SH1 Desert Road closure scheduled for next week

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: SH1 Desert Road closure scheduled for next week

The road is being closed to enable the concrete deck to be poured on the Waihohonu Stream Bridge. The bridge was damaged in a crash last year.

Earlier dates have been postponed because of bad weather. Pouring concrete in wet weather can have environmental and safety impacts.

NZTA Waikato Transport Systems Manager, Karen Boyt, says this date is still weather dependent.

“People should continue to check our website or call us before they leave for their journey so they’re aware of what’s ahead of them.”

Another similar 36-hour closure is scheduled for mid to late April, this will also be weather permitting.

Outside of the closure times people can expect the bridge to be down to one lane, with some short closures of around 5 minutes. There is a 30km/h limit in place.

The alternative route is State Highways 46, 47, 4, and 49. This detour is not suitable for vehicles over 46 tonnes, apart from 50MAX which is permitted.

There are also multiple maintenance work sites on the Desert Road during this period and delays are possible at other sites.

High productivity motor vehicles can use the SH3 and SH3A route between Hamilton and Bulls.

Vehicles with over-weight loads or over-dimension loads wider than 3.0 metres are unable to use the Desert Road section of SH1 until the bridge repairs are complete in April.

The closure dates are subject to fine weather. Updates will be posted at the sites below.

People can check all current road closures here:

We are also on Twitter and Facebook:

IPE Students gather at Rongopai Marae

Source: Tairawhiti District Health – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: IPE Students gather at Rongopai Marae

Students studying multiple health disciplines gathered at Rongopai Marae early in the week for an IPE Noho Marae programme that focuses on Maori and rural health. The group was made up of students from three inter-professional education programmes (IPE) in Tairāwhiti, Wairoa and Whakatane.

The idea of the IPE was to attract students back to the regions and the focus is on rural health, Māori health and interprofessional practices, said Wairoa’s clinical nurse manager Sonya Smith.

Five students make up the Wairoa contingent — a medical student, a student of occupational therapy, two pharmacy students and a student studying for a degree in oral health. In Wairoa, the students live in a former nurses’ hostel, the Gisborne students live in accommodation at Gisborne Hospital and in Whakatane the students stay in houses in the community.

Sharing reflections and opinions

Living together is an integral part of the programmes, as it means the students could share their reflections and opinions, she said.

“We also want them to have fun together and get to know each other,” said IPE administrator Rose Schwass. The group visited Rere Falls and enjoyed leisure time before the programme began.

The programme can include up to nine disciplines (medicine, nursing, dental, occupational therapy, oral health, physio, dietetics, pharmacy and social work) and this year in Whakatane there are some students of paramedicine as well as midwifery.

It has been running for six years and so far 36 students have come back to the area to take up jobs in their chosen fields. Community projects are an important part of the IPE, allowing students to give something back to the community. One project done by students last year was the creation of Tu Mahi, a workplace wellness feedback tool. Another project was the production of a sexual health resource targeted at sexually active people from 12-25 years of age.

The group was welcomed on to the marae with a waiata and a kapa haka performance. It is a special cultural experience with a large part of the programme focused on Māori health strategies and Māori concepts relating to health and wellbeing.

Taina Ngarimu was acting as cultural adviser to the group and they also had Māori spiritual healer Wiremu Niania address them yesterday, said programme leader Dr Patrick McHugh.

The Tairāwhiti IPE is affiliated with the University of Otago. A lot of students have not had much contact with Māori, so it was especially meaningful for them, he said.

Visiting Norwegian professor Bente Norbye addressed the group and talked about the similarities between Norway and New Zealand. Ms Norbye works in the faculty of health sciences at The Arctic University of Norway UiT. Her visit is mainly for research and observation of how IPE is delivered here. She is here for five months working out of Wellington as a visiting academic and healthcare educator.

The skills she teaches there are transferable, such as learning to work together with other medical professions and being creative in finding the right solutions. “In the rural sector it is about building relationships and being trustworthy.”


State Highway 3 near Awakino Tunnel closed following serious crash

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: State Highway 3 near Awakino Tunnel closed following serious crash

State Highway 43 between Taumarunui and Whangamomona is also closed due to slips. The road is expected to be open tomorrow afternoon.

The NZ Transport Agency says State Highway 3 can be used as a detour if people have to travel.

It says people should expect delays in the area and should check the NZ Transport Agency website before travelling.

Check the Transport Agency’s website: for the latest highway information.

Freephone 0800 4 HIGHWAYS for national and regional travel updates.

We are also on social media

UPDATE 3PM: Napier to Taupō and most other state highways now open

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: UPDATE 3PM: Napier to Taupō and most other state highways now open

The NZ Transport Agency says people can still expect delays as there will be parts of the road down to one lane.

It says people should check the website, the NZTA regional social media pages or call us on 0800 4 HIGHWAYS before leaving for their journey.

Current closures (check for latest information):


  •  State Highway 43 between Taumarunui and Whangamomona is closed due to slips. The detour is via State Highway 3 and 4. Road is expected to be open tomorrow afternoon at least.

Roads now open:

  •  State Highway 5 between Napier and Taupo is now open but extra care is needed. People should expect delays.
  •  State Highway 2 between Tutira and Whirinaki near Napier is now open.
  •  State Highway 45 between New Plymouth and Omata is now open and is being monitored. People should take extra if they need to use this road.


Check the Transport Agency’s website:  for the latest highway information or for up-to-date information on what is happening on the route you plan to travel; freephone 0800 4 HIGHWAYS for national and regional travel updates.

We are also on social media.


Source: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Safe Travel – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Turkey

State of Emergency
Following an unsuccessful military coup attempt on 15-16 July 2016, the Turkish government declared a state of emergency to allow for additional security measures to be implemented. The state of emergency remains in place, meaning authorities have increased powers and there is an increased security presence in public places. Conditions remain volatile and the situation can change rapidly. Security has been enhanced in large cities such as Instanbul, busy areas and at airports.


Source: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Safe Travel – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Mexico

On 7 September 2017 there was an earthquake of magnitude 8.2 off the coast of Chiapas. On 19 September 2017 a 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck in the state of Puebla, which caused significant damage to Mexico City and five other regions. On 23 September 2017 there was an earthquake of magnitude 6.1 in Oaxaca.

Detours to be in place at busy Rotorua roundabout

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Detours to be in place at busy Rotorua roundabout

Detours will be place on Froude Street to Tryon Street and also Trigg Avenue to Ward Avenue.

The NZ Transport Agency says people should avoid the area if possible, but if they have to travel they should take extra care and expect delays.

The work is subject to weather conditions and may need to be postponed.

People can stay up to date by calling 0800 4 HIGHWAYS or checking the website

We are also on Twitter and Facebook:

Roads closed around Central North Island after heavy rain and wind

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Roads closed around Central North Island after heavy rain and wind

The NZ Transport Agency says people can expect delays and should drive with extra care.

It says people should check the website, the NZTA regional social media pages or call us on 0800 4 HIGHWAYS before leaving for their journey.

Current closures – check for latest information.

  •  State Highway 45 between New Plymouth and Omata is closed due to a fallen tree. The road is expected to open this afternoon.

  • State Highway 43 between Taumarunui and Whangamomona is closed due to slips. The detour is via State Highway 3 and 4. It is not yet known when this road will open but crews are working where it is currently safe to do so.

  • State Highway 5 between Napier and Taupo is closed due to slips and flooding. A detour route for travellers is to go south from Taupo via Palmerston North on State Highway 1 and 2. This will add 4 to 5 hours to the journey. A second but longer detour is to go north from Taupo on SH5 to Rotorua, take SH30 and SH2 to Gisborne and on to Napier. It is not yet known when this road will open but crews are working where it is currently safe to do so. Given the length of the detours people should consider if their travel is necessary.

Check the Transport Agency’s website for the latest highway information or check  for up-to-date information on what is happening on the route you plan to travel. Freephone 0800 4 HIGHWAYS for national and regional travel updates.

We are also on social media.

A day in the life of the Toiora exercise class

Source: Health Quality and Safety Commission – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: A day in the life of the Toiora exercise class

Primary Care

Many elements combined make the Toiora exercise class for people with diabetes an excellent example of the Whakakotahi primary care improvement challenge in action.

Above all, the core element has been the community of people who have come together to co-design the class and take part over its inaugural 12 weeks.

Making the Toiora exercise class a success: (clockwise from left) Loviana Masila, Leanne Long, Peata Schaafhausen, Pollyanne Edwards, Mere Te Paki, Kamal Chandra, Tai Pairama, Colleen Dunne (seated) and Sally Nicholl.

Toiora takes place at the community hall next door to the Hutt Union & Community Health Service (HUCHS) clinic in Pomare, Lower Hutt.

Named after the healthy lifestyle component of Tā Mason Durie’s model for health promotion, Toiora was co-designed by Te Kete Hauora – the patient advisory group developed by Hutt Union & Community Health Service’s (HUCHS) Whakakotahi project team – and is led by Colleen Dunne, a Hutt Valley DHB physiotherapist, along with Te Kete Hauora members Patria Tamaka, Hine Chase and Mere Te Paki.

Dunne brings her physiotherapy expertise to Toiora, encouraging the group to push themselves without exceeding their own limits or causing injury as they do a combination of aerobic, resistance, balance and flexibility exercises. The exercise programme aligns with the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines for physical activity for Type 2 diabetes, Diabetes New Zealand and the Ministry of Health Quality Standards for Diabetes Care Toolkit 2014.

All participants were required to receive medical clearance before beginning the class and on commencement were provided with an information sheet on physical activity benefits and precautions, a home exercise programme, physical activity recording sheet and a Toiora t-shirt.

HUCHS manager Sally Nicholl says one of the points of difference with Toiora was that no-one went into the group cold. “Everyone knew someone else there, whether it was a member of the HUCHS team or a family member, and people would travel together to the class.

“There were pre-existing relationships to build on, whereas if we had done this ‘normally’ we would have been advertising via Facebook and promotion in the HUCHS waiting room. We might have got the numbers but I don’t think we would have had the retention that we’ve had.”

Through the co-design element feedback from the group was gathered week by week, class by class, so that the class could change as it progressed. Before classes began there was also a pre-assessment and interviews to openly address personal goals and any concerns.

Some snippets from an interim summary of feedback included:

  • “It’s good to be in a group knowing that everyone’s on the same journey – kia ora.”
  • “(I) memorised parts of the class to be able to do some at home.”
  • “Music this week a bit too fast to catch up – good mixture would be good and a bit slow, to cater for older people.”
  • “Takes my breath away, ka pai.”
  • “Great camaraderie.”
  • “Getting harder but loving it.”
  • “Not so puffed today.”
  • “Woohoo!!!”

And the longest comment: “The combined approach from the multidisciplinary team/nurses/community/management has been an amazing help in managing my chronic disease. I think this has to be the approach despite the resource heaviness or demand. I don’t think it (would) be successful with a solo clinician.”

Group members measure their blood sugar before and after class.

As Colleen Dunne says: “Numbers matter when they translate into a better quality of life”. She is passionate about the approach used in Toiora.

“This has been a perfect marriage between evidence-based practice and community facilitation of self-management through a support group.

“The main ingredients are education, recognition and reassurance on concerns and goals, demonstration and empowerment in (group members’) ability to adapt management to their individual needs.

“Chronic illness exercise classes are not a new thing but it’s the practicalities of the individuals and what they want to do that really helps them to keep going. Those practicalities are just as relevant as the statistics and theories.”

“There’s no doubt an exercise prescription for a patient population is different. You have to consider what other things people might have going on, including in terms of comorbidities.

“We already know that the trends in exercise, and diet, in chronic health demographics have been poor. Collaboration between patient, health, government and community is a must and I think it should be easy to achieve.

“We have the community leisure facilities, we have instructors, we have health care practitioners who can and do share their knowledge, we have community nurses who can monitor progress and who have patients who can take part. I believe we just need more cohesion between these public systems and people with the passion to drive it.”

Colleen says the Toiora participants started to connect the classes to results when they began to see objective changes to their blood sugar levels pre and post class, and noticing they were able to participate for longer throughout the class.

“It’s been great that lots of the group have been doing the exercises at home too and carrying this into their day-to-day lives with whānau, fono and family. It was a toss-up between varying the exercises each week to keep it interesting, versus sticking to a template. I opted to keep it quite similar so people could hopefully pick up the habit.

“Group members were integral to decisions such as the timing of a long break over the Christmas/New Year, the types of exercises completed, designing the t-shirts and choosing the music.

“They really were the masters of their own destiny when it came to our weekly sessions. The regular recording and acknowledgement of feedback and responses to this on a weekly basis gave participants added confidence and trust (in the process) and ensured the class was something they enjoyed.

“In terms of my own practice I’m now convinced that providing written feedback will be something I continue with all my patients to provide back to me. It did seem like a hassle at first when there are other clinical duties, but the all-round benefits and input into shaping future ideas are absolutely worth it.”

Colleen moved from Ireland to New Zealand five years ago, and having a father with diabetes has given her additional insights.

“My dad knows all about Toiora and he messages me from Ireland to ask how it’s going.

“My wish would be for all diabetics to be given a wristband activity tracker in addition to the blood sugar monitors they currently receive. Exercise tracking would provide objective and relevant prognostic information and makes it easier for patients to monitor and comply with an exercise programme. We need to throw everything at this.”

At the end of the Toiora session attended by Commission staff on 22 February, the group met with Hutt Valley District Health Board dietician Rhiannon Jones for guidance and discussion on healthy eating.

This prompted a conversation about breakfast choices, accommodating preferences (a marmite versus vegemite debate ensued!), the importance of regular eating through the day and not skipping meals, and drinks and snacks. One of the shared messages was to avoid the mindset of being “on a diet”, which can create feelings of restriction and deprivation.

What next for this Whakakotahi initiative?

With the completion of the cycle of 12 sessions, the next steps for Toiora include a collective debrief and the opportunity for group members to continue co-designing and planning a future path. There will also be an evaluation undertaken by an external team.

Ideas under consideration include continuing with the group for a longer period and starting a new class with new participants at HUCHS’ other clinic in Petone.

HUCHS manager Sally Nicholls highlighted another possible direction.

“An inspiring idea raised within the group has been the idea of mentoring, and that’s new. They were saying ‘we could bring along new people and be their support people’. Imagine if that happened and everyone involved brought along two new people.”

Mere Te Paki, HUCHS community health worker, is clear on the kaupapa of any further Toiora work.

“It needs to be owned by the community. It’s about strengthening relationships.”

These ideas showcase the beauty of co-designed quality improvement initiatives that are community-based, consumer-centred and that exercise the power of word-of-mouth promotion. Consumer engagement that works.

A story in pictures

Loviana Masila pictured preparing for the last of the 12 sesssions of Toiora. “I’ve been to other exercise classes but this one is important to my heart and to my life. We work together and we know each other and help to exercise together. I’m happy – I can’t explain, from my heart, how I feel for this class.”

Mere Te Paki, a HUCHS community health worker for 24 years. “The quality improvement science to this has worked very well with our set-up. It’s just terminology to me but it mirrors our kaupapa and it’s a reminder that we forget that not everyone works the way we do. From the very beginning you have community members involved and you’re doing things with a good process to bring it all together. Things then become embedded.”

Peata Schaafhausen: “I was rung by my nurse. First thing, she said ‘Oh don’t be shy! I’ll be there, and other people you know. Just come along. So I said ‘OK, I’ll give it a go’. It’s been fun and something to look forward to.”


Tai Pairama: “A few years ago I weighed in at 175kg. We’re not spring chickens but we do alright. It doesn’t really matter what the music is, the only thing we listen for is the ‘Beep’ and the words ‘You can rest now’!”

Polly Edwards: “For me, I didn’t have the confidence. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for my daughter Hine because she’s involved in Te Kete Hauora. I was scared that someone would say ‘Ooh, she can’t keep up’, or ‘she can’t keep in time’. I think that’s what I feared. Leanne would say ‘C’mon Polly, get up’ and I’d go ‘Uhhh, I don’t know if I can do this..’., but as the weeks progressed it got easier.”

Kamal Chandra: “I’m a work in progress. Taking advantage of this class got me moving and has kept me encouraged and supported. Now I’m starting to get in touch with a lot of my friends who have diabetes to introduce Toiora – they’re quite keen to get involved. We’re the first class but no matter what after we finish we know we can always come along and join in (at HUCHS).”

Leanne Long, HUCHS nurse and participant: “We wanted to start with a small group and that’s what we did. Thinking back to the first week, everyone was scared to do anything in front of the group in case it looked bad – now we’ve got our t-shirts and we’re visible to the community. Having diabetes myself, it’s a different relationship with my patients and the whole group has become tremendously close. Part of this is about knowing you’re not alone. I’m so proud of everyone.”

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Source: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Safe Travel – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Japan

Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant
On 11 March 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake and subsequent tsunami caused significant damage to the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. Radiation levels remain a concern in the areas outlined above. A more detailed explanation of the various restrictions in these areas has been provided by the Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.