Government trying to rush Māori wards legislation through without public say

Source: Green Party

The Green Party unequivocally condemns the governing parties’ attempts to limit the public’s say on the controversial Māori wards legislation, after the select committee considering the legislation set a deadline for submissions of just five days. 

“This is a blatant attempt at doing democracy in the dark by shutting the public out from having its say on the incredibly controversial Māori wards legislation,” says Green Party spokesperson for Māori development Hūhana Lyndon. 

“Five days. That is the amount of time this Government has given people to have their say on legislation that would see Māori wards for councils rolled back and decades of progress unwound. Six weeks is the usual minimum submissions period, local government and Māori communities are being given five days. 

“I am calling on our communities to stand up and let their voices be heard when it comes to this Government’s plans to deprive Māori of the democracy and representation they deserve. 

“I am also calling on National, Act, and NZ First to do the democratic thing and extend the submissions period. 

“Māori wards were created to help provide equitable representation in local government, and the aim of this legislation is to make establishing Māori wards harder than it is to establish general council wards. 

“In this respect, communities have told us Māori wards work well in ensuring the unique voices and needs of Māori are represented and acknowledged in decision-making processes.

“Generations of loss, trauma and a betrayal of the tino rangatiratanga promised in Te Tiriti have contributed to cycles of pain across generations. Providing Māori with the representation they deserve in local government, and the representation that was promised to them, would begin to rectify the wrongs of our past and build the future we know we deserve. 

“The people have a voice and it is on the Government to hear it,” says Hūhana Lyndon.

Coalition of coal will prove catastrophic for climate

Source: Green Party

The Government’s plans to ramp up coal mining in the heat of a climate crisis will see our chances of a liveable future melt away.

“This Government is gaslighting New Zealanders with extra oil, coal and gas. There is no future in burning our planet,” says Green Party co-leader and spokesperson for Climate Change Chlöe Swarbrick. 

“The science is crystal clear. If we want to prevent a future filled with climate catastrophe and extreme weather, fossil fuels need to stay in the ground.

“Despite saying they care about ‘data and evidence,’ the three men in charge of our country consistently prove the opposite in their actions.

“Climate change is here. It arrived in Tāmaki Makaurau with Auckland Anniversary floods and across the North Island with Cyclone Gabrielle. These apocalyptic storms claimed people’s lives and livelihoods. 

“Climate action isn’t this woke idea or whatever the latest culture war buzzword is. It is about the scientific fundamentals of human survival on this planet we call home.

“So-called leaders must either rise to the challenge or bury their heads in coal as the world burns,” says Chlöe Swarbrick.

Aotearoa must follow in the footsteps of countries recognising Palestinian statehood

Source: Green Party

The Green Party is calling on the Government to follow in the footsteps of Ireland, Spain and Norway in recognising Palestinian statehood. 

“This is about rectifying the wrongs of the past, resolving the injustices of the present and laying the foundations for a future which sees Palestine grounded in peace,” says Green Party Foreign Affairs spokesperson Teanau Tuiono. 

“Day after day, the death toll continues to rise. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza shows that urgent international action is needed to create a pathway to lasting peace.  

“The New Zealand Government can and must do more to ensure this conflict comes to an end and a sustainable ceasefire is secured. Recognising Palestinian statehood and following the lead of Ireland, Spain and Norway is a step in the right direction. 

“In 2021, the Green Party tabled a motion in the house to recognise and support the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and statehood.

“We will continue to make this call alongside immediate action to help the people of Gaza through establishing a humanitarian visa and increasing aid funding for UNRWA. 

“Aotearoa must hold strong to our long history of working for peace internationally. We must stand up for what is right,” says Teanau Tuiono. 

Government introduces Bill to roll back Māori Wards

Source: Green Party

The Green Party has sounded the alarm over the Government’s introduction of legislation to remove Māori Wards and roll back years of progress. 

“Removing Māori wards would trample all over Te Tiriti and deprive Māori of the democracy they deserve,” says the Green Party spokesperson for Māori Development, Hūhana Lyndon. 

“Māori wards were created to establish equitable representation in local government. In this respect, communities have told us the wards work well in ensuring the unique voices and needs of Māori are represented and acknowledged in decision-making processes.

“Now the Government wants to throw this progress to the wind, despite advice from Internal Affairs warning that this legislation could breach the Bill of Rights and raise issues of discrimination on the basis of ethnicity.

“Furthermore, the minister, Simeon Brown, was advised that the Bill may be found to be inconsistent with Te Tiriti and could trigger an urgent Waitangi Tribunal claim.

“Far from giving councils certainty as they prepare for local body elections in 2025, as the minister claims, this legislation will instead throw a cloak of uncertainty over councils and strip another decision-making function from them.

“This is classic overreach by the Government because councils can already make decisions about the establishment of Māori wards, based on the feedback from the communities and iwi they represent.

“Here we have another case of a government willing to indulge in divisive politics without apparent care for the harm and cost it causes in grassroots communities. This Bill must be thrown out,” says Hūhana Lyndon.

Government must build more public houses, not find excuses to sell them

Source: Green Party

The Green Party says the Government must use the review of Kāinga Ora as a platform to build more homes, not an excuse to sell them off. 

“History is repeating itself: a National-led Government is once again trying to create social licence for the sale of our public housing stock, at a time when new housing is absolutely essential,” says Green Party Housing spokesperson Tamatha Paul. 

“Public housing is as essential as public healthcare and education. Aotearoa is in the midst of a housing crisis and the Government needs to back Kāinga Ora to keep building desperately needed houses rather than micro-managing.

“Time and time again, this Government has shown us how much it favours the interests of landlords and property investors over renters and households who are struggling to make ends meet. Now they are gearing up to put public housing in the too-hard basket, with an arbitrary focus on short-term finances, rather than a commitment to use public housing to end homelessness and guarantee everyone a decent place to live. 

“Public housing is a crucial part of ensuring we don’t have gentrified, segregated communities, and that our neighbourhoods reflect the make-up of our wider society, culturally and economically.

“In the past, our country’s leaders made a conscious decision to house everybody and put an end to urban slumlords by building public housing at scale. We can make that decision again but we must resist the sale of public housing at all costs because it will have consequences for generations to come.

“Public housing has become a safe haven for many young families, seniors, disabled people and those living with complex needs. When housing is treated as a public good it can provide a stable home without fear of discrimination, unfair evictions or unforeseen rent increases. This is based on the view that housing is a human right.

“We should be building thousands of new homes and confirming crucial ongoing funding like Income-Related Rent Subsidy placements. Our communities deserve better than a Government rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic,” says Tamatha Paul.

State of the Planet speeches, 2024

Source: Green Party

Green Party co-leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick used this year’s State of the Planet to call on the Government to prioritise people and planet as the delivery of the Budget approaches. A full transcript of their speeches can be found below. 


Mā te oranga o te taiao, ka ora ai te iwi. Mō te takitini, kāore mo te torutoru anake.

Ki te mana whenua o tēnei rohe, tū mai rā Ngāti Whātua, tēnā koutou.

Ki a tātou e huihui mai nei, ko ngā moemoeā o te Pāti Kākāriki te take, nau mai, haere mai, whakatau mai.

Tenā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.

Sixteen million dollars.

That’s how much the coalition parties raised to win last year’s election.

Ten million for National.

Four million for Act.

Just under two million for New Zealand First.

Sixteen million dollars.

From property developers and business tycoons who have built their wealth by exploiting our natural environment.

To companies who profit from digging up our whenua and overfishing our oceans – activities that cause significant harm to our precious ecosystems.

Sixteen million dollars helped to put this government into power.

And in a little less than two weeks, the coalition government will unveil its first budget.

It has clearly been difficult for them to put it together.

To the right, Act is trying to fire all the people who make our public services work, while in their own cooker corner New Zealand First hoards 1.2 billion dollars for hand-chosen pet projects.

The Coalition has found half a billion dollars for new defence spending, but cancelled projects to improve buses and trains in Auckland and Wellington.

They’re borrowing billions to cover the cost of cutting taxes for wealthy property investors, because they’ve realised that the promises they made during the election campaign were slapdash and expensive.

Meanwhile, people with the least face ever higher costs. 

Bus fares have already gone up.

Rents continue to rise, while the government is giving tax breaks to landlords instead of investing in more public housing. 

So on Budget Day, when we see what the coalition has been able to cobble together, I want you to remember: sixteen million dollars.

What’s in the Budget for the people who paid for National’s election campaign?

And what could have been in the budget instead if Aotearoa had a Government that prioritised people and planet? 

Because I am not here for the relative few who donated those sixteen million dollars. 

I am here for the many, including the 330,000 people who trusted the Green Party with their votes last year.

And I want to thank you all once again.

Your voices will continue to be heard. 

You told us you wanted us to fight for an Aotearoa where everyone can get by, where our native wildlife and oceans thrive, where we take bold climate action, and where we honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

That is what we are doing. And we will be loud. And we will be staunch as always. 

I am here for those who cannot sit by while the government tries to take the country backwards on the issues that matter most.

While the goal of a smoke-free generation goes up in smoke.

While new coal mines are dug into our precious conservation land, even as the Prime Minister claims to want to achieve climate change targets.

While the few with extraordinary wealth get what they want, at the expense of everyone else.

The Greens have always been, and will always be, the voice for a different kind of politics.

A politics centred in justice through honouring te Tiriti o Waitangi, not using it to drive a wedge in our communities. 

A politics that celebrates the potential our country could live up to if it was grounded in manaakitanga and equity.

That acknowledges the richness of generations of tangata whenua and tangata tiriti working together to care for our whenua and collectively enjoying the fruits of mahitahi. 

Where we protect Papatūānuku out of aroha for her, and respect that her wellbeing is also what keeps us alive. 

Where we share what we have so everyone in Aotearoa can live a good life. 

Everything the Greens won over the last two terms in government with Labour was hard fought. Governments must make tradeoffs. But Governments are defined by their choices. 

And right now, the coalition is making theirs clear.

If the Greens were delivering this year’s budget, I’ll tell you what would be in it.

An income guarantee, so no matter what, everyone has what they need to live a decent life.

We could lift every family in Aotearoa out of poverty, and give people the peace of mind that they’ll be supported if they fall on tough times.

More support for students and people out of work, extra help if you’re sick or disabled, and simple payments for families so all kids can thrive.

Free dental care.

Successive governments have let basic dental healthcare get so expensive, that forty percent – forty percent! – of people avoid going to the dentist.

It’s just too expensive.

In Aotearoa, we could choose to resource our public health services – funded by taxes on wealth, so that everyone can be looked after when they need it.

And if the Greens were putting together the Budget, it would fund our plan to make your homes warmer while cutting down your power bills AND climate pollution.

Solar panels and batteries for homes to store the sun’s free energy, taking pressure off the power grid.

But this year, with the help of sixteen million dollars from some of the wealthiest people in Aotearoa, National, Act, and New Zealand First have the privilege of making those decisions.

And I say to them, what are you going to do with it?

You have the choice to end poverty.

Or to give tax breaks to landlords.

To give back more to people who earn their living, instead of tax breaks for  people who own more houses than they need, and who already get untaxed capital gains.

You have the choice to invest in solar power, or open up new coal mines.

The choices people make when they have power show us what they are motivated by. These choices define the world they want to create.

So today I want to talk with you about what motivates the Green Party.

Ko te mana o Te Tiriti.

Ko te oranga o te Taiao.

Ko ngā tūmanako mō ngā tamariki.

We are motivated by generations of movements and leaders who have pushed for the sovereignty of tangata whenua guaranteed by te Tiriti o Waitangi.

A partnership on which this country was built, despite the continuous breaches by the Crown partner.

The Green Party is a Tiriti party.

Our leadership is a partnership between tangata whenua and tangata tiriti.

Our work seeks to honour the commitments made generations ago, to prosper together.

Our commitment to Tiriti justice is absolutely integral to everything the Greens do – just as it is integral to the future of Aotearoa.

Tino rangatiratanga is at the heart of healing relationships across communities and reconnecting all of us with our seas, our rivers, our bush, our mountains, and our whenua. 

And central to our vision for a Tiriti-based future, is our commitment to restoring and protecting nature.

Because nature is in crisis.

Just out these doors, and below our feet, in the Hauraki Gulf, the impacts of commercial overfishing and the pollution washing into the water from the land, has brought the ecosystem to the brink.

North and west of here, great kauri are critically threatened.

To the south, unique animals found in no other country, are at risk from the bulldozers of mining companies, unless we protect them.

Four thousand different native species are at risk of extinction in Aotearoa.

Four thousand.

We can turn that around, but it takes commitment. It takes effort. It takes mahitahi. And it takes choices. Choices that put people and planet first, instead of a cynical politics that serves the short-term interests of wealthy donors. 

If the government chooses not to prioritise restoring the health of the natural world in its first budget, that shows what they are motivated by, and it shows what kind of world they are prepared to leave to our tamariki.

It is our tamariki and mokopuna that motivate the Greens.

Not just the ones born tomorrow, but those after that, for seven generations down the line.

Sustainability doesn’t just mean sustainability for nature, but for people too. This planet is our home. We need it to thrive.

The Greens have always been deeply motivated by care for other people, for communities, for those with us today and for those who will come after us.

We are motivated by every single child who goes to bed hungry tonight.

We are motivated by every single adult who isn’t sure how they’ll pay the rent or mortgage next week.

As winter hits, we are motivated by every person who sits in the cold, staring at the heater, knowing they can’t afford to turn it on.

Our challenge to the coalition government is to prove that you are motivated by this too.

Choose to do something about it.

The solutions to many of the problems we face in Aotearoa are clear.

This week I had the privilege of meeting with rangatahi, and hearing about the solutions they want to see in their communities. They are THE experts in their own experience – and they know they need to be empowered and given better opportunities; not marginalised, patronised, ignored, and punished. 

But the coalition government doesn’t like those solutions, because they don’t fit its agenda. They prefer catch phrases like “social investment”, to real data and lived experience. 

A Government which says it is motivated by evidence-based solutions has cut funding to the world class Growing up in New Zealand study, and continues to ignore the evidence it provides. Like the evidence that 40% of children live in the most deprived areas. 

If this government was truly invested in improving social outcomes, it would affirm and resource the experts who know best and have proven the most. 

And that includes empowering the people with the lived experience of the systems failing them and their whānau. It requires removing all the barriers to wellbeing such as poverty and homelessness.

We need to support whole whānau, instead of focusing on ‘fixing’ an individual after they’ve already been broken by poverty and neglect, and expecting them to rise above circumstances of deprivation that we should have all worked together to prevent in the first place.

We need the solutions to be grounded in community knowledge and care. I hope this government is open to sitting with kai rangahau Māori and families to learn more about what really needs to change. 

When the Crown has repeatedly failed to be accountable for the harm it has caused to whānau Māori, it is clear that we need an authentic transfer of power and resources – with a partnership of a strong public and social services sector working together, with communities, hapū and iwi, and whānau. 

I have seen what works to support people off a destructive path in life. To instead become the best of themselves. There is a mountain of evidence about approaches that work where all other attempts have failed – particularly where there is deep trauma. 

These approaches, like Kaupapa Māori interventions, build the strength of whānau and community. 

Now for far too long, successive governments have been stuck on catch phrase politics, devoid of evidence or genuine care.  

Policies like bootcamps for the young, benefit sanctions for the already struggling, higher criminal penalties – a punitive, petty politics that makes life harder for those already excluded, and does nothing to keep communities safe and well. This is divisive, stale, cruel and ineffective. 

When I have met and listened to the very people at the forefront of this cruelty, the impact has been clear. 

Such punitive and dehumanising measures have instead caused even further disconnection and hopelessness.

The Greens know that meeting trauma with punishment isn’t going to work. I want rangatahi to hear us loud and clear. You matter. Your whānau matters. You deserve dignity, a community and a country that sees your strength. 

At a basic level, I think we all agree that identifying the causes of persistent hardship, and supporting people to get out of those situations, is a good idea.

And we all agree that the measure of a government’s success is whether it achieves outcomes, not how much money it spends on trying.

But the Government isn’t actually doing this.

Two weeks ago the Minister of Finance said her government will “use hard evidence to invest in what works.” 

On that same day, the Minister of Social Development announced that people on a benefit will face financial sanctions if they don’t attend work seminars.

Let me be clear, work seminars don’t help people find jobs they’re suited for – let alone create meaningful work with decent pay and conditions.

The Ministry of Social Development has told the Minister there is no evidence for the government’s cruel approach.

Sanctions do not make a difference for the number of people moving into paid work.

And the evidence against sanctions is extremely clear.

Financial sanctions for beneficiaries, who already don’t have enough income to pay for life’s essentials, simply push people into further hardship.

That affects their children, their whānau, and their whole communities.

Instead, people need tailored support into work that matches their skills and interests, with a guaranteed income while retraining. 

At the same time, the Government needs to invest in creating sustainable jobs that transition our economy away from fossil fuels. 

Jobs with decent pay, secure hours and support for people to balance caregiving responsibilities. Jobs that support wellbeing for whānau, instead of seeing workers as just a cog in a labour machine.

When the Government rolls out policies like benefit sanctions, they are making a choice to ignore the evidence about the effect of their actions.

And it is our job to expose that.

I cannot say it enough: we have everything we need in Aotearoa for everyone to live a decent life.

We know what people need to rise up out of persistent hardship.

A warm, dry, affordable, and accessible home.

Healthy kai on the table.

The freedom to go to the doctor or the dentist when they need to, without having to worry about the cost.

And next week, the Government has a choice whether to put people at the heart of the budget – or not. If they don’t, they are holding back the potential of our people and our communities to thrive.

And we will ask, exactly who are they governing for?

The Greens are here for the many, not just the few.

We carry decades of political leadership with us, starting from the late Jeanette Fitzsimons and Rod Donald, through to our newest co-leader Chloe Swarbrick. 

We are here thanks to the thousands upon thousands of volunteers over the last three decades. 

The many grassroots-led movements who we are honoured to have worked with for the kaupapa. 

We draw our strength from knowing we are powered by the many. This gives us the strength to oppose a government whose sixteen million dollars of political donations got them where they are today.

Thanks to our people-powered campaign, we have our largest Caucus ever.

And it represents Aotearoa more than it ever has before.

Green politics is the alternative to this cynical, cruel coalition government.

And we are only just getting started.

So it gives me great pleasure now, to welcome up my new co-leader, the MP for Auckland Central, Chlöe Swarbrick.


Thank you, Marama.

It’s an honour to be here with you on our debut State of the Planet as co-leaders.

E te whanau – nau mai, haere mai and welcome here to Auckland Central.

Just over a year ago, as day broke after the night of the Auckland Anniversary floods, I walked from Karangahape Rd down through Freeman’s Bay, across a waterlogged Victoria Park through Wynyard Quarter – just around the corner from here where car alarms echoed in underwater, underground carparks – down through Fort Street and Beach Road where torrential rain had torn out huge concrete blocks and smashed them through glass doors into the lobby of apartment buildings.

It looked like the aftermath of some horrific, apocalyptic storm. And it was. Climate change had arrived on the doorstep of our largest city.

Those floods, and the ensuing Cyclone Gabrielle, took 15 lives.

Hundreds of homes and livelihoods were destroyed. Some of my constituents are still now fighting insurance battles.

At that point, I had spent around five years in politics with the Greens on our shared mission trying to figure out how to communicate the climate crisis to drive the necessary urgency and action.

In the blink of an eye, I was working with Student Volunteer Army helping rip up carpets and curtains and helping piece back together people’s lives from the wreckage.

The climate crisis is here. But the worst outcomes are not inevitable. We have choices about what the future looks like – if we act now and bring emissions down as fast as possible, storms like this will stay relatively rare. 

But if we let oil companies continue to burn fossil fuels and pollute our climate, we may look back on these storms as being mild and manageable. I know which world I would rather live in. And that’s what has motivated me every single day since I got involved in politics.

If you take one thing from me talking today, I want it to be your knowledge that all the bad stuff is not inevitable. As hard as it feels right now – our communities, our country and our world are shaped by those who realise their power and turn up.

We have a choice. Whether we want to improve everyone’s lives by changing the irrational and exhausting economic system that is putting our planet and our communities under immense pressure, or treat the trickle-down economics rule book as though it’s some natural law of the world. 

Whether we want to replace the race-to-the-bottom with systems that prioritise our natural world, the contributions everyone can make and – god forbid – our happiness.

What do we value?

We’ve already got a few receipts on this Government’s values – how dedicated they are to making life harder for anyone but those at the top.

A year ago, the Inland Revenue Department told us that 311 families in this country hold more wealth than the bottom two and a half million New Zealanders.

That’s not an accident.

It’s a direct consequence of a tax system that lets the rich get richer and richer on the back of untaxed capital gains, paying less than half the effective tax rate of the average New Zealander.

That is where poverty comes from.

Poverty is a political decision.

It is created by political leaders who say that this is inevitable – because they would rather not fix it. It is created by economic settings that wrestle down wages, benefit levels and living standards for regular people so those at the top can have mega yachts and multiple properties.

One in eight children in Aotearoa are growing up in poverty. For Māori, it’s one in five.

63,000 tamariki woke up in severe poverty this morning. That is 63,000 children who can’t count on regular meals every day, who don’t have warm clothes in winter, whose parents cannot afford to pay the rent and the power bill every month.

This Government knows this and they have all of the data and evidence in the world to be able to fix it.

Instead, they’re ploughing ahead, knowingly increasing inequality. Shredding fair pay agreements, cutting back benefit increases and handing 2.9 billion dollars to landlords.

Worse than knowingly increasing inequality, they have made decisions to try and hide the impacts of those choices from you.

Quietly, just before Christmas, along with cutting half price public transport, they axed IRD’s requirements to publicly report on the fairness of our tax system. They did this under Parliamentary urgency, cutting out your public participation.

They showed us their priorities by rolling back smoke-free protections, which no one campaigned on and no one but the tobacco lobby asked for.

Researchers tell us thousands more people will die as a result of these decisions. It will give the Coalition Government an extra half a billion dollars in tax revenue to pay for their extraordinarily expensive trickle-down tax cuts.

The Reserve Bank has told us that the Government’s 2.9 billion dollar tax breaks for landlords will drive up house prices, putting home ownership further out of reach for a whole generation of New Zealanders.

Treasury and even the market orthodoxy economists at the IMF and OECD have told the government that one of the crucial missing ingredients for Aotearoa to have a more prosperous, productive, and fairer economy is a capital gains tax.

This Government is not just ignoring the solutions to the problems that we face in Aotearoa, it is committed to actively making things worse.

Now, the same thinking and rules that create this inequality also trash our shared home, this planet.

Every week there’s a new outrageous headline from a coalition party about how endangered animals are getting in the way of what they call progress.

But any politician who pretends that we can have a thriving economy on a burning planet is lying to you. 

More than 75 percent of native animals in Aotearoa are threatened or at risk of extinction.

The International Energy Agency has told governments across the world that any attempts to mine and burn more coal, oil, and gas will send planet Earth over a dangerous threshold of warming into climate catastrophe.

The Climate Commission underscored this urgency in their three recent reports. They also explicitly called out this Government’s dangerous dance with unscientific ‘no additional warming’ targets for agriculture, laying bare that such an approach would mean higher burdens on households and businesses across the country.

In the late 1980s, around one in ten of people spent more than 30% of their income on housing. Now, it’s three in ten. 

That’s not an accident. It didn’t just happen. It’s a consequence of political decisions made in the past and right up to this day.

Over the past few years you have paid record high prices for groceries, rents, and electricity. Meanwhile supermarkets, landlords, the banks and the electricity providers have made record profits.

Connect the dots here, whanau.

The reason it feels like no matter how hard you work, you can’t get ahead is because we have a set of rules in this economy that actively exploit people and the planet for the benefit of a wealthy few.

The reason that the system feels like it’s rigged is because it is.

The coalition Government not only want to double down on that, they want you so frustrated that you switch off from politics –  giving the lobbyists and corporate superpowers all the more free reign.

It is hard not to despair. But that’s what they want.

They want you to give up.

They want you to think this is all inevitable.

But bad things are not inevitable. And we actually can have good things, if we fight for them.

Just over a decade ago, it was illegal for me to marry the person that I love.

But the law changed – although some of the now very powerful politicians who voted against that are still in our Parliament.

That law changed not because of the evidence that the gays can be quite nice people who deserve the same rights as everyone else. 

Marriage equality didn’t just happen because it was right and fair. Good things don’t happen by themselves.

The law changed because enough regular people turned up to put enough pressure on enough politicians.

Positive change doesn’t just happen. It is fought for. Like the revival of te reo Māori. Like women’s suffrage. Like annual leave. Like national parks. 

Power in politics belongs to those who turn up.

And 27,000 of you have turned up to submit on the Government’s Fast-Track Bill.

That’s 27,000 people who will not sit by and allow coal mines to be dug on conservation land.

Or the seabed to be ripped up off the coast of Taranaki.

Or projects that have been rejected by the Environment Court to be given a new life by Shane Jones and Chris Bishop.

When faced with the kind of blatant resource and power grab that only money can buy, successful resistance lies in the power of regular people. Our communities.

The government is already talking about changing the Fast Track bill. Because 27,000 of you stood up.

And I hope we’ll see you march for nature on Saturday 8 June.

Bad things happen when good people stand idly by. 

Equally, good things happen when we work together to make them happen.

Do not leave politics to the politicians.

Democracy doesn’t work if we just sit back and wait every three years for a general election. Politics happens every single day in decisions that shape the world around us.

While this is the most anti-nature and anti-democracy Government in my lifetime, we have to be honest with ourselves that it’s simply playing a game of Monopoly with rules which have remained relatively unchanged in four decades.

Governments of the last forty years, shaped by two legacy parties, have failed to change the fundamentals that drive environmental and social degradation.


Well, I guess if your main goal is staying in power at all costs, you will almost always take the path of least resistance.

But in the Green Party, we do things differently. And that is why I am so enormously proud to be in this Party. 

We know that our power doesn’t come from the top down. Parties and politicians that pretend as such are resting on a house of cards.

The Greens know that no one person changes the world alone.

We know that sustainable, transformative change is built from communities up, when we are intentional and explicit about our values and act according to the world we want to see.

Human history tells a tale of tension between the power of the few, and the wellbeing of the many. Between greed and democracy.

This Government has told us they’re far more in favour of the greed than the democracy.

But they will only get away with it if we let them.

The more we resist, the more we organise, the more pressure that we put on, the more everyone realises their power, the more the cracks start to show in this Coalition.

And we see the truth: we can make this a one term Government.

Their cruel and cynical decisions are not inevitable.

But neither is progress towards a better future. There’s no one out there coming to save us. We are the change we’ve been waiting for.

That’s where you come in.

What would you do if you truly believed it was possible to change the world? Because it is possible. 

Twenty years from now, by the time today’s toddlers are celebrating their 21st birthdays, Aotearoa could be a very different place.

We could have reached net zero emissions. 

Our native forests could be restored – teaming with bird song. 

Our oceans could be free of plastic pollution, and home to abundant kaimoana. 

We get to create that future. Together. 

We can choose to create a future where people move through and between our towns and cities freely, conveniently and comfortably without the baggage of a car. 

Where we could know our neighbours – everyone could, because homes could be affordable, stable and long-term, grounded in community and surrounded by well-cared for public parks and schools and libraries and thriving local businesses.

Where every single child gets a nutritious, locally grown and lovingly prepared lunch at school. 

Where we can hear and read Te Reo Māori everywhere and feel deep pride in our nation’s reconciling with our past to create the equitable, inclusive and uniquely wonderful today.

Where young people know they’ll be able to work in a job that gives them pride and  purpose. 

Where whānau can raise kids or look after elderly or disabled relatives knowing the country values and supports this contribution. 

Where people can retire knowing that representatives had made the right decisions to invest a long time ago in the housing and healthcare and welfare systems – so everyone can be looked after.

Our future is not set in stone. It will be the consequence of the decisions we make today.

We do not have to let three men gaslight us with all the more oil, coal and gas.

We can take power into our own hands and resist their cruelty every step of the way, in turn, reminding ourselves of our collective power to build a new way together.

A way of living – dare I say it, a new economy – that supports people and the planet. That puts manaakitanga ahead of relentless greed.

When thousands of people came together to support each other in the clean-up after Cyclone Gabrielle and Auckland Anniversary floods, we saw this in action. 

We saw the power of compassion and justice. 

We saw that together, we can take things that are broken and we can fix them.

We can create the Aotearoa that all of us deserve.

The privilege of my position is that I know that I am not alone. I want everyone who cares for our people and our planet to know they are not alone either.

The Greens see you, we hear you, and we fight for you in the halls of power. 

We know where our power and motivation comes from – and it isn’t the vested interests of the wealthy – it’s you. Your kids, your communities, and our shared future on this beautiful planet.

And just as we will fight for you – we need you. We need each other.

I’m asking you, today, to step up to the fight as well. Organise within your communities. March in the streets. Be loud, be strong – kia kaha tātau, kia maia, kia manawanui. 

And together, let’s create the future all of us and our tamariki deserve.  

State of the Planet: Government must be guided by values not money

Source: Green Party

Green Party co-leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick have used their State of the Planet speeches to challenge the Government to prioritise people and planet over profit as the delivery of the Budget approaches.

“This year, with the help of sixteen million dollars in political donations from some of the wealthiest people in Aotearoa, National, Act, and New Zealand First have the privilege of putting together the government’s budget,” says Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson. 

“And I say to them, what are you going to do with it? You have the choice to end poverty or to give tax breaks to landlords. You have the choice to invest in solar power, or open up new coal mines.

“The choices people make when they have power show us what they are motivated by. These choices define the world they want to create.

“If the Government chooses not to prioritise restoring the health of the natural world in its first Budget, that shows what they are motivated by, and it shows what kind of world they are prepared to leave to our tamariki.

“It is our tamariki and mokopuna that motivate the Greens. Not just the ones born tomorrow, but those after that, for seven generations down the line,” says Marama Davidson. 

“Bad things are not inevitable. But good things aren’t inevitable either,” says Chlöe Swarbrick.

“Politics belongs to those who turn up. This Government is doing their damndest to turn regular people off with their avalanche of awfulness, concentrating power and wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer people.

“They can only win at this cynical game if we let them.

“The more regular people turn up and resist, the more we organise, the more pressure that we put on, the more everyone realises their power, the more the cracks start to show in this Coalition.

“And we see the truth: we can make this a one term Government.”

“We can create a new economy, founded on the values at the centre of communities across this country, to support people and the planet and put manaakitanga ahead of relentless greed,” says Chlöe Swarbrick. 

No-cause evictions leave no hope for renters

Source: Green Party

The Government’s introduction of legislation that would enable landlords to end tenancies with no reason marks a dark day for the 1.4 million people who rent their home in Aotearoa. 

“This Government is well and truly in the pocket of landlords. This comes at the expense of people who rent their homes, who are paying a severe price,” says Green Party Housing spokesperson Tamatha Paul. 

“The Coalition parties have chosen to tip the balance completely in favour of those who own properties as investments, and against those who rent them as homes to live in.

“Housing is a human right. How are people supposed to start a stable home and settle down, raise families or enjoy retirement when they are constantly in fear that their landlord might kick them out for no reason?

“No-cause evictions will create housing insecurity for thousands of renters, with the power to push people out of their homes being left to the whim of a landlord. Requiring landlords to provide a solid reason as to why they’re evicting their tenants was a step towards evening the playing field between renters and landlords. 

“The housing crisis is real and we will need real solutions to address it. The Government is once again favouring profit over evidence as it pursues yet another policy that has been tried, tested and proven to fail. 

“In New Zealand, we have a mega-landlord Prime Minister, and we have a Government made up of landlords. What we are seeing is politicians serving their own interests to the detriment of everybody else.

“This is a move by a Government so completely out of touch with the reality of the people. This increased housing insecurity for renters comes at a time when people are struggling under the cost of living. Not to mention, they’re gearing up to sell and delay public housing build programmes which is the only other alternative to private rentals,” says Tamatha Paul.

Government ignorant of evidence in neglect of tamariki

Source: Green Party

Today’s justification from the Minister for Children for scrapping protections for our tamariki was either a case of ignorance or deliberate deception. 

“Severe neglect and tremendous incompetence have completely consumed this Government’s approach to our tamariki. Minister Chhour is attempting to use a mixture of smoke, mirrors and blatant disinformation to cloud over the damage the repeal of 7AA will do,’ says Green Party spokesperson for Children, Kahurangi Carter. 

“Minister Chhour’s comments that Section 7AA creates conflict for Oranga Tamariki when making decisions in the best interests of our tamariki goes completely against the evidence and advice officials have provided her with. Official advice has made it abundantly clear that there is no evidence to suggest that 7AA has driven practice decisions that have resulted in a change to care arrangements. 

“Evidence from officials has even stated that Section 7AA has contributed to improvements in safety and stability for children both inside and outside of state care. 

“This is all evidence the Minister has been supplied with. This is either wilful ignorance or the Minister choosing to deliberately spread disinformation to provide some form of justification for trashing Te Tiriti and taking Aotearoa backwards – while the most vulnerable tamariki are caught in the crossfire of further traumatisation.  

“This speaks to the pattern of this Government favouring ideology over evidence, soundbite policy over solutions.

“Our tamariki deserve to be connected to their whakapapa and whānau so they can grow up with a strong sense of self and cultural identity. Section 7AA helps ensure precisely this and has been crucial in starting to heal deep intergenerational trauma and improve outcomes for whānau. Scrapping it would be a deliberate misstep that our children will pay for across generations,” says Kahurangi Carter. 

Gang policy setting communities up for failure

Source: Green Party

The Green Party says the Government’s misguided policy on gangs will fail, following the announcement of the establishment of a national gang unit and district gang disruption units to target gang activities. 

“If unleashing police on gangs to lock up its members worked, we wouldn’t have gangs in Aotearoa,” says Green Party Police spokesperson Tamatha Paul. 

“Forcing police into direct confrontation with gangs is simply repeating the same failed tactics that do not work. Gangs thrive where there is poverty and a lack of opportunity. Liveable incomes, employment and education opportunities, good housing – these are the things that truly crack down on gang membership.”

“Banning gang patches may satisfy the government’s need to look tough on crime, yet submissions to the Justice Committee on this legislation suggest it will prove difficult to enforce and will result in more surveillance and criminalisation of Māori.

“Don’t forget, the State created gangs through the trauma inflicted on tamariki in state care and by keeping communities impoverished. Meeting trauma with punishment isn’t going to work.

“Recent cases of gang violence and crime will be scary for communities. But letting loose the police on steroids is not going to address the problem of organised crime, prevent violence, or keep people safe,” says Tamatha Paul.

“Being more proactive about addressing gang activity shouldn’t include taking measures which inflame tensions with gangs, are practically unworkable and also take away police resources from other priority areas.

“We need action to address the underlying drivers of crime and what causes people to join gangs in the first place, not more of the same simplistic solutions that we know do not work, and ultimately see the cycle of crime continue,” says Tamatha Paul.