Issues paper on loss ring-fencing for rental properties released

Source: New Zealand Inland Revenue Department – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Issues paper on loss ring-fencing for rental properties released

Inland Revenue is seeking feedback on a proposal to ring-fence losses on residential rental properties. The intention of the new policy is to level the playing field between speculators and investors, and home buyers. For more information see the Minister of Revenue’s media statement

and the officials’ issues paper.

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Tax bill passes third reading

Source: New Zealand Inland Revenue Department – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Tax bill passes third reading

The Taxation (Annual Rates for 2017–18, Employment and Investment Income, and Remedial Matters) Bill passed its third reading in the House last night. The bill introduces measures to improve the accuracy of tax collected through the year. The bill also contains measures to ensure that the tax treatment of employee share schemes is more in line with that for other forms of employee remuneration. For more information see the Minister of Revenue’s media statement.

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Minister’s address to the 2018 IFA conference

Source: New Zealand Inland Revenue Department – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Minister’s address to the 2018 IFA conference

The Minister of Revenue, Hon Stuart Nash, spoke at the International Fiscal Association’s conference over the weekend. The Minister focussed on the current priorities facing the Government, particularly measures currently being considered to make the tax system fairer and more business-friendly. For more information see the Minister of Revenue’s speech.

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