Crash closes access to State Highway 2 at Silverstream

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


Access to and from State Highway 2 is following a crash on Silverstream Bridge this morning.

The incident was reported around nine am this morning.

While State Highway 2 remains open, Silverstream Bridge is closed to traffic in both directions.

The Police Serious Crash Unit is attending, and the closure could last several hours.

Drivers should avoid the area and use an alternative  route to access State Highway 2 from Upper Hutt.

Updates on the incident’s status can be checked on the NZTA/Waka Kotahi website:


Stretch of SH2 near Takapau closed following crash

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


State Highway 2 between Speedy Road and the intersection with State Highway 50 in Central Hawke’s Bay is closed following a crash this morning.

Please follow the directions of emergency services on site and allow extra time for your journey.

Keep up to date with the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Journey Planner.


Prolonged Symptoms Attributable to Infection with COVID-19

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health


Fatigue, poor concentration/memory, shortness of breath and loss of taste or smell are the most prevalent symptoms following COVID-19 infection in adults when compared with non-COVID-19 infected controls (either population controls or those with infective symptoms but testing negative for COVID-19). Children and adolescents present with similar symptoms to adults, but may also include cough and headache. 

Given the heterogeneity of evidence to date, and in the absence of high-powered, robust studies, a meta-analysis could not be undertaken to accurately determine the overall prevalence of one or more of these symptoms three or more months after infection with COVID-19. 

While a precise measurement of symptom prevalence remains a challenge, the knowledge that a narrower subset of symptoms can be confidently attributed to infection with COVID-19 has important implications. In the absence of definitive diagnostic criteria, this subset can inform a refined, iterative definition of long COVID-19, both internationally and in New Zealand. 

The finding that four symptoms appear to be attributable to infection with COVID-19 will enable focused attention on these symptoms. This will facilitate accurate surveillance and targeted resourcing for clinical and wellbeing support where it is most needed.

SH3 from New Plymouth temporarily closed to south bound traffic

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


A stretch of State Highway 3 south of New Plymouth will be closed to southbound traffic until later tonight.

Tomo (small hole)

SH3, between Mangorei and Hydro Road is currently closed after a tomo  (small hole) formed at the Mangorei Stream Bridge, just south of Burgess Hill Road. 

At this stage the southbound lane will be closed until approximately 8pm while crews work onsite. A detour is in place for southbound traffic.

The northbound lane remains open as normal.

Traffic is being diverted via Mangorei Road and we encourage road users to use SH3A/SH45 as an alternative routes south. 

Crews are currently completing an urgent repair to the site, and expect to have the road open by approximately 8pm. The site may remain under a temporary speed limit over the weekend, but will be open to both lanes of traffic.


Resealing ahead for SH51 Georges Drive/Ellison Street, Napier

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

A stretch of State Highway 51 Georges Drive/Ellison Street in Napier will be closing for 2 days of resealing next month.

Crews will be working on SH51 between Marine Parade and Kennedy Road on Saturday 8 February and Sunday 9 February.

The work is being done during the day on the weekend to minimise disruption to traffic and residents.

This stretch of road will close between 6am and 8pm on Saturday and between 6am and 1pm on Sunday. The road is opening earlier on the Sunday to avoid disruption of an event at McLean Park that evening.

Following that work, the road will be under stop/go traffic management for the following 2 days for line marking and sweeping loose chip.

The road won’t be closed at night, however a temporary speed restriction will be in place.

During the work, detours will be available:

  • Detour 1: Kennedy Road to Wellesley Road to Latham Street
  • Detour 2: Marine Parade to Warren Street to Hastings Street to Latham Street

Please allow for delays, follow detour signs and instructions from our crew onsite. Traffic will be able to cross SH51 Georges Drive at the Latham Street roundabout. Emergency services will be assisted through the site.

This work is dependent on dry weather conditions. If weather delays this work, the contingency dates are Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 March.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi thanks road users for taking the detours and to communities along this stretch of road.

SH51 Georges Drive closures detour map


Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 24 January 2025
Last updated 24 January 2025



Investigations are a key part of monitoring the performance and compliance of the tertiary education sector.
Investigations are a key part of monitoring the performance and compliance of the tertiary education sector.

The Tertiary Education Commission (the TEC) has a range of powers, under the Education and Training Act 2020 and funding conditions, to conduct investigations ensuring the Government’s investment in tertiary education is used properly.
We begin an investigation of a tertiary education organisation (TEO) if we are concerned about practices or behaviours which may put student interests or government funding at risk.
TEO investigation guidelines
Our monitoring system is designed to ensure both the burden on TEOs and the level of TEC effort is proportionate to the level of risk. This means investigations vary in size and complexity depending on our concerns, the size of the TEO, and a range of other factors.
All monitoring activities (including investigations) are undertaken in accordance with our monitoring principles, which are included in the investigation guidelines below. These also include guidance on how we undertake investigations, the processes we follow, and how we deal with information supplied by TEOs under investigation.
The Tertiary Education Commission investigation guidelines – 2020 (PDF 788 KB) 
Outcomes of investigations
We generally publish investigation outcomes as part of a transparent, consistent approach to monitoring. This helps provide assurance that public funds are being well managed. Publication of investigation findings is also a key way we share learnings from monitoring activities with the sector, and helps other TEOs improve their performance and compliance.
The TEC has the discretion to not publish an investigation report or outcomes. Any such decision is made with reference to the provisions of the Official Information Act. For example, where there are no material findings, or issues identified are only minor, publishing the fact of an investigation may reduce public confidence in a TEO at a level disproportionate to the issues investigated. In such cases, the TEC would seek to share any valuable learnings from the investigation with the sector in another way, including through regular monitoring updates.
When investigation reports or outcomes are finalised and able to be made public, they are published below.

There were no investigations published in 2024.

Active Institute


Tai Poutini Polytechnic 

BEST Pacific Institute of Education

From 2014-2017, the TEC also conducted ‘reviews’ of smaller or less complex issues at TEOs. The TEC has updated its approach, and only conducts audits and investigations of TEOs. Historic reviews are now considered investigations.

Quantum Education Group


College of Natural Health and Homeopathy 

From 2014-2017, the TEC also conducted ‘reviews’ of smaller or less complex issues at TEOs. The TEC has updated its approach, and only conducts audits and investigations of TEOs. Historic reviews are now considered investigations.

Lincoln University’s Telford Division

New Zealand School of Outdoor Studies

From 2014-2017, the TEC also conducted ‘reviews’ of smaller or less complex issues at TEOs. The TEC has updated its approach, and only conducts audits and investigations of TEOs. Historic reviews are now considered investigations.

Manaakitanga Aotearoa Charitable Trust

Agribusiness Training Ltd 

Tectra Limited

Taratahi Agricultural Training Centre

Te Whare Wanānga o Awanuiārangi

Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (WITT)

From 2014-2017, the TEC also conducted ‘reviews’ of smaller or less complex issues at TEOs. The TEC has updated its approach, and only conducts audits and investigations of TEOs. Historic reviews are now considered investigations.
The six reviews below focused on TEOs that offered programmes with similar features to those found in two previous investigations at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi and WITT. We undertook the reviews to determine whether the issues found in the two investigations were prevalent across the sector. This was found not to be the case.

*Note: The TEC accepted the findings from an independent report commissioned by Service IQ.

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Qualification and programme eligibility – final-year Fees Free

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Only qualifications and programmes at Levels 3 and above on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF) are eligible. Eligible qualifications and programmes must be recognised by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) or Universities New Zealand and funded by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) from:

the Delivery at Levels 3–7 (non-degree) on the NZQCF and all industry training Fund (DQ3-7), or
the Delivery at Levels 7 (degree) to 10 on the NZQCF Fund (DQ7-10), or
grants under section 556 of the Education and Training Act 2020 for tertiary provision towards a qualification on the NZQCF at Levels 3 or above.

Provider-based qualifications
Eligible provider-based qualifications are TEC-funded and are equal to or greater than 0.5 equivalent full-time students (EFTS).
Work-based programmes
Eligible work-based programmes are TEC-funded programmes comprising at least 120 credits.
Qualifications and programmes that are not eligible for final-year Fees Free
The following are not eligible for final-year Fees Free:

School learning programmes and secondary tertiary programmes
Certificates of proficiency
Pathway qualifications
Zero fee programmes
Programmes where fees are met under another funding arrangement, such as the Youth Guarantee (YG) Fund, Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT), or the Refugee English Fund
Qualifications and programmes at Levels 1 or 2 on the NZQCF
Provider-based qualifications that are less than 0.5 EFTS, or work-based programmes that are less than 120 credits.

Pathway qualifications
Pathway qualifications are qualifications that prepare learners to progress into further study and training by supporting them to meet minimum entry requirements and/or develop the required skills for higher study. For the purposes of final-year Fees Free:

This includes bridging qualifications, Certificates of University Preparation, Certificates in Study and Employment Pathways, and Level 3 Study and Career Preparation (except when primarily intended for career preparation).
This does not include qualifications that are used for staircasing, or programmes that comprise part of, or are cross-credited towards a higher qualification.

Any qualification confirmed as a pathway qualification will be excluded for all learners. The exclusion is not able to take into account individual learner intentions.
You can view the list of pathway qualifications that are excluded from Fees Free:
Pathway qualifications (XLSX 15 KB)
To request to add or remove a qualification from the list of pathway qualifications excluded from Fees Free, contact with the subject: (EDUMIS number) Final-year Fees Free – pathway qualifications. Please briefly outline how the qualification you wish to add/remove from the list does/doesn’t meet the definition of a pathway qualification.
Qualification completion date
The date the learner completes their eligible provider-based qualification or work-based programme is defined as the date the requirements have been met by the learner to be awarded the qualification. This should align with what is recorded on the learner’s New Zealand Record of Achievement.
For provider-based study, TEOs will be required to submit the qualification completion date as part of their SDR submission from August 2025.
TEOs already report work-based programme completion dates to NZQA, which NZQA provide to TEC.
Qualification and programme eligibility FAQs
Why must provider-based qualifications comprise at least 0.5 EFTS and work-based programmes at least 120 credits to be eligible?
Setting a minimum threshold mitigates the risk of learners using their Fees Free entitlement on small pieces of study or training. For example, a learner will not be able to inadvertently consume their entitlement on a very short programme of 0.2 EFTS.
Setting the eligibility criteria for provider-based qualifications at 0.5 EFTS or greater means that the large number of learners who complete qualifications at this level, and don’t go on to do further study or training, can access final-year Fees Free.
A work-based programme minimum of 120 credits gives assurance that the training programme has career benefit to the learner. It reduces the risk that learners will use up their Fees Free entitlement on short training programmes directed by (and often entirely paid for by) their employers, or that employers will shift training costs onto learners.
Why aren’t Level 1 and 2 qualifications covered by Fees Free?
The Fees Free policy aligns eligibility with student support and government tuition subsidies.
Foundation programmes and qualifications (at NZQCF Levels 1 and 2) are excluded because provider-based Level 1 and 2 study is already fees-free, and learners shouldn’t have to use their Fees Free entitlement on courses and programmes intended to prepare them for tertiary education at Levels 3 and above.
Why do programmes and courses have to be recognised and funded to be available for Fees Free?
Fees Free was designed to help New Zealanders access high-quality tertiary education that provides skills for life and work. When a course or programme is both recognised by the NZQA or Universities New Zealand, and funded by the TEC, it means the course is of a high educational standard.
Are private training establishment (PTE) courses covered by Fees Free?
Yes, as long as the provider-based qualification or work-based programme meets the eligibility criteria.
What happens if a learner is enrolled in two qualifications at the same time?
For provider-based study, a learner enrolled in two qualifications at the same time will only receive Fees Free on completion of their first qualification. This applies, for example, when a learner is enrolled in a concurrent degree, or is studying towards two qualifications simultaneously. We’ll use the qualification completion date reported by TEOs to determine the first completed qualification.
For work-based learning, eligibility is based on the learner’s first programme completion (apprenticeship or training programme) rather than the qualifications that make up that programme, many of which will be under the 120-credit minimum.

Resurfacing work and road closures coming for State Highway 73 Arthur’s Pass.

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Arthur’s Pass is about to get the benefits of the ongoing state highway summer maintenance season.

Contractors will be hard at work on the Alpine Highway near Arthur’s Pass Village early next month carrying out essential resurfacing works.

Work is planned for Monday, 3 February, and Tuesday February. It will require State Highway 73 to be closed between  Rough Creek Bridge and Peg Leg (near the  Otira Viaduct Lookout) between 10 am and 5 pm on both days.

The highway will open on the hour, every hour, to clear queued traffic. However, travel delays can be expected, and drivers must plan their journeys accordingly.

The narrowness or the road means a full closure is required. This is for the safety of road crew as well as drivers. It will also allow the work to be completed faster.

Because resealing work requires warm and dry conditions, and the location is in an alpine area, this work can only be done during the day.

State Highway 73 is a critical link between the South Island’s east and west coasts. This maintenance is essential for ensuring it remains a safe and resilient route for road users.

NZTA/Waka Kotahi thanks drivers for their patience and co-operation while this work is underway.

Works Schedule:

  • Monday, 3 February and Tuesday, 4 February. 10 am – 5 pm
  • SH73 CLOSED between Rough Creek Bridge and Peg Leg
  • The highway will reopen on the hour, every hour, to let queued traffic through.

These works are weather-dependent and may be scheduled if bad weather occurs

WorkSafe New Zealand welcomes new Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate

Source: Worksafe New Zealand

WorkSafe New Zealand welcomes Corey Sinclair as its new Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate. Corey started with WorkSafe on Wednesday 22 January.

As Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate, Corey leads the design and delivery of our commercial investment and people strategies, to help enable WorkSafe to deliver our statement of intent and create a work environment that is consistent with our values.

“Corey brings many years of senior leadership experience from working in the public service, banking and finance sectors. We are delighted to have him join the leadership team at WorkSafe,” says Chief Executive Sharon Thompson.

Corey Sinclair, Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate

Corey also has executive leadership credentials from the Australia and New Zealand School of Government, Accelerate Strategic, and the University of Auckland. 

Corey joins WorkSafe from a secondment role at the Crown Response Office, where he led in the Crown’s response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions. Prior to that, Corey had senior leadership roles at Inland Revenue, where he transformed services delivered to customers and stakeholders across Aotearoa.

He is passionate about business transformation, diversity and inclusion, and leadership development. As a proud Kiwi-Samoan leader, Corey strives to serve the public interest and achieve positive outcomes for all New Zealanders.

Corey says, “I’m excited to join the WorkSafe team. While I’m conscious of the considerable change the organisation and kaimahi have been through, I’m looking forward to supporting the new strategy and plans in place.”

Weekend wet weather set to hit South Island highways

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

People travelling in Tasman and the West Coast are encouraged to keep an eye on weather and road conditions this weekend.

The MetService has weather warnings in place for both regions.

A Heavy Rain Warning is in place for Westland from midday Saturday through until 6 pm on Sunday. This will affect State Highway 6 between Hokitika and Haast.

A Heavy Rain Watch has also been issued for Tasman, west of Motueka, from 9 pm Saturday until 6 pm Sunday. This will affect State Highway 60 Tākaka Hill and Golden Bay.

Heavy rain increases the risks of slips, rockfalls, and localised flooding. It can also see roads closed at short notice

Wet roads can be slippery. Drivers must be alert and prepared for road hazards, and drive to the conditions. Increase following distances, avoid sudden braking, reduce speed, and use headlights if visibility is poor. Be safe, be seen.

Road users should also check road and weather conditions before they travel: