Greens elect new Co-leader

Source: Green Party

The Green Party has elected Chlöe Swarbrick, MP for Auckland Central, to be its new Co-leader alongside Marama Davidson.

“Thank you to Green Party members across the country who’ve put their faith and trust in me to lead our movement alongside Marama. I ask everyone to put that faith and trust in themselves too, and in our collective capacity to transform our world for the better,” says Chlöe Swarbrick.

“Aotearoa can be a place where everyone has what they need to live a decent life, and our natural world is restored and protected, on a foundation honouring te Tiriti o Waitangi. That is the Greens’ vision, and one we work to see realised every single day.

“This week, the Government completed their cruel and, frankly, bizarre 100-day programme. They know that many of the things they have done will make things worse for people and planet and they’ve told New Zealanders that they don’t care.

“We’ve heard from people across the country of their deep despair. That’s precisely what this Government wants from you: to switch off. Don’t.

“The coalition wants you to think better is impossible. They want you to acquiesce to oil, gas and mining lobbyists’ wishlists to destroy our natural environment. They want you to give in to their bonkers agenda that’ll see more people die from smoking to fund landlords’ tax cuts. They want you to believe all politics and politicians are the same – it benefits them and their donors for you to switch off.

“Don’t let this Government’s bully boy behaviour silence you. Let it motivate you. We’ve been here before with regressive conservatives. It was organising by regular people that changed the course of history.

“The Greens see you, hear you and will represent you in the halls of power. We know where our power and motivation comes from – and it isn’t the vested interests of today – it’s you, your kids, your communities, and our shared future on this beautiful planet.”

“We can take world-leading climate action that also improves people’s lives. We can provide a guaranteed minimum income for all. We can protect our oceans. We can have functional public transport. We can invest properly in our public services, housing, education and healthcare if we have the political courage to implement a fair tax system – and the Greens do,” says Chlöe Swarbrick.

Marama Davidson added:

“It is going to be fantastic to have Chlöe alongside me leading our biggest caucus ever in the fight against this Government’s cold, cynical and cruel agenda.

“Chlöe is an incredible MP, colleague, and friend. She has proven time and time again her unique ability to mobilise communities to push for the change Aotearoa needs.

“It has never been more important for there to be a strong voice for an Aotearoa that works for everyone, where everyone is supported to live good lives, in warm dry homes, and where we take bold action to cut pollution and protect native wildlife.

“Chlöe and I will be in communities up and down Aotearoa working with people to build an unprecedented grassroots movement fighting for the future Aotearoa deserves,” Marama Davidson says. 

James Shaw added:

“There is no one I would rather take my place as Green Party Co-leader than Chlöe. Ever since I first sat down to coffee with her after her mayoral campaign in 2016 she has struck me as a remarkable leader with an extraordinary belief in the power of people to make a difference. Her passion and strength is second to none, and alongside Marama, will lead the Greens to make even more of a difference in the future,” says James Shaw.

Say hello to NZ’s most anti-environment government in decades

Source: Green Party

The Government is giving big industry a free pass to bulldoze New Zealand’s precious native wildlife. 

“This is one of the most significant assaults on the environment undertaken by any government in my lifetime,” says the Green Party’s co-leader, James Shaw. 

“Ministers are handing themselves extraordinary powers to approve projects that could include new coal mines, mining on parts of our precious conservation estate, and the destruction of the seabed. 

“Our understanding is that this could even include projects previously rejected by the Environment Court on the basis that they were far too harmful to have any place in Aotearoa. 

“In its announcement today, the government was too afraid to confirm exactly which projects will be approved in the primary legislation. 

“We might not even get the list of projects to be included until after the Select Committee has already completed hearings.

“It is hard to see this as anything other than a shadowy, anti-democratic way of fast-tracking projects that will increase climate pollution and trash our environment.

“There is serious concern that the government is basically putting the future of our natural world at the mercy of party donors and powerful industry lobbyists. 

“Let’s be clear: this is not about considering things quickly – existing streamlined processes already allow for that. The only logic here is in allowing industries like oil and gas to make money from destroying the natural world we depend upon for our very survival.

“We have not seen anything like this in New Zealand for five decades. Today’s announcement shows this government for what it is: this the single most anti-environment government we have seen. 

“Environmental laws will be ignored and public input sidelined. This brazenly anti-democratic disregard for environmental protection should have no place in Aotearoa.

“Rather than relying purely on the discretion of a Minister, we must ensure that expert advice and the views of affected communities are a significant part of the decision-making process

“And so, to any companies thinking of taking advantage of a fast track process that bypasses normal Parliamentary process and scrutiny, Iwi consultation and engagement, expert environmental tribunals, local authorities and/or the courts, let me be clear: you should be aware that your project may be exposed to that scrutiny next time there is a change of Government, which could include loss of the consent, possibly without compensation,” says James Shaw. 

Govt must prioritise building more homes, not kicking people out

Source: Green Party

If the Government was serious about moving families into public housing, they would build more houses so there is actually somewhere for people to go. 

“The shameful reality is that many children are being raised in hotels and backpackers in our country. The Government will make this issue worse by adding more barriers for people to enter secure, permanent public housing,” says the Green Party’s social development spokesperson, Ricardo Menendez March.

“How on earth has it escaped the Government’s notice that when people move out of emergency housing, they also need a secure home to go? The logic of making it harder for families to access emergency housing and easier to kick people out of public housing without building more homes is incomprehensible.

“We absolutely need to reduce the number of people who have to rely on emergency housing for a place to call home. 

“But it makes no sense to make moves to kick them out without first making sure they have a warm, dry place to go. The Government is wrong to assume people make themselves homeless. The system was designed to push people into homelessness due to high rents, lack of access to public housing and benefit levels below the poverty line contribute to people needing to live in motels.

“It’s unreasonable to force people living below the poverty line to enter rentals they can’t afford. All the Government will achieve is pushing families into unaffordable rentals they won’t be able to sustain, pushing more families back into homelessness. 

“Right now, there is no guarantee that the Kainga Ora building programme is going to continue beyond next year. The Greens campaigned on clearing the housing waiting list and ending poverty to put an end to so many families needing to live in motels.

“Rather than finding more reasons to kick people out on to the streets, the Government should invest in public housing and provide adequate income support to those without a safe home to live in.

“National must come clean that their plan to increase the ability for MSD to kick people out of Emergency Housing will leave more families out in the cold and make the problem worse.

“Restricting people’s eligibility to access emergency housing at the same time as rolling back on house building is a disaster in the making,” says Ricardo Menendez March.

Reversing oil and gas ban brazen and utterly reckless

Source: Green Party

The Government’s new timeframe for expanding oil and gas exploration starts the clock on the time remaining to save the oil and gas ban. 

“This Government is recklessly and shamelessly pouring oil and gas on the fire of the climate crisis,” says the co-leader of the Green Party, James Shaw. 

“The Prime Minister has talked about “tough choices” recently. Well, the choices they are making include reopening New Zealand waters to the fossil fuel industry instead of confronting the climate crisis with the urgency it demands. 

“The only real “tough choice” this Government faces is whether to put profit ahead of protecting future generations. 

“There is simply no mandate to trash the climate. Poll after poll shows that New Zealanders want more action to prevent the climate crisis, not less. 

“The choice this government is making is clearly the wrong one. But ultimately, these decisions belong to the people of New Zealand, and those of us who make our voices heard. 

“Right now, the oil and gas lobby has got the ear of the Minister. But expanding oil and gas exploration is as dangerous as it is unscientific

“So, I am urging people to help us drown them out by adding their voices to the nearly 35,000 New Zealanders who have already signed our petition to save the oil and gas ban.

“We also have a message to any other companies seeking to take advantage of this Government’s negligent, irresponsible approach to the climate crisis: the Green Party will re-introduce a ban on new sources of fossil fuels as soon as we are back in government,” says James Shaw. 

More emissions, more congestion, transport policy a disaster

Source: Green Party

The Government’s policy statement on transport is a climate change-fuelling, congestion creating disaster. It will not work. 

“More time stuck in traffic and more emissions. That’s it. That’s the Government’s big idea for transport in this country. It’s pathetic,” says the Green Party’s spokesperson for transport, Julie Anne Genter.

“Simeon Brown is obsessed with forcing people into their cars and taking away the option of catching fast, reliable buses or trains. 

“It will condemn kids to being stuck in the back of cars rather than having the freedom to get around their neighbourhoods and to school by walking or biking.

“National obsessively referred to the five countries with the “best roads” throughout the campaign. But all of those countries got there by doing the opposite of what this Government is proposing: they made it easier and more convenient for most people in urban areas to get around without having to use a car. 

“Making it more expensive to get around by bus or train, while simultaneously cutting back on public transport investment and investment in safe walking and cycling will impact us all, but it will hurt those on low incomes the most.

“People living on low incomes already have to spend a far higher share of their income on transport. Forcing them to own and operate a car to get around, or to pay more for public transport, is not going to reduce cost of living. 

“All we’re going to get from the same failed approach is more congestion, carbon emissions and high transport costs for New Zealanders.

“It is also ridiculous to be talking about pothole prevention at the same time as promoting a policy that is only going to make the problem worse. If you genuinely want fewer potholes, then invest in public transport so there are fewer cars on the roads.  

“We can in Aotearoa have a transport system that makes it easier for people to get around while protecting the climate. That makes our cities nicer places to live. That gives people real choices other than being stuck in a car – in traffic. The Greens will keep fighting for a better future for our kids – and a better transport system now,” says Julie Anne Genter. 

Scrapping Māori Health Authority tramples over Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Source: Green Party

The Green Party condemns the Government’s latest trashing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in rushing through legislation, without any public input, that will see Te Aka Whai Ora scrapped and the health of Māori neglected. 

“Disbanding Te Aka Whai Ora will have devastating and lasting impacts on the health and well-being of tangata whenua. Rushing this legislation through the House without public input and before the Waitangi Tribunal’s Urgent Inquiry into the matter is a subversion of our democracy and another example of the Te Tiriti trashing approach that has characterised this Government,” says Green Party spokesperson for Māori Health Hūhana Lyndon. 

“Scrapping Te Aka Whai Ora represents a step back to a status quo that has failed generation upon generation of Māori. The institutional neglect of the past has resulted in Māori dying at four times the rate of non-Māori from preventable disease and illness.

“Wāhine Māori are among those least likely to access cervical and breast screening, leaving them more likely to die from cancer whilst our tamariki have a mortality rate one-and-a-half times the rate found in others. All of this culminates in Māori, on average, having a life expectancy seven years shorter than non-Māori in Aotearoa. Te Aka Whai Ora was an opportunity to end the shameful legacy of neglect Māori have endured in healthcare. 

“Te Aka Whai Ora was the closest tino rangatiratanga compliant model in history. To end this work risks continuing poor health outcomes for Māori, to the enduring shame of this Government.

“The Green Party calls on the Government to halt its plans to abolish Te Aka Whai Ora and allow the Waitangi Tribunal the opportunity to assess the implications this would have before a final decision on the authority is made, ” says Hūhana Lyndon. 

Migrant worker changes fall short

Source: Green Party

The Green Party welcomes the Government’s decision to accept the recommendations of the review into the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) but calls on Ministers to address the core of exploitation by decoupling work visas from single employers. 

“It’s clear that the way the AEWV has been administered has led to an increase of exploitation, but so long as people’s whole livelihoods depend on a single employer this scheme will continue to enable exploitation,” says Ricardo Menéndez March, Green Party’s Immigration Spokesperson.

“Our immigration policies should welcome people into our communities who want to make Aotearoa home, bringing their experiences, skills, and perspectives. However, tying their visas to specific employers limits the choices migrants have and the contributions they can make, and opens up opportunities for exploitation.

“So long as we continue tying visas to single employers we will continue to see the kind of harrowing stories of exploitation that have been in the media regularly.

“Decoupling work visas from single employers so workers can leave exploitative employers, as well as default union membership for migrant workers will strengthen the rights of people coming to Aotearoa.

“Today’s report confirms that the exploitation of people coming to Aotearoa for work remains a massive problem. 

“In 2018 alone, it estimated that 20,000 migrant workers were being exploited. Even after the passing of the Migrant Exploitation Protection Visa, which we worked with Labour on, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment still paints a wider picture of exploitation in New Zealand.

“It is critical the government addresses the policy settings that enable migrants to be exploited in the first place, rather than only addressing it once it has happened. By decoupling work visas from single employers we enable migrants to be able to leave exploitative conditions before it puts their wellbeing in peril.

“The Green Party has been the only party campaigning to end the exploitative practice of binding migrants to a single employer following calls from unions, migrant rights advocacy groups and migrants themselves. 

“With a track record of securing gains for migrant communities this term the Greens will continue fighting to end migrant exploitation and better support victims,” says Ricardo Menéndez March.

Benefit sanctions will punish people who need support

Source: Green Party

The National-led Government’s plans to arbitrarily increase benefit sanctions will have a lasting impact on the people who need our support the most.

“Today’s announcement confirms the Government’s goal of pushing more people into poverty via benefit sanctions,” says the Green Party spokesperson for Social Development and Employment, Ricardo Menéndez March. 

“Sanctions do not work. They do not support people into meaningful employment, nor support them to participate fully in their communities. Taking away people’s incomes only makes it harder for people to get by.

“This Government is quickly building a legacy of cruelty. Instead of supporting people to provide for themselves and their whānau, this Government has actively sought to push people further and further into poverty.

“Now, today, we have yet another measure to penalise the poorest people. It is a symptom of the politics of cruelty that is driving this coalition’s policies and steering New Zealand backwards.

“For years, successive governments have been imposing requirements that make people’s lives harder – instead of the tailored support people need to find a job or retrain.  After more than a decade of running work-readiness workshops, there is no decisive evidence to show they actually support people into good employment. Penalising people who are struggling does nothing to create decent jobs. 

“We can prevent the further entrenchment of poverty across Aotearoa by lifting income support, adequately supporting families who transition into employment and ensuring disabled people are treated with respect and dignity.

“The Green Party has been the only political party who has consistently stood against benefit sanctions and we will fight to ensure everybody has what they need to thrive. Bold and permanent solutions to lift people out of poverty exist. We just need the Government to do it,” says Ricardo Menéndez March.

Luxon’s buzzwords hint at sinister agenda

Source: Green Party

The Prime Minister’s State of the Nation speech today was a buffet of buzzwords with a nasty undertone of cuts to investment in communities and nature, the Green Party said.

“Christopher Luxon is obsessed with cutting, cancelling, and disestablishing things but he has no plan to build, invest, or create a better Aotearoa,” said Green Party Co-leader Marama Davidson.

“Every day, Christopher Luxon’s government takes steps backwards instead of fronting up to lay out a vision and a plan to address the true challenges we face as a country.

“The Prime Minister seems fixated on punishing people on the lowest incomes. Harsh sanctions for people on income support will cruelly increase poverty.

“It’s beginning to be clear that by complaining instead of proposing solutions, the new Prime Minister is laying the groundwork for radical right-wing reforms and cuts to core public services, when what Aotearoa needs is investment in the wellbeing of communities, the protection of nature, and climate action.

“The Prime Minister has no plan to tackle the climate crisis and didn’t say the words ‘climate change’ once today, even as this week’s Port Hills fire reminded us of the danger of unchecked climate change. 

“He didn’t say the word ‘poverty’, even after new analysis from the Salvation Army highlighted the persistent challenge of making sure everyone has enough to live with decency. Instead, he threatened more cuts to income support for people who need it the most.

“He didn’t mention Te Tiriti o Waitangi, presumably because he knows the social division being sown by his coalition partners is harmful and unpopular.

“We have everything we need in Aotearoa to ensure communities and nature thrive. The Green Party will continue to challenge the coalition government to focus on what’s really important,” Marama Davidson said.

Greens back Waitangi Tribunal inquiry into climate change policy

Source: Green Party

The Green Party supports The Waitangi Tribunal holding a priority kaupapa inquiry into climate change policy.

“We applaud the collective action taken by Climate Justice Taranaki to take climate change to the Waitangi Tribunal for an urgent inquiry. And we stand by their claim that the Crown is breaching Te Tiriti o Waitangi failing to protect Te Iwi Māori from climate change impacts.” says Green Party Māori Development Spokesperson, Hūhana Lyndon.

“The Government is willing to trash our taiao to pay for their tax cuts – raiding the climate emergency response fund, cutting transport projects that reduce emissions, like public transport and bike lanes, and ending the oil and gas ban. For too long, legacy parties have played politics with our planet – favouring polluting industries at the expense of protecting communities and the planet. Aotearoa is not willing to accept this. 

“As kaitiaki of te taiao, we have consistently seen tangata whenua at the forefront, advocating for our communities in the wake of climate-change powered disasters, in Auckland, Te Tairawhiti, and the Hawke’s Bay. We know tangata whenua are more likely to be impacted by climate change than other New Zealanders.

“A better future is possible, one where our tamariki swim in clean waters, gather kai moana and live in harmony with the natural world. There is no time to waste, we must act now to ensure a thriving taiao for our mokopuna and future generations. Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi is our future – for people and planet.” says Hūhana Lyndon.