ACT-dominated Luxon Government would be a disaster for working people

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand

The Maritime Union says a late shift in the polls indicates that New Zealand workers are becoming aware of the dangers of a change of Government and extreme right-wing policies. 

Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary Craig Harrison says the majority of New Zealanders are working people who need pro-worker policies.

“We are sounding the alarm that a Christopher Luxon Government would be dominated by the ACT Party and would wage war on workers.”

He says the destruction of Fair Pay Agreements and re-introduction of 90 Day Trials would push down wages and conditions for New Zealand’s most undervalued essential workers.

Even more extreme ACT policies include a three-year freeze on rises in the minimum wage and attacks on sick leave entitlements would plunge thousands into financial hardship and poverty.

“Christopher Luxon is out of touch with the struggles of the working class of Aotearoa New Zealand. He does not understand the struggles of everyday people. He will give ACT whatever they want to get the numbers he needs.”

“Tax cuts for mega landlords, cuts to public services, and making life harder for workers – this is not a positive vision and will make our society less fair, less successful and less caring.”

Mr Harrison says the latest analysis of National Party tax policy shows any benefits would largely flow to the already wealthy, not the supposed squeezed middle.

“The message from the Maritime Union to our members and all workers and their whanau is to use your vote to build a better future for yourself.”

Mr Harrison says the National–ACT combo also have a backward and outmoded approach to transport policy.

“It is clear that there needs to be a mode shift to resilient and low emission modes like coastal shipping but National–ACT have no solutions for a rapidly changing world.”

In contrast, Mr Harrison says substantial progress in the ports and shipping sector in the last term needs to be continued under a Labour-led Government.

He says three key successes of the current Government have been in building coastal shipping capability, improving health and safety through the Ports Health and Safety Leadership Group, and laying the foundations for improved conditions in the industry through Fair Pay Agreements.

KiwiBuild houses $50,000 more than Govt claimed

Source: National Party – Headline: KiwiBuild houses $50,000 more than Govt claimed

New Zealanders will be shocked to learn the Government has hiked the price of its KiwiBuild houses by $50,000 in just three days – and that it either didn’t know or kept quiet about it, National’s Housing and Urban Development spokesperson Judith Collins says.

Confusion grows around East Lake decision

Source: National Party – Headline: Confusion grows around East Lake decision

Questions must be asked about why the proposed East Lake seems to have been removed from the Residential Red Zone regeneration exhibition, and some answers are needed as to the reasons for its exclusion, National’s spokesperson for Greater Christchurch Regeneration Nicky Wagner says.

Twyford stuffs market, complains it’s stuffed

Source: National Party – Headline: Twyford stuffs market, complains it’s stuffed

The Government’s invitation to private developers to participate in KiwiBuild is a cry for help from a Minister who’s leaving a trail of U-turns and broken promises in his wake, National’s Housing and Urban Development spokesperson Judith Collins says.

KiwiBuild looking like yet another broken promise

Source: National Party – Headline: KiwiBuild looking like yet another broken promise

The Government’s KiwiBuild mess continues to unravel as Phil Twyford further distances himself from his promise to build 100,000 houses and with confirmation he’s going to blow his $2 billion budget, National’s Housing and Urban Development spokesperson Judith Collins says.

Monitoring roll-out vindicates National’s work

Source: National Party – Headline: Monitoring roll-out vindicates National’s work

Confirmation today that New Zealand First has rolled-over to allow the rollout of digital monitoring technology on commercial fishing boats is welcome and vindicates the work of the previous National Government, Conservation spokesperson Sarah Dowie and Fisheries spokesperson Ian McKelvie say.

Ardern puts Winston’s diplomats ahead of doctors

Source: National Party – Headline: Ardern puts Winston’s diplomats ahead of doctors

New Zealanders have learned the true cost of Winston Peters making Jacinda Ardern Prime Minister today, with the Government writing Peters a billion dollar cheque at the same time as claiming it doesn’t have enough money to meet its excessive promises.

Coalition Govt needs to clarify Te Reo policy

Source: National Party – Headline: Coalition Govt needs to clarify Te Reo policy

The cracks in the Coalition Government are deepening by the day, with the Prime Minister at odds with not only the Greens, but members of her own caucus who have since been threatened by the Deputy Prime Minister if they don’t back down on compulsory Te Reo.

Data working group will do little to help NZers

Source: National Party – Headline: Data working group will do little to help NZers

The Government must be upfront with the public that it wants to stop using data and, in doing so, will throw away the greatest opportunity in a generation to improve the lives of vulnerable New Zealanders, National’s Spokesperson for Social Investment Paula Bennett says.

Government continues to under-deliver

Source: National Party – Headline: Government continues to under-deliver

National’s Social Housing spokesperson Simon O’Connor says the Government continues to badly overpromise and under-deliver, with today’s emergency housing announcement a pale imitation of the previous Government’s support – and it’s not even all new funding.