Petroleum industry needs to get on board with a just transition

Source: Council Of Trade Unions (CTU) – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Petroleum industry needs to get on board with a just transition

The Council of Trade Unions said today that it was heartened by yesterday’s announcement from the Government of a just transition for those in the oil and gas industries, but disappointed that the petroleum industry appears unwilling to face facts. CTU Secretary Sam Huggard said that putting the interests of working people first in the inevitable move to a sustainable economy was more important than playing politics with their future.

“The whole point of a just transition is that actually, we know change is coming, it’s inevitable, and we are going to create high-paying sustainable jobs that match people’s skills. You’d almost think from the reaction from the oil and gas industry that the rug was being pulled out from under working people overnight. The Government and the union movement have been very clear that a transition plan, particularly for affected regions is the right way to go.”

“Rather than scaremongering about job losses, we’re ready to look to the future for regions like Taranaki and get on with investing in new technology, new industries, and new jobs for those who have been reliant on oil and gas. The fossil fuel lobby knows full well that it’s a sunset industry, and they should be more honest about what they can provide for regional economies. We would welcome them showing a bit of care for the people that work for them by talking to us about what they can do to support a just transition too.”

CTU blog from Sam Huggard on what a just transition would look like:

To read the CTU policy paper on a just transition:

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No surprise that Kiwis value our teachers and support a better deal for them

Source: Council Of Trade Unions (CTU) – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: No surprise that Kiwis value our teachers and support a better deal for them

The Council of Trade Unions said today that new research published by NZEI Te Riu Roa and the PPTA that 83 percent of Kiwis think teachers need a pay rise is in line with feedback from union membership on the value of our public services and the people working in them. CTU President Richard Wagstaff said that consistent feedback over the last decade shows New Zealanders know reinvestment in our schools, hospitals and other social capital is due to keep us healthy and happy.

“New Zealanders value a society where everyone has a fair go, starting with a good education led by skilled and appropriately resourced teachers,” he said. The monetary value we place on the people who protect our social capital through their work in education, for example, has fallen over time relative to the pay of chief executives and the cost of living. It’s playing out in difficulty attracting and retaining people to the public service, like the short staffing in classrooms around the country.”

“I think we all instinctively know that in order to create a healthy and functioning society, the kind we can be proud of, we need to treat our social institutions like public education with respect. Given the strong feeling of New Zealanders about directing better support towards teachers and children, the political mandate to repair years of education underfunding is assured.”

Link to the research:

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Kiwis should be able to choose to make work better together

Source: Council Of Trade Unions (CTU) – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Kiwis should be able to choose to make work better together

The Council of Trade Unions today presented to the Education and Workforce Select Committee on the Employment Relations Amendment Bill, in support of giving New Zealanders back the ability to improve workplaces together. CTU President Richard Wagstaff said that the proposed legal reforms repaired and protected the freedom of working Kiwis to choose to join in unions if they wished.

“As a country we have a strong history of having each other’s back and pitching in to improve everyone’s lot. This bill means you can stand up for and support your colleagues more easily, and can make your own choices about how you want to support others at work.”

“Being able to make a fully informed choice on whether you decide to join in union with other working people, to negotiate your pay and working conditions in a collective agreement, or get help from your union if you get stuck are basic rights we need to repair,” he said.

“Most employers and working people have no problems entering into constructive relationships and respecting common decency like providing a break for a cuppa. But unfortunately, the erosion of rights at work over the last nine years has allowed a few bad employers to pressure working people with the threat of 90 day trials and punitive repercussions for working together for a better deal.”

“What we’re hearing is that the erosion of minimums has allowed cowboy operators who treat working people badly to undercut other local businesses who uphold more dignified standards. We’re saying that there should be a bottom line for everyone doing business in New Zealand -treating the people you employ with respect. We’ll stand up to anyone who says this isn’t a tradition worth cementing in law.”

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Trade and investment policy can and should be more inclusive

Source: Council Of Trade Unions (CTU) – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Trade and investment policy can and should be more inclusive

The Council of Trade Unions says that a debate on our approach to trade and investment policy is welcome and overdue.

“We want to work with Government on a new deal for trade that works better for communities and working people – not just commercial interests,” says CTU Secretary Sam Huggard.

“Working people support greater interactions with other countries, and trade. We just want international commerce agreements to serve our interests, not make our interests subservient to international commerce.

“Early agreements such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade dealt only with international goods trade and were much more limited in their impact on domestic laws and regulations.

“But that’s not what we’re dealing with now. The focus has extended considerably over the years and encroaches deeply into domestic policy making – and it is the impact on government procurement, economic development, investment, health, environmental protections and other areas that need to be addressed in any review.”

Huggard says that the CTU set out its views on this early last year, and is keen to support the development of a framework for international agreements that is pro-democracy and preserves room for governments to make meaningful decisions in the national interest.

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Economic diversification for Taranaki a window on our sustainable future

Source: Council Of Trade Unions (CTU) – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Economic diversification for Taranaki a window on our sustainable future

The Council of Trade Unions (CTU) welcomed the announcement today by Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones of the Taranaki Action Plan, as an example of a more diverse and sustainable future for New Zealand’s regions. CTU Secretary Sam Huggard said the funding boost towards economic diversification including clean energy, conservation, tourism and Māori business innovation was a positive move.

“We know some regions of New Zealand have benefited for a long time from the income provided by heavily extractive industries. The people working in these industries deserve a clear plan for their future employment. By acting early with regional plans across Ministers and Departments, the Government is signalling that it will put heartland interests front and centre of an economic transition.”

“A just transition in New Zealand to a net zero emissions future will eventually affect everyone, but it won’t affect everyone equally. Minister Jones is doing the right thing by focusing first on rural economies like Taranaki to kickstart sustainable, fairer, higher-wage jobs.

“We’re looking forward to more regional action plans that local government, business, and working people can have their say on being rolled out this year,” Mr Huggard said. “We’re very keen engage working people in the process to decide what the future for our regions will look like.”

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Council of Trade Unions releases comprehensive analysis of Employment Relations Amendment Bill

Source: Council Of Trade Unions (CTU) – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Council of Trade Unions releases comprehensive analysis of Employment Relations Amendment Bill

The Council of Trade Unions (CTU) has today released their comprehensive submission on the Employment Relations Amendment Bill. CTU President Richard Wagstaff says the bill is a step in the right direction to restore balance in employment relations.

“This bill reintroduces civility as a minimum workplace standard, like the right to a rest and meal break, and the right to be given a reason for ending your employment,” he said.

“It also goes some way towards fulfilling all of New Zealand’s obligations under International Labour Organisation conventions.” ILO Convention 87 (‘Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention’ – one of the eight core conventions) has been ratified by 154 counties – but not New Zealand. “This bill will go a long way to catch New Zealand up with the rest of the world.”

“Importantly, the bill restores people’s freedom to choose to join their union. Robust collective bargaining laws also give voice to working people, and gives them a better shot at seeing a fair share of the wealth they produce in their wages.”

“We can make work a better experience for New Zealanders – more emotionally and financially rewarding, and provide more stability and security through permanent, decent jobs. Our analysis of this bill shows it’s a good start.”

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Counties Manukau hospital rot uncovers need to reassess government funding

Source: Council Of Trade Unions (CTU) – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Counties Manukau hospital rot uncovers need to reassess government funding

The Council of Trade Unions President Richard Wagstaff today said the mould that has been rotting the walls inside Counties Manukau District Health Board (CMDHB) buildings for the last six years is just one example of the urgent need for Government to reassess public services revenue and funding.

“It’s a clear example of the combined effect of years of superficial surpluses and pretence that we could afford tax cuts, all the while papering over the crumbling reality of our public assets,” he said.

“This case is just the tip of the iceberg. This Government was already coming in to an environment of billions of dollars of underfunding in health, which has manifested in short staffing levels despite an increasing population with increasing health needs.”

“On top of known underfunding, we’re going to find deferred maintenance and shoddy purchasing decisions becoming visible in other hospitals and health services, and indeed wider public services like our schools.”

“The Chief Executive of CMDHB was very clear – essential maintenance was deferred to make the previous year’s Government balance sheets look better than they should. The Prime Minister has realised that underfunding in health goes even deeper than she expected when taking office. Mould is a visible symptom in our buildings, but it’s also visible in the unmet need for care in our community and the stress and burnout visible in health staff.”

“The responsible way to deal with any crisis is to reassess your game plan. This Government has committed not to present rosy budget figures at the expense of our people and our public assets. Our political leadership must now reconsider the restrictive Budget Responsibility Rules plan and whether their revenue is sufficient to gut and repair the rot that’s built up in public services.”

“Kiwis value our hospitals, schools and other public services that keep us healthy and happy. They voted at the last general election for a fresh approach that puts the needs of people before artificial economic spin. Now’s the time to put that into practice.”

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Unions ready to start a just transition to low carbon economy

Source: Council Of Trade Unions (CTU) – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Unions ready to start a just transition to low carbon economy

The Council of Trade Unions Secretary Sam Huggard welcomed the announcement today of Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods that the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) would be facilitating a tripartite approach with workers, business and government to plan a just transition for the oil and gas workforce.

“The urgency for a just transition to a sustainable future for New Zealanders increases every day,” Mr Huggard said. “Everyone will be affected and should be involved in the transition to sustainable energy, but the longer people working in directly affected industries have to plan and prepare, the better the outcomes will be for them and their families.”

“We need to respect the contribution that people working in New Zealand’s fossil-fuel industries have made to developing the goods, services and modern way of life we rely on today. How we demonstrate this respect is ensuring workers have a full transition plan that maps the move to new secure, well-paying jobs, recognises existing skills and supports retraining, and provides financial support to protect people’s quality of life.

“We know from overseas experience that trade unions, environmentalists and industry partners working together can deliver sustainable, high paying jobs with equivalent or better terms and conditions than the fossil fuel industry. The key is starting the transition plan early, and holding open conversations so we make sure communities’ needs are met into the future.”

“There are no jobs on a dead planet. That’s the international motto of the Just Transition movement. We have a make or break opportunity to show the world that there is a future for a sustainable way of living that protects our way of life. We’re ready to seize that opportunity with both hands and look forward to engaging with Government and industry on the transition plan very soon.”

To read more about what a Just Transition means for working people, see: 

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Council of Trade Unions supports better valuing District Health Board nurses

Source: Council Of Trade Unions (CTU) – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Council of Trade Unions supports better valuing District Health Board nurses

The Council of Trade Unions President Richard Wagstaff said today that he was standing beside members of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) who had returned a ‘no’ vote on their latest collective agreement offer. Mr Wagstaff said that it was in everyone’s interests, including the District Health Boards (DHBs) that these negotiations concluded with a fair outcome as swiftly as possible, and he would do whatever he could to help facilitate that.

“We all know that our health services and the people that run them have been stretched to breaking point after nine long years of chronic under-funding,” he said. “The return of this vote shows the level of unmet need that’s out there for the nurses, midwives and care assistants who have been covering the gap.”

“They’re understandably very frustrated, but we have an opportunity now for NZNO, the DHB employers and the Government to work together to find a more sustainable balance in the way we value our nursing services and staff.”

“Nine years of running on a care budget of goodwill from health staff has taken its toll. I personally think working people highly value the skilled work that the nursing team does, and if asked would want to know our nurses are being taken care of.”

“The pressure is on now to urgently address the barriers to a settlement of the NZNO DHB collective employment agreement which demonstrates the value and respect nurses deserve.”

The NZNO campaign site is now live here:

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Workers out of pocket $11,500 a year as a result of decades of poor government policy

Source: Council Of Trade Unions (CTU) – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Workers out of pocket $11,500 a year as a result of decades of poor government policy

Major structural changes to the economy have left workers out of pocket and changes are needed to address the imbalance, the Council of Trade Union (CTU) says following the release of a new Productivity Commission report.

“Labour share of income – the proportion of the total income of a country that goes to working people as distinct from the owners of capital – has been dropping for decades as a direct result of government decisions,” CTU Economist Bill Rosenberg says.

“The facts are clear. If wage and salary earners received the same share of the income generated in 2017 as they did in 1981 they would on average have been $11,500 better off. Their share of the total income generated dropped over that period from 58.7 percent to 48.7 percent. This means their annual incomes, plus other benefits such as employer superannuation contributions, would on average have been 21 percent higher in 2017 if their share had kept pace.”

“In the smaller sector of the economy that the Productivity Commission looked at workers, including self-employed people, would on average have been $8,400 better off in 2016*.  Their share of the total income generated dropped over that period from 65.0 percent to 55.5 percent. This means their annual incomes, plus other benefits such as employer superannuation contributions, would on average have been 17 percent higher in 2016 if it had kept pace. ”

“If you look at the figures just over the previous cycle of Government, we see a similar pattern. If wage and salary earners were receiving the same share of the income as they were in 2009, their annual incomes plus other benefits would on average have been $2,500, or 4 percent higher in 2017. Workers in the sector the Commission looked at would on average have had $2,400 more or 5 percent higher annual incomes.”

“The falling labour income share shows that real wages have not been keeping up with income growth.”

“The Productivity Commission has failed to acknowledge the significant part played in this fall in workers’ share of the nation’s income by poor employment law and working people’s loss of bargaining power. They put greatest emphasis on technological change without providing evidence.”

“The largest falls can be identified with wage freezes in the early 1980s, commercialisation and privatisation which boosted profits while cutting wages in the late 1980s, and the Employment Contracts Act (ECA) in the 1990s. The effect of the ECA on labour share of income lasted until employment law changes in 2004 allowed a little of the share to be regained. The positive changes were put into reverse by the 2008-2017 National Government, which led to another steep fall starting in 2009.”

“Technology may have played some role, along with companies making excess profits due to lack of competition, as some research suggests overseas. But we need to look at the evidence in New Zealand and it is hard to dismiss the impact of government policies over a long period since the early 1980s.”

“The Productivity Commission asserts that “New Zealand has not experienced the significant falls in the labour income share seen in other countries over the last two decades.” That ignores the longer run of evidence and the effect of the changes in employment law. New Zealand still has one of the lowest wage and salary shares of the country’s income in the OECD,” Bill Rosenberg says.


* Note 2016 figures latest available.

The Productivity Commission’s report is available:

For graphs on the labour share of income produced by Dr Rosenberg for free use, see:

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