TAIC report into 2022 port deaths

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand

The Maritime Union of New Zealand has welcomed the release today of a combined report by the Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC) on two separate fatal accidents in New Zealand ports in 2022.

Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary Craig Harrison says the Union endorses the findings of the report and its recommendations.

“This hard hitting report comes out of the tragic, unnecessary and untimely deaths of two loved and respected port workers simply going about their work.”

Mr Harrison says the Union agrees with the acknowledgement of the TAIC report that the stevedoring industry has a poor safety record, yet is not rigorously regulated compared to other high-risk industries.

The TAIC report found similarities in the lead up to the fatal accidents, where both employers had been improving their safety systems, but had common deficiencies.

The report noted with no best practice guidelines, no minimum training requirements and few safety-related information-sharing platforms, industry sector leadership was lacking.

The report also emphasized the importance of proactive regulatory oversight of high-risk industries, particularly those with a poor safety record.

Mr Harrison says many of the issues noted in the report were the outcomes of decades of industry deregulation, where the voice of workers had been silenced in favour of commercial priorities.

He says there is now a shift, as progress around health and safety had been made recently in the industry with the support of the outgoing Government.

The creation of a Port Health and Safety Leadership Group (PHSLG) under the leadership of Maritime New Zealand had brought in employers and union worker representatives, he says.

Primary responsibility for most areas of port health and safety is in the process of being designated as under the oversight of Maritime New Zealand, whereas it was previously divided between two regulators.

Mr Harrison says the current development of a national Approved Code of Practice for port operations with the input of the PHSLG was another major step.

A Stevedoring Code of Practice was already in place at Port of Auckland, that had been put together by POAL, two private stevedoring companies, and the Maritime Union.

Mr Harrison says this contrasts with previous management at the Port which had not engaged with the Union.  

This progress went some way to meet the TAIC report call for industry collaboration and benchmarking improve safety standards, he says.

Mr Harrison says the cost to get change has been far too high, and workers needed to organize and unionize to ensure their safety and wellbeing came first on the job.

“We are concerned the new Government does not attempt to return to the failed industry deregulation and weak oversight of the past.”

Background details to TAIC report

The first accident occurred on 19 April 2022 at the Port of Auckland. A stevedore, working onboard the container vessel Capitaine Tasman, moved underneath a suspended 40-foot container and suffered crush injuries as a result of the container being lowered onto them. The stevedore was employed by Wallace Investments Limited (WIL), an independent stevedoring company operating at the Port of Auckland.

The second accident occurred at Lyttelton Port on 25 April 2022. A stevedore, involved in the process of loading coal onto the bulk carrier ETG Aquarius, was discovered, deceased, on the deck of the vessel, buried under a quantity of coal. The stevedore was employed by the Lyttelton Port Company Limited (LPC).

In New Zealand, there have been 18 deaths amongst port workers since 2012, which is proportionally the second highest rate of fatalities of any industry sector within New Zealand.

Inflation data shows the need for caution from future government

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

Inflation data released today by Statistics NZ showed that the cost of living rose by 5.6% in September 2023, down from 6% in the June Quarter. CTU Economist Craig Renney said “This data confirms the downward trend for annual inflation, with the inflation rate now having fallen for five consecutive quarters. While inflation is still too high, this further suggests that some of the heat has come out from the inflation challenges over the past two years”.

Renney said “Food pricing drove the largest change, with prices for groceries increasing 11% annually, and the price of ready-to-eat food rising 9.4%. The cost of insurance also rose significantly with home and contents insurance both rising at nearly 20% annually. Recent petrol price increases were recognised with quarterly inflation showing a 16.5% increase in petrol costs. However, they were only 3.7% higher than this time last year”.

Renney said “While this data is encouraging, the fact that quarterly inflation lifted from 1.1% to 1.8% supports our view that now is not the right time for potentially inflationary tax cuts and other tax changes. Organisations such as Goldman Sachs have said these changes could further exacerbate inflation in New Zealand, causing the Reserve Bank to hold interest rates higher for longer. This data should make the incoming Minister of Finance pause and re-examine before delivering any changes that could make life harder in Aotearoa.

“We also know that many people are doing it tough right now with the cost of living. Many will be relying on essential public services to get through. The possible cuts to public services needed to pay for tax cuts will have to be deeper if inflation is made worse. The CPI data provided today should be seen as an early test of whether the incoming Minister of Finance is prepared to be pragmatic in the face of new evidence”.

Research shows New Zealand children spend a third of after-school time on screens

Source: Family First

A study published in the New Zealand Medical Journal found children are spending a third of their after-school time on screens, including more than half their time after 8pm.

Otago University health researcher Dr Moira Smith says that screen use harms children’s health and well-being. She says it is associated with obesity, poor mental well-being, poor sleep and mental functioning and lack of physical activity. It also affects children’s ability to concentrate and regulate their behaviour and emotions.

The Government is proposing more regulation of social media. But ultimately this is something that needs to be fixed within the family, not regulated by the state.

Full story below …

New Zealand children spend a third of after-school time on screens – study

Researchers are calling for urgent regulations to protect children from harm in the online world.

The call comes as the researchers find Kiwi kids spend one-third of their after-school time on screens.

The study, published on Friday in the New Zealand Medical Journal, looked at the after-school habits of 12-year-olds and found children are spending a third of their after-school time on screens, including more than half their time after 8pm.

Television accounted for the highest proportion of screen time (42.4 percent), followed by computers (32 percent), mobile devices (13 percent ) and tablets (12.6 percent).

The Ministry of Health recommends children’s recreational screen time should be zero for under two-year-olds, less than one hour per day for children aged two to five, and less than two hours per day for children aged five to 17.

Appearing on AM, Otago University health researcher Dr Moira Smith said the results won’t be a surprise to most people but it is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

“It is hard to avoid being on screens now,” Dr Smith said.

Screen use harms children’s health and well-being. Dr Smith said it is associated with obesity, poor mental well-being, poor sleep and mental functioning and lack of physical activity. It also affects children’s ability to concentrate and regulate their behaviour and emotions.

“Screen time is an entrenched part of children’s day… children now are born into a digital age, they’re digital natives.”

Dr Smith said current New Zealand legislation is outdated and fails to adequately deal with the online world children are being exposed to.

She said children are being exposed to ads for vaping, alcohol, gambling and junk food, and experiencing sexism, racism and bullying while online.

Dr Smith said the Government is proposing more regulation of social media in its recent consultation document from the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), which notes concern about children accessing inappropriate content while online.

The Otago researchers are currently studying the online worlds of children in Aotearoa using screen capture technology, with the results expected to be published soon.

This article originally appeared on newshub.co.nz

National’s ‘Pension Tax’ – Couples would need to save an extra $200 a fortnight to make up for losing two years of Superannuation

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

Fresh analysis by the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions has revealed that New Zealanders under the age of 44 would face an effective ‘Pension Tax’ of up to $200 a fortnight if National forms the next government.

NZCTU Economist Craig Renney said “No analysis of National’s plan to raise the age of qualification for superannuation by two years to age 67 has ever been provided by them.  

“National has a habit of not being upfront with voters about its plans and this latest example underlines again the real costs to working people of a National-led government.”

Using recently released data from the Pre-Election Economic and Fiscal Update, the NZCTU has quantified the impact of that change on Kiwi families.

 “A couple aged 43 and under would lose $175,206 in super payments, after tax. To replace this, they would need to save an extra $196 each fortnight, assuming a 5% annual interest rate.

“The maximum income tax cut for a couple under National’s tax plan is $102 a fortnight – meaning that they would be at least $94 a fortnight worse off. This means that they would need to save an extra $5,085 between them every year.

“Single people aged 43 and under would lose $113,885 after tax. To make up for that, they would need to save an extra $129 a fortnight in an account paying 5% annual interest. The maximum tax cut for a single person under National would be $51 a fortnight, meaning that they would be at least $78 a fortnight short.  

“This money from affected people and their families doesn’t buy them anything new. It just replaces the income they would have had if the pension age remained the same. This is money they won’t have for saving for a home deposit or meeting the cost of living.

“Working people deserve better from National. They are giving small tax changes with one hand yet taking even more back with the other and failing to tell voters the cost.”

Many Kiwis are not able to work an additional two years due to their health and the physical nature of their jobs.

Paramedic Geoff Hunt said this change would be unworkable.

“I love my job working for my community. But it’s mentally demanding, physical work that no one should have to be doing at 67. I don’t know how I would save an extra $100 a week to make up the difference.”

The Retirement Commissioner’s 2022 Review of Retirement Income Policies recommended against increasing the age of superannuation due to its disproportionate impact on Māori, Pasifika, women, and people with disabilities or chronic health conditions.

The Commissioner said the move would disadvantage certain demographics.

“Any increase to the age of people accessing NZ Super will only further disadvantage women, Māori, and Pacific People.”

Renney said “This is sensible advice, and our analysis lays out the real and significant financial costs to younger New Zealanders today from National’s ‘Pension Tax’.”

Note on the calculations:
To calculate the loss of superannuation payments, the CTU has taken the current after-tax rates of superannuation payments for couples and single people. We have projected these payments forward to 2047, when National’s superannuation age increase would be in full effect, based on the average rate of after-tax wage growth across 20 years (3.5%, according to Treasury’s Fiscal Strategy Model).

For the required savings calculation, we have assumed an average savings interest rate of 5% based on historical experience and deducted 30% tax.

ACT-dominated Luxon Government would be a disaster for working people

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand

The Maritime Union says a late shift in the polls indicates that New Zealand workers are becoming aware of the dangers of a change of Government and extreme right-wing policies. 

Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary Craig Harrison says the majority of New Zealanders are working people who need pro-worker policies.

“We are sounding the alarm that a Christopher Luxon Government would be dominated by the ACT Party and would wage war on workers.”

He says the destruction of Fair Pay Agreements and re-introduction of 90 Day Trials would push down wages and conditions for New Zealand’s most undervalued essential workers.

Even more extreme ACT policies include a three-year freeze on rises in the minimum wage and attacks on sick leave entitlements would plunge thousands into financial hardship and poverty.

“Christopher Luxon is out of touch with the struggles of the working class of Aotearoa New Zealand. He does not understand the struggles of everyday people. He will give ACT whatever they want to get the numbers he needs.”

“Tax cuts for mega landlords, cuts to public services, and making life harder for workers – this is not a positive vision and will make our society less fair, less successful and less caring.”

Mr Harrison says the latest analysis of National Party tax policy shows any benefits would largely flow to the already wealthy, not the supposed squeezed middle.

“The message from the Maritime Union to our members and all workers and their whanau is to use your vote to build a better future for yourself.”

Mr Harrison says the National–ACT combo also have a backward and outmoded approach to transport policy.

“It is clear that there needs to be a mode shift to resilient and low emission modes like coastal shipping but National–ACT have no solutions for a rapidly changing world.”

In contrast, Mr Harrison says substantial progress in the ports and shipping sector in the last term needs to be continued under a Labour-led Government.

He says three key successes of the current Government have been in building coastal shipping capability, improving health and safety through the Ports Health and Safety Leadership Group, and laying the foundations for improved conditions in the industry through Fair Pay Agreements.

Aucklanders show strong opposition to port sale in new poll

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand

The Maritime Union has released a new poll that shows an overwhelming majority of Aucklanders support keeping the Port of Auckland in public ownership.

Polling was carried out by Talbot Mills from 4–9 October 2023 on a sample of 517 Aucklanders.

In answer to the question “Do you think Aucklanders should continue to own and profit from the Auckland Port?”, 63% of respondents answered yes, 7% answered no and 30% were unsure.

In answer to the question “Mayor Wayne Brown has suggested selling the Auckland Port to overseas investors. Do you support or oppose the sale of the Port?”, 64% were opposed to the sale, 15% were in support and 21% were unsure.

Maritime Union Auckland Branch Local 13 Secretary Russell Mayn says the poll confirms Aucklanders are opposed to privatisation of the Ports of Auckland by an overwhelming majority.

The polling follows the September 2023 release of a report commissioned by the Maritime Union that detailed how port privatisation in Australia had led to major increases in port charges as private owners sought to recoup their investment.

Mr Mayn says there has been no convincing argument for port privatisation and there is no mandate for a sell off.

“This is an asset that is immensely important to Auckland’s economy and to New Zealand’s supply chain. The Mayor of Auckland needs to share the details of his privatisation plan and party leaders need to tell voters where they stand on this risky and reckless privatisation proposal.”

He says the Mayor of Auckland has a difficult job in dealing with the financial pressures on Auckland City, but the clear message is Port privatisation is not the answer.

“As the Mayor has acknowledged, the Port of Auckland is currently making good returns for Aucklanders.”

Mr Mayn says the Maritime Union is calling on Auckland Councillors who have not yet stated their position on port privatisation to confirm their views in the interests of transparency.

National’s reverse Robin Hood tax plan enriches mega landlords by hundreds of millions

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

New Zealand Council of Trade Unions analysis has revealed that a select group of landlords would be made tax-cut millionaires if Christopher Luxon’s landlord tax breaks are delivered after 14 October.

NZCTU Economist Craig Renney said “National waited until the very last moment to tell New Zealanders about their tax and fiscal plans. Day after day their numbers are being challenged.

“Now, we can reveal another harsh and unfair reality of their tax plan. ‘Mega-landlords’ would each likely make more than a million dollars extra from the removal of mortgage interest deductibility. Meanwhile, those who get disability benefits would see their incomes fall by more than $17,000 across the same period.

“Over five years, Nationals tax cuts would give $1.3 million to each of those landlords with more than 200 properties. This is based on the average benefit that landlords would get. Over five years this group of 346 mega-landlords would collectively gain nearly half a billion dollars in tax breaks.

“We know this windfall gain would not be passed on in lower rents, but would just further fatten the bank accounts of landlords.”

These figures have been independently verified by Terry Baucher, taxation specialist at Baucher Consulting.

Renney said “Christopher Luxon clearly wants to cut public services and will likely have to go further than planned because his foreign buyer’s tax and casino tax don’t add up. But National has not been upfront with voters about who gains from his tax policy. Last week we discovered that only 3,000 households would get the much claimed $250 a fortnight benefit. Now we discover that around 300 landlords would make millions.

“This is just another example of National’s reverse Robin Hood tax plan. We found out only last Friday that National plans to take $2 billion off those on benefits, including disabled people, to help fund its tax cuts. Our most marginalised would suffer while rich landlords get even richer.”

“National’s tax plan would overwhelmingly enrich those who already have significant assets – while harming those with the least.  National should scrap their unfair and unreliable tax plans which are balanced on the backs of the most vulnerable. They shouldn’t have to pay the price of National’s plan.”

Disabled community advocate Henrietta Bollinger said this policy was unaffordable for disabled people and their whānau.

“It completely fails to account for the reality of disability, the number of barriers we face in housing, education, employment, or healthcare that may lead us to rely on welfare. It completely fails to account for the hidden costs of disability.

“It also completely fails to recognise the financial pressures disabled people are already under. 
Instead of choosing to stand with around 24% of the population, their families, and communities National are choosing as a prospective governing party to stand with a privileged few.”

Systemic advocate Rhonda Swenson, who is on a supported living benefit, said the proposed changes will see disabled people falling further behind.

“For me, $17,000 is just under a year’s salary. It just makes it harder in terms of buying food and the basics.

“It makes me angry, it means they’re not valuing the people at the bottom. The disabled community deserves to be respected. [These cuts] will tip some people over the edge. They will make people more desperate.”

What is the size of tax cuts for Mega-Landlords under National’s tax plan?

National’s policy is to restore interest deductibility for rentals in 25% steps, until it is fully restored from 1 April 2026.


24/25 25/26 26/27 27/28 28/29 Total
IR Costing $522,500,000 $617,500,000 $760,000,000 $760,000,000 $760,000,000 $3,420,000,000
Number of private rentals 510,000 510,000 510,000 510,000 510,000
Per rental $1,025 $1,211 $1,490 $1,490 $1,490 $6,706
Number of Mega-Landlords 346
Minimum rentals per Mega-Landlord 200
Average per Mega-Landlord $1,341,176
Mega-Landlords total tax cut $464,047,059

Beneficiaries Calculations

Year 2023/24 (Current) 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29
Rates Wages (FSM) 7.29% 6.53% 5.59% 4.40% 3.74% 3.19%
CPI (FSM) 6.03% 3.78% 2.47% 2.15% 2.01% 2.00%
Single 18+ years Wages $786.69 $838.06 $884.91 $923.84 $958.39 $994.72
CPI $816.43 $836.59 $854.58 $871.76 $889.19
Diff -$21.63 -$48.32 -$69.26 -$86.64 -$105.53 Total
Annual -$1,124.97 -$2,512.42 -$3,601.78 -$4,505.27 -$5,487.45 ($17,231.89)

Substantial progress for transport under the Labour-led Government

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand

The Maritime Union says substantial progress in the ports and shipping sector in the last term needs to be continued under a Labour-led Government.

Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary Craig Harrison says three key successes of the current Government have been in building coastal shipping capability, improving health and safety through the Ports Health and Safety Leadership Group, and laying the foundations for improved conditions in the industry through Fair Pay Agreements.

He says the interests of the transport industry are wider than shareholder profit, and the needs of workers and the environment need to be prioritized.

Mr Harrison says the $30 million coastal shipping fund has seen new New Zealand flagged vessels come onto the coast after years of decline.

He says following the pandemic disruption, the transport industry now acknowledges the need for a vibrant coastal shipping sector.

“Coastal shipping is a low emission mode and provides resilience in the face of the extreme weather events that are already disrupting land transport links.”

He says the development of the Port Health and Safety Leadership Group led by Maritime New Zealand and implemented by the Government has been a game changer.

“The maritime industry has had a terrible rate of deaths and injuries in recent years, and this is now changing as the industry works together under the new system.”

Mr Harrison says Fair Pay Agreements (FPAs) are a great step forward for undervalued workers.

“Even employers now acknowledge the low wage casualization model has been a failure and we have to provide decent wages and conditions for all workers.”

He says workers make up the majority of voters and need to focus on real issues and the facts of what was in the interests of working-class people.

“Past promises of tax cuts have always benefited the wealthy section of the population – they do not benefit the majority of workers who need better wages and conditions and public services.”

Mr Harrison says Labour and the Greens have demonstrated a clear commitment in Government to the interests of workers and a sustainable and resilient transport industry.

NZCTU agrees with National Party; it’s important to stand up for workers

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

Nicola Willis has today agreed with NZCTU analysis that shows less than 0.2% of New Zealand households will receive the advertised $252 a fortnight rate claimed by National.

NZCTU President Richard Wagstaff also agreed with Willis, in her belief that the NZCTU must stand for working people.

“That is exactly why we won’t back anyone who wants to strip away Fair Pay Agreements from hundreds of thousands of New Zealand’s lowest paid workers.

“We won’t support anyone who wants to reintroduce 90-day trials – something the Treasury has shown doesn’t work and leads to insecurity and exploitation. We won’t support people who don’t support increases in the Minimum Wage”.

“We won’t support a tax plan that is balanced by taking $2 billion from 350,000 low-income New Zealanders on benefits. We won’t back a plan that relies on making thousands of public servants redundant and cutting essential public services. We won’t back a plan that takes $2 billion out of climate change action and puts it in the pockets of landlords.”

Wagstaff said he would love to see the National Party deliver policies and programmes that would genuinely support working people across New Zealand. “But their proposed policies for the government would instead make life harder for working people right across Aotearoa.”

National’s fiscal plan continues attack on low income households

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

National has finally released its fiscal plan after much delay and it reveals a plan to cut the incomes and essential public services the poorest New Zealanders rely on, just so they can pay for tax cuts for landlords and the well-off, says NZCTU President Richard Wagstaff.

“Cutting $2 billion from benefits during a cost-of-living crisis is cruel. These are the New Zealanders who can least afford a cut and who get $2 a week if they’re lucky from National’s tax cuts, and they would lose $40 a week in benefit cuts. On top of that, National would be putting up the price of public transport and prescription drugs.

“This doesn’t just affect workers who are out of a job, it also targets disabled New Zealanders and people with chronic illnesses. Why is National attacking these Kiwis who have the least?

“Additionally, National has confirmed that it plans to strip billions out of public services that are already under huge strain with current resources. The scale of the cuts that will be required to fund National’s fiscal plan will be felt deeply whether it’s at our borders, in our justice system, protecting our environment, or in numerous other areas of public sector activity.

“National’s claims that they can save billions by firing a few comms staff (who do vital working informing and consulting with the public) is pure fiction,” said Wagstaff.