Rotokare welcomes rare native plant in special “homecoming”

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  11 July 2024

Gratiola concinna is a nationally endangered plant species. This rare wetland plant is particularly small and has declined due to loss of suitable habitat and pressure from introduced weeds.

It was first found on the edge of Egmont National Park in 1995, on the private property of the Hooper family at Oeo in South Taranaki. It has been actively managed since it was found at the site.

Fiona Gordon, Rotokare Scenic Reserve Trust’s Conservation Manager, says the return of the plant to the sanctuary is a significant achievement for the species, creating a second population of a species few people know about.

The plant translocation represents a “welcoming home” of the species, Fiona says.

“Through this project, we’re returning the plant to the only other known location it has been found in Taranaki, the Ngaere swamp complex, within the rohe of Ngāti Tupaia, of which Rotokare is the largest remaining remnant,” she says.

The Trust’s representatives are delighted to be able to support the protection and management of this rare species, building on the fantastic work already being done by both DOC and the Hooper family.

DOC Biodiversity Ranger Joe Carson says the ongoing support of the Hooper family has been a key factor in management of the species.

“The Hoopers’ involvement with the land and the plant spans multiple generations, and their guardianship of the bush on their property has been crucial to the persistence of Gratiola concinna locally.”  

“Their support has included selective grazing to maintain water levels and assisting with monitoring and weed control.”

“Ngāti Tupaia, mana whenua of the area where Rotokare is located, are happy that Rotokare can again play a huge role in protecting another threatened species,” says Ngāti Tupaia spokesperson Tane Houston.

“Ngāti Tupaia are proud of the team at the reserve and will continue to support these efforts to do right by the natural environment and all the important life forms within.”

The Gratiola concinna population on the Hoopers’ property is the only one known Taranaki population and translocation to Rotokare Scenic Reserve ensures regional persistence of this species.

Background information

Gratiola concinna is a creeping herb with rounded leaves. In comparison to the general size of the plant, it has a relatively large white flower, emerging in November.

The main threats to the plant are habitat loss through land drainage and competition from introduced weeds.

They are traditionally found in muddy hollows in forest clearings, streamsides or in turf at the margins of lakes, rivers or ponds; sometimes aquatic at edge of shallow lakes or rivers.

Rotokare Scenic Reserve is a 230 ha forested hill-country catchment, with extensive wetlands and a 17.8 ha lake. It is surrounded by a 8.2 km pest-proof fence. 

Rotokare has the largest wetland and lake within a pest-proof fence in New Zealand, offering unique opportunity to care for some of our vulnerable wetland species


New AI predator detection tools available

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  11 July 2024

The Cacophony Project’s ‘DOC AI CAM’ and ASG Technologies Ltd’s ‘PredaCAM’ both use AI technology with portable ‘cameras’ to spot predators including rats, stoats and possums which sends information from remote sites to users to allow a rapid targeted response.

DOC Landscape Threats Science Manager Clayson Howell says ‘Tools to Market’ supports innovation to develop the tools and technology to help achieve Predator Free 2050.

“In this case we were looking for improved tools to detect predators in low numbers such as incursions on pest-free islands or in areas where only small numbers of predators remain.”

“These companies have both pushed the boundaries with AI seamlessly integrated into their devices to allow rapid identification of predators in the field. This will dramatically reduce the cost and speed of identifying predators, allowing for a targeted response.”

“While similar, the devices use different technologies, which may have advantages in different areas. Now they’re on the market, these tools can be used and further tested in a range of environments.”

Matthew Hellicar, Programme Manager at The Cacophony Project, says support from DOC enabled them to redesign and improve their existing thermal camera. This automatically uploads recordings to Cacophony’s cloud servers where AI automatically identifies all invasive predators and then notifies users in real-time.

“We are really pleased to have reduced both the cost and the power needs of the new DOC AI CAM. People are already using it in the field and we’re getting great feedback,” says Matthew Hellicar. 

Two DOC AI CAM cameras are being used in the incursion response underway on pest free Motutapu in the Hauraki Gulf after a rat was spotted and are proving an efficient tool for monitoring.

ASG Technologies PredaCAM uses infrared technology and a cloud-based AI model that detects rats and relays instant alerts using the existing mobile network.

DOC funded development of the PredaCAM camera hardware, while Predator Free 2050 Ltd funded the rat AI model, which is still being trialled.

“We are excited about the positive impact this cutting-edge technology will have on conservation efforts across New Zealand,” says Matt Park, ASG Tech Operations Manager.

“Predator Free Wellington has already jumped on board and is trialling the PredaCAM at Mount Victoria, an area where predators remain.”  

In initial field trials, the PredaCAM achieved over 80% accuracy in detecting rats in the images. Predator Free Wellington is now trialling the camera to see how well the AI works in a range of environments. The camera is optimised for urban areas using the mobile network. A subsequent release, scheduled for early 2025, will incorporate satellite coverage to support areas without network access.  

These projects were two of five selected for support in the Tools to Market 2022 procurement round.

As part of its commitment to Predator Free 2050, the DOC programme allocates $1 million annually to support the development of new tools for use in predator-free projects. Since 2017, 15 projects have been funded including new lures, toxins, traps and predator detection devices.  

Predator Free 2050 is an ambitious goal to eradicate rats, possums and mustelids from Aotearoa New Zealand to enable native species to thrive.

Background information

The Cacophony Project DOC AI Camera

AGS Technologies PredaCAM


Track reinstatement work to begin at Mautohe Cathedral Cove

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  10 July 2024

Minister of Conservation Tama Potaka today announced distribution of International Visitor Levy funding – including $5 million to build, open and maintain overland walking access to Cathedral Cove.

The track to the globally famous beach was extensively damaged by Cyclone Gabrielle, leading to a decision to keep it closed until land had stabilised and an appropriate repair could be confirmed.

Tinaka Mearns, DOC’s Regional Director for Hauraki Waikato and Taranaki, says after assessment of several options, DOC is opting for a temporary walking access reinstatement solution which will see the track available to visitors for summer 2024/25.

“Last summer visitors surveyed rated the marine-based experience to Mautohe Cathedral Cove as one of the best offered to a DOC-managed site,” Tinaka says.

“Reinstating walking access enables DOC to further support local businesses and the community while working towards more sustainable and careful management of the site. This will be complimented with ongoing work, over the next 12-18 months, to develop a long-term visitor management solution.”

Tinaka says finding a way to traverse the worst landslide on the track has been a challenge. Undamaged sections of the track will be reconnected via a new boardwalk and steps across a section of land that is more stable than other potential reroutes. Steps at the bottom of the track, where it reaches the beach, will also be rebuilt.

“We know the community is keen to see reinstatement occur as soon as possible, but we need to factor in ground conditions, weather, and tendering and procurement processes before physical work can begin,” she says.

As well as the physical work at site to reinstate walking access, DOC will be introducing visitor risk mitigations to ensure safety of people walking the track. Those mitigations may include advising people not to use the track when weather or geotechnical-related risks are considered too high.

“A level of risk will always be present at this site – landslides and rockfalls will continue to be an ongoing feature of the landscape,” Tinaka says.

“Under-pinning the decision making and approaches we’re taking is the need to manage risk for the most prominent type of “day trip” visitor at Mautohe Cathedral Cove.”

The popular Grange Rd carpark in Hahei will remain closed while DOC works through the practicalities of public access to the reserve. The carpark received significant surface/foundation damage, slumping and cracking, through extreme weather events and heavy vehicle use. High level design and investment is required to mitigate these factors.

Tinaka says the reinstatement option chosen only presents a temporary walking access solution and may not last through extreme storm events like those which caused the damage and forced the closure – such as Cyclone Gabrielle.

“We will be doing some more work on a longer-term solution to develop a visitor management plan, and consultation with the community and stakeholders will be part of that work,” she says.

The planned visitor management work is supported by mana whenua Ngāti Hei, who previously voiced concerns about the high level of tourism impacting Mautohe Cathedral Cove and the risk to visitors.

Tinaka thanked stakeholders including Thames-Coromandel District Council, Destination Hauraki Coromandel and those who’ve contributed feedback to DOC’s recent consultation process on reinstatement options.

Tinaka says DOC understands the track closure has been a frustrating situation for local residents and businesses.

“We want to thank them for their patience. We’ve had to work through a complex set of overlapping issues to reach this point.”

Background information

A special section of DOC’s website is dedicated to the department’s work at Cathedral Cove. Visit Cathedral Cove and Hahei updates for more information.


$25 million boost for conservation

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  10 July 2024

“Te taiao (our environment) is critical for the country’s present and future. Whether it’s the sound of birds in a forest or the sight of whales in the sea – we have intergenerational responsibilities to protect and enhance te taiao so future generations can visit and enjoy too.”

“Some of the projects include reinstating walking access to the beautiful Cathedral Cove – Mautohe in Coromandel after terrible damage from Cyclone Gabrielle. I have confirmed a short-term fix in time for summer.”

“This funding will also help toward eradicating pests from the Maukahuka – Auckland Island – a key step in more than 30 years of work restoring this Subantarctic World Heritage area.”

“Te Papa Atawhai – the Department of Conservation and I are always looking to better protect for our country’s rich biodiversity and special places.”

“The International Visitor Levy supports major projects protecting and enhancing New Zealand’s beautiful flora, fauna and making it easier for New Zealanders to experience nature.”

“The levy is currently a $35 cost that is charged to most international visitors to our shores, which aims to boost conservation and tourism.”

“All of this mahi (work) helps to ensure New Zealanders can continue to enjoy all the benefits of living on the most beautiful country on Earth.”

Background information

International Visitor Levy conservation funding initiatives 2024 – funding breakdown:

  • Coromandel’s Cathedral Cove will receive $5m to plan, build, reopen and maintain an overland track as part of continued recovery work from Cyclone Gabrielle damage.
  • $6 m will go towards enhancing tracks and expanding DOC’s network of short walks and day hikes so more people are encouraged to enjoy a great day out in nature.
  • A new programme to support the maintenance and management of Huts of Recreational Importance through partnerships will benefit from funding of $4.2 million over the next four years.
  • Work to eradicate the aggressive coastal weed known as sea spurge will get a boost of $1.28 m towards protecting New Zealand coastlines.
  • There will be a $3.65 m investment in the groundwork needed to progress the eradication of pigs, cats, and mice from Auckland Islands/Maukahuka.
  • Over the next three years, $5 million will be invested in information and advocacy activities to connect people to nature and visitor experiences across the country, and make it easier for people to get involved through activities like donating, volunteering and investing.


DOC frustrated by “completely avoidable” dog attacks on penguins

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  08 July 2024

This year DOC staff have seen a worrying number of dog attacks on penguins. Since December 2023, of those reported to DOC, a total of eight penguins have been confirmed as being killed by dogs. A further seven birds were unconfirmed as to cause of death, but sustained injuries consistent with dog attacks.

Although Wellington City Council recently erected fencing and a sign warning of fines for unleashed dogs, an eyewitness saw a dog near penguin nesting boxes within the fenced area. They also heard one of the penguins being attacked and, although they attempted to scare the dog away, it was too late.

Angus Hulme-Moir, DOC Operations Manager for Kapiti-Wellington, says the team is shocked.

“There is a whole community who are deeply upset by the deaths of these kororā,” says Angus. “These are beautiful birds whose habitat and home we share, and an easy way for us to do this is to leash dogs in designated areas. If you are unsure about dog access in a particular area, check with the nearest local council or DOC office or before you set out.”

“There are plenty of areas where dogs are allowed to remain unleashed, where they don’t pose a risk to wildlife; if you want to keep your dog off leash, just go there instead.”

“The saddest part is these penguins’ deaths were completely avoidable if people simply followed the rules.”

All three kororā found last week were microchipped, and part of an established colony monitored by Places for Penguins volunteers in the area.

If people ignore dog access rules or conditions, they may be issued an infringement fine or prosecuted. A dog can also be seized and impounded or destroyed if it is found in a controlled dog area without a permit.

The Lead the Way initiative is trying to avoid these situations through advocacy and awareness, by empowering dog owners to share the beach safely with wildlife.

Members of the public can report dogs where they are not allowed to DOC by calling

  • 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468).


Wānaka bridges expected to reopen this summer

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  04 July 2024

DOC Central Otago Operations Manager Nicola Holmes says after in-depth engineering, geotechnical, and design assessments, work is now scheduled to begin on the Rob Roy, Blue Pools and Makarora bridges in the coming weeks. A new boardwalk between the Makarora and Blue Pools bridges will also be constructed.

“We’re thrilled to be at a stage where we can confidently begin the next stage of work and get these bridges reopened for our community,” Nicola says.

“This work is a significant undertaking requiring bespoke engineering and logistics – it takes time to achieve but now having done the prep work we’re in a great position to press forward.”

Prefabrication work takes place largely off-site and has begun already. Work on the ground is expected to start in the coming weeks.

While winter is a notoriously difficult time of year for anything construction related, the expert contractors have built that contingency into their time frames and all going to plan, all three bridges are expected to open during the summer, Nicola says.

“We want to thank the community for their patience as we work towards this milestone.

“We know it was disappointing for a lot of people when the bridges were closed. Safety is always at the heart of our decision making.”

Prior to their closure, the Blue Pools and Makarora bridges, both on the popular Blue Pools Track, were visited on average by around 550 people a day in January, with around 75 people per hour crossing during peak time.

Rob Roy Bridge, which is the only access to the Rob Roy glacier track, saw around 180 people per day over summer.

There had been numerous instances where people had been ignoring the load limit signs on the bridges.

Engineering advice was that they could not sustain that level of usage, and with visitor numbers continuing to increase, we needed to make them safer, Nicola says.

The Makarora bridge was also at the end of its operational life.

With work on-site set to begin in the coming weeks people are reminded to stay clear of any construction sites, and follow the directions on all signage.


Whitebait habitat a community effort

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  03 July 2024

The project, a collaboration between the DOC, the marae, and Horizons Regional Council, is creating 500 m additional spawning habitat for atutahi.

DOC River Ranger Jane Taylor says the work began in response to a survey showing just how little spawning habitat was available in the lower Whanganui River.

“Through a series of hui and site assessments the riverbank beside Te Ao Hou was identified as a place suitable for a collaborative restoration project.”

“It has been truly collaborative in the way neighbours and our many contractors have worked closely with the marae to agree on an approach.”

“The first step was to remove willows, pampas and other weeds before reshaping the bank to reduce steepness. A gentler slope means more area is underwater in the big spring tides when atutahi lay their eggs,” says Jane.

The earthworks revealed some surprises.

“When preparing the site, we discovered the area was used in the past as an informal tip. Contractors had to take over 30 loads of rubbish to the dump.”

Despite the setback, restoration efforts continued recently with a community planting day at the marae. Over 2000 native plants will help stabilise the bank and provide spawning habitat.

Geoff Hipango, kaitiaki at Te Ao Hou marae, is excited to see the continuation of riverbank restoration which has been part of their vision for the marae. The involvement of DOC and Horizons Regional Council has helped speed up the work.

Geoff says the restoration project is a win-win for the marae, thanks to the use of Whanganui tribal knowledge systems, science, and collaboration with the community.

“Healing the river is also healing for us. We want to create a paradise,” says Geoff.

“If we lay the groundwork, the next generation will hopefully inherit an awa that’s in better condition. Ko te awa te mātāpuna o te ora – the river is the spring of our wellness. Not just for our people but for the river herself.”

Aerial view of the restoration area on the banks of the Whanganui River
Image: Horizons Regional Council

Background information

DOC is working in a partnership with others to restore the Whanganui River catchment under its Ngā Awa river restoration programme. The programme focuses on restoring 14 priority river catchments around the country.


Temporary Whakatāne reserve closures in July

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  02 July 2024

Three prominent reserves in and around Whakatane will be temporarily closed to all public access during July for animal control operations to protect and enhance the mauri of the ngahere/forest.

Ōhope Scenic Reserve, Kōhī Point Reserve, and Mokorua Bush Scenic Reserve are scheduled for short, staggered closures between Monday 22 July and Thursday 25 July while contractors conduct wild pig and deer control.

The work is being undertaken as part of the Whakatāne and Ōhope Sites Environmental Programme, a collaborative initiative focused on restoring and improving the biodiversity across the Whakatāne and Ōhope hillscapes.

Nine partners, including DOC, Whakatāne District Council, Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council, landowners, iwi, and hapū, are working together toward the shared vision of a healthy taiao for future generations.

Management of introduced species is core to achieving the vision of the partnership, and the wider Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy. Managing numbers will help protect native species and increase forests’ health and resilience in dealing with climate change.

DOC Senior Community Ranger Jesse Burt says deer and pigs can pose a significant threat to New Zealand’s native forest ecosystems.

“They prevent the regeneration of plant species they eat, which can ultimately change the entire structure and composition of native ecosystems.”

“These reserves are popular and close to urban areas, meaning recreational hunting is not allowed for safety reasons. The planned operation will help to address an overabundance of pigs and deer in a safe manner,” says Jesse.

The reserves will be closed on a staggered schedule to minimise disruption. Kōhī Point Reserve will be closed on Monday 22 July, Mokorua Bush Scenic Reserve on Tuesday 23 July, and Ōhope Scenic Reserve will be closed from Wednesday 24 July to Thursday 25 July.

Warning signs will be placed at track entrances, and main entrance points will be staffed to ensure public safety and prevent unauthorised access during the operation.

The Whakatāne and Ōhope Sites Environmental Programme Working Group coordinating the operation would like to thank community and visitors for their understanding and cooperation during this essential work.

For further information please contact Bay of Plenty Regional Council on 0800 884 880 or


Local and international visitors delight in nature as numbers increase

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  02 July 2024

DOC Director Heritage and Visitors Cat Wilson, welcomes the increase in international visitors exploring New Zealand’s public conservation land.

“We are excited more international visitors are coming to see us again,” says Cat.

“The upwards trend shows we are on our way to pre-COVID international visitor numbers, which is great news for the New Zealand economy and tourism operators.”

The most visited attractions by international visitors were beaches and national parks, including Fiordland, Aoraki Mount Cook and Tongariro National Park. Meanwhile, local New Zealanders gravitated towards sites closer to urban areas, including the Auckland region’s Long Bay-Okura Marine Reserve and Rangitoto Island. Short walks remained the most popular activity undertaken by New Zealanders.

“Warmer than average temperatures across nearly all of the country saw many New Zealanders spending more time outdoors,” says Cat.

“Over the 2023/24 summer, around half of New Zealanders visited protected natural areas like our national parks, conservation areas, and marine reserves each month, and almost one-third visited a heritage site, such as historic reserves and places of national significance.

“It’s great to see both nature and our rich cultural heritage continue to excite and draw people, and we hope Kiwis and visitors alike continue to explore New Zealand’s incredible places,” says Cat.

2023/24 Summers Insights Report (PDF, 2,720K)


  • In December 2023 the number of overseas visitor arrivals into New Zealand was 418,900, compared to 528,200 in December 2019 (pre-COVID).
  • Of these 418,900 overseas visitor arrivals, 40% were from Australia, 13% were from the United States, 7% were from the United Kingdom and 5% were from China.
  • There were 2.96 million overseas visitor arrivals recorded in 2023, a post-pandemic increase of 1.52 million from the previous year.
  • Between December 2023 and February 2024, the number of New Zealanders visiting protected natural areas each month remained near 50%.
  • For the same period, New Zealanders who visited protected heritage places each month remained near 30%.
  • The number of New Zealanders visiting protected natural areas was slightly higher in February 2024 compared to February 2023, reflecting the better weather this summer.
  • Similar to last summer, short walks (less than 3 hours duration) remained the most popular activity undertaken by New Zealanders.


Rāhui on eastern slopes of Mt Ruapehu

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  30 June 2024

He rāhui

He aitua! He aitua!

A rāhui has been placed on the eastern slopes of Mt Ruapehu above 2,000 m until Tuesday 2 July at 6 am.

On Saturday 29 June 2024 a climber in the vicinity of Whangaehu Hut on Mt Ruapehu passed away as a result of injuries sustained during a fall.

NZ Police, the Ruapehu Alpine Rescue Organisation (RARO) and Tukino Ski Field staff collaborated to rescue the climber.

All involved have expressed their condolences to the family, friends and whānau of the deceased.

To show respect, all hikers in the area are asked to consider refraining from accessing the area during the rāhui.
