Cyanobacteria health warning lifted from Lake Rotoroa (Hamilton Lake)

Source: Waikato District Health Board

The public health warning issued for Lake Rotoroa (Hamilton Lake) in February 2024 has been lifted today by National Public Health Service (NPHS), after subsequent tests showed that cyanobacterial levels are below the warning level.

Lakes Waikare, and Whangape continue to have cyanobacterial health warnings in place, with an ‘extreme risk’ health warning at Lake Ngā Roto.

“People should avoid any activity in or near these lakes that could lead to skin contact with the affected water, or the water being swallowed,” says Medical Officer of Health Dr Richard Vipond.

“Toxins released by cyanobacteria can trigger asthma and hayfever symptoms, skin rashes, stomach upsets, and neurological effects such as tingling around the mouth, headaches, breathing difficulties and visual problems.”

The symptoms may not appear until sometime after contact with affected water.

“If you do come into contact with water at lakes with health warnings or where there were visible changes in water colour, shower and change your clothing as soon as possible afterwards, even if you do not have symptoms,” adds Dr Vipond.

“If you feel unwell after coming in contact with the lake you should seek health advice from your doctor or by calling Healthline on 0800 611 116. Please also report it to the NPHS Waikato office on (07) 838 2569.”

Scums formed by algal blooms are a particular risk because they contain a high level of toxins. If contact with scum does occur, skin should be rinsed clean and clothing changed as soon as possible.

“It’s particularly important for parents to keep an eye on children if you’re down at the water as these scums can form at the edge of the lake and children will sometimes play with them.”

Dog owners should prevent their dogs from drinking or swimming in the water, or eating algal bloom scum as dogs are particularly sensitive to cyanobacteria and could become  seriously ill.

To check if recreational water spots near you are safe for swimming and playing in visit Information is also available from Waikato Regional Council at

Forecast postpones SH2 work just south of Wairoa

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


Tonight’s scheduled work on State Highway 2 between Ohinepaaka Stream / Waihua River has been postponed, due to forecast heavy rain.

The work was due to take place tonight and tomorrow night.

Crews have now rescheduled the overnight closures for tomorrow night (Wednesday 22 January), Thursday 23 January and Friday 24 January, 8pm to 5am each night.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi apologises for the short notice change and we want to thank road users and local community for their understanding.

As a result of the postponement, the road will be OPEN as normal tonight – please drive to the conditions.

For more details on the work:


SH38 at Frasertown partially blocked following truck crash

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


A stretch of State Highway 38 near Wairoa is partially blocked following a truck crash this afternoon.

The crash has occurred near the intersection with Awamate Road at Frasertown and has blocked 1 lane.

Crews and emergency services are currently on site and the road is under stop/go traffic management

Please expect delays and drive to the conditions.


Southbound closure planned next month for State Highway 1 Ngauranga Gorge

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Night works are planned early next month that will see State Highway 1 Ngauranga Gorge closed to southbound traffic between Johnsonville southbound offramp and Ngauranga Interchange.

The highway’s southbound lanes will be closed for two nights – Sunday, 2 February and Monday, 3 February, between 9 pm and 4:30 am.

Roxanne Hilliard, Wellington Transport Alliance Manager, says the middle lane of the highway is to be resurfaced.

“This is a steep section of the highway, where vehicles descend towards Wellington. It is not possible to safely keep other lanes open while we carry out work, so a full directional closure is needed to complete this work.”

“The closure will let us finish this work faster and, because it will be done at night when fewer vehicles are on the road, there will be less impact on drivers,” Ms Hilliard says.

A local detour will be available, and Ms Hilliard says it is important they are followed correctly.

“Light vehicles will be able to take the Johnsonville southbound offramp and detour to the city via Johnsonville, Khandallah, and the Ngaio Gorge. If you are travelling to the Hutt from SH1 you will need to take the SH58 detour via Transmission Gully.”“However, this route is not suitable for heavy vehicles because of a height restriction on the Johnsonville underpass. They must use State Highway 58 to Haywards Hill and State Highway2 Hutt Valley to get to the city. These detours are longer, so drivers should allow for extra travel time,” Ms Hilliard says.

She says while the two-night closure and detours will cause delays for drivers, it is essential the work is done. It is about keeping a critical and heavily used transport link safe and resilient for all road users,” Ms Hilliard says.

Works Schedule and Detour Routes:

  • Sunday, 2 February and Monday, 3 February. 9 pm – 4:30 am
  • Southbound closure SH1 Ngauranga Gorge between Johnsonville southbound offramp and Ngauranga Interchange.
  • Travelling to the Hutt from SH1, take the SH58 detour via TG.
  • Light vehicles detour via Johnsonville southbound offramp, Middleton Road, Johnsonville, Khandallah, and Ngaio Gorge. This route is not suitable for heavy vehicles.
  • Heavy vehicles must detour via SH58 Haywards and SH2 Hutt Valley.

View larger map [PDF, 344 KB]

More Information:

Study options on display at EIT Tairāwhiti Info and Enrolment Day | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

5 minutes ago

EIT Tairāwhiti is gearing up to welcome prospective students to its Info and Enrolment Day this week, offering an opportunity to explore the diverse range of study options available.

The event will be held on Thursday, January 23, from 9am to 6pm, at the EIT Tairāwhiti Campus in Gisborne, giving attendees the chance to connect with tutors, student advisors, and support staff.

EIT provides a variety of qualifications, from certificates and diplomas to degrees and postgraduate programmes, with flexible study options including full-time and part-time learning.

EIT Tairāwhiti will be holding an information and enrolment day on Thursday, 23 January 2025.

Campus Manager Waata Shepherd says the event is a great opportunity for the community to explore their options and take a step toward their future.

“This day is all about helping people of all ages find the right study path—whether they’re looking to upskill, switch careers, or take on a new challenge,” he says.

Waata says that EIT is proud to offer programmes that cater to a wide range of interests and career pathways.

“We are unique in offering a full range of qualifications, from certificates to postgraduate level, with flexible study options to suit different lifestyles. Studying with us allows students to stay close to their whānau and community while gaining high-quality qualifications, such as the Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts through Toihoukura.”

Attendees will have the opportunity to take a campus tour, meet tutors, and speak with student advisors to learn how EIT can support their educational goals.

For more information, visit EIT Tairāwhiti’s Facebook and Instagram pages, or call 0800 CALL EIT.

“Feisty” injured Whanganui kiwi returns home

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  21 January 2025

The bird was struck between Whanganui and Raetihi on 20 November last year.

The driver reported the incident to the Department of Conservation and transported the injured bird to Wildbase Hospital, Tāwharau Ora Massey University where the young male was found to have respiratory issues and a fractured pelvis.

DOC Biodiversity Ranger Kelly Brider says the bird was alert and feisty throughout his recovery.

“We think that liveliness helped him to power through his rehabilitation, he was well and truly ready to go home!”

“We want to acknowledge the driver for doing the right thing, even going above and beyond to transport the kiwi to safety herself.

“We are also grateful for the continued work of Wildbase Hospital staff caring for and rehabilitating our special species.”

The kiwi, gifted the name ‘Tairei’ by members of hapū Whaikiterangi, was released on 10 January away from the road in the area he was found, with multiple generations of whānau present.

Kuia Karina Williams says the name is linked to the land.

“We gifted him the whānau name Tairei, which goes back to our great, great grandfather, I know our tūpuna will watch over him.”

Kelly says the bird was found near a wetland and retired farmland – bushy parts of  Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation land.

“They have predator control in some areas and are increasing their efforts. It all works toward creating a safe space for kiwi to thrive.”

Brown kiwi are listed as Not Threatened – Conservation Dependent, with numbers in Whanganui National Park and surrounding areas projected to grow by 1000 in the next few years.

“This success is thanks to landscape-scale predator control and community trapping programmes, along with increasing efforts by private landowners,” says Kelly.

“Tairei is a reminder that we are lucky to share this part of Aotearoa with these special birds and to take care and watch out for kiwi when driving.”

Anyone coming across an injured or killed kiwi should report it to 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468).

Background information

People and kiwi: Find out how you can help kiwi, including advice for dog owners, drivers and reporting incidents.


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SH29 Kaimai Range overnight closures for February

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

A summer of work to complete much-needed maintenance on State Highway 29 Kaimai Range will see night closures over 2 weeks next month, from Sunday 9 February to the morning of Friday 14 February (5 nights) and from Sunday 16 February to the morning of Friday 21 February (5 nights), between 8pm and 4.30am each night.

The closures are needed to undertake asphalt renewals and other routine maintenance activities such as clearing drains, sign maintenance and road marking. Please note the previously advised SH29 closure was for 1 week, an extra week has been added to complete additional maintenance while the road is closed, while also allowing for the possibility of bad weather. If the work is completed before the full two weeks is up, then the road will reopen early.

During the day SH29 will be open but may be under a temporary speed restriction.

This is one of a number of night closures for SH29 for vital maintenance work on this busy route linking Waikato with the Bay of Plenty. Due to the nature of the road over the Kaimai Range, plus the heavy traffic volumes due to its importance as part of the ‘Golden Triangle’, full closures are the most efficient and effective way to get important maintenance work done,

More information about the work happening on SH29 over the summer:

Further closures are planned for April, the exact dates will be shared when they have been confirmed.

The detours for this closure are significant and add considerable time to journeys. People are encouraged to check the NZTA Journey Planner and allow extra time for their journey, or if possible, delay travel over SH29 on these nights.   

Journey Planner(external link)

The detour routes are:

  • South: SH28, SH5, SH30, SH33, SH2 via Rotorua  
  • North: SH24, SH27, SH26, SH2 via Karangahake Gorge  

The closure points on the western (Waikato) side are at the SH29/24 and SH29/28 intersections and on the eastern (BOP) side at the SH29/Cambridge Road intersection. Emergency services will have access at all times, and residents can access their property from the relevant side of the closure. 

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi thanks motorists for their patience.

Drive to the conditions with heavy rain forecast around Tairāwhiti

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi is urging drivers travelling throughout Tairāwhiti to be extra cautious over the next 24 hours with a heavy rain warning in place.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi is urging drivers travelling throughout Tairāwhiti to be extra cautious over the next 24 hours with a heavy rain warning in place.

Metservice has issued the following orange warning for the region:

  • Gisborne/Tairāwhiti: From 4pm today til 8am tomorrow (Wednesday) – heavy rain forecast

Crews will be ready to respond to issues such as possible surface flooding.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) is advising all road users to take care on the roads and be alert for any surface flooding, from rising rivers and streams nearby.

It’s really important to drive to the conditions, and adjust your speed and following distance when you need to.

If you are traveling the network, please adhere to any temporary traffic management or speed restrictions that may be in place.

Keep up to date on the NZTA Journey Planner for any changes to the highway network.


EIT Hawke’s Bay Info and Enrolment Day to showcase study opportunities | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

1 minute ago

With a new year comes new opportunities, and EIT Hawke’s Bay is inviting prospective students to explore their study options at the upcoming Info and Enrolment Day this week.

The event will take place on January 23, from 9am to 6pm at the EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus in Taradale, with additional sessions at the Maraenui, Hastings, and Central Hawke’s Bay (CHB) Learning Centres from 10am to 2pm.

EIT Hawke’s Bay will be holding an information and enrolment day on January 23, 2025.

EIT Executive Director of Operations, Glen Harkness, says the event is a great opportunity for those interested in further education to discover the diverse range of qualifications on offer.

“With the rebuild of our Taradale campus nearly complete, we’re excited to invite prospective students to visit and see first-hand the opportunities EIT has to offer,” Glen says.

“EIT allows people to gain qualifications locally while staying connected to whānau and community. Whether you’re looking to upskill, change careers, or explore new study options, our friendly team will be ready to help you find the right path.”

EIT offers a variety of study options, from certificates and diplomas to postgraduate qualifications, with flexible learning options including full-time, part-time, and online study to suit all lifestyles.

“Staff will also be available to assist with the enrolment process,” Glen adds.

For more information, visit the EIT | Te Pūkenga website at or call 0800 CALL EIT.

Visitors flock back to Mautohe Cathedral Cove

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  21 January 2025

In December, DOC reopened the main walking track to Mautohe Cathedral Cove after an extended closure due to damage caused by Cyclone Gabrielle, and concerns about visitor safety at a site with known risks. Funding from the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy delivered reinstatement of walking access through a temporary re-route of the damaged track.

Tinaka Mearns, DOC’s Hauraki Waikato Taranaki Regional Director, says staff are pleased to see visitors enjoying the cove again.

“We have been manually recording the number of visitors on the Mautohe Cathedral Cove beach since 19 December, including Boxing Day and January 2 when visitor numbers peaked at more than 800 people.”

“The Coromandel DOC team says visitor levels at Mautohe Cathedral Cove are returning to pre-COVID levels, which indicates high demand for the experience offered at this picturesque site,” Tinaka says.

“The number of people enjoying the beach demonstrates the value of the investment in reinstating walking access – and the hard work of the staff, iwi, and contractors whose efforts ensured we could open it for this summer.”

Visitors to Mautohe Cathedral Cove are reminded there are no toilets on the beach, people should not linger under the archway or near the cliff faces, and anyone visiting the beach should take their waste with them when they leave. Toilets are provided near the Lees Rd entrance. An ideal time to visit is during low tide, which provides more space on the beach including distance from the risk of rock fall from the cliff face.

“Staff and ambassadors have been monitoring the site to ensure people have a great time and the place is well looked after,” Tinaka says. “We are really pleased visitors are making good use of the new toilets at the Lees Rd entrance, and are helping us care for this beautiful place.” 

Meanwhile, DOC has implemented a new process to manage weather and landslide-related risk at Mautohe Cathedral Cove.

The Trigger Action Response Plan (TARP) for natural hazard risk management at Mautohe Cathedral Cove establishes criteria for inspecting the site to manage public safety regarding landslide, rockfall, and treefall hazards.

DOC staff will monitor weather (particularly heavy rain) and seismic information, and if one of four triggers occurs, staff will inspect the track to decide necessary actions to minimise the risk to visitors.

If a worst-case scenario were to emerge, any decisions on track closure will be communicated through DOC’s website and directly to stakeholders.

“Ongoing geological risk at Mautohe Cathedral Cove is one of the main challenges we have at this site,” Tinaka says. “Having the TARP in place gives our staff a clear process and guidelines to manage visitor safety and minimising risk for visitors to Mautohe Cathedral Cove – and that’s an important priority.”


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