud of them and seeing them grow over the years and become leaders in the profession is heart-warming.”

Two separate whale strandings in the South Island this weekend

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  19 January 2025

Pod of whales stranded in Golden Bay, DOC and Project Jonah responding

Attribute to Andrew Lamason, DOC Acting Operations Manager Golden Bay

“We had a report come in yesterday afternoon of a pod of whales close to shore near Pakawau.  Our ranger who lives nearby was tracking them.

The pod of whales moved northward and stranded near Taupata Stream.

A large pod of whales had stranded and several were swimming nearby. They are pilot whales and are a range of ages and sizes.

Of those stranded, one passed away very quickly.

Our team and Project Jonah volunteers were out with the whales until dark last night. This includes several Project Jonah medics, their help is always greatly appreciated.

DOC Rangers and Project Jonah volunteers have been at the site from first light this morning. Gusty easterly winds are not making things easy.

We will be looking after the remaining whales until the tide turns around 2 pm. We will attempt to re-float them at high tide.”

Whale stranded in New Brighton, Christchurch has been re-floated

Attribute to Andy Thompson DOC Mahaanui Operations Manager

“We received a call around 4:30 pm yesterday of a dolphin stranded in New Brighton.

Local iwi Ngāi Tūāhuriri, DOC, and Project Jonah responded.

It is likely to be a young or juvenile Cuvier’s beaked-whale or an even rarer Gingko whale. Both are deep water species.

At 5:40 pm Project Jonah staff had the whale secured and pointing out to sea. The whale swam out, so it was a successful re-float.

The whale was seen later in the evening, just out behind the breakers.

It is a young and vulnerable whale and we are very hopeful of a successful outcome but we are very mindful it is likely we will see it again somewhere else along the coast.

We would ask the public to report any sightings of the whale to 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468).”


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Auckland overnight motorway closures 19 – 24 January 2025

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi advises of the following closures for motorway improvements. Work delayed by bad weather will be completed at the next available date, prior to Friday, 24 January 2025. Please note this Traffic Bulletin is updated every Friday.

Please note this Traffic Bulletin is updated every Friday.

Daily updated closure information(external link)

Unless otherwise stated, closures start at 9pm and finish at 5am. Traffic management may be in place before the advertised closure times for the mainline.


  • Southbound lanes between Silverdale off-ramp and Oteha Valley Road on-ramp, 21 January
    • Silverdale southbound on-ramp, 21 January
  • Northbound lanes between Oteha Valley Road off-ramp and Silverdale on-ramp, 22 January
    • Oteha Valley Road northbound on-ramp, 22 January
  • Southbound lanes between Oteha Valley Road off-ramp and Constellation Drive on-ramp, 20 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
    • Oteha Valley Road southbound on-ramp, 20 January
    • Greville Road southbound on-ramp, 20 January
    • SH1 Southbound to SH18 Westbound Link, 20 January
  • Southbound lanes between Constellation Drive off-ramp and Northcote Road on-ramp, 19 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
    • Constellation Drive southbound on-ramp, 19 January
    • Tristram Avenue southbound on-ramp, 19 January
  • Northbound lanes between Constellation Drive off-ramp and Oteha Valley Road on-ramp, 23 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
    • Greville Road northbound on-ramp, 23 January
    • Constellation Drive northbound on-ramp, 23 January
  • Southbound lanes between Tristram Avenue off-ramp and Northcote Road on-ramp, 21-23 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
    • Tristram Avenue southbound on-ramp, 21-23 January
  • Onewa Road northbound off-ramp, 19-23 January
  • Stafford Road off-ramp, 19-23 January
  • Curran Street northbound on-ramp, 19-23 January


  • Southbound lanes between Fanshawe Street off-ramp and St Marks Road on-ramp, 20-21 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
    • SH1 southbound to SH16 eastbound (Port) link, 20-21 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
    • Hobson Street southbound on-ramp, 20-21 January
    • Symonds Street southbound on-ramp, 20-21 January
    • SH16 eastbound to SH1 southbound link, 20-21 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
  • Westbound lanes between Stanley Street off-ramp and Wellesley Street East on-ramp, 20-21 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
    • SH16 (Port) westbound to SH1 southbound link, 20-21 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
  • Grafton Road southbound on-ramp, 20-21 January


  • Khyber Pass Road southbound on-ramp, 20-22 January
  • Tecoma Street southbound on-ramp, 19-20 & 23 January
  • Northbound lanes between Drury/SH22 off-ramp and Takanini on-ramp, 20-21 January
    • Papakura (Diamond) northbound on-ramp, 20-21 January
    • Papakura (Loop) northbound on-ramp, 20-21 January
    • Drury/SH22 northbound on-ramp, 20-21 January
  • Northbound lanes between Drury/SH22 off-ramp and Papakura on-ramp, 19 January
    • Drury/SH22 northbound on-ramp, 19 January
  • Southbound lanes between Ramarama off-ramp and Bombay on-ramp, 19-23 January
    • Ramarama southbound on-ramp, 19-23 January
  • Bombay southbound off-ramp, 19-23 January


  • Southbound lanes between Foster and Trigg Road, 19 January (approx. 6:00pm to 6:00am)
  • Northbound lanes between Trigg Road and Foster Road, 19 January (approx. 6:00pm to 6:00am)
  • Southbound lanes between Waimauku roundabout and Trigg Rd, 20-23 January (approx. 8:00pm to 5:00am)
  • Northbound lanes between Trigg Rd and Waimauku roundabout, 20-23 January (approx. 8:00pm to 5:00am)
  • Southbound lanes between Access Road and Taupaki Road roundabout, 21 January
  • Northbound lanes between Taupaki Road roundabout and Access Road, 21 January
  • Te Atatu Road (Loop) southbound on-ramp, 20 January


  • Eastbound lanes between Albany Highway off-ramp and Paul Matthews Road on-ramp, 23 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
    • Albany Highway eastbound on-ramp, 23 January
    • SH18 eastbound to SH1 northbound link, 23 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
  • Westbound lanes between Paul Matthews Road off-ramp and Albany Highway on-ramp, 20 January
  • Paul Matthews Road westbound on-ramp, 20 January


  • Northbound lanes between Queenstown Road off-ramp and Dominion Road on-ramp, 22-23 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
    • Hillsborough Road northbound on-ramp, 22-23 January
  • Neilson Street northbound off-ramp, 21 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
  • Rimu Road northbound on-ramp, 21 January
  • Southbound lanes between Puhinui Road off-ramp and SH1 links, 19-23 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
    • Southbound Service Lane (Puhinui Road to Cavendish Drive),19-23 January
    • Puhinui Road southbound on-ramp, 19-23 January
    • Cavendish Drive southbound on-ramp, 19-23 January
    • Lambie Drive southbound on-ramp, 19-23 January
    • SH20 southbound to SH1 northbound link, 19-23 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)
    • SH20 southbound to SH1 southbound link, 19-23 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)


  • None planned


  • None planned


  • None planned


  • None planned

Please follow the signposted detours. NZ Transport Agency thanks you for your co-operation during these essential improvements and maintenance.

Current overnight closure information(external link)

Auckland roads and public transport(external link)

SH16 maintenance and improvement works start this Sunday

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi advises essential maintenance and improvement work on State Highway 16 (SH16) in the Port area will begin on Sunday 19 January and continue through to April 2025.

To ensure we make the most of the closure and maximise value for money, our team will use this opportunity to carry out three essential projects. This will remove the need for separate closures throughout the year that may cause a similar disruption.

The work we will be carrying out includes:

  • The Strand road rehabilitation – westbound (towards the motorway) lanes on The Strand.
  • The Strand Optimisation project – stage 1 improvements – Paving, curb and lane and pedestrian crossing redesign on Stanley Street, The Strand and Gladstone Road.
  • Commercial Vehicle Safety Programme (CVSP) – Surface preparation to strengthen the road for the installation of the Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) plates near St Georges Bay Road.

The Strand Optimisation project – stage 1 improvements will begin on Sunday 19 January near Saatchi and Saatchi (123 The Strand) and be carried out Sundays to Thursdays between 9pm and 5am. We expect this to be completed in April 2025. During weeknights there will be lane restrictions, but traffic will be able to travel in both directions along SH16. There will be no street parking available on The Strand while work is being carried out.

The Strand Road Rehabilitation and WIM preparation weekend work will begin on Friday 31 January and be carried out over four consecutive weekends from 9pm Friday to 5am Monday. During the weekend there will be a full westbound closure (towards Stanley Street).  A detour will be in place via Quay Street, Tangihua Street and Beach Road. Alternatively light vehicles can use Gladstone Road, St Stephens Ave and Parnell Rise. These detour routes will add approximately 10 minutes to people’s journeys.

Businesses along The Strand will be open during the weekend; however, street parking will not be available. Public parking at Shipwright Lane, Wilson Parking (70 The Strand) and surrounding streets will still be accessible. People visiting the area are advised to check with the relevant business/es whether access to onsite parking is available. 

NZTA appreciates the impact these works will have on motorists and the community in the area. After careful consideration of several options, our contractors have chosen the quickest and safest way to complete these works. 

Our crews will be working to complete these projects as quickly as possible. Detours will be in place for road users, and access to businesses and residents along SH16 may be affected. We strongly advise businesses in the area to plan their operations with the closure timetable in mind.

People travelling through the area should plan ahead and expect delays. 

To view the latest information, go to

This work is weather dependent and may need to be postponed. For real-time updates please visit link)

NZTA appreciates everyone’s patience and understanding while we complete these important works.

New right turn bay planned State Highway 1 Koromiko

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Accessing the Koromiko caravan park near Picton is about to get easier and safer.

NZTA/Waka Kotahi will be building a new right turn bay at the Freeths Road/State Highway 1 intersection at the end of this month.

Road crews will be on-site for around eight weeks with work to begin on 27 January and to continue until 28 March – weather permitting.

The turning bay is required as part of consent conditions for a new campground NZ Motor Caravan Association is establishing on Freeths Road. NZTA/Waka Kotahi has been working with the NZMCA on the project.

The construction of the right turn bay will see the southbound lane of State Highway 1 widened between Picton Golf Course and 100 metres south of Freeths Road. A flush median will extend from the right turn bay to Picton Golf Club.

The work will predominantly be completed at night from Sunday to Thursday between 7 pm and 6 am under stop/go traffic management.

Drivers can expect delays of approximately five-minutes when driving through Koromiko while this project is completed. Road users, especially those with ferry connections in Picton, should allow extra time for their journeys.

Residents close to the work site may experience some noise, lights, and vibration while the work is being undertaken. Our contractors will do their best to minimise disruption where possible.

With State Highway 1 Picton to Tuamarina carrying over 6,000 vehicles daily, the new turning bay will make it safer for turning traffic to enter Freeths Road.

Road users are also reminded of other maintenance work that will be carried out around the same time on other sections of State Highway 1, including SH1 Grove Road and SH6 Nelson Street roundabout; State Highway 1 and Main Street roundabout, and SH1 Weld Pass.

Road users are urged to check NZTA journey planner for road work information and allow extra time for travelling between Picton and Kaikoura.

Works schedule and Location:

Construction of the turning bay will be in three stages:

  • Stage 1:
    • This focuses on the section North of Freeths Road planned from Monday 27 January to late February.
  • Stage 2 and 3:
    • This will be on the South of Freeths Road and Freeths Road itself and is planned from late February to late March. During stage three work will be undertaken during the day with two lanes open (contraflow) with traffic only stopped when vehicles need to exit from Freeths Road. Day work will be from Monday to Friday between 6am to 7pm.
  • A 30 km/h temporary speed limit will be in place on this section of SH1 during these works. During stage three, the temporary traffic management to allow vehicles to exit Freeths Road will remain in place outside of work hours including weekends.

Well-placed rangers rescue tramper in trouble

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  17 January 2025

Two well-equipped and experienced DOC rangers and a hut warden were in the right place at the right time to help a hiker who got into trouble near Maniniaro/Mt. Angelus in the Nelson Lakes National Park.

The rescue is a reminder of the importance of always carrying equipment and a PLB when in the backcountry, even for short trips after reaching the hut.

The rangers were camping in the area while carrying out kea monitoring work when they heard someone calling for help at about 9 pm on Tuesday night, just after heavy fog rolled into the area with a southerly change. They tried to find where the calls were coming from, moving carefully in the bad weather.

After about two hours, realising the person calling hadn’t moved location during that time and fearing they were injured, the rangers set off a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) and reached DOC staff via radio so Police could be alerted.

At the same time, a hiker staying in Angelus Hut saw an empty bunk and recalled passing a woman on the north ridge of Maniniaro/Mt. Angelus, so alerted the hut warden.

The rangers, hut warden, and the hiker who alerted the warden carried out a coordinated search until about 1 am, but weren’t moving far because of the fog. The poor conditions forced the search to pause until first light.

Ricki Mitchell moving carefully through the fog during the Maniniaro Mt. Angelus rescue on Wednesday morning
Image: DOC

Early on Wednesday morning, the four people searching resumed the coordinated search in the fog. After a few hours, they found the hiker on the edge of some bluffs below the north ridge of Maniniaro/Mt. Angelus but couldn’t get to her.

The hiker was not hurt but was cold and wet, as she had left most of her tramping gear at Angelus Hut.

In the meantime, two LandSAR Teams assembled but could not fly in by helicopter due to the weather conditions, so were preparing to travel across Lake Rotoiti by boat and then head in on foot. 

The rangers tried a different route and made their way carefully down to the hiker’s position. They warmed her up and walked her back up to the ridge and down to Angelus Hut. The weather conditions remained poor throughout the day and with the steep terrain, the recovery took until mid-afternoon.

The SAR teams were stood down just before being deployed as it became clear the two rangers had the situation in hand.

After a night in Angelus Hut, the rangers and the hiker walked out together on Thursday.

Ricki Mitchell, one of the rangers involved, says they were determined to find the hiker and it was an amazing moment to get her back.

“The lesson to be learned is if you’re going out, even for a short trip from the hut, tell someone your intentions and make sure you’re carrying good equipment, including a PLB and headtorch, at all times. The conditions just change up there so quickly.

“Having the right gear and technology like GPS made a real difference, knowing we had everything we needed to be safe. When you’re up there traversing scree and navigating drop-offs and can only see a few metres, it’s pretty intense.

“We were lucky it worked out the way it did, given the horrendous weather. If she had to stay out another night, there was a real risk of hypothermia.”

She says the rescue was a team effort, with everyone involved working closely together and communicating well.

DOC’s Nelson Lakes Operations Manager John Wotherspoon says the hiker was in challenging terrain, and it was fortunate there were competent and experienced DOC field staff in the area who could safely get to the woman to rescue her without putting themselves at undue risk.

“Nelson Lakes National Park has alpine conditions right from the carpark and the weather can change quickly, so its crucial hikers check weather forecasts and carry warm waterproof clothes, food, headtorches and a PLB at all times.”

Anyone heading into the backcountry is reminded to follow the Land Safety Code, which has five simple rules to help keep people safe:

  1. Choose the right trip for you.
  2. Understand the weather.
  3. Pack warm clothes and extra food.
  4. Share your plans and take ways to get help.
  5. Take care of yourself and each other.

More information on the Land Safety Code.


For media enquiries contact:


Rockfall protection work planned for State Highway 59. Pukerua Bay – Paekākāriki

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Work will begin next Monday night (20 January) to reduce the risk of slips on State Highway 59 north of Pukerua Bay.

It is the next stage in ongoing rockfall protection on the route between Pukerua Bay and Paekākāriki and is near the site of a major overslip repair completed in 2022.

Location of rockfall protection works, SH59 Pukerua Bay – Paekākariki

Contractors will be on site from Monday, 20 January through until the end of March. Abseilers will begin by constructing a safety barrier on the southbound lane to catch potential rockfalls, preventing them from reaching the road.

The intention is to further reduce the risk of slips and rockfalls on the highway and improve its resilience and reliability for drivers. On average, over 7,000 vehicles use the highway daily.

The work will affect traffic flows on the route, with stop/go traffic management in place at the work site on weekdays, and a temporary 30 km/h speed limit at nights and on weekends.

Drivers should allow extra time for their journeys or use State Highway 1 Transmission Gully (Te Aranui o Te Rangihaeata) as an alternative route.

NZTA/Waka Kotahi and the Wellington Transport Alliance thank drivers for their patience and cooperation while this essential state highway work is completed.

Works Schedule and Traffic Management:

  • Monday, 20 January until the end of March
    • Monday, 20 January: Stop/Go traffic management, 10 pm – 2 am (for site set up)
    • Weekdays: Stop/Go traffic management, 9 am – 4 pm (no work on weekends)
    • Weekends and nights: 30 km/h temporary speed limits

More information:

Alert: glitch in AboutMe tool

Source: Privacy Commissioner

AboutMe (Request My Info Tool) had a glitch between 19 December 2024 and 12 January 2025 and any requests made during that time haven’t been forwarded on to the agency involved.

What happened was that an error in our system stopped people receiving an email verification link, which is a step in the process that lets your request go through. 

Like any glitch, it was unintended, and we apologise for any inconvenience. We also recommend that if you used the AboutMe tool between 19 December 2024 and 12 January 2025 that you redo your request.