Release: Transport in NZ has to be more than just roads

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

As expected, the National Land Transport Programme lacks ambition for our cities and our country’s rail network and puts the majority of investment into roads.

“We too want to build the infrastructure our country needs, and that includes roads – like the vital link replacing the Manawatū Gorge,” Labour’s transport spokesperson Tangi Utikere said.

“I’m pleased to see the Pages Road Bridge in Christchurch on that list, which Labour has been campaigning for locally, as well as projects that Labour had committed to such as the Hope bypass, the Christchurch Northern Link, Napier to Hastings and Tauranga to Tauriko.

“But they’ve halved the budget that makes it easier to walk and cycle in our cities, which is disappointing and short-sighted. The traffic problems in Auckland aren’t going to be solved with more roads. Where is the ambition for our biggest city?

“I would have liked to see increased investment in rail including freight and passenger services across New Zealand. Taking trucks off our roads is what will permanently fix the pothole problem, not some arbitrary fund that will only result in more patch-up jobs and road cones.

“The National Government has cancelled rail-enabled ferries – a vital transport link – and is heaping costs on drivers with increased licencing fees, a driver’s tax of $50 and a planned double-digit fuel excise increase of 12c per litre from 2027.

“This roads announcement doesn’t come close to patching that up,” Tangi Utikere said.

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Speech: Barbara Edmonds Building Nations 2024

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

National Infrastructure agency

Like Chris Hipkins said earlier, we welcome the creation of the National Infrastructure Agency. The introduction of the 30-year plan is a positive step towards addressing our significant infrastructure deficit.

A truly non-political process must be entrenched within the NIA, Treasury, and the Infrastructure Commission to give this plan the credibility it needs. Safeguards against political interference and the risk of flip-flopping to appease party donors and vested interests are essential for the long-term success of this initiative.”

We need the NIA to engage in an inclusive consultation process with local communities, Iwi, and other stakeholders to ensure that the infrastructure projects it oversees are aligned with community needs and aspirations.

Short-termism and the infrastructure deficit

In government, Labour worked to tackle the infrastructure deficit head on by increasing investment levels significantly after years of underfunding.

Since the election we have seen many major projects stopped or paused, paralysing parts of the infrastructure sector.

The problems with this approach are well known by those of you in this room who have had to absorb losses, cut staff, and wait to know what is going to happen next.

Uncertainty like this hurts communities and puts unnecessary financial strain on many who are doing it tough right now.

But this flip-flopping has downstream effects on businesses. The head contractors have to stop their work, which flows through to the myriads of sub-contractors supporting the project.

These are subbies who may have turned down a project having expected other work, perhaps companies hired an extra worker to help with the construction or made the investment into a new piece of machinery.

These are the people that do not get paid. These are the people who have let go of staff or as we are seeing increasingly liquidate.

We have seen how flip-flopping decisions contribute to the erosion of your sector’s capability and capacity, where skilled workers are leaving New Zealand for Australia. There are 8000 fewer jobs in the construction industry since this government came into power.

Every skilled worker we lose is not just a loss for today but a hurdle for tomorrow.

When the time comes to ramp up infrastructure investment again, we will face the challenge of having to rebuild this capacity.

If we are serious about overcoming this deficit, we must recognize that preserving and growing your sector’s capability is as important as the investments themselves.

We need to be smarter about the way we plan and deliver.

The Infrastructure Commission made light of this point recently when it noted that our spending is comparable to other advanced economies as a percentage of GDP, but that this spend is incredibly inefficient. Wayne Brown also made the point, but is other words.

We have significant challenges to tackle – how to address historic underfunding, how to streamline our planning and business case processes, and how to improve our workforce capability and capacity – but if we cannot get past the short-termism, we are going to struggle to face them.

It is not necessarily the funding or financing that is holding us back.

We need to be better in how we procure and ensuring we have the capability and capital in New Zealand to build and maintain what is needed.

Let me be clear—This problem will not be fixed through a sole focus on infrastructure. We must also ensure our settings are right in immigration, tax, and education systems to improve the capability and capacity of the infrastructure workforce.

Recognising the shortcomings of short-term thinking in infrastructure, I want to work with all of you to fix them.


Everyone in this room knows how crucial a stable pipeline of projects is for solving New Zealand’s infrastructure challenges.

The last Labour government established the Infrastructure Commission to help address this and we remain supportive of its work to develop long-term infrastructure plans and the Infrastructure Priority List.

I am encouraged to hear much talk about long-term planning and bipartisanship. This was the intent when establishing the Infrastructure Commission.

But while it is easy to talk about bipartisanship now, actions speak louder than words. The current government has made decisions that undermine this principle by cutting critical infrastructure projects initiated by Labour—projects that were essential for the long-term development of our nation.

If we are to genuinely pursue bipartisanship, it cannot be selective or convenient.

It must be a commitment to consistent, long-term planning that transcends political cycles. And to repeat what Chippie said earlier, bipartisanship means working together, toward a shared and common goal. It does not mean being informed of the plan, through a speech, without any opportunity to be involved.

National needs to practice what they now preach—real bipartisanship means supporting essential infrastructure projects regardless of which party initiated them because that is what is best for New Zealand.

When politicians agree, the sector has shown what it can achieve for the country – the Waterview Tunnel and City Rail Link are two examples of this.

Other countries like Ireland, Australia and Denmark have developed models for fostering bipartisanship – meaningful roles for opposition parties in developing long-term infrastructure plans, special select committees to identify areas of consensus across the pipeline, and formal bipartisan agreements to give certainty to the sector, to name just three.

These approaches are all worth exploring for New Zealand.

As we consider them, it will also be important to include the voices of local communities and mana whenua, both of whom have significant roles to play in delivering pipeline certainty.

Although the Minister of Infrastructure made a point about sending us letter in speech yesterday, he failed mention that I asked for this in June and I wrote to him last week about working together to develop this enduring infrastructure pipeline.

If the Minister will not respond to me, I know he will to you. So if you believe in bipartisanship is important, please continue to challenge him.

I am a realist – we will not always agree, but for the sake of the country, we must all work together and we must do better. And that also means we will stand by each other when the heat is on politically, as opposed to what we saw with the NPS Urban Development.

Procurement (PPPs)

One area in particular that we must improve in is procurement.  

At present, discussions about procurement are mainly focused on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).

PPPs are one way of procuring infrastructure though, as Sir Michael Cullen recognised, they are not the answer to all the infrastructure challenges that we face.

While PPPs can bring valuable capital and expertise to our infrastructure projects, they must be approached with caution to ensure that public accountability and equity are not compromised.

The National Infrastructure Agencies’ role in facilitating private sector investment is welcome, particularly as new funding models like tolling, value capture, and levies are explored.

The NIA must operate with transparency and maintain a strong focus on serving the public good, ensuring that the benefits of infrastructure development are felt by all New Zealanders.

Funding appropriate levels of infrastructure investment, streamlining the planning system, reducing the complexity of business cases, and improving the capabilities of key workforces will all have a greater impact on solving our infrastructure deficit than any contractual model ever could.

But I want to be clear: Labour is open to supporting PPPs where they make commercial sense and where they align with our values of fairness, co-operation, and some form of public ownership/control of critical infrastructure.

To make commercial sense, the relative benefits of traditional procurement approaches must be clearly understood before proceeding with a PPP.

Equally, it is critical that PPP risk sharing arrangements work for both the public and private sectors.

We have seen how rushed PPP deals with poorly developed affordability thresholds and unrealistic risk allocations can create major challenges for the Crown and other parties. Variances are not our friends.

Any future PPP model must learn from these experiences.

To align with Labour’s values, PPPs must also not undermine public sector capability, particularly when it comes to operating public services in sectors like health and education.

Where PPPs improve public sector capability and help us procure international expertise to build particularly complex projects, Labour is open to considering them.

An updated PPP model should also look to leverage the growing willingness of iwi to participate in significant infrastructure projects.

I look forward to engaging with the sector about PPPs and procurement policy more broadly.


As well as working together more constructively and improving our procurement practices, I want to stress Labour’s commitment to developing climate resilient infrastructure.

The extreme weather events of 2023 laid bare the need to futureproof our network infrastructure and how fundamental it is to the wellbeing of communities.

As we embark on this 30-year journey, it is essential that our infrastructure planning is not just about building for today, but about preparing for the challenges of tomorrow.

The NIA must prioritise climate resilience and sustainability in every project it undertakes, ensuring that our infrastructure is capable of withstanding the impacts of climate change and supporting future generations.

Although Chris Hipkins has already spoken about climate and infrastructure, I want to mention one challenge that affects us all in particular – insurance.

Many of you have seen and experienced the huge increase in insurance premiums in recent years. Having spent some of my working time in the insurance industry, I also know how important it is to financial stability.

As we experience more frequent extreme weather events and there is a greater transition to risk-based pricing for insurance, we should expect premiums to rise especially for exposed communities. If insurers won’t provide cover, then a moral hazard occurs and governments may be required to act.

Insurers did not anticipate the losses from a flood in Auckland, they never expected a cyclone of the level that we saw in the Hawke’s Bay region. These types of events were not in their modelling, but now they are.

Insurers and reinsurers look at what governments are doing to help adapt to climate risks and quite frankly they are not seeing a lot from this Government.

As a country, we need to show that not only do we believe in climate change, but that we are taking climate adaptation seriously by understanding and mitigating natural hazard risks.

Earlier in the year, Suncorp called for enhanced central coordination on climate adaptation.

But what has this Government done? Cancelled the National Resilience Plan and the Climate Emergency Response Fund, both of which were helping communities adapt to the changing climate and investing in resilient, low-emissions infrastructure. The ACT Party submitted a Bill that would stop regional councils from factoring in the negative effects of climate change in consenting decisions.

These are not the actions of a government committed to building resilient infrastructure over the long-term.

As a nation, we must integrate resilience and climate change considerations into every aspect of our infrastructure planning and decision-making processes.

Part of this planning process is resource management.

Everyone agrees that the RMA takes too long, costs too much and does not deliver the environmental protections expected of it.

That is why we developed and passed the Natural and Built Environment Act and Spatial Planning Act – to move decisions away from individual consent processes to regionally made plans and to do the long term planning for areas to grow and to stay away from because of climate issues such as sea level rise.

Most parties agree that this spatial planning is needed to inform decisions about where infrastructure is needed and so we encourage the Government to revisit these Acts.

The challenges posed by climate change are not theoretical—they are real, immediate, and require decisive action.

How we choose to address these challenges will define our ability to protect and sustain our communities for generations to come.

I am keen to hear your views on how we can better achieve this integration and ensure that our infrastructure is not only strong but also resilient in the face of future challenges.

The Labour Party stands ready to work constructively with you and the Government on improving how we plan and deliver infrastructure in New Zealand.

We must work together to rebuild confidence and develop a more enduring and stable infrastructure pipeline that reflects the needs of communities.

We must take a sensible approach to procurement that uses the right tool for the right problem rather than trying a one-size-fits-all approach.

And we must acknowledge the far-reaching impacts of climate change for our infrastructure.

Finally, we must recognize that our infrastructure planning and delivery systems are deeply interconnected with our broader social and economic environment.

The infrastructure we build is a direct response to the needs of our people and our economy, and it must be designed to support long-term growth, equity, and sustainability.

Infrastructure does not happen in a vacuum; it is part of a wider social and economic context. Every project we undertake must be seen through this lens, ensuring that the infrastructure we build today will serve the needs of future generations.

I am here today to listen, and I welcome the opportunity to engage with you all further.

Building consents data bad news for construction

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

News that the annual number of building consents granted for new homes fell by more than 20 percent for the year ended July 2024, is bad news for the construction industry.

“Under the National Government, work on housing, infrastructure, hospital and school buildings has ground to a halt in this country,” Labour housing spokesperson Kieran McAnulty said.

“Scaling back or stopping Kainga Ora builds and stripping funding for Community Housing Providers making it harder for councils to fund infrastructure projects have both put a significant damper on the sector, and we are seeing this play out in this consenting data.

“The construction industry is hurting, with many companies having to close and around 8000 fewer people employed in the sector since National took office,” Kieran McAnulty said.

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Release: Gaps still to be addressed in callouts response

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The Government must guarantee New Zealanders will not be at risk after making changes to the way mental health callouts are handled. 

“Police should stay involved in all 111 callouts until the Government can guarantee safety won’t be compromised by exiting them from mental health first response services,” Labour mental health spokesperson Ingrid Leary said.

“Matt Doocey is playing Russian Roulette by agreeing to roll out a new emergency response system for mental health callouts that doesn’t involve Police before having all the pieces in place to ensure safety of people and first responders. 

“Mental health professionals are on record warning that Police should remain involved in 111 callouts until a new multi-agency response is up and running.”

The Minister’s own officials advised that “Police involvement is critical in situations to ensure the safety of all persons involved, where mental health workers are not able to safely undertake certain functions without risk” and that work to “assess potential gaps jointly with police” is not yet complete.

“Matt Doocey should guarantee that Police will remain on the frontline of 111 callouts until his officials have provided him with a full gaps analysis and solutions, and he can prove he has adequate additional funding to ensure those in crisis and those responding to crisis calls are safe and don’t fall through the cracks,” Ingrid Leary said.

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Poroporoaki: Kiingi Tuheitia passing

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

Haere e te Kīngi o te kotahitangi

Haere ki o nui, ki o rahi I te pō

Nāu te iwi Māori I arahi ki roto I nga whakawhiu o te wā

Nāu ano te motu whānui I tiakina ki roto I ōna kaupapa maha

Kua tutuki o mahi katoa

Koutou o te Pō ki a koutou

Tātou o te ao kikokiko tēnā tātou

It is with deep sadness that we have received news of the passing of Tūheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero VII.

It was just over a week ago that we celebrated Koroneihana. In his annual address, Kiingi Tūheitia called for unity and highlighted the significance of kotahitanga. Rather than focusing on anger at the government, he said “we need to focus on getting in the waka and working together.”

Kiingi Tūheitia has been instrumental in leading the call for unification, hosting a series of hui at Tūrangawaewae Marae and then travelling the motu to various hui taumata to discuss the issues important to the future prosperity of Māori.

In recent weeks the King attended the Olympic games in Paris to support our athletes and bless their newly made korowai for the New Zealand flag bearers. Tūheitia was the first Māori monarch to attend the Olympics representing Māori on the world stage.

Behind and always supporting the King is his whanau. Kiingi Tuheitia was also a father, uncle, brother and koro. We acknowledge and send our aroha to his wife Makau Ariki and their children Whatumoana, Korotangi, and Ngawai Hono I Te Po during this difficult time.

“Kiingi Tuheitia was a fierce and staunch advocate, voice and leader, not only for Māoridom but for a better and more inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand. His commitment to the kaupapa was fearless and unwavering — that’s his legacy that we’ll all remember fondly,” Labour Leader Chris Hipkins said.

“We extend our deepest gratitude to the service, manakitanga, leadership and unwavering dedication of Kiingi Tuheitia to te ao Māori and join with others in mourning what is indeed a significant loss to our nation,” Chris Hipkins said.

Release: National restricts access to disability care homes

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

With disability communities still reeling from the diminishing of Whaikaha, a leaked document now reveals another blow with National restricting access to residential care homes.

“After targeting disabled people, removing their flexible funding and limiting access to equipment, support services, respite, and most recently their own Ministry, National is now coming after residential care homes,” Labour’s disabilities spokesperson Priyanca Radhakrishnan said.

“Tightening the rules in a bid to save money without a plan will leave many disabled people who don’t fit the new, stricter criteria with nowhere to go.

“I worry about what these changes will mean for our disabled whānau who are already struggling to put a roof over their heads. National has already restricted access to emergency housing, and the Minister isn’t worried if people end up homeless as a result.

“I have heard from many disabled people and carers who are terrified that they will lose the little support they have because of the Government’s changes.

“Disability advocates and organisations are calling on the Minister to work with them. They are being clear that these changes risk lives.

“Disabled people have a right to greater choice and control over the supports they need to lead a dignified life.

“Minister Louise Upston cannot continue doing things behind closed doors and must answer the strong call from disability communities to stop deciding what’s best for them without them,” Priyanca Radhakrishnan said.

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Release: Govt must help save 230 manufacturing jobs

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

Labour is calling on the Government and Mercury Energy to find a solution to the proposed Winstone Pulp mill closure and save 230 manufacturing jobs.

Winstone Pulp International is now looking to close its mills because the spot price for electricity is the highest it’s ever been and it can’t afford to operate. 

Yesterday Winstone Pulp said Mercury Energy has increased its fixed price offer by 56% and will only enter the deal if it’s fixed for 10 years. Winstone Pulp said it can’t afford that and will be forced to close.

“We can find a solution here, and save 230 manufacturing jobs,” Small Business and Manufacturing spokesperson Helen White said.

“That solution is Mercury Energy offering terms closer to those on their expiring offer. I call on the Government to step in and broker a solution between the energy company and the mill and find a way to keep it open and people in work.  

“The energy companies published significant profits over the last 12 months. The Government has therefore received higher dividends from its shares in these companies than expected.

“The mills support the town of Raetihi, and surrounding areas. People rely on this manufacturer to stay open and have said they will be forced to leave their homes, whanau and community if it doesn’t.

“I call on the Government to help these workers and their community,” Helen White said.

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Release: PM fails in constitutional role and leadership

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The failure of the Prime Minister to condemn his Minister for personally attacking the judiciary is another example of this Government riding roughshod over important constitutional rules.

“Shane Jones calling judges names undermines the independence of the Courts from Government and is deeply concerning,” Labour Leader Chris Hipkins said.

“The Cabinet Manual says Ministers ‘should not express any views that are likely to be publicised if they could be regarded as reflecting adversely on the impartiality, personal views, or ability of any judge.’

“For Christopher Luxon to then fail to call his Minister out on it and instead dismiss calling a judge a ‘communist’ as just being descriptive is a failure of his duty as Prime Minister and to uphold an important part of our legislature. It is also a failure of leadership.

“The Attorney-General has stepped in to protect the Courts from improper attacks before. The New Zealand Bar Association has now written to the Attorney-General Judith Collins asking she do the same.

“If the Prime Minister won’t do his job, I call on Judith Collins to do hers,” Chris Hipkins said.

This follows the attacks by both New Zealand First and ACT Ministers on the Waitangi Tribunal earlier this year.

“New Zealanders should have unfettered access to an entirely independent court system, including to challenge Government decisions. Instead of undermining this important institution, the Government should address legal challenges head on and prove they’re on the right side of the law,” Chris Hipkins said.  

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Release: Patient care at risk from redundancies

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

Patient care could suffer as a result of further cuts to the health system, which could lose thousands of staff who keep our hospitals and clinics running.

Te Whatu Ora is calling for voluntary redundancies from an estimated 18,000-20,000 staff working in non-clinical roles, such as booking patient appointments to ordering medical supplies to making sure nurses get paid.

“These staff are the backbone of our health system, the people who keep it running. They do important jobs like booking patient appointments to ordering medical supplies, to making sure nurses get paid,” Labour health spokesperson Ayesha Verrall said.

“The work they do is critical: they purchase the syringes, gloves and equipment nurses use, and make sure x-rays, scans and tests are entered into records, among all the other things that make patient care better for staff and patients. 

“I worked in New Zealand hospitals when cuts were made to the health system by the last National government. It resulted in a less efficient system as clinical staff were pulled away from patients to deal with admin.

“Nicola Willis’ reckless tax cuts are not worth losing the very people who keep our health system going.

“Underfunding of our health system will always affect patient care, no matter how well intentioned or hardworking clinical staff are. They are already running on a shoestring because of cost pressures as a result of the National Government’s choices.

“Shane Reti needs to explain how a modern, efficient, patient-centred health system can function without non-clinical staff supporting the frontline.

“These redundancies are because Te Whatu Ora is being forced to cut $1.4 billion from its budget, alongside the hiring pause on doctors and nurses. We can expect our hospitals and patient care to suffer as a result,” said Ayesha Verrall.

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Release: Police are off the beat under National

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

Foot patrols around the country have decreased 15 percent since National took office, despite National’s Mark Mitchell claiming otherwise.

“In Wairoa, foot patrols have decreased 88 percent, the Bay of Plenty by 80 percent, and just up the road from my office – Upper Hutt has decreased by 75 percent,” Labour police spokesperson Ginny Andersen said.

“In total, this new police data shows there were 950 fewer patrols nationwide in June 2024 compared to December 2023. It’s clear Mark Mitchell is not walking the talk.

“Mark Mitchell has spun a huge game about dealing with crime and increasing police presence, yet here we are ten months in, and he has reduced the number of police on our streets.

“It’s simple – fewer officers on the beat means less protection for our communities and greater risk of violent crimes being committed.

“Mark Mitchell knows this and has even told the Police Commissioner he wants to see beat officers having ‘a highly visible presence in the community’.

“National has reduced funding for New Zealand Police by $108 million and cut staff. Instead of patrolling and protecting our communities, officers are now stuck inside processing paperwork – on top of the extra responsibilities National has piled on them.

“I’ve spent a lot of time with business owners to learn how things could be better for them. So far there has been resounding disappointment in Mark Mitchell and fears for safety are growing.

“Mark Mitchell promised to make New Zealanders feel safer and the sad truth is, he’s done the opposite,” Ginny Andersen said.

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