Release: Cuts to school bus routes put Northland kids at risk

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The Government is putting cost-cutting ahead of kids’ safety with its decision to cut rural school bus routes in Northland.

“Expecting young students to walk along state highways and endure extreme weather just to get to school is utterly irresponsible and a slap in the face to working families,” Labour education spokesperson Jan Tinetti said.

“This Government’s decision to cut essential school bus routes is putting our kids in harm’s way. I worry that it’s only a matter of time before tragedy strikes.”

The latest reports from Northland show at least seven schools are affected, with some students facing long, treacherous walks on busy highways like State Highway 10.

The reduction of Whangaroa College’s bus service has left two dozen students without safe transport options. Local school leaders have raised concerns that the risk of accidents will increase, especially in winter when students must travel in darkness and heavy rain.

“These are not minor inconveniences, these are serious safety risks that no parent should have to worry about. Erica Stanford refuses to acknowledge the reality for working families in rural communities.

“Rural kids deserve the same access to safe and reliable education as their urban peers. Erica Stanford must step up, acknowledge the harm these cuts are causing, and restore rural school bus routes before a preventable disaster happens,” Jan Tinetti said.

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Release: Watered down investor visa will fail economy

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

Erica Stanford has reached peak shortsightedness if today’s announcement is anything to go by, picking apart immigration settings piece by piece to the detriment of the New Zealand economy.

“Dumbing down the rules for the investor visa risks watering down the economic benefits for New Zealand,” Labour immigration spokesperson Phil Twyford said.

“Allowing people to buy residence by parking their money in a passive investment like property that won’t generate jobs or sustainable economic development for New Zealand doesn’t sit well. 

“Kiwi venture capitalists looking for investment opportunities urged the Government to keep Labour’s rules in place, and not open up to passive investments.

“This will stick in the craw for the hard-working migrants who have to crawl over cut glass to get residence. Giving the fast track to residence for the rich with no requirement for economic development for New Zealand, and removing the English language test for the rich but not for every day migrants, is not the Kiwi way. 

“The focus on wealthy visitors to New Zealand in the very same week the Government has figures showing Kiwi unemployment is at record highs is absolutely tone deaf.

“I’m surprised Winston Peters doesn’t have more to say about this. It flies in the face of what he has fought for decades,” Phil Twyford said.

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Release: Craven silence on ICC conveys consent

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

New Zealand has long been a member of the International Criminal Court, which impartially prosecutes serious war criminals for atrocities.

“The United States of America is attacking the ICC with sanctions and undermining its important and respected role as a prosecutor of war criminals,” Labour foreign affairs spokesperson David Parker said.

“It is one thing for the USA not to participate in the ICC. To go further and introduce sanctions to hinder the ability of the ICC doing its work for other countries is plainly wrong.

“In recent days, 79 countries have signed a statement condemning this. Those countries include Switzerland, Canada, France and Germany – countries we normally work closely with. New Zealand was notably absent.

“It is understandable that New Zealand does not want to criticise every decision made by President Trump.

“But our government won’t even speak up in the company of 79 others when an institution we are part of is threatened and undermined.

“Silence conveys consent.

“New Zealand’s reputation for being fair and principled is built on decades of important decisions like these – across successive governments.

“In its efforts to appease the new USA administration, New Zealand should not cravenly abandon its principles,” David Parker said.

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Release: Health leadership in disarray while Kiwis miss out

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Margie Apa leaving her job four months early is another symptom of this government’s failure to deliver healthcare for New Zealanders.

“Margie Apa was a team player who worked hard to build a modern health system designed to serve everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand. She cares deeply for health outcomes and was focused on that in her role,” Labour’s acting health spokesperson Peeni Henare said.

“She helped put systems in place to close the gaps for Kiwis to access the healthcare they deserve. Whether it was mums-to-be in the furthest reaches of rural New Zealand, to those historically uncatered for in our cities. I want to thank Margie Apa for her work and wish her all the best in her next role.

“Fourteen months in Christopher Luxon’s Government has brought in chaotic changes to leadership: firing his first Health Minister and the Health New Zealand board, and now seeing off the chief executive.

“Soon he will run out of people to blame for his own failures in health.

“Changing leadership while fundamental issues of resourcing are unaddressed is taking the health system backwards.

“New Zealanders want to know they can access healthcare when they need it. This chaos at the top only shows the Prime Minister is failing to deliver that,” Peeni Henare said.

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Release: Māori and Pacific people hit hardest by lack of jobs

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The latest unemployment figures reveal that job losses are hitting Māori and Pacific people especially hard, with Māori unemployment reaching a staggering 9.7% for the December 2024 quarter and Pasifika unemployment reaching 10.5%.

“The Government is continuing to take Māori backwards in every possible way,” Labour spokesperson for Māori Development Willie Jackson said.

“Christopher Luxon has no plan for Māori to support whanau into meaningful employment. The Prime Minister had every opportunity to front up to Māori at Waitangi to provide a positive plan for all of us to work together. Instead, he left it to David Seymour to speak and further divide our nation.

“The reality is, when National took power the Māori unemployment rate was 8.2%. They have had more than a year to deliver results, and instead we see rising unemployment, shocking health disparities, and tragic poverty rates,” Willie Jackson said.

Unemployment among Pacific People is now 10.5%, up from 6.1% when National took office. Across all groups, unemployment reached 5.1%—a four-year high.

“The Government’s failure to deliver real results for Pacific People is shameful and shows their complete lack of attention to this community,” Labour Pacific People’s spokesperson Carmel Sepuloni said.

“That is a huge increase in Pacific unemployment, 1 in 10 Pacific people in New Zealand are now unemployed. This is bordering on a crisis for our people.

“Instead of supporting our people into work, this Government chooses to slash funding for frontline services, cut public sector jobs, and has left a total of 33,000 more people out of work,” Carmel Sepuloni said.

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Release: Unemployment soars as Government fails Kiwis

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The latest unemployment figures reveal that job losses are hitting Kiwis hard, with unemployment reaching 5.1%—a four-year high.

“This is what happens when the Government chooses to slash funding for frontline services, cut public sector jobs, and undermine economic stability,” Labour finance spokesperson Barbara Edmonds said.

“Christopher Luxon’s coalition of chaos continues to plunge New Zealand deeper into recession. Their cuts have devastated the job market, and now 33,000 more Kiwis are unemployed in just the past year.

“They promised a better economy, but all we’ve seen is an economic downturn, rising unemployment, and the sharpest recession, excluding COVID-19, in 30 years—all of which happened under National’s watch.

“If the Government was serious about economic growth, it would reverse its cuts and take immediate action to stabilise the job market. That means investing in public services, infrastructure, and climate initiatives that create jobs, not axing funding for schools, hospitals, and public housing.

“Labour’s focus is on rebuilding an economy that works for all Kiwis. The Government has had more than a year to deliver results, and instead it has chosen to hand out $2.9 billion to landlords and $216 million to tobacco companies, while families are left struggling to pay the bills. It’s time for leadership that invests in jobs, skills, and the future, not cuts and excuses,” Barbara Edmonds said.

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Release: Still no commitment to build more public houses

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

Despite being confronted every day with people in genuine need being stopped from accessing emergency housing – National still won’t commit to building more public houses. 

“Chris Bishop is full of it. It is completely heartless and out of touch of him to be comfortable with people sleeping in cars and tents, while he stands up and boasts about saving money,” Labour housing spokesperson Kieran McAnulty said. 

“It’s simple, build more public houses so that people have somewhere to live. Housing is the bare minimum that a person needs to live, and to help turn their life around.  

“Chris Bishop has already instructed Kāinga Ora to build fewer houses each year in his letter of expectation, leading to a net loss of houses in Auckland next year, and cut $1.5 billion from building and maintenance costs in last year’s budget.  

“If the best that he can come up with is the number of overall homes won’t go backwards, then it shows their priority is cutting spending, not housing people.

“He says a lot of words about how the private sector will step in, yet figures out today from Statistics New Zealand shows overall building consents for new homes are down nearly 10% for 2024. 

“Chris Bishop completely missed out the words that matter – a commitment to building more public houses,” Kieran McAnulty said.  

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Release: Mining plan offers false promises with real damage

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The Government is doubling down on outdated and volatile fossil fuels, showing how shortsighted and destructive their policies are for working New Zealanders.

“Shane Jones’ announcement is shortsighted, environmentally reckless, and a giveaway to private mining interests,” Labour’s energy spokesperson Megan Woods said.

“We are not against mining as long as it is done in an environmentally sustainable way. Under the Labour government, we were also doing work on critical minerals that would help us decarbonise and move away from fossil fuels like coal in a way that ensures jobs in the long term.

“However, the government’s plans, combined with the Fast Track law, lead to greater environmental risks with no public scrutiny.

“This Government wants New Zealanders to believe mining is essential for the energy transition, but what they won’t tell you is that gold mining has nothing to do with renewable energy and fossil fuels are the most expensive energy source that we have.

“Shane Jones talks about economic benefits, but what he is really talking about is private profits being shipped offshore while Kiwis are left with the environmental damage.

“Kiwis deserve an energy strategy that moves us forward, one that invests in wind, solar, and storage, creates sustainable jobs, and puts people before corporate profits. Instead, Shane Jones is pushing a plan that prioritises mining private profits over climate action, regional prosperity, and long-term energy security,” Megan Woods said.

“His proposal to mine the iron sands off the Coast of Taranaki drove away offshore wind investment, proving once again that this Government is holding New Zealand back while other countries move forward with clean energy solutions,” Labour’s environment spokesperson Rachel Brooking said.

“Climate and environmental protections are critical to our future, and this Government’s shortsighted and destructive approach will harm New Zealand’s economy long after Shane Jones is gone from Parliament.”

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Release: Dunedin wins, hospital build continues

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The people of Dunedin have won in an almost year-long battle to have their hospital confirmed, but National’s delays have cost dearly.

“Though there are fewer beds than originally planned, this is a win for the people of the Southern region,” Labour health infrastructure spokesperson Tracey McLellan said.

“We have always said there is money to pay for this hospital, and the announcement today proves National was trying to make savings at the cost of good healthcare for the Southern region.

“Together we have fought hard against National’s attempts to scale back New Dunedin Hospital. The people of the Southern region deserve a state-of-the-art hospital that meets their needs now and into the future.

“According to one estimate, the Government’s poor negotiation and delays cost $100,000 per day while it sat still. This is money that should have been spent improving healthcare.

“The building of the new hospital, which Labour began and paid for, falls short of the promises National made during the election campaign, but it is the best of a bad situation.

“We’ll be watching closely to make sure this Government actually delivers on their promise and doesn’t try to cut corners down the line, both in Dunedin and at other hospitals which they said were threatened by the Dunedin project,” Tracey McLellan said.

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Release: Frontline providers deserve certainty, not name-calling

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

Labour is relieved to see Children’s Minister Karen Chhour has woken up to reality and reversed her government’s terrible decisions to cut funding from frontline service providers – temporarily.

“In August last year, Karen Chhour was calling frontline service providers “disgruntled” and accusing them of using Oranga Tamariki as a “cash cow,” Labour children’s spokesperson Willow-Jean Prime said.

“I hope that she has taken the summer break to reflect on those comments. Frontline service providers have some of the hardest jobs, and they deserve certainty, not name-calling.

“Many vulnerable children and whānau have relationships with these providers and they do the kind of work that can be incredibly difficult, but can change lives.

“It is a relief to see some contracts have been extended out to the end of the year. While this provides immediate relief, it does not fix the uncertainty that many children and whānau face if providers’ funding is not continued.

“It appears Karen Chhour has woken up to the absolutely vital services that are provided on the frontline. Now she must ensure that support continues beyond the end of the year,” Willow-Jean Prime said.

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