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Consumer News – Savvy Powerswitch users save over $5 million on their power bills
Over the past year, New Zealanders who switched power provider using Powerswitch collectively saved over $5 million.
“That’s $5 million that will stay in the pockets of people paying for power, rather than bolstering the profits of electricity retailers,” said Paul Fuge, Powerswitch manager.
Powerswitch is a free and independent comparison service run by Consumer NZ that helps people check they’re on the best plan to meet the needs of their household. Powerswitch data shows people who switch providers can typically save $385 a year on their power bill.
“We want to see even more people using the Powerswitch service to check whether they could be getting a better deal.
“When more people switch, it generates competition in the market and forces retailers to sharpen their prices to hold on to their customers.
“There’s no such thing as premium electricity – so why pay more than you have to?” said Fuge.
“In our latest energy survey, 62% of people said they were concerned about their electricity costs, and 19% of households reported they had experienced financial difficulty paying their monthly power bill in the last 12 months.
“Despite the savings available, the number of people changing provider remains stubbornly low. The paradox is bamboozling.
“According to data from the Electricity Authority, only around 6% of households changed provider in the last year, excluding people moving house.
“For every one percent of households that switch electricity provider there would be collective savings of around 7 million dollars a year. That’s money that should be retained by hard-working New Zealanders instead of boosting power company coffers,” said Fuge.
Consumer estimates over 40% of households have been with the same power provider for more than five years. The big four retailers and their subsidiaries provide power to more than eight in ten households across the country.
“Time and time again, our research shows that customers with the smaller power providers are more satisfied with the service they receive, including the price they pay for their power. But still, so many people stay with the big providers.
“It only takes a matter of minutes to check, switch and then save. It really could not be simpler.
“This winter we also have a dedicated Powerswitch call centre to help people who have limited online access or struggle to use the internet.
“We want as many people as possible to check to see if they could be saving. Together we can bring down the country’s power prices,” said Fuge.
The Powerswitch call centre number is 0800 266 786 – the team is available on weekdays between 8.30am and 4.30pm.
In the year ended June 2023, there were 662,742 Powerswitch users and 27,314 switch requests on the Powerswitch site.
The power plans available on the Powerswitch site make up almost 97% of the market.
About Consumer
Consumer NZ is an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to championing and empowering consumers in Aotearoa. Consumer NZ has a reputation for being fair, impartial and providing comprehensive consumer information and advice.
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- ensuring that email
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Home consents down in the June 2023 quarter – Stats NZ media and information release: Building consents issued: June 2023
Home consents down in the June 2023 quarter – Media release
1 August 2023
The number of new homes consented in the June 2023 quarter was 9,888, down 20 percent compared with the June 2022 quarter, according to figures released by Stats NZ today.
“The June 2023 quarter marked the second quarter in a row where there was a decrease in both the number of stand-alone houses and the number of multi-unit homes consented,” said construction and property statistics manager Michael Heslop.
In the June 2023 quarter there were 4,281 stand-alone houses consented, down 21 percent compared with the June 2022 quarter, and 5,607 multi-unit homes, down 18 percent over the same period.
Multi-unit homes include townhouses, apartments, retirement village units, and flats.
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