EIT awarded RSE worker training contract | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

11 mins ago

Paul Hursthouse, EIT’s Director – Business Relationships and Transitions, with Meriama Taufale, Team Leader – Engagement and Transitions, Business Relationship Unit at EIT, in a vineyard on the Hawke’s Bay campus after the announcement that EIT has been awarded a contract to provide Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers with education and training opportunities.

EIT has been awarded a contract to provide Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers with education and training opportunities over the next five years.

The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) confirmed that EIT won the tender for Phase III of the RSE Worker Training Programme, which provides opportunities for Pacific RSE workers to access skills training while in New Zealand. The programme offers opportunities for RSE workers to develop meaningful and transferable skills that support the sectors that work in and deliver tangible benefits to the participating Pacific countries.

More than 7,000 RSE workers have benefited from training over the last six years. Phase III will see New Zealand commit NZ$10.7 million over the next five years to support over 10,000 RSE workers to engage in training opportunities. This phase will focus on increasing the number of RSE workers who can participate in courses, piloting new courses to respond to Pacific countries’ and workers priorities including agricultural skills, and a pilot on formal recognition of learning.

Paul Hursthouse, EIT’s Director – Business Relationships and Transitions, welcomed the news and said that EIT was excited and proud to have been chosen to provide training for the workers.

“EIT has a proven reputation of providing top-quality education and vocational training across all tertiary levels. EIT is part of the Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti communities with strong links to the primary sector, and looks forward to delivering training to RSE workers across New Zealand. We are a trusted education provider with a proven track record.”

“The RSE scheme plays a significant role in New Zealand’s economy and we are pleased to partner with MFAT and horticulture employers to offer RSE workers opportunities to develop and acquire new skills.”

The programme is set to be begin next year and will initially be delivered in Hawke’s Bay, Bay of Plenty and Malborough/Nelson.

East Coast students get a taste of the future at successful careers day | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

3 mins ago

School students from the East Coast were given a taste of the future at a successful discovery day organised by EIT’s Education 2 Employment team.

School students from the East Coast were given a taste of the future at a successful discovery day held at Ngata College in Ruatoria recently.

The event, organised by EIT’s Education 2 Employment team, saw hundreds of students from the region get a chance to engage with tertiary institutes, pathway providers and employers.

Education 2 Employment (e2e) encourages the coordination and support of employers and the local business community to be involved in vocational education, employment and development opportunities for young people. The primary goal of the e2e programme is to help connect industry with schools so that students can identify possible career pathways.

Twenty-seven organisations were represented at the event in Ruatoria last month. While the event was aimed at senior school students, year seven and eight and even younger students also attended.

Among the companies and organisations attending to connect with the students were local and regional businesses, Government agencies like IRD, and educational institutes including EIT and others from outside the region.

Adrianna Wilson, Education 2 Employment Advisor for EIT Tairāwhiti, says that the aim of the event was to expose students to what opportunities were out there.

“We wanted them to see that there are local employers and ones further afield who can offer them a pathway to a career of their choice.”

“For an example, we had Mātai Medical Research Institute there, so if a student was interested in going into that career, what’s the pathway for them?”

School students from the East Coast were given a taste of the future at a successful discovery day organised by EIT’s Education 2 Employment team.

Adrianna says the event was staged in a way that engaged the students and got them interested in potential careers.

“Every employer or business had an interactive activity. Some had honey pots representing apiculture, civil infrastructure had roading games, the police services had drug goggles and were in their police cars. We also had a Media House there which did portraits of the students, STEM were there doing science activities, and we had the Department of Conservation discussing survival, trapping and other outdoor skills.”

“We also had a game where they were given a bingo card with symbols that represented each employer or industry. And they had to go and either ask questions or do the interactive activity and get it ticked off by the employer. At the end, they all got a prize if they filled their bingo card. They had to ask questions and engage.”

Adrianna says the aim is to make the event an annual occurrence.

“It is a rewarding time for both students and participating organisations as the students get to see what career opportunities there are and employers are exposed to the talent coming through.”

Protecting and preserving EIT Hawke’s Bay’s outdoor learning sanctuary | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

3 hours ago

A recent Ōtātara Outdoor Learning Centre (ŌOLC) staff meeting on the EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus.

Protecting and preserving an EIT Hawke’s Bay campus outdoor learning sanctuary is important environmentally and culturally for the future, says EIT new kaitiaki (guardian) of the Ōtātara Outdoor Learning Centre (ŌOLC).

Gerard Henry, a tutor in EIT’s School of Primary Industries, takes up the role while maintaining his teaching duties in EIT’s environmental management and horticulture programmes.  Gerard will be supported by the wider Primary Industries team.   

The ŌOLC has been inspirational for students and staff across numerous EIT Schools as well as local schools and organisations, and Gerard believes it can play an even greater role in connecting the campus with nature.  “There are many opportunities for programmes to utilise this special space as part of their delivery, enriching the learning experience for ākonga”.

Initially the ŌOLC was established as the base for the Learning in Nature (LIN) education initiative, an innovative collaboration between EIT, Ngāti Pārau (the mana whenua hapū for Ōtātara), Te Papa Atawhai (the Department of Conservation), Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, and local environmental groups.  Financial support from the Air New Zealand Environment Trust helped get the OOLC underway. In 2021, EIT won the Benefiting Society Category of the prestigious Australasian Green Gown Awards for its ‘Ko au te taiao, ko te taiao ko au: I am nature, nature is me’ project.

Gerard Henry is the new kaitiaki (guardian) of the Ōtātara Outdoor Learning Centre (ŌOLC) on the EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus.

The ŌOLC has a steady stream of local school children and community groups utilising the facility.  The team recently hosted ākonga from seven Ōtatāra Kāhui kura where children participated in various outdoor activities and enjoyed helping to organise some planting “Part of my role is to liaise with different community groups so that they can enjoy what ŌOLC has to offer” says Gerard.

Students and staff from a wide range of EIT programmes are invested in the space and work collaboratively on various projects to improve and celebrate the spaces and the amazing resource we have.

Gerard says “it was at the first planting project at ŌOLC in 2018 with a Sustainability cohort that he understood the meaning the place will have for ākonga, kaimahi and visitors”.  EIT are privileged to be connected with “Ōtātara, one of the most outstanding Pa sites in New Zealand”.  Kaitiakitanga and Mātauranga Māori will be guiding principles in leading the development of ŌOLC into the future.

Paul Keats, the Assistant Head of School for Primary Industries, said the ŌOLC is a perfect fit with our School and as well as benefiting our teaching, it’s an asset for the community.

It is important for people to know that the ŌOLC is now fully functional after the cyclone for EIT and community use. For inquiries, contact the team at OtataraOutdoorLearningCentre@eit.ac.nz

School students put through challenging but rewarding test of fitness and skills in EIT competition | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

2 mins ago

An EIT fitness competition has seen students from across Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti put through their paces in Mahia recently.

Students from across Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti were put through their paces recently in an EIT competition that tested their skills, fitness and resilience.

The competition, organised by EIT’s School of Trades and Technology, took place in Mahia last week and saw teams from East Coast and Wairoa College Services Academies and the Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti Trades Academy participate.

The teams completed a 20km circuit throughout the night carrying logs, steel bars and military packs, and throughout the circuit they stopped and completed tasks such as putting up a 11 x 11 Army tent, a stretcher carry up Mokotahi hill and rope climb out of the river onto a bridge.

Tairāwhiti Trades Academy was the first team home in 5hrs 14 mins, with all teams back to camp by 2am.

EIT Trades and Technology Head of School, Todd Rogers, who completed the challenge himself, said that feedback had been positive and EIT would like to make it an annual event.

“Absolutely awesome effort from all teams involved, a challenging yet rewarding introduction to life in the New Zealand Defence Force.”

“I’d like to make special mention to the team from Wairoa College Services Academy who were mostly year 10 students with one year 12 and performed to a high standard coming in third place. It would be great to see as many students as possible transition into EIT’s Services Pathway programme or straight into the NZDF.”

Todd thanked Defence Careers and East Coast Company of 5/7 Infantry regiment for their support.

The Trades Academy, at EIT’s Tairāwhiti and Hawke’s Bay campuses, works with secondary schools to provide year-long trades programmes to help students achieve NCEA Level 2 or 3 and prepare for higher-level study. The Trades Academy offers programmes that include automotive, trade skills, hair and beauty, hospitality, agriculture, and health and fitness. Students attend Trades Academy each week, gaining  vocational skills and getting hands on experience.

EIT Tairāwhiti inviting prospective students to learn what’s on offer at information day | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

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  • EIT Tairāwhiti inviting prospective students to learn what’s on offer at information day

3 mins ago

EIT will be holding an information and enrolment day between 9am and 6pm on 16 October at the EIT Tairāwhiti Campus.

EIT Tairāwhiti is inviting prospective students (ākonga) to attend an information and enrolment day next month to see what career opportunities await.

The event will be held between 9am and 6pm on 16 October at the EIT Tairāwhiti Campus. Events will also be held on the same day between 10am and 2pm at the Wairoa and Ruatoria Learning Centres.

EIT Tairāwhiti Executive Director, Tracey Tangihaere, says that EIT is unique in offering people a full range of qualifications from certificates to postgraduate level, with full-time, part-time and online study options available.

“We are part of our community and we offer people of all ages the opportunity to stay close to whānau but still achieve their tertiary education dreams.”

“Whether you’re looking to get qualified, retrain, upskill, or just exploring your study options, come chat to our staff about how EIT may support you.”

Tracey says that EIT has been serving the Tairāwhiti community and local businesses for many years and is proud to have produced many graduates who are now part of a variety of industries in the region.

Check out EIT Tairāwhiti on Facebook and Instagram for more information or phone 0800 CALL EIT.

School students to be tested at EIT fitness and skills competition in Mahia | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

10 mins ago

Students from Wairoa College and Ngata College Services Academies and the Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti Trades Academy Services programme will test their skills, fitness and resilience in a competition based in Mahia this week.

Students from Wairoa College and Ngata College Services Academies and the Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti Trades Academy Services programme will test their skills, fitness and resilience in a competition based in Mahia this week.

The competition, organised by EIT’s School of Trades and Technology will take place tomorrow and Thursday (18-19 September).

EIT Trades and Technology Head of School, Todd Rogers, says the competition is an opportunity to test the skills the students have been taught in the programme throughout the year.

The competition consists of groups from each academy tackling a 15km course carrying Army packs, logs, steel bars and completing tasks along the way such as a carrying an “injured” person up Mokotahi hill and pushing a vehicle 1km with all their equipment.

Students must navigate to each point throughout the night, with the competition beginning at 5pm and finishing no later than 3am.

“This is the first time an event of this nature combining all academies has been facilitated in our region hopefully we can make it an annual event,” says Todd.

“Not only will these activities test the individuals’ skills and fitness, it will require them to work together and back each under extreme conditions.”

“All the courses are greatly supported by New Zealand Defence Force  recruiting (Defence Careers) and the NZ Police in Mahia and Gisborne.”

“We are looking forward seeing these youngsters show what they are made of.”

EIT offers study opportunities with Year 13 Scholarships | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

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  • EIT offers study opportunities with Year 13 Scholarships

6 mins ago

The Year 13 Scholarship, which is offered annually by EIT, covers one year of tuition fees.

EIT is once again offering students (ākonga) in their last year of school the opportunity to apply for a limited number of Year-13 scholarships to study their chosen career.

The Year 13 Scholarship, which is offered annually by EIT, covers one year of tuition fees.

The Scholarship supports school leavers across the Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti regions to study any one of EIT’s degrees or selected level 5  diploma programmes that lead into a degree by providing one year FREE study. Students who live outside the region may be eligible for the scholarship in some programmes that are available nationwide.

EIT Liaison Advisor MacKenzie Ninomiya says the scholarship offers school students in Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti the opportunity to remain at home and study what they are interested in.

“Some of our students are still surprised that they can study a degree locally. We’ve got some really specialised degrees which are well-renowned across the country.”

“Examples of this are our Bachelor of Viticulture and Wine Science; our Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts, which is based at Toihoukura in Tairāwhiti; or our Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing.”

“We’ve got some degrees that are open to students nationwide, but primarily we want to focus on our Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti students to keep them local.”

MacKenzie says that not only is it cheaper for students, because they can live at home, but they also have the wraparound support from whānau, which helps them succeed. They also benefit from a lower student loan at the end of the degree.

Applications close on 27 September and more information can be found at https://www.eit.ac.nz/students/year13scholarship/. To register interest in the Year 13 Scholarship email yr13@eit.ac.nz.

Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills meets with regional leaders at EIT | EIT Hawke's Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

8 mins ago

Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst (left), Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills Penny Simmonds and Executive Director Region 2 – Te Pūkenga Kieran Hewitson at the EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus in Taradale.

Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills Penny Simmonds met with regional government, business and community leaders at the EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus in Taradale on Wednesday (3 July).

The purpose of the meeting was to hear what the region needed from EIT and to better understand the challenges the region faced.

Minister Simmonds has had a long association with EIT, having previously worked as Chief Executive of Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) for 23 years.

She says EIT has been a successful polytechnic all the way through, and has always had close connections with the community, and industries.

“EIT has been a real shining light in the polytechnic sector, particularly for regional polytechnics. There has been stable, sensible governance and management for not twenty years but decades.”

Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst said: “We told the Minister that we have been very proud of how EIT has served our regions of Tairāwhiti and Hawke’s Bay over the years, providing quality education pathways under a sustainable financial model”.

“Our region has long faced challenges in reducing the number of youth not in employment, education or training, and the progress we have made has been in part due to the broad range of quality programmes on offer through EIT and their campuses.

“The transition to Te Pūkenga has been very difficult for the leadership and governance team, compounded by the cyclone from which the Taradale campus is still recovering.”

As a region, Hazlehurst says our councils will invest $4b over the next 10 years on infrastructure related to recovery and growth.

“More than ever, we will need a skilled workforce to complete this mahi, and many of these workers are yet to be trained.

They also stressed to Minister Simmonds that given the urgency of our recovery, Tairāwhiti and Hawke’s Bay should be a priority to get a locally governed and led training institute working effectively for our communities.

The ministers visit precedes the start of consultation on the future state of vocational education and training following the post-election decision to disestablish Te Pūkenga. Minister Simmonds encouraged those in attendance to provide feedback to the consultation to ensure the regions education and training needs are best served.

EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus to hold information and enrolment day for those looking for a career path | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

5 mins ago

EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus will be holding an information and enrolment day on Thursday, 13 June 2024.

Prospective learners have an opportunity to identify a career path from many on offer at an EIT information and enrolment day to be held at the Hawke’s Bay Campus next month.

The event will be held on the campus from 9am to 6pm on Thursday, 13 June 2024. Information and enrolment days will also be held at the Maraenui, Hastings and Central Hawke’s Bay Learning Centres from 10am to 2pm on the same day.

EIT Executive Director Operations Glen Harkness says that the Campus has come a long way since the Cyclone caused substantial damage and the information day  is perfect opportunity to showcase what EIT has to offer.

“We are part of this community and we are pleased to be able to open our doors to them.”

“We offer a full range of qualifications from certificates to postgraduate level, with full-time, part-time and online study options available.”

“Whether you’re looking to get qualified, upskill, or just exploring your study options, come chat to our staff about how EIT may support you.”

Prospective students will be given a tour of the campus and a chance to chat to the student liaison team and tutors about what is on offer.

“Our Career Advice Service is available as is information on scholarships and student loans and allowances. Staff will also be available to help you complete the enrolment process,” says Glen.

EIT gives Tairāwhiti school students chance to experience horticulture industry | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

9 seconds ago

Nigel Udy, Head of EIT’s School of Primary Industries, say he is pleased that EIT’s Rural Studies Unit in Tairāwhiti is hosting the Young Grower of the Year regional finals.

EIT’s School of Primary Industries is giving school students from Tairāwhiti the chance to experience the horticulture industry close up by inviting them to attend the Young Grower of the Year regional finals in Gisborne next month.

The Young Grower of the Year is an annual nationwide event that sees promising young orchardists competing at a regional level with the winners proceeding to national finals. The intensive one day competition puts the growers through their paces to find a winner.

This year’s regional Tairāwhiti finals will be held at the EIT Rural Studies Unit in Gisborne from 10am to 2pm on 27 June.

Nigel Udy, Head of EIT’s School of Primary Industries, says that they realised that the event was the perfect opportunity to introduce school students to the horticulture industry.

“We are now welcoming some of our high schools to join us on the day, to witness these Horticulture stars competing, to experience the different skills you can gain from working in the industry and  to meet industry representatives.”

“The students will also have an opportunity to take part in our High School Hort challenge! If schools have students who are interested in a career within the industry or if they enjoy being outdoors, we encourage them to get in touch with us.

Nigel says that schools can invite up to 10 students each. As part of coming to the event there will be six events/sections where members from each school participate in a Horticulture challenge

“There will be a school overall winner of the day. To wrap up the day, there will also be industry speakers,  outlining the opportunities that exist for young people in the Horticulture Industry in the Tairāwhiti region. This will include job opportunities, training and education, and salaries.”