NZCTU Supports The 65,000 Care Workers Impacted By Pay Equity Claim

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

The NZCTU strongly supports unions, including the Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi, E tū, National Union of Public Employees, and New Zealand Nurses Organisation Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa, in filing a second pay equity claim for 65,000 care and support workers.

“This claim addresses ongoing underpayment fuelled by gender-based discrimination in a sector where a pay equity settlement is long overdue.

“It is now urgent that employers and government support this claim process to a speedy conclusion, with the Care and Support Settlement Act set to expire on December 31,” said Melissa Ansell-Bridges, NZCTU Secretary.

“This highly skilled and essential workforce needs proper recognition for the work they do.

“The claim covers workers in home-based support services, aged residential care, mental health, addictions, and disability support services. It follows unacceptable delays in the original claim.

“Workers have been left waiting for far too long for that injustice to be rectified, going to work every day knowing they’re paid less than what they’re worth.”

As the Care and Support Workers (Pay Equity) Settlement Act 2017 approaches its expiration, the NZCTU urges the incoming Government to intervention to ensure fair wages for this dedicated workforce.

Maritime Union statement on Gaza and Port protests

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand

The Maritime Union of New Zealand says it supports the right of the community to take part in peaceful protests at ports and elsewhere.

Community protests are planned against Israeli-connected container ships at the Port of Auckland as international pressure mounts for a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict. 

The Contship Dax operated by ZIM Integrated Shipping has already been the focus of protest action in Australian ports last week and the ship will be calling in New Zealand ports in the next week, including Tauranga, Auckland and Lyttelton.

Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary Craig Harrison says the Union is backing international calls for a ceasefire in the Israel–Gaza conflict.

He says the Union endorses calls by Labour Party leader Chris Hipkins, the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions, and the International Transport Workers Federation supporting a ceasefire and a political solution to the conflict.  

“The Maritime Union condemns any attacks on civilians, and we recognize the long standing political issues including the oppression of the Palestinian people that have contributed to the current catastrophe.”

Mr Harrison says protests at ports are occurring throughout the world and are likely to become more common as concern mounts at the rising death toll of civilians in Gaza.

He says the Maritime Union strongly opposes any form of religious or ethnic discrimination including anti-semitism or anti–Muslim prejudice.

“As a Union we are united as workers and support all efforts towards international solidarity, justice and peace.” 

Difficult tax choices ahead for National in talks with NZ First and Act

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

2pm on Friday, November 3 will go down as one of the moments in New Zealand’s political history reminiscent of Sliding Doors. Up until that point, National and Act were on track to form a government with very similar ideological and fiscal aims. Upfront tax cuts would be financed by reduced investment in public services. There would be a greater role for the market in the public sphere and a more relaxed set of labour regulations. After 2pm, New Zealand First became a required partner. That makes life much harder for National and Act, as it brings a very different political perspective and a different set of financial requirements.

The centrepiece of National’s election campaign was $14.6 billion of income and landlord tax cuts. Some $3b of that was financed by a new tax on overseas property buyers. That’s now all but certainly gone, as it is unthinkable that NZ First would tolerate the sale of Kiwi houses to overseas buyers. Filling the gap left by the loss of that new tax would require a doubling of the indicated cuts to the public service – to 17 per cent.

That’s not feasible either, politically or practically. So, the promise to return a range of tax benefits for landlords will probably have to go. In a cost of living crisis, providing these made little economic sense to begin with. They put money in the pockets of those who have already done really well over the past two decades, yet the cuts deliver small (if any) value to the taxpayer or the economy.

Then there are other issues that need to be considered. National’s tax cut package also relies on the delivery of $2.1b of savings from ending building depreciation for commercial properties. Labour campaigned on this too. But NZ First has campaigned repeatedly on the need to provide additional depreciation support – particularly for small businesses. There’s a big cost to that. That $2.1b in savings starts to look like a tempting target for a policy that would be welcomed by the business community and would improve our chronic business investment problem.

The loss of both foreign buyers and commercial building depreciation would put a cumulative $5.1b hole in the tax plan. However, the coalition negotiations are likely to throw up other areas where the parties differ. Both National and Act have campaigned on removing what remains of regional growth funding within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. But that is likely to be an anathema to NZ First, who have championed the creation of a new Regional Productivity Growth Fund. If it were even half the size of the previous Provincial Growth Fund, that would require funding of $2b across the forecast period.

Funding this could come from the closure of the Climate Emergency Response Fund – which generates $2.3b according to National, and is to be used for tax cuts. Instead, it could be used to deliver energy security programmes across New Zealand. Fuel security is a key policy for NZ First, and it would also have the benefit of supporting job security and greater economic security in regions. But the gap in the plan is now $7.4b.

Taking that out of the tax plan would leave $7.2b remaining. That’s not enough to deliver even Simon Bridges’ policy of moving tax brackets to reflect inflation – it’s $1.8b short. And that’s before Treasury has adjusted the figures to account for faster-than-anticipated wage growth. This could be found from the remaining allowances, but in the first Budget, that would likely leave only $600 million for all new spending. Just keeping the lights on in education will consume all of that, something that National has promised repeatedly on the campaign trail. After that, there’s nothing left.

That also means the benefits of National’s tax cuts are now seriously diminished. A fulltime minimum wage worker would get $2.15 a week – not $12 a week. The support for families with early childhood education costs would be gone. The number of families getting $250 a fortnight in support from the Government wouldn’t be 3000. It would be zero.

All of this shows the challenges facing the three parties in pulling together a package that allows them to work together. What it also suggests is that rather than rushing headlong into tax and other changes at a December mini-Budget, some caution and restraint would be appropriate. The parties could spend a little more time working out what is actually needed, and how they will deliver that, without borrowing extra for tax cuts.

If you want an example of the headlong approach in action, look no further than the UK and the problems the Liz Truss government faced. It famously lasted less time than it took for an iceberg lettuce to wilt. Rushing to deliver tax cuts now for ideological purposes is likely to haunt all involved and will likely require painful changes in the future. The title track of the movie Sliding Doors is called Turn Back Time. The incoming Finance Minister might well be whistling that tune if they can’t get it right over the next few weeks.

MEDIA RELEASE: Age-Inappropriate Sex Ed App Should Be Withdrawn

Source: Family First


12 November 2023

Family First is calling for a phone app developed by Canterbury University with explicit content and advice on fingering, hand jobs, anal sex, chest binding and sex toys, to be withdrawn. The app has received terrible reviews from parents on both the App Store and Google Play with an average score of 1.3 out of 5.

The app is called Te Puāwaitanga: Beyond the Birds and Bees, and was developed by Canterbury University with financial support from a number of other government funded groups including Kiwi Innovation Network which comes under Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE), Pegasus – a Canterbury health group which receives some funding from Te Whatu Ora, and Lottery Health Research.

Most concerning is that the Classification Office (which is a crown agency) has provided advice. This is highly problematic because the app is ‘recommended’ for 12+, but there is no restriction to young children accessing the material. When the app was first published, there was a pop-up warning that it was ‘restricted’ to 12+ but that children younger should “have a korero with their parents first” before using the app. This is no longer present. Or a period of time, the Google Play restriction was 3-plus! It is now 12+.

Under “The First Time”, there are sections on fingering, handjobs, oral sex, anal sex (yes – apparently 12 year olds need the government to educate them on how to do this) and PIV sex.

Hot tips include telling 12 year olds (and younger children who are freely able to look at the website) about keeping sex toys clean.

There are also sections on pronouns; bisexual and pansexuality; asexuality, aromantic and demisexuality; transitioning; medical transitioning, with subsections on binders, vocal therapy and surgeries; a link to a NZ site with advice on binders and tape; and genital reconstruction surgery.

This is for children as young as 12, and in fact, younger children will access the content, and the promoters and funders appear to be okay with that. And so is the Classification Office who are supposed to be the watchdogs of age-inappropriate material.

But as we are finding out as we travel around the country talking to parent groups, the content is highly offensive to parents, it’s definitely not what they want their children to be exposed to, and it’s well “beyond the birds and the bees”.

Reviews from Google (38 reviews with an average score of 1.2 / 5):

“Bloody disgusting is the only way I describe this app. Seriously, I hope you lose your funding and any future development contract prospects. This is nothing short of another method of grooming children courtesy of the sick minds who are pushing a gender agenda.”

“I’m disappointed that the New Zealand government has provided funding for this, that it is available without age restriction, and that it appears to be overt sexualisation of minors. No stars awarded, but have to give minimum one or else cannot post this review.”

“Absolutely disgusting even though it has now been rated 12 plus. How dare the government use tax payers money to encourage children to have all these types of sex with well detailed descriptions on what to do. The basic birds and bees were fine the rest should be left until much much later on.”

Family First is calling for the app to be withdrawn immediately.

WorkSafe cuts highlight how New Zealanders will be worse off from axing public sector jobs.

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

News of WorkSafe’s confirmed organisational changes should be seen as a stark warning about the impact of cuts to public services says the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions.

“It beggars belief that WorkSafe will do a better job with such a significant decrease to staffing resource,” said NZCTU Secretary Melissa Ansell-Bridges.

“This will have direct consequences for businesses and communities – a slimmed down WorkSafe means it will not be able to do the same job of keeping working people safe at work”.

“Our track record of workplace deaths and injuries is not something to be proud of. Axing 113 jobs at the health and safety regulator isn’t the right decision for the health and safety system in New Zealand.”

71 workers didn’t return home from work between June 2022 and June 2023. That represents 71 parents, children, friends and whānau members that were killed on the job in New Zealand workplaces. 71 families and communities devastated by these deaths. A further 750 – 900 workers died during this period from the impact of work-related occupational diseases such as asbestosis and cancers.

“This means that on average, one worker is being killed every week at work, and each week between 15-18 workers on average will die from health-related impacts of their work.

“It is difficult to comprehend how further slashing WorkSafe will improve this alarming picture. The data speaks for itself, more resource is needed, not less.

“Maintaining the level of inspectors is important but that is only one of WorkSafe’s core functions and their ability to be an effective inspectorate is supported by other important functions in the organisation which are now being lost.

“The NZCTU will continue to advocate for WorkSafe to be properly resourced and calls on the incoming Government to provide WorkSafe with sufficient resources to meet all its legislative functions. Failure to do this, puts working peoples’ lives at risk.

“These cuts to WorkSafe provide a bleak picture of the reality of the incoming Government’s proposed deep and savage cuts to the wider public service for working New Zealanders. It means poorer services that they, and their whānau, rely on every day.”

Massive price hikes in DP World Australian ports must scuttle Auckland port privatization plans

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand

DP World, the global port operator linked to a privatisation agenda at the Port of Auckland, is embroiled in controversy in Australia after massive price hikes for port users.

Terminal fees are set to jump more than 50% at DP World’s Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney operations, leading to one freight industry manager describing the situation as “daylight robbery”.

The price hit also led to Australia’s former competition watchdog chair, Graeme Samuel, saying the Government needed to take control of the model of privatisation that had led to “rampant high prices”.

Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary Craig Harrison says the news confirm findings in a report released in September 2023 by the Union that warned of major price hikes on freight if Port of Auckland was privatised.

Mr Harrison says the Union had accurately predicted the failure of the previous automation project at Port of Auckland, and it did not want to be proved right about port privatisation.

He says Auckland City needs to immediately dump any proposals to privatise the Port of Auckland, unless it wanted to wreck the local economy.

Mr Harrison says the DP World in Australia is currently at war with freight businesses, importers, exporters and their workforce.

“Do we really want to hand over a strategic asset and natural monopoly to this type of outfit?”

Protected industrial action is ongoing in Australian ports, with the Australian Council of Trade Unions last month calling on DP World to ‘return to good faith bargaining and abandon their attacks on hard working maritime workers in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle.’

More bad news about the practices of the multinational came out in a report released this week in Australia, showing DP World in Australia paid zero income tax in Australia over the last eight years, despite revenues of over $4.5 billion in that period.

A poll released by the Maritime Union on 11 October showed an overwhelming majority of Aucklanders wanted the Port of Auckland kept in public ownership.

Does DP World dodge taxes? Port giant under spotlight

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand

The multinational involved in the proposed privatisation of Port of Auckland is the subject of a new Australian report “Does DP World dodge taxes in Australia?

The report is published by The Centre for International Corporate Tax Accountability and Research (CICTAR).

Key findings show DP World in Australia paid zero income tax in Australia over the last eight years, despite revenues of over $4.5 billion in that period.

DP World appears to have used complex methods to artificially reduce taxable income and shift income offshore, according to the report.

Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary Craig Harrison says Aucklanders should be watching closely what is happening with DP World across the Tasman.

Protected industrial action has recently taken place in Australian ports, with the Australian Council of Trade Unions last month calling on DP World to ‘return to good faith bargaining and abandon their attacks on hard working maritime workers in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle.’

“Selling a strategic asset and natural monopoly like Port of Auckland to a global operator like DP World would be leaving a vampire in charge of the blood bank.”

Mr Harrison says the disturbing record of DP World in Australia can be compared with the positive situation in Port of Auckland.

He says with new management working with the Union at the Port of Auckland, there have been rapidly improving returns for the people of Auckland.

“Why would we want to mess with this successful Port?”

The Australian tax report on DP World follows on from a report released in September 2023 by the Maritime Union of New Zealand that warned of major price hikes on freight going through a privatised Port of Auckland.

A poll released by the Maritime Union on 11 October showed an overwhelmingly majority of Aucklanders wanted the Port of Auckland kept in public ownership.

NZCTU calls on Supie investors to pay up

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

The New Zealand Council of Trade Unions is calling on investors in Supie to do the right thing and pay the company’s workers the money they are owed.

Workers at Supie were reportedly advised yesterday that the company had gone into voluntary administration and they would not be paid for their last two weeks of work or their annual leave.

NZCTU Secretary Melissa Ansell-Bridges says investors have a moral obligation to pay workers what they are owed.

“These are low paid workers already dealing with a cost of living crisis who are now being robbed of their final pay and their annual leave. Many of them are now concerned they will not be able to pay their rent.

“This is a clear injustice and the investors have a moral responsibility to put it right. It is the investors who took a risk on Supie in the hope of financial reward, and it is they who should bear that risk, not the workers who have done everything they can to make the business a success.

“We are calling on the investors to stop hiding behind the legal fiction of the company structure and instead get together and pay the workers what they are owed.”

Ansell-Bridges says this issue shows New Zealand needs to strengthen worker protections, not weaken them.

“New Zealand ranks lower than Paraguay when it comes to worker protections in cases of business failure.

“Instead of trying to remove Fair Pay Agreements and restore 90 day trials, the incoming government should be looking to improve worker protections to avoid injustices like we are seeing right now at Supie.”

Unions Welcome Back Officers After NZCTU Election

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

The New Zealand Council of Trade Unions welcomes back President Richard Wagstaff and National Secretary Melissa Ansell-Bridges, who were both re-elected for a four-year term.

Today at the NZCTU Biennial Conference, all four officers standing for election were welcomed back unopposed.

Richard Wagstaff was thrilled to represent the peak union movement for a third term.

“It remains a huge honour to represent and advocate for workers across the motu. A strong union movement is essential for New Zealand as we continue to navigate new challenges like just transitions, the ongoing pandemic, and increasing inequality.”

Melissa Ansell-Bridges expressed her privilege in continuing as National Secretary for a second term.

“We have a lot of work ahead of us, but the NZCTU remains deeply committed to working people. I’m looking forward to continuing this work for another four years.”

Vice-President Rachel Mackintosh was also re-elected for a third term, and Vice President Māori Syd Keepa was re-elected for a fourth term.

Dark Cloud Hangs Over Labour Day As National And ACT Poised To Attack Workers’ Rights

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

While working people across Aotearoa New Zealand relax on Labour Day, the incoming government is busy drawing up plans to overturn recent advances for workers’ rights warns the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions.

“This day of celebration for working people is tinged with sadness as the next government plots a return to employment relations of the past,” said Council of Trade Unions President Richard Wagstaff.

“But make no mistake, the union movement will be fighting hard to protect the gains we have made and will continue to advocate for policies that raise wages and provide security for families.”

National has made clear its intention to pass legislation within the first 100 days in government to overturn progress made by the Labour government in strengthening protections for workers.

It plans to:

  • scrap Fair Pay Agreements that set minimum pay, leave and other conditions for workers in an industry or occupation
  • reinstate 90-day fire at will employment trial periods for all businesses regardless of size.

“It’s simply indecent haste,” said Wagstaff. “Bargaining for Fair Pay Agreements is only just getting underway – including for several essential groups like supermarket workers, security guards and bus drivers.

“We don’t understand what National, ACT and employer groups fear from agreements which support good employers by ensuring that they can’t be undercut by those looking to exploit low paid workers.

“National says it wants a high wage economy – we agree so let’s keep Fair Pay Agreements because they are all about boosting the wages of Kiwis and keeping good workers here.

“Similar industry wide bargaining agreements overseas support that. Australia’s modern awards system has helped wages there continue to outstrip what Kiwi workers are earning.

“The reinstatement of the 90-day fire at will law is also a step backwards. Treasury has stated that the 90-day provision does not lead to increased hiring of workers which employers so often claim is the case.

“The fact that this is all happening while we mark the introduction of the eight-hour working day 124 years ago says a lot about the priorities of the incoming government.

“The good news is that the union movement is in strong heart, we are well organised and will be campaigning strongly for what working people need – decent wages and job security,” said Richard Wagstaff.