Choosing deconstruction over demolition

Source: Auckland Council

Every year, we send more than 1.6 million tonnes of waste to landfill in Auckland, that’s more than a tonne per person. Of this 30% to 40% is construction and demolition waste, making this our largest waste-stream and therefore our biggest target if we want to reduce waste. By comparison, household waste is only 13% of total waste to landfill.

Auckland has a goal to be zero-waste by 2040. There is much we can do to help us achieve that goal. 

This is one of the reasons Eke Panuku is taking a more sustainable approach to building and development in neighbourhoods where we undertake urban regeneration. This more sustainable approach means we are choosing to deconstruct buildings with the intention of diverting or reducing the waste that goes to landfills. Rather than simply demolishing buildings which are at the end of their lives or no longer needed, we take them apart and reuse and recycle the construction material where possible.

As we do our best work through smart strategic partnerships, our approach requires that our contractors and development partners use specific deconstruction methods for any structures being removed from our development sites. While this requires a bit more planning, it allows us to repurpose a greater amount of material, significantly reducing the waste sent to landfill.

It is sometimes assumed this approach would take more time and would be more expensive. It turns out it’s not.

Auckland Council’s Research and Evaluation Unit (RIMU) undertook a financial cost benefit analysis to test the potential benefits of waste diversion in development projects. After considering a whole raft of factors, such as recouping costs from selling materials from deconstruction sites; avoiding landfill expenses and transportation (of waste materials) costs; avoiding having to purchase new materials for a site (if recycling and reusing), the analysis found that deconstruction essentially breaks even from a cost perspective compared to traditional demolition.

And this doesn’t yet take into account the significantly greater economic, societal and environmental benefits that come from diverting more waste from landfills. The waste diversion options that RIMU analysed showed a likely benefit-cost ratio (BCR) between 2.2 and 2.8, which means for every $1 invested, we get between $2.2 and $2.8 in wider benefits.

A major reason for choosing deconstruction is its reduced environmental impact. The production of new materials and the extraction of raw resources for construction significantly contribute to climate change. By reusing or repurposing materials from deconstructed sites, we embrace a circular economy approach that helps minimise resource use, waste, and emissions.

Over the next six months, Eke Panuku is deconstructing a number of buildings across Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland to make way for much-needed new development of homes, offices and shops.  

Below is a snapshot of some of these projects. Have a listen to this podcast also for more information.


We have started the staged redevelopment of Northcote town centre. To prepare for this, we are working with TROW Group to take apart old buildings that need to make way for the new development. Along with TROW Group, we have teamed up with Wairau Zero Waste Hub and Awataha Marae to re-use deconstruction materials.

Before deconstruction started, reusable items were identified from the old buildings. Some of these materials were then provided to the Zero Waste Hub to sell to the community at reasonable prices. Some other items are finding a new life in community projects – both locally and in the Pacific Islands.

Besides the reusing of material, there is also some great community learning going on too. TROW has a job experience programme, and educational initiatives centred around material reuse, and together with Localised, they invited Awataha Marae to collaborate on the deconstruction trial too. The recycled materials will be used by Awataha Marae’s educational programme to build prefab sleepouts, demonstrating the practical application of sustainability principles in construction and design.

For more information on the award-winning Northcote master plan and how it will shape the future of the town centre, click here.

Northcote deconstruction.


We have deconstructed the former Kāinga Ora homes at 10 Racecourse Parade to enable more housing options in Avondale. The Auckland Council group has established a panel of deconstruction companies with a focus on collaboration, bringing larger contractors together with smaller ones.

Green Way Ltd has teamed up with Onehunga Community Recycling Centre (a social enterprise and the first Pasifika / Māori-led community recycling centre in the region) as subcontractors, providing valuable hands-on experience in sustainable practices as they work together to increase waste diversion.

Items such as vehicle shelters, washing lines, fencing and framing timber are being repurposed locally through the recycling centre. Other items such as doors, windows and guttering are also being repurposed. This not only reduces waste but also supports the local economy and fosters a culture of sustainability within the community.

Our commitment to sustainability extends to supporting charities such as PAWS Restart Animal Rescue, based in west Auckland. Garden sheds, pavers, and metal gates from the Avondale deconstruction are being repurposed to create additional dog runs, providing much-needed space for the increasing number of abandoned dogs seeking new homes (over the past year they have rehomed 190 dogs). Additionally, six bathtubs have been donated for use as water troughs and playful splash areas, enhancing the quality of life for the animals in PAWS’ care.

In another example of helping to create a circular economy, we are reusing granite cladding removed from the exterior of the 135 Albert Street Auckland Council office building and turning them into terrazzo pavers. Some of these pavers, which have been stored in the Rosedale waste yards for more than five years, will be used in the upgraded town square outside Te Hono, Avondale’s new library and community hub.

These efforts are part of the wider Eke Panuku regeneration plans to revitalise Avondale through investment to deliver improvements that will serve the community in the future. Click here for more information on our work in Avondale.


Eke Panuku is recycling and reusing materials wherever possible during the upgrade of the Westhaven Marina seawall. The seawall project is being undertaken to protect people, infrastructure and assets from coastal flooding – as experienced during recent weather events in 2023 – but it also offered a great opportunity to repurpose construction material, diverting it from landfill.   

For example, basalt pavers have been repurposed as tree pit edges and integrated into concrete channels. The old timber boardwalk was also removed and sent to the Onehunga Community Recycling Centre. These old timber boards have now been repurposed into a deck!

For more information on our work around Westhaven, click here.

Westhaven Marina seawall deconstruction.

Popular flea market returns to city centre

Source: Auckland Council

The city centre’s first regular ReUse Market in 40 years is attracting people from all over Auckland as buyers and sellers.

On the second Sunday of each month, the ground floor of the Victoria Street Carpark becomes a different hive of activity when a diverse group of Aucklanders of all ages and backgrounds come together to sell and swap preloved items.

“The ReUse Market brings together people who are at a stage when they are downsizing or wanting to pass on items they no longer use, young people who love thrifting and everyone in-between,” says ReUse Market organiser Suzanne Kendrick.

Organiser Suzanne Kendrick and fairy helper Phoebe.

“Shoppers range from city centre residents to tourists. We also get a lot of curious people who park their cars in the building on their way to a city event and are pleasantly surprised to discover the market,” she says.

“People love a bargain, but they also love coming across retro things that remind them of their childhood, iconic toys like the Buzzy Bee.”

Vivien, a resident in the city, says she was passing when she saw the bright orange signs for the Reuse Market. She remembers frequent visits to flea markets with her aunts many years ago.

Now with her own extended family, including plenty of grandchildren, Vivien keeps an eye out for toys and bric-a-brac to use as prizes for the games they play at family get-togethers.

“With a large family there are birthdays every month and we like to play games for entertainment. Markets are perfect places to pick up toys and prizes,” Vivien says.

First-time stall holders Jo and Nodoka sell clothes and a wide range of items from their homes.  “We saw spaces to sell from the Reuse Market advertised on social media and decided to give it a try. It’s fun!” says Nodoka.

Like Jo and Nodoka, most stall holders come in from the suburbs to sell or give away second-hand items.  

Jo and Nodoka say selling at the market is fun.

Some, like Lyn, a long-time car-booter, sell items that have been passed onto them. Lyn specialises in preloved, quality linen, clothing, jewellery and homewares.

“I love the affordability and how reuse is catching on, especially amongst young people,” says Lyn.

When ReUse Market organiser Suzanne Kendrick was looking for a space for a central city flea market, her wish list included a space big enough to accommodate anyone who wanted to sell or buy preloved goods, protection from the weather, and ample parking.  It seemed like a tall order, but Auckland Council’s City Centre Place Activation principal Barbara Holloway knew the perfect spot – the ground level of the Victoria Street Carpark.

“We’re continuing to support initiatives like the ReUse Market that bring people into the city centre; it gives people a new reason to come and enjoy this exciting part of town, wander the lanes and rediscover midtown,” says Barbara. 

With support from the city centre targeted rate, Auckland Council and Auckland Transport, the ReUse Market, which launched in March 2024, is now thriving.

And with Christmas around the corner Suzanne wants to see Aucklanders try the latest social trend of ‘buy nothing new’ – at least for some of their gifts. 

“If you’ve got something to sell or give away, or you’re after Christmas gifts, you can make some money, save some money and help the environment,” says Suzanne.

City centre resident Vivien searching for gift prizes.

Auckland Council General Manager Waste Solutions Justine Haves says the ReUse Market is an important initiative for the council to support to help achieve our environmental goals for Auckland.

“The ReUse Market keeps valuable resources out of landfill and aligns with our Zero Waste strategy as we enable Aucklanders to reconsider what they see as waste towards more reuse, repair and repurposing.  

“It’s a great to have a ReUse Market in the city centre, joining the many new and established markets around the region,” she says.

For more information on the ReUse Market events at the Victoria Street Carpark visit ReUse Market.

Simplifying Auckland’s traffic rules

Source: Auckland Council

Auckland Transport and Auckland Council are working together to merge the region’s traffic bylaws into one.

Andrew McGill, Group Manager for Transport Network Planning and Policy at Auckland Transport says there will be no changes to existing traffic rules as a result of this review. The proposal being consulted on is to consolidate the existing rules into one bylaw that covers all traffic issues, to be more efficient, effective and easier to work with.

“The aim is to have all of Auckland’s traffic-related rules in one place instead of spread across three different bylaws.”

“It won’t change how you can currently drive, park and move around Auckland, but it will help make the rules clearer and easier to follow.”

“As with all bylaw reviews, we want to hear from Aucklanders on this proposal and encourage you to give us your feedback.”

The proposal will see the rules in Auckland Transport’s Traffic Bylaw 2012, Auckland Council’s Traffic Bylaw 2015 and traffic rules from the Auckland Council Public Safety and Nuisance Bylaw 2013 absorbed into a single new Vehicle Use and Parking Bylaw.

Will this change anything?

This will not change how you can drive, park and move around Auckland.

However, there will be some changes to more easily address issues, such as unpermitted vehicles on beaches and heavy vehicles such as trucks where they are parked unsafely.

This will also allow Auckland Transport to respond more quickly when issues are raised with parking, such as where this causes safety concerns or damages utilities under a berm.

Finally, reviewing the bylaws is an opportunity to remove rules that are no longer needed or that can no longer be enforced by us, such as setting new speed limits which is now controlled by central government’s Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2024.

What is a bylaw?

Louise Mason, General Manager for Policy at Auckland Council, explains bylaws are designed to respond to issues that affect local residents.

“Different cities and regions often face issues unique to their local areas. Bylaws are local rules designed to respond to local issues and to reflect the views of the region’s communities.”

“Councils and council-controlled organisations, such as Auckland Transport, create and implement bylaws, but they need input from the public, councillors and local boards to do so. The council’s elected governing body gives the final sign-off on changes to bylaws, which can then be enforced by the police, councils and council-controlled organisations.”

Have your say

You can find out more and have your say on the proposed changes on Auckland Transport’s Have Your Say page from Monday 4 November to Wednesday 4 December 2024. If you’d like to give feedback in person, you can find details of drop-in events here.

Auckland Transport director appointed

Source: Auckland Council

Auckland Council has appointed Dale Dillicar as a director of Auckland Transport.

This appointment brings the Auckland Transport board to its full complement of eight voting members appointed by Auckland Council. Mrs Dillicar will chair the board’s Finance and Assurance committee.

Councillor Christine Fletcher chaired the selection panel and welcomes Mrs Dillicar to the Auckland Transport board.

“I am delighted to welcome Dale to the board of Auckland Transport. She brings a fresh perspective and a wealth of financial experience that will add a valuable dimension to our board, complementing the talents of our existing members as we continue to deliver long term value for Auckland,” says Cr Fletcher.

The appointment was approved by the Performance and Appointments Committee on 22 October. The committee is responsible for all appointments to the boards of council-controlled organisations, in accordance with the council’s Appointment and Remuneration Policy for Board Members and the Local Government Act.

About Dale Dillicar

Dale is a senior finance executive with over 25 years’ experience across global industries, specialising in financial management, risk governance and operational oversight. She spent 12 years in the UK, where she led senior finance roles that enhanced her expertise in financial operations, treasury management and strategic risk management.

For the past decade, Dale has been with Fonterra, currently serving as General Manager Risk Assurance for Fonterra’s operating office. Previously she was General Manager for Commercial, Category and Innovation where she successfully drove financial performance and cultivated a high-performing team culture.

As a Chartered Accountant and qualified Treasurer, Dale offers deep expertise in governance, financial oversight and stakeholder engagement, with a focus on aligning practices with organisational goals to deliver long-term value.

A born and bred Aucklander, Dale is committed to Auckland Transport’s purpose of a safe, integrated and efficient transport network for the people of Tāmaki Makaurau.

Speak out about the future of our beaches

Source: Auckland Council

Ōrākei residents are being asked to give feedback to Auckland Council on its plans to manage risk from coastal hazards and climate change.

The community can help shape these plans by giving feedback on what they value about their coastline, how they use these coastal areas, and what they think should be done to preserve them.

“With our beachside villages, precious wetlands and coastal inlets like Ōrākei Basin and Pourewa Creek, this consultation is extremely important for our local community,” says Ōrākei Local Board chair Scott Milne.

“I encourage you to take a look at the strategies being proposed and take this opportunity to give feedback on the future of our shorelines which are a key aspect of the natural environment in Ōrākei.”

Shoreline Adaptation Plans (SAPs) are documents that cover the ways that Auckland Council manages its coastal land and assets including reserves, coastal defence structures and public facilities over the next 100 years.

The areas covered by the strategy for Ōrākei to Karaka Bay include Ōrākei Basin, Pourewa Creek, and all the bays and beaches from Judges Bay in Parnell to Karaka Bay Beach in Glendowie.

There are 20 SAPs across Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland being developed in partnership with mana whenua and guidance from infrastructure providers, technical experts and coastal communities. 

The Draft Adaptation Strategy Report for Ōrākei to Karaka Bay consultation is open now until 18 December 2024. 

How to have your say 

Shoreline Adaptation Plans 

Freepost number 232621 

Private Bag 92300 

Victoria Street West 

Auckland 1142

Saturday 9 November  
Pop-up Session: Mission Bay 

2 – 4pm, Selwyn Reserve, Tamaki Drive

Saturday 9 November  
Pacific Climate Warriors Event: Bridgebuilders Trust   

12:30-3:30pm, St Lukes Church, 130 Remuera Road

Sunday 17 November

Drop-In Session: Auckland Eastern Market 

7am – 1pm, Auckland Netball Centre, 7 Allison Ferguson Drive, St Johns

Friday 22 November  

Drop-In Session: Remuera Library 

10am – 12pm, Somervell Presbyterian Church, 497 Remuera Road

Tuesday 10 December  

Drop-In Session: St Heliers Library 

10am – 12pm, 32 St Heliers Bay Road

For more information on Shoreline Adaptation Plans, check out the council’s website.  

Ecological projects get a boost in Upper Harbour

Source: Auckland Council

More than $500,000 has been committed to ecological projects by the Upper Harbour Local Board.

The funding covers a cross-section of projects ranging from community-led ecological projects, construction waste education to industrial pollution prevention and the Waiarohia Stream restoration.

Chair Anna Atkinson says funding to provide an increased level of service in the Albany Library which isn’t needed this financial year has been reallocated to other projects.

“We are fortunate to have a community that is passionate about the environment – enhancing and protecting it, and we can work alongside them to safeguard our special areas,” she says.

“Much of what we have funded is designed to take action this financial year and we remain committed to helping our volunteers lead restoration and conservation efforts in their own communities.”

The Upper Harbour Local Board Local Environmental Work Programme includes:

  • Upper Harbour Ecological Initiatives – $264,806

  • Waiarohia Stream restoration – $93,500

  • Industry Pollution Prevention Programme – $65,115

  • Construction Waste Education and Leadership – $41,000

  • Local Streams (Sustainable Schools) – $32,000

  • Īnanga spawning habitat restoration – $26,000

  • Te Ao Māori and community-led conservation – $5,000

Funding for Upper Harbour Ecological Initiatives enables multiple ecological projects to be delivered by the community including pest animal and plant control, implementing the pest management strategy, biodiversity monitoring, and restoration planting on private land which are high value ecological sites.

Local schools can continue the planting programme at Waiarohia Stream which began three years ago. It’s a massive undertaking creating a plant corridor for native birds and insects between Hobsonville and Whenuapai.

Atkinson says, “The plants are doing well but only nine per of the stream edge is planted. This is a long-term commitment, and we have doubled our investment in this project which is going to be great for Whenuapai which has very little tree cover and the goal is 30 per cent tree cover across Auckland.” 

Businesses are being helped to reduce industrial pollution risks to waterways and the Waitematā Harbour. One hundred businesses will be visited in Rosedale and the new industrial area on Hobsonville Road is also part of the programme.

“There are site inspections and practical recommendations for the businesses involved and they also understand what they must do if something goes wrong,” says Atkinson.

With construction and demolition waste the single biggest contributor of waste in Auckland, and the scale of development in Hobsonville, the programme focusses on this area. The construction and demolition waste advisor works with builders and developers to improve site practices and compliance including the installation of silt and security fences.

Read the full report in the Upper Harbour Local Board Meeting agenda on 24 October 2024 at (item 12)

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Speedway shift to Waikaraka Park decided

Source: Auckland Council

Over the years, significant work has gone into investigating options for the consolidation of speedway activities in Auckland, with a solution now decided. 

The council’s Governing Body agreed on 30 October 2024 to the request to transfer $11 million of existing Long-term Plan capital funding from Tātaki Auckland Unlimited to the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board. This funding will enable the delivery of critical works at Waikaraka Park and the consolidation of the two current four-wheel class speedway venues in Auckland into the Onehunga venue.

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited (TAU) supports the consolidation of four-wheel speedway classes at Waikaraka Park, which will enable the realisation of improved financial outcomes at Western Springs Stadium for the benefit of Auckland ratepayers.

The Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board have been drivers and strong supporters of the consolidation to Waikaraka Park, seeing this activity as strategically important to the local board area and aligned to their approved Waikaraka masterplan.

Maungakiekie-Tāmaki local board chair Maria Meredith welcomes the investment into Waikaraka Park.

“This is a pivotal step forward for speedway activities at Waikaraka Park. The Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board has been a longtime supporter of racing activities at this iconic Tāmaki Makaurau venue. This investment unlocks critical upgrades to the facility which are consistent with our approved Waikaraka Park Masterplan and help to ensure a bright and exciting future for the facility,” says Ms Meredith.

The decision to back and invest in Waikaraka Park provides a viable future for four-wheel speedway events in Auckland. It provides much-needed investment in facilities and infrastructure, improves safety and security, and allows for the confident planning of future high-quality events.

The Western Springs Speedway promoter came to the natural end of a four-year venue hire agreement in 2023, before being granted a one-year extension while seeking alternative future venues. Waikaraka Park has a secure lease arrangement in place until 2051.

Waikaraka Park is the current home of the Auckland Stock and Saloon Car Club. This decision paves the way forward for speedway and stock and saloon cars to share the same venue.

Rooted in Education

Source: Auckland Council

Thanks to a generous $10,000 boost from the Howick Local Board, seven schools and early childcare centres in the area, are now thriving as active Garden To Table schools.

Garden To Table is a school-based food and gardening programme and as a registered charity, they support schools and kura across Aotearoa, New Zealand, to take the learning out of the classroom and into the māra kai (garden) and the kīhini (kitchen).

Across East Auckland, being a Garden To Table school gives students the opportunity to dig into hands-on activities, unleash their creativity, and grow lifelong skills – all while learning how cutting food waste can help them cultivate healthier, locally sourced food.

Pakuranga Faith Baptist Kindergarten. L: tamariki harvesting vegetables from their garden to make kai. R: trolley made from rescued ‘waste’ materials, this is used for their Garden to Table ‘Harvest Table’ and equipment.

Board chair Damian Light explains, “We’re proud to support this programme which delivers on a number of our strategic priorities, including promoting healthy living and sustainable lifestyles, reducing waste to landfill, and allowing people to connect with nature.”

Funding was allocated for essential kitchen utensils and equipment, Garden To Table curriculum staff training and introductory sessions for programme champions, kitchen and garden specialists, as well as child-friendly aprons crafted by Sustainable Papakura volunteers.

Howick Primary School: During a Garden to Table session, making pizza scrolls with lots of herbs from their garden.

Ormiston Primary School teacher and programme champion Jenny Moon shares, “Our Garden To Table program has been a hit with the students. We’ve purchased kitchen equipment and composting bins. It’s wonderful to see them engage in planting, caring for the plants, and harvesting ingredients!”

Students participating in Garden to Table Programmes:

Name of School / ECE

Number of students participating in Garden to Table

Cockle Bay Primary School


Howick Primary


New Shoots Pakuranga


Ormiston Primary School


Mission Heights Primary School


Pakuranga Heights Primary School


Baptist Kindergarten Pakuranga


Total Students Participating


Cockle Bay School: flourishing edible garden.

Stay connected

Sign up to receive our Howick Local Board monthly e-newsletters.

Rural community urged to speak up

Source: Auckland Council

A strategy that will govern the future of Auckland’s southern rural area is open for consultation until 1 December.

The Southern Rural Strategy is a part of of the Future Development Strategy for the development and growth of Tāmaki Makarau / Auckland.

Franklin Ward Councillor Andy Baker says its crucial southern voices are heard.

“Everyone I meet has an opinion on what is happening now, what should happen in the future, housing developments on prime agricultural land, or on how the rural character of our area is changing.

“If people want to have a say, they are going to have to speak up. It is as simple as this, there’s no use staying silent then railing about how our home is changing, and the ‘good old days’ because nothing stays the same forever.

“Auckland Council’s Southern Rural Strategy sets out how the area will accommodate a growing population, while enabling farming and food production to continue to thrive,” Baker, who chairs the working group overseeing strategy, says.

The strategy covers the Franklin ward and includes rural land in the Howick and Papakura local board areas.  

Franklin Local Board has already submitted a detailed response to the draft strategy, endorsing the development of a plan and noting the significant role rural Auckland plays in the well-being of the city, not only in terms of food security, but also financially.

Board chair Angela Fulljames says many of the issues addressed in the strategy reflect the board’s own plans.

“We believe this is a good chance to highlight the issue of deprivation through isolation. Many of our people don’t have access to things urban dwellers take for granted because they live in isolated rural communities where you can’t just pop down the road to a pool or library, and which may not even have internet access.”

She says urban land costs and restrictions are increasingly impacting rural land use.

“You need only drive on the motorway to see fertile land now being used to for non-rural commercial activities such as storage for relocated homes or heavy vehicles.”

“Development in the rural south is leading to a series of private wastewater management systems and that’s a concern in terms of environmental impact and community health.”

Drury, Opaheke, Pukekohe and Waiuku are all identified as towns where the most growth will occur in future.

Board deputy chair Alan Cole, himself a farmer, says everyone in the south is aware of the development taking place.

“There are long-term plans for how Drury and Pukekohe will expand over time – so it’s time for the people who make up those communities to say what they want for their towns.” 

“Franklin is growing and will be home to another 100,000 people over the next 30 years. We need a strategy to manage that. We often boast that Auckland eats because Pukekohe exists, so it’s critical we strike the right balance.”

You can have your say on the Southern Rural Strategy until Sunday 1 December.  

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Your rates in action – an Auckland that is thriving and beautiful

Source: Auckland Council

1 July 2024

Your rates help deliver a wide range of day-to-day activities and services, and support investment in Auckland’s assets.

For 2024/2025, Auckland has some of the lowest rates rises in the country, at 6.8 per cent for the average value residential property. 

We are working hard to keep your rates down by carefully balancing the need to strengthen the financial and physical resilience of Auckland, while investing where it is needed most to manage growth.

What your rates deliver

Your rates support community services and activities that make Auckland thriving and beautiful. This includes improving public transport, maintaining parks, providing local and regional events, delivering environmental services, rubbish collection and a variety of community facilities and services.

A rising population means your rates need to work hard to meet increasing demand for the activities and services council provides and supports.

Where we are investing

We’ve been planning for the region’s growth and have just completed our Long-term Plan 2024-2034, which sets out how Auckland Council will use your rates to improve the daily lives of Aucklanders.

This includes making the most of what we have and investing where it is needed most. This involves extensive investment in capital projects across the region, as well as funding many services for Aucklanders.

In the next 10 years, your rates will help deliver:

More travel choices
Better public transport and new travel solutions (including a $50 capped weekly public transport pass).

Safer, improved transport
Investments to alleviate congestion, improve public transport and address safety issues.

Flood protection
Reducing existing flood risks, prevention, awareness and preparation.

Rejuvenated neighbourhoods
Regeneration continuing in Wynyard Quarter, City Centre, Takapuna, Northcote, Henderson, Avondale, Maungawhau, Panmure, Onehunga, Papatoetoe, Manukau, Pukekohe and Ormiston.

Community investment
Increased sports and recreation facilities through a $35 million fund, continued library and digital services, community-led arts and cultural activities, and local development. Local boards have a new, fairer funding model to support local communities.

A transformed city centre
A City Centre Masterplan will deliver a vibrant city centre, regenerating midtown to benefit from the City Rail Link and progress toward transforming Wynyard Point, the port and waterfront.

A safer city
We are increasing community patrols and CCTV surveillance to keep people safe in our city centres.

Food scraps collection
All urban households will have weekly kerbside food scraps collection. Rates-funded refuse collection will also be phased in for North Shore, Waitakere, Papakura, Franklin and Rodney.

A growing Auckland economy
Promoting Auckland as a great place to live, work, invest, study and visit – continuing our large cultural events and securing international and domestic events.

Well-managed local government
The Auckland Future Fund will help improve the financial and physical resilience of the council. The council will also be progressing Maori outcomes and continuing with storm recovery activities.

Want to learn more?

Our Long-term Plan 2024-2034 is our 10-year plan for Auckland.

It focuses on our physical and financial resilience, while investing where it is needed most to manage growth. We are doing this in a way that recognises cost of living concerns and provides the greatest benefit to our communities.

To learn more about all the investment priorities where your rates will go in the coming decade, see the Long-term Plan 2024-2034.