Are you using your scissor lift safely?

Source: Worksafe New Zealand

Businesses that use scissor lifts should take a fresh look at safety, after a worker fell from height and died over the holiday period.

Jun Jiang suffered a fall from a scissor lift in Auckland on 28 December 2024, and died days later in hospital. We’re now investigating how this happened.

Scissor lifts, also known as mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs), are useful but complex pieces of equipment often used for access in hazardous areas. Operators must be trained and competent before using a MEWP and must follow the manufacturer’s operating instructions. They must also use safe working practices and operate the MEWP within its limits.

“If you have a scissor lift on your worksite, now is a good time to review what it’s used for and capable of. Re-familiarise yourself with the manufacturer’s instructions, check tasks are appropriate for the platform, ensure risk assessments and standard operating procedures are relevant, and ensure staff are trained and competent to use the equipment,” says WorkSafe’s area investigation manager, Danielle Henry.

The causes of elevated work platform injuries and deaths investigated by WorkSafe include:

  • not following the manufacturer’s recommendations
  • inadequate training and supervision
  • equipment failure
  • not fully assessing the hazards and risks of the job, site, and equipment.

Boom lifts and vertical lifts are the two basic types of MEWPs. Both can help workers reach elevated areas but have very different capabilities. Businesses must choose the best platform for the task, given the type of work and the work environment. The work needs to be properly planned and hazards and risks managed at the worksite.

WorkSafe’s good practice guidelines outline when harnesses are required for work in mobile elevating work platforms.

Read WorkSafe’s guidance on MEWPs

E tū calls for a Just Transition for Taranaki energy workers – E tū

Source: Etu Union

The release of a new report highlights that natural gas is not a viable solution for Aotearoa’s energy future, further underscoring the need for a well-planned Just Transition for workers and communities in Taranaki.

The report, released by 350 Aotearoa, Common Grace Aotearoa and the Centre for International Corporate Tax Accountability and Research (CICTAR), argues that tightening gas supplies and declining production margins are increasingly shifting Methanex’s business model from methanol production to on-selling gas, at a significant mark-up.

E tū is concerned about the job insecurity facing its members at Methanex, Aotearoa’s largest natural gas consumer, and the broader impact on downstream workers in Taranaki’s engineering and construction sectors.

Jesse Davis, a tradesperson in the industry in Taranaki, says workers are feeling the pressure.

The uncertainty in the oil and gas industry is stressful for workers unsure about their future,” Jesse says.

“Many of us may have to leave Taranaki without work, but we want to stay, support our families, and help the region thrive. I want my children to have opportunities here, not be forced to leave due to a lack of jobs.

“Oil and gas have provided well-paying jobs, but when that ends, we don’t want Taranaki to decline. A Just Transition can keep Taranaki prosperous and vibrant. A clear plan would reduce workers’ stress and provide a path forward. New sustainable energy projects could let us use our skills locally and support our families.

The Government must urgently act on a Just Transition – it’s time for action, not words. A Just Transition needs long-term vision and commitment beyond short political cycles.”

E tū Assistant National Secretary, Annie Newman, says workers are in a “wait and see” mode:

“There are redundancy clauses in place for some workers, but no Just Transition commitments at the employer level. Workers are aware that nothing is guaranteed in the medium-to-long term, and the lack of a clear plan leaves many in limbo.”

Methanex plays a key role in Aotearoa’s gas industry, yet financial reporting suggests the company faces a gradual decline, with some analysts predicting a complete exit from New Zealand by 2029, if not sooner. This has significant implications for the region, with challenges going beyond Methanex itself.

“Downstream companies that support Methanex have already seen significant job losses. Traditionally, Taranaki-based contractors had 80% of their work locally and 20% elsewhere. Now that’s flipped, with only 20% of their work coming from the region.”

The report highlights a growing understanding that the oil and gas industries have limited long-term benefits. Offshore wind projects, such as those proposed by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners and NZ Super Fund, present a better opportunity for Taranaki workers and communities.

“Offshore wind projects are a real solution for a Just Transition in Taranaki, providing both construction and long-term maintenance jobs while contributing to Aotearoa’s energy security. The recent exit of BlueFloat highlights the need for a coordinated national approach to ensure these opportunities are realised.

“E tū also calls for a focus on more sustainable energy solutions as the price of renewable energy technology, such as wind, solar, and battery storage, continues to fall. Natural gas is not the answer for Aotearoa’s energy future. Financially and geologically, the industry cannot deliver the energy security that New Zealand needs.

Annie says any energy transition must prioritise the workers and communities that have powered Aotearoa for generations.

“The Taranaki community deserves better than being left to pick up the pieces. We need a Just Transition that ensures good jobs, community stability, and a sustainable future for Taranaki and all of Aotearoa.”

Minimum wage announcement “a pay cut for the most vulnerable” – E tū

Source: Etu Union

E tū is appalled with the Government’s decision to increase the minimum wage by less than inflation for a second year in a row.

Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety, Brooke van Velden, announced today that from April next year the minimum wage will be $23.50, an increase of just 35c, or 1.5%. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) most recently reported annual change was 2.2%.

A calculation done by the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions shows this will make full time minimum wage workers worse off by $1,206 per year, compared to how much they would have earned if minimum wage increases had kept up with inflation.

The announced rate is $4.30 below the Living Wage, which is $27.80 for 2024/25. The difference is $172 per week, or $8,944 per year.

E tū Assistant National Secretary, Annie Newman, condemns the decision.

“The Government has made another callous decision which will make in-work poverty even worse in Aotearoa,” Annie says.

“This is effectively a pay cut for the most vulnerable and lowest paid people in the workforce. Costs continue to rise across the board, with housing, food, transport, energy, and other essentials becoming even less affordable.

“Workers and their families are already up against extra costs imposed by this Government, such as ACC levy increases, the reinstatement of prescription fees, and slashing public transport subsidies.

“The Government seems hell-bent on making life hardest for those who need the most support.”

Annie says every worker deserves the Living Wage.

“The difference the Living Wage makes for workers is life changing. When our members win the Living Wage, they’re in a much better position to make ends meet. Many report being able to reduce their very long hours, allowing them to spend decent time with their families.

“Increasing wages in the best way to reduce in-work poverty. The Government should be lifting the minimum wage above the rate of inflation to bridge the gap between the minimum wage and the Living Wage.

“Instead of increasing the minimum wage above CPI, or even keeping up with it, they’ve chosen to give minimum wage workers a pay cut in real terms. It’s a decision to exacerbate the cost-of-living crisis for those it hits hardest.

“As Aotearoa’s workers finish 2024 and look ahead to the new year, those who earn the least are finding out today the Government has chosen to make life even harder for them in 2025. It’s frankly outrageous.”

Carers’ pay equity highlighted on Human Rights Day – E tū

Source: Etu Union

On International Human Rights Day, E tū is calling on the Government to help fix gender-based pay discrimination by delivering pay equity for care and support workers.

E tū is the union for care and support workers, including those working in residential aged care, home support, disability support, and mental health and addictions. Over 65,000 care workers in Aotearoa New Zealand have been in a prolonged process for a pay equity settlement.

E tū Community Support Services Industry Council Convenor, Marianne Bishop, says it’s important to acknowledge the disparity on International Human Rights Day.

“The underpayment of people working in the care sector is a global issue, which reflects the undervaluation of work traditionally done by women,” Marianne says.

“In Aotearoa, we made some progress with Kristine Barlett’s historic equal pay settlement in 2017, but the pay has slipped back to near the minimum wage.

“A decent and enduring pay equity settlement is well overdue. Carers do this job because we want to make a real difference, and help people live their lives with dignity. Poor rates of pay are taking advantage of our commitment to helping people.

“By valuing care and support workers, we also show that we value the vulnerable elderly and disabled people who they care for.”

E tū National Secretary, Rachel Mackintosh, says fixing pay equity is an important human rights issue.

“Human Rights Day commemorates the anniversary of one of the world’s most groundbreaking global pledges: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR),” Rachel says.

“This landmark document enshrines the rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being – regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

“To honour our commitment to human rights, we must end gender-based pay discrimination. Aotearoa has had some significant pay equity victories, but care and support workers are still waiting – and they’re fed up.

“It comes down to a political choice. The Government has prioritised tax cuts for landlords and tobacco companies, but won’t front up to pay women fairly.

“They must choose a different path, to prioritise working people and our communities. A decent and enduring pay equity settlement would be an excellent start.”

E tū is part of the Pay Equity Coalition Aotearoa (PECA), an alliance of civil society organisations working together to bridge the gender pay gap.

NZCTU make submission in opposition to Treaty Principles Bill

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

The NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi have submitted against the controversial Treaty Principles Bill, slamming the Bill as a breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and an attack on tino rangatiratanga and the collective rights of Tangata Whenua.

“This Bill seeks to legislate for Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles that are not derived from the text, the intention of the parties or, the historical context in which the document was signed. It represents a direct attack on the legitimate meaning of Te Tiriti to undermine Māori rights,” said Acting NZCTU President Rachel Mackintosh.

“Our recommendation is that the Government completely abandon this Bill and make no further attempts to distort the genuine principles of Te Tiriti or to remove references to the Te Tiriti principles in legislation.

“From restricting the rights of unions to organise to attacking tino rangatiratanga, this Government has proven itself an enemy of collective rights and collective power.

“Just as workers are weakened when their collective strength is undermined, Māori face the risk of losing power and authority if their collective rights are stripped from them.

“This Bill has no place in a modern democracy. It represents backward colonial baggage that should be consigned to the dustbin of history.

“The NZCTU carries a long tradition of representing Māori workers and standing in solidarity with Māori. The struggle for workers’ rights and the struggle for tino rangatiratanga are inextricably linked. Both struggles stand in solidarity against the greed and ignorance of the powerful and claim for ordinary people what they justly deserve.

“The union movement represents more than 60,000 Māori workers, and we stand in solidarity with the tino rangatiratanga movement in the face of yet another attempt to undermine the collective strength of Tangata Whenua and working people,” said Mackintosh.

Working with businesses to make positive changes

Source: Worksafe New Zealand

Recently, we visited a panel beater in Hamilton that was operating with some poor practices. Our inspector Thomas worked with the business owners to make some changes.

“They’ve made positive changes, including small, low-cost ones such as changing where they work to be more in the open air, how they store the paints and chemicals, and protecting power points and exposed power supplies from being potential sources of ignition,” said Thomas. 

We’re grateful that the business owners were honest about what their knowledge gaps were and open to working with us to make their work safer.  

We’re not always going to visit a business and demand major, high-cost changes. Often, you can improve the safety of a business with a few small, targeted changes. Part of what our inspectors do is offer their expertise to work with businesses to make improvements. 

We know it can be daunting when we visit your business but at the end of the day, we all have the same goal – to make sure you make it home safely from work.  

“They really want this business to be a success and as part of that they really want to look after their own health and safety. It’s a really great result.”    

GDP Figures No Christmas Present for New Zealand

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

Data released by Statistics New Zealand today showed a significant slowdown in the economy over the past six months, with GDP falling by 1% in September, and 1.1% in June said CTU Economist Craig Renney.

“The data shows that the size of the economy in GDP terms is now smaller than at any time since June 2022. GDP per capita has now fallen for 8 consecutive quarters, with the fall accelerating in the past six months. The economic situation is even worse than we thought, and that means even more hardship for workers heading into Christmas,” said Renney.

“With unemployment being a lagging indicator, the pain for working people in terms of unemployment is likely to be worse than previously thought.

“Revisions to data have increased the strength of the economy in the past, which have removed the recessions recorded over the past few years. We now know that the economy was growing consistently during 2023 on an annual basis, and we have only had one recession since COVID – which is now.

“The data demonstrated that GDP fell across 11 of 16 sectors last quarter. Output fell across both goods producing sectors and service industries. Business Investment fell -2.5% last quarter, with large falls in plant, machinery & equipment. Falling business investment is likely to mean lower productivity growth in the future, and fewer jobs.

“This isn’t a wake-up call for the government, it’s an alarm. Excluding COVID lockdowns, this is the fastest fall in production GDP over six months since June 1991. Government spending has fallen at the fastest rate since 1992 and the budgets of Ruth Richardson. The economy isn’t back on track, its derailed.

“We have just had a budget where the Government’s fiscal plans have clearly been shown to have failed. Unemployment is rising – and will likely rise more.

“The economy is now showing the impact of the Government’s policies – it’s been in office for a year. It’s clear that it’s time for a new approach, or we will all suffer the devastating economic consequences,” said Renney.

Overhead power lines spark safety call

Source: Worksafe New Zealand

WorkSafe is urging businesses to prioritise safety near overhead electric lines, after three companies were sentenced within the last week for incidents that killed or injured workers.

In the most severe case a labourer, Sean Clear, was electrocuted while working on a farm near Whakapapa Village in February 2023. His mower had become bogged down, and a digger brought in to extract it contacted an overhead line carrying electricity at 33,000 volts. As Mr Clear was steadying the mower for extraction, the electricity passed through the digger’s arm and into the 25-year-old Irish national, causing his death.

WorkSafe’s investigation found the employer, Coogan Contracting, failed to carry out a risk assessment to identify the overhead power lines as a hazard and have a spotter in place to ensure the lines were not contacted.

Just three months later in May 2023 on Waiheke Island, Emmett Holmes-O’Connor was working on scaffolding that had been installed too close to power lines. Aluminium cladding he was carrying touched the high voltage 11kV line, inflicting an electric shock that caused him to fall backwards nearly four metres off the scaffold. The 31-year-old received major burns to his hand and foot, along with fractures to his spine and ribs.

There was no close approach consent for the work, which is required when work is being done near overhead powerlines, nor a proper risk assessment of the dangers. After an investigation, WorkSafe charged both the employer Joan Carpenters Limited, and the scaffolding company Church Bay Services Limited, for their health and safety failures.

“Both cases are an horrific reminder of just how dangerous it can be when businesses do not take enough care with working around power lines. Businesses must manage their risks and where they don’t, we will take action,” says WorkSafe’s area investigation manager, Danielle Henry.

“Anyone working in or around electricity, especially high voltage lines, needs to be aware of the specific mandated requirements for working near powerlines. The local lines company may require a close approach consent application, to ensure the work is conducted safely. Do not start work before you check for consent.”

Construction and agriculture are two of New Zealand’s most dangerous sectors, which is why they are a focus of WorkSafe’s new strategy. WorkSafe’s targeted frontline activities will be increasing in both sectors as there are opportunities to significantly improve health and safety performance, reduce acute and chronic harm, and address inequities.

Read WorkSafe’s guidance on working near overhead electric lines
Read about another recent case of a worker suffering an electric shock


  • Coogan Contracting was sentenced at Taumarunui District Court on 18 December 2024
  • Reparations of $100,000 were ordered. The fine was reduced to $25,000 due to financial capacity.
  • Coogan Contracting was charged under sections 36(1)(a), 48(1) and 2(c) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
    • Being a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), having a duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers who work for the PCBU, including Sean Clear, while the workers were at work in the business or undertaking, namely assisting with the recovery of a tractor and mower, did fail to comply with that duty, and that failure exposed the workers to a risk of death or serious injury
  • The maximum penalty is a fine not exceeding $1.5 million.
  • Church Bay Services Limited (CBSL) and Joan Carpenters Limited (JCL) were sentenced at Auckland District Court on 12 December 2024.
  • JCL was fined $16,500 and CBSL was fined $13,500.
  • Reparations of $42,818 were split between both JCL and CBSL.
  • JCL was charged under sections 36(1)(a) and 48(1) and (2)(c) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
    • Being a PCBU, having a duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers who work for the PCBU, including Emmett Holmes- O’Connor, while the workers are at work in the business or undertaking, namely carrying out construction work (including cladding installation), did fail to comply with that duty, and that failure exposed the workers, including Emmett Holmes-O’Connor, to a risk of death or serious injury from electrocution or electric shock from the high voltage overhead power lines at 17 Coromandel Road.
  • CBSL was charged under sections 43(2)(b) and 48(1) and (2)(c) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
    • Being a PCBU, having a duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the way in which plant or a structure, namely a scaffold, is installed, constructed or commissioned ensures that the plant or structure is without risks to the health and safety of persons who use the plant or structure for a purpose for which it is installed, constructed or commissioned, did fail to comply with that duty, and that failure exposed persons, including Emmett Holmes-O’Connor, to a risk of death or serious injury from electrocution or electric shock from the high voltage overhead power lines at 17 Coromandel Road.
  • The maximum penalty is a fine not exceeding $1.5 million.

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NZCTU: Minister needs to listen to the evidence on engineered stone ban

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Acting Secretary Erin Polaczuk is welcoming the announcement from Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety Brooke van Velden that she is opening consultation on engineered stone and is calling on her to listen to the evidence and implement a total ban of the product.

“We need to follow Australia’s example and implement a total ban of engineered stone, a dangerous product that is killing workers,” said Polaczuk.

“Exposure to the silica dust from cutting engineered stone can cause the fatal lung disease silicosis. Workers exposed to this material are developing symptoms at an accelerated rate, and at a much younger age than other occupational respiratory diseases.

“The Minister has said that she’s consulting on the full spectrum of regulatory options but is also saying from the outset that she doesn’t think a ban is the way to go. She needs to keep an open mind and listen to the experts, and not rule out options from the outset.

“In July we joined with 18 other unions, public health experts and health and safety specialists and released an open letter calling on the Minister to listen to the overwhelming evidence and implement a ban. This is now her chance to do so.

“There are safe alternatives to engineered stone – it is a fashion item, not an essential product, and so we lose nothing from taking it out of the market.

“The Minister has the power to eliminate this hazard and save workers’ lives. This is her opportunity to do the right thing,” said Polaczuk.

HYEFU and BPS data shows New Zealand is way off track

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

New data released by the Treasury shows that the economic policies of this Government have made things worse in the year since they took office, said NZCTU Economist Craig Renney.

“Our fiscal indicators are all heading in the wrong direction – with higher levels of debt, a higher deficit, and deeper cuts programmed in the future. Our economic indicators are all heading in the wrong direction, with lower economic growth and higher unemployment. The Government’s policies are hurting working people, and they’re not working for Aotearoa,” said Renney.

 “The data showed that the economy is growing more slowly than forecast just six months ago. Next year GDP growth was forecast to 1.7% at Budget, now its 0.5%.  GDP is $20bn lower by 2028. Unemployment is higher in every year of the forecast – with 20,000 more people on jobseekers support by 2026. OBEGAL absent the new tricks of accounting – never comes back into surplus across the forecast period. Net Core Crown Debt increases across the forecast period by $58bn.  

“The Budget Policy Statement signals that we are in for more cuts in the next few budgets. There is only $700m available at the next Budget to pay for everything outside health. That bakes in likely cuts to public investment and to the public sector workforce every year for the next few years. All to pay for the tax cuts that have now passed. The folly of that decision is now being uncovered.

 “These books paint a picture of a government without a plan. The only solution the Minister of Finance is planning is to double down on an already failing strategy. These are the Government’s books; responsibility shouldn’t be passed on. Working people and communities across Aotearoa will suffer if we don’t change track,” said Renney.