Eighth biennial Australian and New Zealand falls prevention conference

Source: Health Quality and Safety Commission – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Eighth biennial Australian and New Zealand falls prevention conference

Reducing Harm from Falls

The eighth biennial Australian and New Zealand falls prevention conference is being held on 18–20 November 2018 in Hobart, Tasmania. 

The programme includes plenary lectures by speakers from the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand. Topics are related to falls prevention in the community, hospital and aged care settings (and much more). 

For more information download the conference brochure or visit the conference website.

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Re-work of seal at Mingha Bluff to be completed in good weather in autumn and spring

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Re-work of seal at Mingha Bluff to be completed in good weather in autumn and spring

We are completing some re-work of the seal to ensure the longevity of the project. This work will continue while the warm weather holds out but will need to cease during poorer weather through the middle of the year and re-start and complete in spring. We apologise that some work on the road will continue in spring but thank commuters for their patience, particularly with road crews who are working in difficult terrain.”

The Mingha Bluff to Rough Creek realignment project has occurred along a 5km length of SH73, removing many narrow points and tight corners and introducing safety edge barriers.

“These works are the most significant improvements on this stretch of highway in more than a decade,” says Mr Collins. “Some severe rain over the past two summer seasons and the need for further work means we can already see that the re-work of the seal will move into spring.

“We still plan for a community celebration of this project,” says Mr Collins “But we expect this to occur later in the year.”

He said the realignment was already allowing for better forward visibility along the road due to the improved shape and width of the highway.

What cancer taught me

Source: Health Quality and Safety Commission – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: What cancer taught me

Partners in Care

Author and young cancer survivor Jake Bailey made international headlines when he delivered his end-of-year prizegiving speech as head boy of Christchurch Boys’ High School in December 2015, just one week after being diagnosed with Burkitt’s non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Jake, who has been in remission since 2016, shared the story of his diagnosis and subsequent treatment at the Health Quality & Safety Commission’s Let’s Talk forum. He discussed the highs and lows – from delays in diagnosis, to the incredible team of health care professionals he considers himself lucky to have worked alongside during his treatment.

While he was invited to speak at the forum about the areas of his treatment which could have been improved, Jake is quick to reiterate how grateful he is for everything his health care team has done for him, and how his experiences within the system were overwhelmingly positive. He noted that, while it’s confronting for patients and professionals to look at the times where things went wrong, it’s important to do so, particularly for the benefit of the patients who will come after him.

A series of system failures meant Jake wasn’t diagnosed as early as he could have been. Scans which could have helped diagnose his condition weren’t looked at by his doctors or dentists, his pain was put down to his wisdom teeth which were subsequently extracted and his pain levels were downplayed.

The type of cancer Jake had is incredibly fast growing and can double in size every 24-48 hours. By the time he was diagnosed, his body was riddled with tumours and the tumour in his jaw was sticking out through the holes left by the removal of his wisdom teeth. The delay in diagnosis bought him within two weeks of death.

“When you’re 18 years old, that’s far closer to death than you are comfortable being,” he noted with a laugh.

He has several examples of ways the system failed while having treatment, and recalls an experience where he was transferred through the hospital for a scan without a face mask, and picked up a bug.

Jake spent 50 days straight in Christchurch Hospital’s bone marrow transplant unit leaving only once to make the speech which thrust him into the spotlight. That time was spent in an isolation room where visitors had to go through two airlocks and two hand washing stations before even making it onto the ward.

“I genuinely believe that through sharing the details of my story, I have the ability to positively influence the consumer experiences of future patients. It’s important to me to be part of the change I want to see.”

While he looks back on his time in hospital with positivity, Jake says he was lucky to have a strong and confident advocate – his mum Janine – but he realises that many consumers may not have such strong family support.

“While my outcome may not have been different, had I not had my family there to advocate for me, it would have been a much longer and slower process to be diagnosed and treated.

“It was them who pushed for me to be seen by specialists, it was them who took me to appointments, it was them who pushed for answers when we felt like we weren’t getting any.”

Jake sees the dedicated health care professionals as the biggest asset of our health care system.

“The most important part of my experience with our health care system was the people who stood beside me throughout it. And that wasn’t just my family – it was a team of truly incredible medical professionals, who I will forever be connected to.

“The staff that made the biggest impact for my family and I were those that saw us as part of the health care team. They understood the psychological impact that isolation can have and made allowances to minimise this.

“They approached their job in a holistic way and gave support on a real and personal level. They made an effort to get to know us as real people– they were humble, hugged me when I cried, talked to me when I was lonely, laughed with me and ultimately saved my life.”

Jake will remain forever grateful to the amazing health care workers who supported him and says that the points he makes should be seen as the failures of a system, not the individuals who work within it.

Jake has written a bestselling book about his experiences called Jake Bailey: What Cancer Taught Me.

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Purchasing Guidelines for the New Model for Supporting Disabled People

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Purchasing Guidelines for the New Model for Supporting Disabled People

Published online: 
11 October 2013

The New Model for Supporting Disabled People is about people having more choice, control and flexibility over they supports they receive and the lives they lead. This includes how they use their funding and the disability supports they buy with it. Under the New Model people can be allocated an amount of funding and make decisions about how to use it.

The Ministry of Health has purchasing guidelines which outline how people can use their funding. These include:

  1. Money needs to be spent on disability supports ( things that a disabled person needs because they have a disability).
  2. Disability supports contribute to an outcome in the person’s plan for a good life.
  3. The disability supports are within the scope of relevant Ministry of Health policies and responsibilities.

Needs Assesment and Service Coordination (NASC) organisations, Enhanced Individualised Funding (EIF) hosts, and Choice in Community Living providers can assist in interpreting these guidelines. The Ministry will also provide support if needed though a Purchasing Guidelines panel that includes disabled people and family members.

Our science advisor Dr Alison Collins

Source: Ministry for the Environment – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Our science advisor Dr Alison Collins

Dr Alison Collins is our Departmental Science Advisor.

Alison is focused on ensuring the best science is available, understood and used throughout the Ministry. She has already made good progress since she joined the Ministry last year with the formation of the inaugural Ministry Science Council – made up of Ministry staff who help Alison connect to and advance priority issues of science.

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“Super Weekend” of work coming up on SH20A roundabout to Auckland Airport

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: “Super Weekend” of work coming up on SH20A roundabout to Auckland Airport

Work started earlier this month to transform the roundabout into an eight lane intersection controlled by traffic lights because heavy traffic flows to and from the airport mean the roundabout does not function efficiently.

The changes are to improve safety, traffic flows and journey reliability, says the Transport Agency’s Senior Manager Project Delivery, Chris Hunt.

So far, the roundabout has been reduced in size with lanes re-aligned. The next big step is what the construction team is calling a “Super Weekend” to change the slip lane for traffic coming from the city and turning left off SH20A on to Verissimo Drive. The work includes a traffic switch, excavation, installing ducts and pits for traffic signal, laying concrete pavement and asphalt surfacing.

The team will work extended hours from 10pm on Friday 16 March until 5am on Tuesday 20 March to complete the work. The dates may change or be extended if the weather is bad.  The slip lane into Verissimo Drive will be closed but motorists will still be able to enter Verissimo Drive from the roundabout.

The “Super Weekend” strategy is to achieve in 4 days and nights what would otherwise take several weeks with the Verissimo Drive slip lane closed for the entire time.

“We recognise there will be an impact on traffic flows. The Super Weekend  will keep that disruption to the shortest possible timeframe, says Mr Hunt.

The Transport Agency asks drivers to be patient, approach the area with caution, keep to the speed limit and stay in your lane.

There are temporary traffic lights on George Bolt Memorial Drive and Verissimo Drive about 40 metres before the roundabout. Drivers still need to give way at the roundabout.

“”The team is working with Auckland Airport, Auckland  Transport and the Auckland Traffic Operations Centre to minimise the effects , but travellers should allow extra time for journeys to and from the airport,” says Mr Hunt. 

 The transformation from roundabout to intersection is expected to take several months.

When completed the intersection will have 8 lanes for north and south-bound traffic flow with dedicated left and right turn lanes. Landing Drive and Verissimo Drive will also have dedicated turning and straight through lanes to improve the flow of traffic entering and exiting the industrial areas.

The upgrade of the Landing Drive roundabout is part of ongoing improvements to SH20A, which is the primary route to and from Auckland Airport and forms a strategic link between SH20 and SH16, the Airport business district and the greater Auckland area. Other improvements include the upgraded Kirkbride intersection, with its trench underpass separating local and airport traffic.

For more information on SH20A upgrades see https://www.nzta.govt.nz/projects/sh20a-to-airport/

The Landing Drive roundabout with Verissimo Drive “Super Weekend” work area highlighted in yellow

Anzac Day 2018

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Anzac Day 2018

Anzac Day Commemorations will be held in West Flanders on Wednesday 25 April 2018; there will be a series of ceremonies organised in partnership with the Australian Embassy to Belgium and the local communities of Ieper (Ypres), Mesen (Messines), Zonnebeke and Comines-Warneton.

New Zealanders who are residing or travelling in Belgium are welcome to participate in the Anzac commemorations.

As in previous years, the New Zealand Embassy will organize a bus that will leave Brussels in the early morning of 25 April. Like last year, we are offering an extended programme, including attendance at the Dawn Ceremony at Passchendale (6am), commemorative ceremonies in Ieper (11am), Messines (130pm) and Comines-Warneton (4pm).

The bus will leave Brussels around 3am, and will return to Brussels by approximately 7:30pm. The bus is also able to make pick-ups and drop-offs at Ieper railway station.

The number of seats on the bus is limited. Registration forms can be obtained via email request to nzemb.brussels@mfat.govt.nz

Once your registration for the bus is confirmed, please book your ticket for the post Dawn Ceremony breakfast in Zonnebeke at www.passchendaele.be

A copy of the ANZAC programme will be posted on the Embassy website and Facebook page, and will be emailed to confirmed participants closer to the day.

Evaluation of a Nurse Practitioner Education Programme

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Evaluation of a Nurse Practitioner Education Programme

Published online: 
12 March 2018
Publication cover


Nurse practitioners are highly skilled health practitioners who can provide a wide range of assessment and treatment interventions. Their broad scope of practice enables them to safely and appropriately meet changing health needs.

In 2017 the Ministry of Health commissioned Malatest International to undertake an independent evaluation of the pilot nurse practitioner training programme being provided at The University of Auckland and Massey University. The programme was designed to provide a more coordinated and strategic approach to nurse practitioner education, registration and employment.

Overall the evaluation report is positive. Most students completed the course in the time required and achieved registration within three months of completion.

The programmes are very popular (2 + applications for every available place) and programme graduates have expressed high levels of satisfaction with the scheme and have been successful in moving into employment as a nurse practitioner.

Feedback on nurse practitioner training and development

Based on the report’s findings and help develop the nurse practitioner role in New Zealand, Health Workforce New Zealand and the Office of the Chief Nurse welcomes feedback from the nursing profession, employers, training providers and other stakeholders. Feedback will be received at info@healthworkforce.govt.nz until Friday, 27 April 2018.

Takaka Hill, SH 60 Update – increasing access to Golden Bay

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Takaka Hill, SH 60 Update – increasing access to Golden Bay

Since the aftermath of ex-tropical-cyclone Gita, the hill road has been open to restricted convoys morning and evening (7-8 am and 5-6 pm) and Sunday daytime hours, 8 am to 5 pm.

“We understand how vital this road is as a lifeline for people in Golden Bay, and we are doing everything possible to improve access,” says Frank Porter, Transport Agency System Manager.

“We need to balance the need to keep the road open as much as possible with the need to fully rebuild it.”

An extra hour morning and evening Monday to Saturday

As of this Wednesday 14 March, the open hours for Takaka Hill road are extending by an hour each morning and evening, ie 6-8am and 5-7pm.

  • The Sunday 8am to 5pm open hours remain the same.

Lunchtime permitted convoys continue, with commercial passenger transport included from this week

“The lunchtime essential freight convoy with daily permits continues,” says Mr Porter.

“We are also pleased to allow commercial bus and shuttle services to make the lunchtime trip as of this week, so long as they comply with the length restrictions.

“This will ease up access for some people who want to travel out of Golden Bay at lunchtime and come back in the evening on the same passenger service.”

Other easing of restrictions – a way to get bikes over the hill

While pedestrians and cyclists are not allowed to travel by foot or cycle over the hill, people can arrange bike transport through local bus or transport services, to get them over through the convoy system.

Cars or vans towing caravans, trailers and boats can now travel over morning and evening Monday to Saturday, and any time 8am – 5pm Sunday. The length of the object being towed is the only qualification.

  • Trailers/boats/caravans of 7 metres or more in length may not be allowed over the hill.
  • All travel is still by escorted convoy only.
  • Trucks towing trailers are not permitted on the hill at this stage.
  • Over-dimension or over width units or large coaches are not permitted.

What our crews have achieved so far

Transport Agency crews are working hard to widen the road around some of the tight bends that are currently not wide enough for truck and trailer units, says Mr Porter. “We are also surfacing sections of the road damaged in the storm, completing retaining wall repairs, repairing and installing new culverts and drains, and installing safety barriers. 

“We are installing electronic sign boards in Takaka, Upper Takaka, Rai township, Murchison and Richmond to help keep people updated as to the status of the Takaka Hill road.”

Key safety messages for drivers on the hill and people waiting in the convoys

  • No overtaking on the Takaka Hill – people need to stay in their place in the convoy and drive with care once they are over the hill each side.
  • Turn your lights off while waiting at either end of the closure point so that your vehicle battery doesn’t go flat.
  • Please don’t wander out into the oncoming lane while you are waiting to join a convoy (particularly children).  Vehicles are travelling over the hill in that lane.
  • Make sure your vehicle is roadworthy and you have sufficient fuel.

Easter opening hours   – open each day, all day

  • The Takaka Hill road will be open 8am – 5pm all of Easter, Good Friday to Easter Monday inclusive.
  • The Thursday night (29 March) opening is likely to be later than from 5 pm – 7 pm. The exact hours open will be confirmed closer to Easter.

After Easter hours and access – Tuesday, 3 April onwards

The Transport Agency is aiming to open up the road to be used without convoys, outside of the daytime construction work, ie outside of 8 am to 5 pm Monday to Saturday, including overnight.  However, this planned timetable to move beyond the convoy system is dependent on good weather in coming weeks.

A big thank you

“To the people needing to travel over State Highway 60, Takaka Hill, since the storm, a big thanks for your patience and understanding and all the messages of support that have been sent through,” says Mr Porter.  “We also thank our road crews for their hard work under difficult conditions.”

Traffic and travel pages for convoy information which will be updated when arrangements change: http://www.journeys.nzta.govt.nz/traffic/areawarnings/202314

How to stay up to date:


NZ Transport Agency calls for hi-tech ideas to make roads safer

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: NZ Transport Agency calls for hi-tech ideas to make roads safer

It’s hosting a Hackathon – a sort of technology-driven brainstorming speed date – to bring together people with diverse skills, interests and perspectives to solve problems.

“We’ll have 120 people coming together in teams for 48 hours to come up with  creative new ideas to help prevent needless deaths and serious injuries on our roads,” says the Transport Agency’s Safety and Environment Director Harry Wilson.

“We don’t know what we’ll get and we’re open to all ideas, but we’re looking for problem solving with a clear focus on the outcome – preventing crashes and saving lives.”

“The Hackathon’s theme is “Save One More Life”. Last year 379 people died on our roads, and every one of those lives lost is a tragedy. We’re looking for new ways to make our roads safer and improve driver behaviour.”

“It’s about unleashing the potential of technology to reduce the road toll,” says Mr Wilson.

“The idea is to bring together new technology and digital innovation and some free thinking and fresh perspectives. We’re looking for new ideas that can meaningfully impact road safety in New Zealand.”

Mr Wilson says the Transport Agency will be asking teams to keep the ‘Safe System’ approach front of mind as they build their solutions. The Safe System approach aims for a more forgiving road system that takes human fallibility and vulnerability into account.

“Under a Safe System, we design the whole transport system to protect people from death and serious injury,” Mr Wilson says.

The Transport Agency has suggested six challenge areas that the teams might focus on. For example it points to the fact that most people wear seat belts, but 26 per cent of road deaths in 2017 involved people not wearing seatbelts. How can technology help “make it click” every time in every vehicle?

Other challenge areas include driving too fast for the conditions, driving while impaired, making older vehicles and motorcycles safer and reducing crash risks on roads without median barriers.

Teams will also be able  to focus on a problem of their own choosing.

“We’ve got 120 people signed up on a first-in first served basis, with another 70 on a waiting list. We’ve got developers, tech experts and people with engineering or transport backgrounds. We’ve got people with a personal motivation for improving road safety. All are passionate about being involved in finding solutions to an issue which affects communities and so many people.”

The Hackathon will take place in Auckland on 16-18 March. Participants will come together on the Friday night, divide into teams and spend Saturday and Sunday working on their product or service idea. They’ll have access to data and APIs from the Transport Agency and its partners.

On Sunday afternoon they’ll present their concepts and prototypes. Teams are not required to produce a fully implemented solution, but a judging panel will award prizes to the top three concepts.

“We are in for a really exciting time as we engage with everyday transport users who also just happen to be really smart thinkers and technology innovators. There is no limit to what they might come up with,” says Mr Wilson.

Media interested in attending the Hackathon should contact the Transport Agency’s Auckland Media Manager Darryl Walker.

More information about the Hackathon can be found at https://www.saveonemorelife.co.nz/

More info about the safe system is at  http://www.saferjourneys.govt.nz/about-safer-journeys/the-safe-system-approach/