Study options on display at EIT Tairāwhiti Info and Enrolment Day | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

5 minutes ago

EIT Tairāwhiti is gearing up to welcome prospective students to its Info and Enrolment Day this week, offering an opportunity to explore the diverse range of study options available.

The event will be held on Thursday, January 23, from 9am to 6pm, at the EIT Tairāwhiti Campus in Gisborne, giving attendees the chance to connect with tutors, student advisors, and support staff.

EIT provides a variety of qualifications, from certificates and diplomas to degrees and postgraduate programmes, with flexible study options including full-time and part-time learning.

EIT Tairāwhiti will be holding an information and enrolment day on Thursday, 23 January 2025.

Campus Manager Waata Shepherd says the event is a great opportunity for the community to explore their options and take a step toward their future.

“This day is all about helping people of all ages find the right study path—whether they’re looking to upskill, switch careers, or take on a new challenge,” he says.

Waata says that EIT is proud to offer programmes that cater to a wide range of interests and career pathways.

“We are unique in offering a full range of qualifications, from certificates to postgraduate level, with flexible study options to suit different lifestyles. Studying with us allows students to stay close to their whānau and community while gaining high-quality qualifications, such as the Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts through Toihoukura.”

Attendees will have the opportunity to take a campus tour, meet tutors, and speak with student advisors to learn how EIT can support their educational goals.

For more information, visit EIT Tairāwhiti’s Facebook and Instagram pages, or call 0800 CALL EIT.

Move to New Zealand for a better life sees EIT student follow her architectural dream | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

6 minutes ago

Juanett Broadhurst is currently in her first year going into the second year of the NZ Diploma in Architectural Technology (Level 6) at EIT.

After six years of working in the finance industry, a move from South Africa for a better life for her family has seen an EIT student follow her Architectural Technology dream.

Juanett Broadhurst, 39, moved from school straight into the fast-paced finance industry in Johannesburg, South Africa, but she always yearned for more. Six years ago she and her husband Angelo made the difficult decision to move the family to New Zealand for a better life.

Juanett has three children ranging from 20-years-old to ten years-old. Her husband is a motor vehicle dealership owner in Ahuriri, but Juanett always felt that she needed to carve her own niche.

“Architecture has always been something I wanted to do since high school. My interests have always been in civil engineering or architecture. And when my son went to university last year, I realised that it’s been 25 years in the making. Up until now I’ve always been in an industry where I never felt fulfilled.”

She initially tried her hand in real estate in Hawke’s Bay, but found that she was not suited for sales.

“I soon realised that I had more interest in how the properties were put together than actually selling them.”

“We were doing research for my son on what he wanted to study when we came across architecture online. It just clicked for me. It was actually what I’ve wanted to do my whole life. I didn’t know EIT does architectural technology or even architecture for that matter.”

Juanett is currently in her first year going into the second year of the NZ Diploma in Architectural Technology (Level 6) at EIT. Even thought she was not at EIT when Cyclone Gabrielle hit, Juanett has seen the progress the rebuild has made in the last year.

She has loved the Architectural Technology programme at EIT and has enjoyed that the tutors are qualified industry professionals.

“I love the fact that the tutors are involved.  I am a person of structure, so I like that their programme is structured very logically and they make it fun as well. Everything is very technical and can become overwhelming, but they break it down very simply so that you get just the right amount of knowledge to progress you and make sure that you know what you are doing.”

Juanett is looking forward to getting out into the job market and she credits EIT for preparing her for this.

“They make you job ready, so that you can go work in any type of environment. You can become an interior designer or you might want to gain a little bit more experience in the industry and you can go do inspections for different companies.”

“I would love to gain some work experience in an architectural firm.”

“The designing of houses are great and that’s also something I really do love, but what I find fascinating is the design of the services.”

EIT Architectural Technology tutor Courtney Vuicakau said: “Juanett is testimony that it is never too late to follow your dreams.  Our course attracts people from all stages of life.  It requires no previous experience in architecture, we will give you the knowledge and skills required to be a participating member of an architectural practice.  We look forward to seeing Juanett continue to grow during her second year of study.”

EIT Tairāwhiti ECE students learn about bi-culturalism and legends of region | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

6 minutes ago

NZ Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5) students at EIT Tairāwhiti went on a haeranga (journey) of the region this semester to learn about bi-culturalism and local pūrākau (legends). From Left to Right are Mary Louis Gerald; Lavinia Paongo; Pat Dewes, Kaiwhakaako – Te Whatukura; Tania McQuillan, Coordinator of Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5) programme; Samara Wharehinga-Walters; and Saina McClutchie.

Early Childhood Education students at EIT Tairāwhiti went on a haeranga (journey) of the region this semester to learn about bi-culturalism and local pūrākau (legends).

The NZ Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5) students visited sites that they had been learning about over the semester. The areas visited were Te Wherowhero Lagoon, said to be the final resting place of the Horouta waka; Manawaru – Hinehākirirangi’s kumara garden; Popoia – Ruapani’s pā; Makauri – the story of Ruakapanga’s prized birds; and Māia Poroaki – the story of Te Toka a Taiau.

Tania McQuillan, EIT’s Coordinator of the Diploma programme, says the trip was an important part of the curriculum. Accompanying her and the students on the trip was Pat Dewes, Kaiwhakaako – Te Whatukura, EIT.

“One of the papers is called Te Puna, which has been looking at the biculturalism within early childhood. I’ve been focusing on the local pūrākau and connecting that. I’m looking at how they can put the local stories and the legends into the early childhood centre.”

“We also invited the Level Four students from the Study and Career Preparation programme, so that they can be introduced to the local pūrākau, and find out how that could be significant in  the degree they undertake next year.”

Tania says that making students culturally aware of the history of the region is important because it is “all about belonging”.

“The biggest part of early childhood is being connected and knowing where you come from. The expectation is that the students will, as they go on into their careers, use this as part of their practice and part of their teaching.”

“It’s about the kete (knowledge) that they’ll use in their teaching practice, along with knowing some te reo, understanding karakia, as well as knowing their own mihi and pepeha.”

Tania says that the feedback from students to the trip was positive.

“They loved it and one student said that she had not realised the significance of all the places that we visited.”

“We are currently doing enrolments for next year and I would encourage anyone who is interested in working in early childhood care to get in touch and learn what we have to offer.”

Groundbreaking EIT teenage vaping research set to give insight into scope and triggers of problem in Hawke’s Bay | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

13 minutes ago

The EIT Youth Vaping Research team is (from left to right): Associate Professor Rachel Forrest; EIT lecturer Jocelyn Lañas-Pangan; EIT Masters of Health Science student Melody Khan; Associate Professor Anita Jagroop-Dearing; Dr Helen Ryan-Stewart; EIT’s Executive Dean, Education, Humanities and Health Science; and Dr Sue Scott-Chapman.

Groundbreaking research into teenage vaping in Hawke’s Bay is currently being collated and is set to give an insight into the scope of the problem and what triggers youth wanting to vape.

Dr Sue Scott-Chapman, a Principal Academic Staff Member in the School of Health and Sport Science, is part of a team examining the epidemic of youth vaping in Aotearoa led by Associate Professor Anita Jagroop-Dearing from EIT. The other members working on this programme of research include Assoc. Prof. Rachel Forrest, Dr Helen Ryan Stewart, Jocelyn Lañas – Pangan and Melody Khan

The project is being funded by EIT (Research Innovation Centre), the Health Research Foundation Hawke’s Bay and the Health Research Council.

Sue says that the team has surveyed more than 2000 students – both vapers and non-vapers –  in Hawke’s Bay about the impact it has had on them.

With the Hawke’s Bay interviews done, the analysis of the information received is now underway.

“We are in that process of now looking at the data that’s been provided. The students have been really eager to support both phase one and phase two and now we’ve got really good data that we’re about to analyse.”

“We’re doing it in two different ways – the quantitative and the qualitative side of it.”

Sue believes that the study will give  “a lot more insight” into what triggers youth wanting to vape.

“It will also give an insight into their understanding of the extent of vaping and the consequences of vaping.”

With the help of a second grant from the Health Research Foundation Hawke’s Bay, the team has extended its research outside Hawke’s Bay to focus on Pāpāmoa College. This research will contribute to the Masters of Health Science project by student Melody Khan, who has been involved in the original study.

 “There may be a lot of similarities, across the two regions, but to me it’s differences and the experiences of different schools because of the different regions and the different kind of emphasis. I think it’s going to be really interesting.”

“I would think the differences may be the quantity and the availability of vaping products in larger regions, I would suspect that it is easier to attain in larger areas.”

“I would love to see how different schools are affected by vaping. When it’s a large school, the feeling is it’s a lot more difficult to manage just because of the numbers of individuals that you are looking at, but smaller schools give you that opportunity to know the students up front and provide more support.”

Sue says that schools are handling the problem differently and she is confident that the analysis of their research will help them deal with the problem.

“They are trying to manage it in slightly different ways and hopefully with the outcome once we have analysed it, there will be potentially a good opportunity for schools to be able to discuss it at  another level and to look at what structures can go in place.”

“I think part of the tools that we are looking at is how do we support schools manage this in an easier way, a better way, a more streamlined way for all of them because they are all just trying to manage it the best they can with the information they have got.”

Sue says that phase two of their data collection has finished and they hope to have the data analysis of at least phase one finished by February next year.

“There’s a lot of work still ahead of us in terms of particularly the qualitative aspect of it, looking at those patterns and those themes that are coming through and making sense of it.”

EIT industry-focused forum gives students opportunity to engage with industry representatives | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

6 mins ago

EIT Auckland Campus Director Cherie Freeman with Nick Larsen of Tataki Auckland Unlimited.

EIT Auckland students and recent graduates have had the opportunity to engage with industry representatives at the Mahi Heke Mai – Working Futures industry-focused forum.

Held on EIT’s Auckland Campus earlier this month, the inaugural Mahi Heke Mai – Working Futures industry-focused forum saw recent graduates and current students meet industry representatives from the IT, supply chain, health and wellbeing and recruitment sectors.

The organiser of the event, Brendon Hickey, said that the occasion provided “an informative and interactive experience for the next generation of Auckland’s workforce talent to share the room with and gain invaluable insights from the experts”.

Brendon, who is the Industry Partnerships Manager at EIT’s Auckland Campus, said that the aim of the event was to provide “a platform and an opportunity for our most recent graduates in the first instance, as well as current students”.

“The opportunity was to enable them to have the curtain pulled back on their spheres of interest, their professional domain, their relevant industry sectors, just to hear directly from people in those areas, so that they could have that credible, authentic exchange with them.”

A high-calibre roster of distinguished presenters and panelists included Nick Larsen, Tech Workforce Lead at Tataki Auckland Unlimited (TAU), the region’s economic development agency. Nick’s presentation contextualised the role skilled migrants and international students play in the local tech, digital commerce and innovation ecosystem, linking their contribution to TAU’s strategic, inclusive workforce development goals.

Garry Green, Founder and Managing Director of Quanton, an Auckland-based AI and automation business transformation enterprise, detailed how his company attracts, nurtures and retains the talent that makes up Quanton’s diverse workforce.

In a similar vein, Dan Kabuuka, Programme Director at Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand, gave attendees first-hand insights into workplace environments and cultures. Personal journeys toward fulfilling professional positions of responsibility, involving responding positively to multiple and complex challenges, were shared by Harini Nanayakkara, Group Compliance Manager at Xplor and high-profile technologist and leadership specialist Gareth Cronin.

Critical and up to date labour market and recruitment expertise was provided by Simon Meehan of Absolute IT and Wayne Fry of Hunter Campbell.

Both experts were able to elaborate on current trends and developments, employer requirements and expectations, and connect these to ongoing and forecast economic cycles, with Wayne generously commenting: “I enjoyed the experience and was impressed with the rest of the panel, the interaction with the students and a well-planned and run event. I’d be delighted to be involved or support future events that you might have.”

Brendon says that he was happy at how successful the event was.

“It was pleasing to see industry guests and attendees mingling enthusiastically long after the scheduled ending of the session. Feedback from all participants was extremely positive, positioning us well to repeat the event in 2025.

A recent EIT IT graduate Rahul Mathew said: “As an attendee, I found the talks truly thought-provoking and insightful. I appreciate the opportunity to engage with industry experts and hope this initiative continues to support future talents in New Zealand’s job market.”

EIT student wins Top Student Wine at Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

22 seconds ago

EIT student Ngaun Siau (right) won the EIT Top Student Wine Award at this year’s A&P Society’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards. She is pictured at the awards ceremony with EIT’s Head of the School of Viticulture and Wine Science.

A second year Bachelor of Viticulture and Wine Science student at EIT has won the award for the Top Student Wine at this year’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards.

Ngaun Siau, 26, won the award at this month’s A&P Society’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards for her wine – Dalan Cabernet Franc 2024. The student wines are judged by the same criteria as all the other classes and Ngaun’s wine received 95 points from the judges – a Gold medal.

Ngaun, who is from Taiwan, says that she was very excited that her wine was chosen as the Top Student Wine, sponsored by EIT, and says that she enjoyed the awards evening.

“I made four red wines this year. The award-winning Cabernet Franc was harvested from the Te Awa vineyard, where I worked for the summer.”

“It took me three days to harvest and a month to make my wine. The grapes were hand-harvested, partially whole bunch fermented for a fruitful wine style.”

She got the name for her wine, Dalan, from the language of a tribe in Taiwan.

“It means ‘roads’ in Puyuma, but it’s more like the things that your heart is calling; the path you take to follow your dream.”

Winning the award was a highlight of what has, at times, been a challenging, but reward two years at EIT Hawke’s Bay.

Ngaun arrived in New Zealand to begin her first year one month before Cyclone Gabrielle struck last year. She moved into EIT student accommodation where she made friends with other students.

“We received a lot of help from the Hawke’s Bay community after the Cyclone. I appreciate how people here care for each other.”

“The most difficult thing was that we were not able to use the wine-making resources on campus since we had all moved online.”

Ngaun says that she comes from an agricultural background with her family having grown rice and other crops for centuries.

“Agriculture has always been fascinating to me. What caught my eye about viticulture was how everything starts from a small vine and becomes an aged wine.”

Ngaun says that it was New Zealand’s approach to organic and regenerative agriculture that attracted her to study here.

“I realised that it would be a good place for me to study and understand more about sustainable wine growing.”

After school Ngaun worked in the construction industry and also in farming, but soon decided that studying viticulture and wine science was what she wanted to do.

“Once the worst of COVID-19 had passed, I decided to make the move to New Zealand.  I did my research and really liked what EIT had to offer, especially its strong practical component.”

Ngaun credits her success to the nurturing and supportive environment at EIT.

“The staff are really friendly and the lecturers’ doors are always open. Our school winery staff, the winery manager and the lab staff there are quite amazing. They always have new ideas or something they would suggest us to try.”

“We share a strong connection with the local wine industry, where our lecturers have worked or are still involved. There is no boundary for us in accessing the industry.”

“It is a very supportive programme for me to study here. In this environment I can fully immerse myself in my studies, knowing that the entire programme will have my back.”

Sue Blackmore, EIT Head of School for Viticulture and Wine Science said: “The whole V&W Team are excited that Ngaun received a Gold for her student wine.”

“She spent long hours in the winery tinkering with ‘Dalan’. And as the wine name suggests Ngaun is passionate about winemaking and her future in the wine industry. We wish her well”.

“All Bachelor of Viticulture and Wine Science students get a chance to make wine from year one of the degree, work a commercial internship in year 2 and complete a research project aligned with industry in year 3.”

EIT Viticulture and Wine Science student wins A&P Society Young Vintners Scholarship at Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

1 min ago

EIT Bachelor of Viticulture and Wine Science student Tammy Madigan has won the A&P Society’s Young Vintners Scholarship at this year’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards.

A third-year Bachelor of Viticulture and Wine Science student at EIT has won the A&P Society’s Young Vintners Scholarship at this year’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards.

Tammy Madigan, 37, is an adult student who has had to juggle family life to complete the degree. She relocated from Australia in 2021 to do her qualification at EIT in Hawke’s Bay.

Tammy, who grew up in the Blue Mountains of Western Sydney, but lived for many years in Brisbane, was awarded the scholarship at a ceremony earlier this month. The scholarship includes money towards her fees, the opportunity to work on a vintage at Craggy Range Winery and the opportunity to be an associate judge at next year’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards.

She says that she was honoured to be selected as the scholarship recipient and excited to accept the award at the Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards surrounded by the leaders and legends of the industry.

Having worked for many years in the retail industry in Australia, as the years went by, she became progressively more interested in viticulture and decided that she wanted to  pursue her studies at EIT. She has moved over with her husband Niall, who works as a cardiac sonographer at Hawke’s Bay Hospital, and her three children – two girls and a boy.

“Although it took a while for me to be able to commit to full-time study, I made the decision to permanently re-locate to NZ with my family in January 2021.”

“I’m a very practical kind of person and I really enjoyed the idea of doing a degree that also had a lot of practical learning. I’m more of a hands-on learner and enjoy learning on the job. There’s a little tiny vineyard on campus and there is just a lot of practical elements that I really enjoy.”

“I am extremely grateful that I am finally pursuing the dream, and I now consider Hawke’s Bay home. Since arriving I have immersed myself in various aspects of the industry while studying to obtain as much knowledge as possible.”

This has included stewarding for the Wine Awards and various DISH tasting events, cellar door work at Clearview Estate, a vintage internship at Te Mata Estate in 2023, and as a field technician for Croptide, an agricultural technology company specialising in real time crop monitoring solutions.

Tammy says that all these experiences have provided invaluable knowledge and connection to various people in the industry while developing a love for the Hawke’s Bay region

“While my interest in the industry was sparked by viticulture, I discovered a love for winemaking and would like to gain more experience and knowledge in this area as I pursue the goal of becoming a winemaker in my own right.”

She says that while Cyclone Gabrielle did disrupt her studies last year, especially having to move online and then off campus for a while, she and her cohort were not too badly affected.

“It was definitely a pretty interesting time. Initially it probably didn’t impact as heavily, being that I was in my second year and I was out doing the vintage at Te Mata Estate, which I was able to continue doing.”

With a hectic life of family, work and study, Tammy had to move her studies part-time for a semester last year, so will complete her degree during the second semester next year. She is also looking forward to taking part in the harvest at Craggy Range, which is part of her prize.

One thing is for sure, she is grateful that she chose EIT for a degree and she plans to stay on in Hawke’s Bay after she finishes her studies.

“I would like to purchase a house and settle in Hawke’s Bay for a little while. I might be able to duck off for some short stints to get some experience overseas or back home in Australia, but primarily, I’ll be basing myself here in Hawke’s Bay.

As for what path she wants to pursue in the future – viticulture or winemaking – Tammy says that she is unsure because she likes them both.

Sue Blackmore, Head of School for Viticulture and Wine Science says: “The V&W School wants to congratulate Tammy on this great opportunity provided for EIT students by the A&P Society and Craggy Range. Tammy is a very worthy recipient who as an adult student has managed to juggle the balance of a busy home life, full-time study and part-time work. Congratulations Tammy!”

EIT Masters programme empowers IT professionals to make lasting impact in Hawke’s Bay | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

4 days ago

Completing a Master of Information Technology at EIT has marked a significant milestone for three students, who balanced years of hard work, dedication, and full-time roles at Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga with their academic pursuits.

Teriwa Graham, Tane Edwards, and Juanita Teariki dedicated their final projects to areas such as digital inclusion, cybersecurity, and the development of team-focused IT systems—projects that align closely with Te Taiwhenua mission –  to deliver essential health and social services across Hawke’s Bay.

The trio credits EIT’s supportive environment and the guidance of Associate Professor Dr Emre Erturk for their success in achieving this challenging goal.

Teriwa, Te Taiwhenua General Manager of IT, developed ‘people-centric’ IT solutions that simplify processes for staff and enhance service delivery.

“It’s about making sure high-quality data and information are provided to staff in a way that’s clear and helpful,” said Teriwa.

“Our goal is to give our frontline team the tools they need to make quick, informed decisions.”

Tane, a Business Analyst with 17 years at Te Taiwhenua, and Master of Digital Business graduate, addressed digital inclusion by promoting digital literacy and training community members who may lack confidence with technology.

“We live in a digital world, and there are those who embrace it and those who don’t,” he explained.

“The aim is to help people become more independent by equipping them with basic digital skills—whether it’s using apps, online banking, or other essential tools.”

Juanita, Te Taiwhenua IT Manager, concentrated on building cybersecurity awareness to protect the organisation and its users from cyber threats.

“Cybersecurity awareness is crucial, especially in today’s digital age, where anyone can fall victim to cybercrime. My goal was to improve our team’s understanding of cybersecurity and create strategies to keep everyone safer online.”

Reflecting on the support they received from EIT and Associate Professor Dr Emre Erturk, all three students credited his guidance as essential for balancing full-time work and studies.

“Emre has been incredibly supportive throughout our journey,” Teriwa stated.

Emre congratulated Teriwa, Tane and Juanita.

“Every student is unique and needs tailored guidance. Anyhow, our common interest in digital inclusion and transformation has made our synergies even greater.”

Tane added that this support was crucial as they navigated their demanding schedules, noting, “It’s rewarding to work on projects that not only improve our work environment but also benefit our community.”

Juanita concluded, “EIT has provided us with the tools and knowledge to drive meaningful change, and we are excited to implement these solutions in our roles”.

EIT student decides to become teacher to help raise literacy and mathematics standards among Māori | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

7 seconds ago

Johnson Hauraki is in his second year of the Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) at EIT Tairāwhiti.

Johnson Hauraki (Ngāti Porou, Tuhoe) has always wanted to be a teacher, but it was only when he started at EIT Tairāwhiti that he realised that he could play a role in raising literacy and mathematics standards among Māori.

Johnson is finishing his second year of the Bachelor of Teaching (Primary), having first done the NZ Certificate in Study and Career Preparation (Level 4) in 2022. Born and bred in Tairāwhiti, Johnson went straight from Gisborne Boys High to EIT.

Johnson, 20, says that he has wanted to be a teacher since primary school.

“I thought it would be quite rewarding to have an impact on a student’s life and then also see them come back when they get older and remember what you did for them.”

“With teaching I want to be able to raise the literacy and the mathematics among Māori students.”

He says that while he would not mind teaching in mainstream schools, he also likes the idea of going to a kura kaupapa.

The Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) requires students to undertake placements at local schools.

He says that he would have no hesitation in recommending EIT as a place to study because of the environment.

“It was so different to high school, where it is very structured. At EIT, while you have things that you are required to do, you also have more freedom to make decisions.”

Johnson says that his association with EIT will not come to an end when he finishes his teaching degree, as he plans to enrol in a te reo Māori programme when he is finished.

As for where he wants to teach, Johnson says that he will be prepared to leave Gisborne to pursue his career.

Emma McFadyen, EIT Tairāwhiti Site Coordinator and Lecturer, Primary Education, said: “Developing teachers for Te Tairāwhiti is central to the EIT/Te Pūkenga Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) programme, as well as being a degree recognised internationally.”

“Being raised in the region provides Johnson with unique opportunities to give back to his community, along with the potential to spread his wings and explore his horizons. I’m excited to see where Johnson chooses to go in the future.”

Hospital visit by service dog sparked EIT student’s love for animals | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

2 hours ago

Riva-Lee Habib is currently studying the Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing at EIT.

A visit by a service dog while Riva-Lee Habib was in hospital as a child, sparked a love for animals that has seen her study veterinary nursing at EIT.

Riva-Lee (Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti iwi) was born and raised in Tolaga Bay and attended Tolaga Bay Area School & Kahukuranui.

The 18-year-old says that she was fairly ill with a life-long condition as a child and spent some time in hospital. It was there that she received a visit from a service dog that changed her outlook on life.

“It made me realise how happy they made me and how they helped me get through it.”

Riva-Lee, who is currently studying  Year 1 of the Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing, says that growing up around animals also helped foster her love for them.

An incentive for entering the programme was that she received a Year-13 Scholarship from EIT. The Year 13 Scholarship, which is offered annually by EIT, covers one year of tuition fees. The Scholarship supports school leavers across the Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti regions to study any one of EIT’s degrees or selected level 5 diploma programmes that lead into a degree by providing one year FREE study.

She also won a Walter William McLean Educational Trust Scholarship, which is funded by Gisborne’s Gowerville Station, the farm once owned by McLean. Another honour was the Prime Minister’s Vocational Excellence Award.

One of the things that Riva-Lee loves about the programme is how hands-on it is.

“They have us doing a lot of practicals and working with animals. I also enjoy the friendships we make and the lecturers are there to support us.”

Next year will see Riva-Lee proceed to the second year of the Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing , and she is looking forward to going on a placement in Gisborne as part of the programme. She will then continue on to the final year of the Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing (Level 7).

But that is just the start of her plans as she plans to then enrol in the Bachelor of Business Studies through EIT with the aim of opening her own vet clinic on the East Coast.

“I want to open up a clinic because there is not much access for people on the East Coast to get their animals checked out.”

Asked why she loves animals so much, Riva-Lee says: “It’s just how pure they are. People may see animals as vicious, but it’s just the upbringing that they have. Once you actually get to connect with them, they can be sweet and comfortable.”

Emma Martin, EIT’s Veterinary Nursing Programme Co-ordinator said: “It has been a pleasure having Riva-Lee join our programme. Her long-term goal of making animal healthcare more accessible across the East Coast highlights her strong commitment to improving animal health and welfare while supporting her local community. Riva-Lee has built meaningful connections with her classmates and is an excellent team player. Her dedication to her studies is evident, as she frequently participates in study groups after class, and this effort is reflected in her work and academic success”

“Riva-Lee has also made a strong impression during her work placements in Gisborne, where she has effectively applied her learning in a practical setting. She has seamlessly integrated into the team, contributing with enthusiasm while enjoying the experience. “

“We look forward to seeing Riva-Lee continue to grow in the degree programme and become a strong advocate for her patients, clients, and the Veterinary Nursing profession.”