Weeds, browsers are bad news in plant report

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  01 October 2024

An independent panel of experts, led by Professor Peter de Lange (Unitec Institute of Technology), has assessed the conservation status of 2844 vascular plants native to Aotearoa New Zealand. While the status of 110 has improved since the last assessment in 2017, the status of 161 plants has worsened.

Vascular plants have woody tissue that conducts water and nutrients around them, and includes trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses and ferns. Mosses, liverworts, hornworts and algae don’t have woody tissue and are assessed separately.

In response to the report, Department of Conservation Technical Advisor Ecology Andrew Townsend says it shows that where threats are managed, declines of native plants can be halted and population recovery is possible.

“This report is evidence that a range of activities including pest animal management, weed control, fencing, and collection and storage of seeds and propagation at botanic gardens and nurseries, are among the most effective tools we have for protecting taonga plant species.”

Castle Hill forget-me-nots have improved their threat status (moving from ‘Nationally Critical’ to ‘Nationally Endangered’), benefitting from weed removal and the discovery of new populations, although pigs and drought remain a problem.

Koheriki (Scandia rosifolia) in the northern part of its range has seen an improvement from ‘Nationally Critical’ to ‘Nationally Vulnerable’ through effective possum and ungulate control, and the discovery of new populations on Te Hauturu-o-Toi/Little Barrier and Aotea/Great Barrier islands

However, the report shows many species are in decline.

“The assessment underlines what we’re seeing around the country. Native plants are under increasing pressure from deer, pigs, goats and other ungulates as well as wallabies, possums, hares and rabbits. Exotic plants are also spreading in the wild and can outcompete native plants for habitat,” Andrew says.

Well-known culprits such as wilding pines and exotic grasses pose an enormous threat, effectively smothering native plants in their habitats.

Veldt grass is responsible for the loss of some North Island forget-me-not populations and is putting a coastal mahoe species under pressure. Chewings fescue is a significant problem in eastern dryland limestone ecosystems, the habitat of some of our most threatened plants.

The panel also introduced climate change as a risk factor for the first time.

Climate change affects many plants only found on the coast, Holloway’s crystal wort, confined to Far North beaches, is one of number coastal species threatened by increasing storms and sea surges. 

Subalpine mountain daisies are amongst the subalpine and alpine plants affected by climate change. As the climate warms, drought is an increasing problem, and weeds are invading the daisies’ habitats. Because the daisies are near the tops of mountains, they have little room to spread. 

The report confirms the impacts of myrtle rust, with some myrtle species showing serious decline and ramarama facing possible regional extinction in parts of the country. Other myrtle species don’t appear as heavily impacted, but this could change.

Latest report on conservation status of vascular plants in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Background information

The Conservation status of vascular plants in Aotearoa New Zealand is the latest report under the New Zealand Threat Classification System (NZTCS). The NZTCS is an independent assessment tool led by the New Zealand scientific community and administered by DOC. The assessments are carried out by an independent panel of experts. 


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Takahē on Motutapu have best breeding season ever

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  30 September 2024

Five pairs have each successfully raised a juvenile bird on the Hauraki Gulf island, which is a sanctuary site for the threatened bird. On 1 October the five juveniles will officially be counted in the total national population for the species of just over 500 birds.

Takahē only breed once a year, raising 1–2 chicks. These five hatched in November to December 2023.

Department of Conservation (DOC) and Ngāi Tai Ki Tāmaki play active roles on pest-free Motutapu with staff regularly observing the birds and undertaking a range of conservation work to support takahē and other native species.

“Years of work by many different people on Motutapu, from intensive biosecurity and pest responses, to planting native species, observing and health management, support the takahē to live and breed in a stable environment,” says Kat Lane, DOC Hauraki Gulf Inner Islands Operations Manager.

Auckland Zoo staff bring their specialised skills to the field, supporting the takahē population on island with regular health checks, veterinary support, banding and sexing the juveniles, as part of their mahi for the wider North Island meta-population.

Motutapu is the largest of New Zealand’s 17 sanctuary sites in terms of land area and takahē population. It’s home to 28 takahē including these juveniles, who will remain on island and join the breeding population as they mature.

“You can see the takahē during a trip to Motutapu – they’re often spotted around the causeway between the two islands or at Home Bay. We ask the public to keep a good distance away and not feed them,” adds Kat.

DOC Takahē Recovery Programme Senior Ranger Glen Greaves says the local success is heartening news.

“After a decade of ups and downs, it’s fantastic to see the takahē population on Motutapu flourishing. Five juveniles being raised from five breeding pairs, along with several years of good adult survival, is comparable with the top tier of takahē sanctuary sites and bodes well for the future.”

“Although we know weather can play a big part in the success, we think fewer transfers of takahē to Motutapu has resulted in better population stability, and habitat restoration through years of planting is likely having a positive impact on bird health. This coming breeding season will build on our understanding,” says Glen.

Motutapu has plenty of grasses and sedges for the birds to feed on and areas of native bush provide edge habitat while supporting the overall ground moisture. The island is free from mammal pests – in particular stoats, ferrets and feral cats which pose a risk to the eggs and juveniles.

Glen Greaves says DOC will be working closely with Ngāi Tahu in the South Island and Ngāi Tai ki Tamaki as kaitiaki for Te Motutapu a Taikehu to make the most of the success and align local strategy with wider recovery goals.

“The overarching goal for the Takahē Recovery Programme is to create multiple self-sustaining wild populations, within the historic range of the species. We hope that the success continues so that Motutapu can join other sites in contributing birds to our wild populations, particularly as we look to build on the return of takahē to the Whakatipu in the Greenstone Valley.”

DOC Takahē Recovery is privileged to have the ongoing financial support from our national partner, Fulton Hogan Ltd.

Background information

Takahē chicks are dependent on their parents for at least a year. They’re included in the takahe population figure when they reach a year old. Their peak breeding age is five to 14 and they can live up to 20 years.

Takahē begin breeding in September and continue breeding through the summer months.

DOC and Ngāi Tai Ki Tāmaki have been responding to a rat incursion on Motutapu. Rats are not a known threat to takahē.


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Rainbow valley kea show early signs of breeding success

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  27 September 2024

DOC’s Senior Biodiversity Ranger for Nelson Lakes, Melissa Griffin admits it’s early days, but the signs are looking positive after working with OSPRI to plan a predator control operation prior to the breeding season.

“Seeing eggs and even chicks this early in the breeding season is not unusual, but the big difference is our monitoring shows no sign of rats, stoats or feral cats in the area following the aerial 1080 operation OSPRI did for TB possum control in May.

“We know from experience, when predators visit nests, the adults will abandon their eggs or chicks, which then get eaten. Often there’s no second attempt made to raise chicks for the season.

“The feral cats recorded on our cameras have dropped from 36 before the 1080 operation to nil after, with rats and stoats similarly down to nothing.

“The results so far are positive, but we’ll have to wait until the end of summer to see how successful the breeding season has been for kea, and only long-term monitoring will tell us if the kea population is trending back upwards,” Melissa says.

The kea population around the Wairau/Rainbow valley has taken a big hit since the late 1990s, largely driven by the big peaks in stoat and feral cat numbers that occur following beech seed fall or masts in the forests.

Predators like stoats and feral cats kill adult kea which spend a lot of time foraging on the ground year-round. For the kea population at Nelson Lakes to grow, we need to be protecting adult kea and their nests, Melissa says.

Additional funding since 2021 from the Kea Conservation Trust, World Parrot Trust, New Zealand Parrot Trust, and most recently, the Nelson Ski Club, to purchase more traps and monitoring equipment on the ground around nests has made a real difference, with some well-known pairs of kea breeding successfully over the past three seasons.

That led to 15 juveniles from monitored nests being banded and dispersing from the valley. However, with predators still being detected and relatively low numbers of kea being recorded across the area year-round, there was a need to do more, and on a bigger scale.

Melissa says it’s important that everyone does their part.

“Kea have been seen on the Rainbow Ski Area this winter for the first time in years and everyone there has been doing the right thing – basically ignoring the birds and not leaving food around that would encourage them to scrounge.

“If we can get our community on board with that and continue using all the tools we have available, including regular well timed and landscape-wide predator control, there’s every reason to believe kea numbers will go from strength to strength in Nelson Lakes National Park and surrounds in the future.”


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Predator control helps rare mountain wren

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  26 September 2024

DOC has monitored rock wrens across the South Island for the past five years to see how they fare both with and without predator control using methods like trapping and aerial 1080.

DOC Science Advisor Tristan Rawlence says monitoring shows rock wren numbers are mostly increasing where predators are regularly controlled but gradually declining at unmanaged sites.

“On average, there are more than double the number of rock wrens in areas with predator control compared to areas without,” says Tristan.

“Stoats can be common in alpine areas and we’re increasingly seeing rats in this environment too, possibly due to warmer temperatures.”

Rock wrens hop and flit rather than flying and nest on the ground, making them easy prey for introduced predators like rats and stoats. They are threatened with extinction.

With five years of monitoring data, Tristan says it’s now possible to see which predator control methods are of most benefit to rock wren.

“We’re seeing the best results where we’re using aerial 1080 in the alpine area above the tree line where rock wrens live year-round, and not just in the surrounding forest.

“We’ve also learnt we need to control predators whenever the beech forest seeds, as predator numbers soar in response to more food.”  

Rock wrens live in alpine areas in the Southern Alps/Kā Tiritiri o Te Moana and Kahurangi. They can go into torpor or semi-hibernation (dropping their body temperature and energy needs), an adaptation thought to help them survive harsh winter conditions.

Each summer since 2019, DOC researchers have surveyed for rock wrens at 25 sites ranging from Fiordland to Kahurangi. There are 19 monitoring sites where rock wrens are protected through predator control and six sites where there is no management. Monitoring frequency has now been reduced with sites visited every two years. 

Previous research has shown rock wrens produce 3-5 times as many chicks when predators are controlled. A study in Kahurangi National Park over four years showed 58% of rock wren nests were successful in fledging young following aerial 1080 predator control, while just 13% were successful without.

This monitoring programme is part of DOC’s National Predator Control Programme, which protects the most at-risk wildlife and forests across New Zealand’s public conservation land.

Rock wrens belong to an ancient lineage of New Zealand wrens that once included seven species. Today, only the rock wren and rifleman/titipounamu survive.

Background information

Rock wren populations found in northern and southern areas of the South Island have been found to be genetically distinct. The northern birds are assessed as more threatened (classified ‘Nationally Critical’ under the New Zealand Threat Classification System) than the southern ones (classified ‘Nationally Endangered’).


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William Hartree Memorial Lodge opening for bookings

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  26 September 2024

The lodge is in the William Hartree Memorial Scenic Reserve in Puketitiri. The area is known for its regenerating forest which largely exists through the efforts of dedicated local conservationists.

Kelly Eaton, DOC Heritage and Visitors Project Lead Ranger, says the lodge is an ideal entry-level facility to introduce your family and friends to the bush.

“The lodge sleeps 10 within 3 bunk rooms, with a central living area connecting to a kitchen, toilet and shower room,” says Kelly. “It’s accessible by car and it has power, so it’s great for people who might be dipping their toes into the great outdoors but don’t want the full ‘roughing it’ experience just yet.”

Several short walks are available right outside the door, with more within 30 minutes to 1 hour driving distance. Popular local areas include Little’s Bush, Balls Clearing and the Mangatutu Hot Springs.

William Hartree was a local conservationist, and the reserve and lodge were created in his memory. The lodge itself was built in 1966 by the Junior Wildlife Wardens.

Booking the lodge costs a total of $145 per night.

More details on the history of the lodge, and booking information, can be found on the DOC website.


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Hawksbill turtle beached on Aotea, brought to Auckland Zoo

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  25 September 2024

Locals Karen Lombard and Fraser Munroe came across the live sea turtle yesterday and alerted DOC staff member Sarah Dwyer, who sprang into action for the protected species.

“Sea turtles forage around New Zealand but do not nest here. We hear about sightings in the water every summer around Aotea, but their presence on land is normally an indication of poor health. That’s why we don’t try to refloat turtles, but instead take them into care for a medical assessment.

“A huge thank you to Karen and Fraser for their quick response and transporting the turtle to us at the airport. We ensured it was dry, to avoid any further heat loss, and comfortable in a crate. We got it on the first flight to Auckland mainland and into the expert care of Auckland Zoo’s veterinary team,” says Sarah.

“While this hawksbill has no external injuries, it is extremely underweight and remains in a critical condition, so its future remains uncertain,” says Auckland Zoo vet, Dr Adam Naylor.

“We are administering supportive treatments, such as intravenous fluids, and given its low body temperature, slowly and very carefully increasing the water temperature of its tank to the preferred optimal temperature range for this species.”

Rodney Ngawaka, a kaumatua of Ngāti Rehua-Ngātiwai ki Aotea says spring brings in many species, but a turtle is unusual for Aotea.

“We see tohorā (whales), whai repo (rays), manu (birds) all moving into these waters, Te Moananui ō Toi Te Huatahi, through the mauri of our currents and winds during this time of year. These invisible lines guide relationships that are thousands of years old, but it’s unusual to see a honu (turtle). It has possibly come into this beach from the water space of the Waitemata, Tīkapa Moana.

“This taonga is a gift and it’s our responsibility to stay connected to its future.”

If you spot turtles on the beach or see beached whales or dolphins, call 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468) and follow the advice.

Across the country in spring, DOC receives reports of sick marine animals that come ashore after losing condition over winter.

On Aotea there have been two dead sea turtles found on the shores in the last five years: one hawksbill and one green turtle.


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Consulting on a ten-year plan for public transport in Canterbury

Source: Environment Canterbury Regional Council

Consulting on a ten-year plan for public transport in Canterbury | Environment Canterbury

Pets on public transport 

Within the revised plan is a proposal for a new policy that would allow people to travel with domestic pets. In other cities in Aotearoa New Zealand trials of pets on public transport have been successful, with no issues and few complaints.  

“We’re keen to understand what controls are needed for our customers in Greater Christchurch and Timaru to be comfortable with pets on public transport,” Councillor Joe Davies said.  

Conditions being proposed would allow adult passengers to bring a single pet on board, as long it is in an approved carrier at off-peak times (weekdays 9am-3pm, all-day weekends).   

“We want to gauge how people feel about this proposal and also how they would feel about potentially lessening those restrictions in future to allow for leashed and muzzled dogs or increasing the limit to two pets per passenger,” he added.

Environment Canterbury © 2024
Retrieved: 9:25am, Wed 25 Sep 2024

Celebrating completion of a major flood recovery project

Source: Environment Canterbury Regional Council

“The forecast was for around 300mm of rain in 24hrs, and what we ended up getting was 500mm of rain over 48hrs, spread everywhere from Waimakariri to Mackenzie.”

The extreme rainfall caused widespread flooding and prompted a region-wide state of emergency. The floods caused extensive damage to homes and businesses, as well as critical infrastructure including stopbanks, riverbanks, and flood protection vegetation.

“Initially we focused on damage reconnaissance, identifying damaged infrastructure across the region so we could prioritise and design repairs for each site,” Shaun said.

“While our scope was to restore the resilience that existed before, on some sites we were able to mitigate the increasing challenges posed by climate change. This includes the room for rivers concept, which reduces pressure on flood protection assets and provides for a healthier waterway.”

Project execution and achievements

The project focused on more than 400 individual repair jobs across the region, including repairs to more than 5kms of stopbanks and planting more than 60,000 native and exotic trees.

“In many cases, we were using existing vegetation that was still standing or that had washed out in the flood. We were able to drag it back in while it was still alive and replant it, turning a liability into an asset.

“The other big part of work was erosion and scour protection. In some of the more constrained areas, such as through Geraldine township, we used rock protection to protect riverbanks from erosion.”

While the project is complete, some sites remain vulnerable and continue to be monitored closely particularly while new vegetation becomes established. Recent flood events have tested these areas, providing valuable information for ongoing improvements.

Community impact and future preparedness

Councillor Ian Mackenzie, lead for Community Preparedness and Response to Hazards, said completion of the project marks a significant milestone in building future resilience for the safety of our communities.

“This achievement not only protects our residents but also ensures the long-term sustainability of our infrastructure. We’re proud of the collaborative effort that has gone into this project and remain committed to serving our communities by continually improving our preparedness for environmental challenges.”

Mark Faichnie, area supervisor – central, worked on the project from emergency response flood patrol to the reinstating of damaged sites across Ashburton. “It was an amazing sense of achievement, to have delivered all that work. I hope it provides landowners and farmers some security and reassurance.”

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) co-funded approximately $8.3 million of the total cost of $22.6 million, through a one-off emergency fund.

Watch out for wild turtles

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  25 September 2024

DOC freshwater ranger Matt Brady says red-eared slider turtles brumate during winter, meaning they’re sluggish and don’t eat for weeks at a time.

“Brumation is like a half hibernation. When red-eared sliders emerge in spring, looking for food, they’re a serious threat to native freshwater plants and animals.”

Matt says Aotearoa doesn’t have native freshwater turtles so any turtle seen in the wild is an escaped exotic species.

“Red-eared slider turtles can be kept as pets throughout much of the country, but if abandoned, they’re a problem.”

Volunteer leader Jayne Nightingale and a team of volunteers have caught 76 red-eared slider turtles at Cook’s Beach, Coromandel, since 2021. These include turtles caught in a trap provided by Waikato Regional Council as well as those handed in by the community or as bycatch in fishing gear.

“When I first started trapping turtles, I was met with a lot of negativity from the locals. However, with a bit of education, the ecological impacts from invasive turtles have become much better understood.

“The trapping work has been so successful that we think only a couple of the turtles remain at large. We hope to catch them this spring, when they’re more active,” says Jayne.

Matt says the best thing people can do protect native ecosystem from turtles is to report them.

“If you see a turtle in the wild, take a photo and record it on iNaturalist or the Find-A-Pest app. This helps DOC and regional councils to understand where the turtles are, how many there are, and it informs how we manage them.”

If the turtle looks sick, injured or in need of urgent care, contact your local vet or SPCA. If it is safe, put the turtle in a container with wet towels and keep it at home in a cool place until advised what to do next by the SPCA or vet. Take care as turtles can bite.

If you’re struggling to look after your pet turtle, contact the SPCA to find out how they could support you.

Matt also asks anyone considering buying a red-eared slider turtle to do their ‘due diligence’.

“Red-eared sliders can grow to the size of a dinner plate and live for up to 50 years. They have particular habitat needs such as large, heated aquarium or a secure outdoor pond. Taking on a turtle requires 100% commitment.”

Background information

Red-eared slider turtles are native to North America. They can be kept as pets in Aotearoa New Zealand, but are banned from sale in Auckland.

They have an olive green to brown shell patterned with yellow spots or stripes, and a distinctive red stripe behind their eyes. The ‘slider’ part of their name comes from their ability to slide into the water quickly from rocks and logs.

Turtle eggs have to remain at 22–33°C for 55–80 days to hatch into live young. At cooler temperatures, only male turtles are produced. In warmer parts of Aotearoa, turtle eggs can hatch but do not produce female young.

As climate change brings increased temperatures, there is concern that both male and female young will hatch and allow a self-sustaining population to establish in the wild.

Red-eared sliders are listed by the IUCN as one of the 100 worst invasive species. They are regarded as invasive because they damage freshwater ecosystems. In Aotearoa New Zealand, they eat fish, plants, aquatic insects, koura, and small birds including ducklings. Red-eared sliders can also displace wetland bird nesting sites. Their presence in a waterway can reduce water quality.

Releasing turtles into the wild is an offence under the Biosecurity Act and the Animal Welfare Act, and in some regions would breach Regional Pest Management Plans. You could face a fine of $5,000.


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Can I swim here? Check water quality results for Canterbury recreation spots

Source: Environment Canterbury Regional Council

Long-term grades and temporary warnings

Sites that have been given the long-term grade of ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’ are not recommended for swimming because there is an elevated risk of getting sick.

Weekly sampling and sanitary surveys over a five-year period highlight sites that have exceeded health guidelines for faecal contamination. This means swimming at this site at any time is considered a significant health risk and should be avoided. Sites that are not recommended for swimming are red on the LAWA website. 

For swim spots that have been graded ‘fair’ or better, you still need to check that there aren’t any temporary warnings in place. If there is a ‘poor’ weekly testing result or toxic algae has been found, Te Whatu Ora will issue a health warning. This will be listed on the relevant health warnings pages and the LAWA website.

Dr Elaine Moriarty, our surface water science manager, explains that water quality can change from week-to-week or even day-to-day.

“It’s best to check the LAWA website for up-to-date information each time you head out,” she said.

We continue to monitor sites graded ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’ for future grading, but health authorities will not issue temporary health warnings for exceedances.

Coastal water quality results

This year’s grades for our coastal sites are similar to last year’s, with a few positive changes. Caroline Bay is now graded suitable for swimming at all monitored points of the beach. Akaroa Beach and Tikao Bay/Ōkoropeke in Banks Peninsula have also improved, moving from ‘poor’ to ‘fair’ and are now considered generally suitable for swimming.

The grades this year for Whakaraupō/Lyttleton Harbour remain the same as last year. Cass Bay/Motu-kauati-rahi, Church Bay/Kaioruru and Charteris Bay/Te Wharau at Paradise Beach are graded suitable for swimming. Corsair Bay/Motu-kauati-iti, Rāpaki Bay, Governors Bay, Diamond Harbour/Te Waipapa Beach and Purau Bay are graded unsuitable for swimming.

Following public feedback, our surface water team has been working hard to build a predictive water quality model for the bays in Whakaraupō/Lyttleton Harbour. It is hoped the model will give daily predictions of water quality at some of the bays. This takes time, as the data needs to be tested and analysed against real world conditions to ensure its predictions are accurate. Right now, the model is at the testing stage. We expect it to be ready for the 2026/2027 swimming season. 

Pollution sources in Whakaraupō/Lyttelton Harbour

Last year, we undertook faecal source tracking in the Harbour to help find the sources causing the high enterococci results we have seen at times in many of the bays.

“We found markers of human wastewater at every bay we tested. Many also had dog, ruminant or avian markers.

“The presence of human wastewater increases the health risks of contact with the water as pathogens are more easily transmitted,” said Dr Moriarty.

Christchurch City Council has undertaken extensive work to look for sources of human wastewater in the Harbour and has reminded the public to check for any signs of breakages or leaks from the wastewater or stormwater network on their properties. Onsite wastewater management systems (septic tanks) could also be contributing to the problem, and we encourage all residents to properly service and regularly check their tanks for faults.

You can help reduce contamination by:

  • Reporting any suspected sewerage leaks or wastewater overflows to Christchurch City Council on 0800 800 169
  • Checking your septic tank or aerated wastewater treatment system:
    – If it hasn’t been serviced for a while, contact a qualified contractor.
    – Inspect your property, if there are wet spots or areas where you can see sewage, call a drainlayer for help.
  • Make sure downpipes from the roof are not directed into the wastewater system.
  • Pick up dog poo on walking tracks, beaches and your section and put it in the bin — never leave it to wash into stormwater drains or waterways.
  • Always use toilet facilities.

Freshwater water quality results

Long-term grades for our freshwater sites are fairly consistent with 2023 results with no sites changing from suitable to unsuitable for recreation based on long-term monitoring. However, Dr Moriarty explains that the news isn’t all good as we expect that toxic algae (or cyanobacteria) will be a problem again this year in many of our rivers and lakes.

“Hot, dry conditions, combined with low flows or water levels from an unusually dry autumn and winter will increase the likelihood of toxic algae blooms,” said Dr Moriarty.

“Learn what to look for and make sure you check for health warnings before getting in.”

Toxic algae naturally occur in waterways over summer. They can produce toxins which harm people and pets.

Find out what to look for to protect yourself, whānau and pets.

Avoid swimming after rain

Freshwater and marine swim sites can be affected by rainfall, especially those with ‘fair’ or ‘poor’ grades.

It’s important to avoid swimming for 48 hours after rain as there is an increased risk of faecal bacteria in our waterways. “Even if the water looks clear, it doesn’t always mean the water quality is good to swim,” said Dr Moriarty.

Sources of faecal bacteria can include animals (birds, dogs, livestock) or wastewater overflows into the stormwater network.

“For rivers, a handy guide is if you can’t see your toes when standing knee deep in water, then water quality is not good enough for swimming,” said Dr Moriarty

Check before you go swimming

Before you go, make sure you:

  • check the water quality on LAWA
  • avoid swimming for two days after heavy rain
  • follow any warning signs
  • know how to spot toxic algae and avoid it
  • avoid eating shellfish from areas where health warnings are in place
  • check for hazards.

If you have any doubts about the water quality, it’s best to be cautious and avoid the water.