EIT awarded RSE worker training contract | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

11 mins ago

Paul Hursthouse, EIT’s Director – Business Relationships and Transitions, with Meriama Taufale, Team Leader – Engagement and Transitions, Business Relationship Unit at EIT, in a vineyard on the Hawke’s Bay campus after the announcement that EIT has been awarded a contract to provide Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers with education and training opportunities.

EIT has been awarded a contract to provide Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers with education and training opportunities over the next five years.

The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) confirmed that EIT won the tender for Phase III of the RSE Worker Training Programme, which provides opportunities for Pacific RSE workers to access skills training while in New Zealand. The programme offers opportunities for RSE workers to develop meaningful and transferable skills that support the sectors that work in and deliver tangible benefits to the participating Pacific countries.

More than 7,000 RSE workers have benefited from training over the last six years. Phase III will see New Zealand commit NZ$10.7 million over the next five years to support over 10,000 RSE workers to engage in training opportunities. This phase will focus on increasing the number of RSE workers who can participate in courses, piloting new courses to respond to Pacific countries’ and workers priorities including agricultural skills, and a pilot on formal recognition of learning.

Paul Hursthouse, EIT’s Director – Business Relationships and Transitions, welcomed the news and said that EIT was excited and proud to have been chosen to provide training for the workers.

“EIT has a proven reputation of providing top-quality education and vocational training across all tertiary levels. EIT is part of the Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti communities with strong links to the primary sector, and looks forward to delivering training to RSE workers across New Zealand. We are a trusted education provider with a proven track record.”

“The RSE scheme plays a significant role in New Zealand’s economy and we are pleased to partner with MFAT and horticulture employers to offer RSE workers opportunities to develop and acquire new skills.”

The programme is set to be begin next year and will initially be delivered in Hawke’s Bay, Bay of Plenty and Malborough/Nelson.

EIT student wins Top Student Wine at Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

22 seconds ago

EIT student Ngaun Siau (right) won the EIT Top Student Wine Award at this year’s A&P Society’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards. She is pictured at the awards ceremony with EIT’s Head of the School of Viticulture and Wine Science.

A second year Bachelor of Viticulture and Wine Science student at EIT has won the award for the Top Student Wine at this year’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards.

Ngaun Siau, 26, won the award at this month’s A&P Society’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards for her wine – Dalan Cabernet Franc 2024. The student wines are judged by the same criteria as all the other classes and Ngaun’s wine received 95 points from the judges – a Gold medal.

Ngaun, who is from Taiwan, says that she was very excited that her wine was chosen as the Top Student Wine, sponsored by EIT, and says that she enjoyed the awards evening.

“I made four red wines this year. The award-winning Cabernet Franc was harvested from the Te Awa vineyard, where I worked for the summer.”

“It took me three days to harvest and a month to make my wine. The grapes were hand-harvested, partially whole bunch fermented for a fruitful wine style.”

She got the name for her wine, Dalan, from the language of a tribe in Taiwan.

“It means ‘roads’ in Puyuma, but it’s more like the things that your heart is calling; the path you take to follow your dream.”

Winning the award was a highlight of what has, at times, been a challenging, but reward two years at EIT Hawke’s Bay.

Ngaun arrived in New Zealand to begin her first year one month before Cyclone Gabrielle struck last year. She moved into EIT student accommodation where she made friends with other students.

“We received a lot of help from the Hawke’s Bay community after the Cyclone. I appreciate how people here care for each other.”

“The most difficult thing was that we were not able to use the wine-making resources on campus since we had all moved online.”

Ngaun says that she comes from an agricultural background with her family having grown rice and other crops for centuries.

“Agriculture has always been fascinating to me. What caught my eye about viticulture was how everything starts from a small vine and becomes an aged wine.”

Ngaun says that it was New Zealand’s approach to organic and regenerative agriculture that attracted her to study here.

“I realised that it would be a good place for me to study and understand more about sustainable wine growing.”

After school Ngaun worked in the construction industry and also in farming, but soon decided that studying viticulture and wine science was what she wanted to do.

“Once the worst of COVID-19 had passed, I decided to make the move to New Zealand.  I did my research and really liked what EIT had to offer, especially its strong practical component.”

Ngaun credits her success to the nurturing and supportive environment at EIT.

“The staff are really friendly and the lecturers’ doors are always open. Our school winery staff, the winery manager and the lab staff there are quite amazing. They always have new ideas or something they would suggest us to try.”

“We share a strong connection with the local wine industry, where our lecturers have worked or are still involved. There is no boundary for us in accessing the industry.”

“It is a very supportive programme for me to study here. In this environment I can fully immerse myself in my studies, knowing that the entire programme will have my back.”

Sue Blackmore, EIT Head of School for Viticulture and Wine Science said: “The whole V&W Team are excited that Ngaun received a Gold for her student wine.”

“She spent long hours in the winery tinkering with ‘Dalan’. And as the wine name suggests Ngaun is passionate about winemaking and her future in the wine industry. We wish her well”.

“All Bachelor of Viticulture and Wine Science students get a chance to make wine from year one of the degree, work a commercial internship in year 2 and complete a research project aligned with industry in year 3.”

Life-long love of nature leads EIT student to important local environmental research | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

16 mins ago

Ryan Bauckham is in his final year of the Bachelor of Applied Science (Biodiversity Management), which EIT offers in partnership with Unitec.

A life-long love of exploring the outdoors has been the incentive for an EIT student to pursue a career in environmental research in Hawke’s Bay.

Ryan Bauckham, 35, is in his final year of the Bachelor of Applied Science (Biodiversity Management), which EIT offers in partnership with Unitec.

He has currently been  researching Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies)  in a significant forest stand called Puahanui found near Gwavas , Tikokino.

“It’s actually the largest stand of remnant podocarp forest in Hawke’s Bay and I’ve recorded just over 200 species of Lepidoptera there.”

“ Most people aren’t aware there are so many moths. They are generally thought of  as nondescript brown insects, that you don’t really pay that much attention to, unless they are coming to the outdoor lights at night. But when you look at moths closer, there’s a stunning diversity, all sorts of shapes, colours and sizes.  I just find them really quite endearing and beautiful.”

Ryan’s study means he spends a lot of time out in nature and for him it is more than just a job, but a passion.

After leaving Karamu High School , Ryan became a postie with New Zealand Post, which he did for ten years. However, he always felt he wanted more.

“It’s been a lifelong interest of mine, and I’ve been heading out regularly to the mountains since I was a teenager. And birds have been my main interest in life for as long as I can remember.”

After leaving NZ Post, Ryan ended up living for five years in a camper van.

“While I was at NZ Post, I was able to travel around the country thanks to the flexibility of work. And after that, I was able to travel more. I spent the winters overseas, mostly in Southeast Asia, as well as the Pacific Islands.”

The turning point for Ryan was on the Kinabatangan River in Borneo in 2019 when he realised that he wanted more than “groundhog day”.

He returned to New Zealand, but life changed even more with COVID-19 and his young son Yahya coming into his fulltime care in 2021.

It was an advertisement for the Diploma in Environment Management (Level 5) that attracted Ryan’s attention and he decided to go for it.

“It was really scary, actually, to give up work. But I thought that I’m not getting any younger, so I decided to make a change.”

He says that he found going back to studying fulfilling, but soon found his interest moving from birds to insects.

“I spent a lot of time that summer recording moths and learning their taxonomy. I was already reading a lot of research papers, but then going back to study and having to do that as a task, it felt really fulfilling.”

Ryan faced a few challenges in his studies, the first being learning to use computers as he had not grown up with one, as well as dealing with COVID-19 lockdowns and Cyclone Gabrielle.

However, that is all in the past and Ryan is focused on his research, which recently received a funding boost from Biodiversity Hawke’s Bay. Ryan and his supervisor, Dr Amelia McQueen, were one of thirteen groups that received support from the Environmental Enhancement Contestable Fund, which is funded by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.

It will play a role in enabling Ryan to continue his research.

“Lepidoptera also play real crucial roles in the ecosystem. They’re pollinators, decomposers and they are prey for larger organisms.”

Ryan says that even though there are about 2,000 species in New Zealand, the life histories of many of them are “poorly understood”.

“We don’t know their host plants or even what the larvae look like. They’re often just being described from the adult specimens. What I’m trying to do is make a comprehensive species list for the region, just simply because historically moths  have been understudied.”

The site on private land drew Ryan because it had been deer-fenced in 2020 which allowed the understorey of the forest to regenerate.

“When I visited there, it just felt the right place, simply because it is the largest forest remnant in Hawke’s Bay. And at one time, the whole region would have been covered in forests like that.”

“And there’s a lot of species there that are relics, really, really relics of another age, and you wouldn’t find them outside of that environment, in the pastoral land or like an exotic forest or a newly planted one. Fortunately the landowners are really conservation focused people.”

EIT Environmental Management Lecturer Dr Amelia McQueen agrees: “Puahanui bush is a really special place to study flora and fauna and we are lucky there are places like this still around in Hawke’s Bay.”

“ Ryan’s study is amazing, over 200 moths and some of the observations are new for the North Island or one of a very few observations of these moths actually recorded for New Zealand. Ryan’s Lepidoptera identification skills and determination, especially doing observations on very cold nights in winter, has made his work particularly important. . . and there is more to come!”

As for the future, Ryan does not discount continuing his studies, but there is no doubt that he has found his calling.

Protecting and preserving EIT Hawke’s Bay’s outdoor learning sanctuary | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

3 hours ago

A recent Ōtātara Outdoor Learning Centre (ŌOLC) staff meeting on the EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus.

Protecting and preserving an EIT Hawke’s Bay campus outdoor learning sanctuary is important environmentally and culturally for the future, says EIT new kaitiaki (guardian) of the Ōtātara Outdoor Learning Centre (ŌOLC).

Gerard Henry, a tutor in EIT’s School of Primary Industries, takes up the role while maintaining his teaching duties in EIT’s environmental management and horticulture programmes.  Gerard will be supported by the wider Primary Industries team.   

The ŌOLC has been inspirational for students and staff across numerous EIT Schools as well as local schools and organisations, and Gerard believes it can play an even greater role in connecting the campus with nature.  “There are many opportunities for programmes to utilise this special space as part of their delivery, enriching the learning experience for ākonga”.

Initially the ŌOLC was established as the base for the Learning in Nature (LIN) education initiative, an innovative collaboration between EIT, Ngāti Pārau (the mana whenua hapū for Ōtātara), Te Papa Atawhai (the Department of Conservation), Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, and local environmental groups.  Financial support from the Air New Zealand Environment Trust helped get the OOLC underway. In 2021, EIT won the Benefiting Society Category of the prestigious Australasian Green Gown Awards for its ‘Ko au te taiao, ko te taiao ko au: I am nature, nature is me’ project.

Gerard Henry is the new kaitiaki (guardian) of the Ōtātara Outdoor Learning Centre (ŌOLC) on the EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus.

The ŌOLC has a steady stream of local school children and community groups utilising the facility.  The team recently hosted ākonga from seven Ōtatāra Kāhui kura where children participated in various outdoor activities and enjoyed helping to organise some planting “Part of my role is to liaise with different community groups so that they can enjoy what ŌOLC has to offer” says Gerard.

Students and staff from a wide range of EIT programmes are invested in the space and work collaboratively on various projects to improve and celebrate the spaces and the amazing resource we have.

Gerard says “it was at the first planting project at ŌOLC in 2018 with a Sustainability cohort that he understood the meaning the place will have for ākonga, kaimahi and visitors”.  EIT are privileged to be connected with “Ōtātara, one of the most outstanding Pa sites in New Zealand”.  Kaitiakitanga and Mātauranga Māori will be guiding principles in leading the development of ŌOLC into the future.

Paul Keats, the Assistant Head of School for Primary Industries, said the ŌOLC is a perfect fit with our School and as well as benefiting our teaching, it’s an asset for the community.

It is important for people to know that the ŌOLC is now fully functional after the cyclone for EIT and community use. For inquiries, contact the team at OtataraOutdoorLearningCentre@eit.ac.nz

EIT Tairāwhiti inviting prospective students to learn what’s on offer at information day | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

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3 mins ago

EIT will be holding an information and enrolment day between 9am and 6pm on 16 October at the EIT Tairāwhiti Campus.

EIT Tairāwhiti is inviting prospective students (ākonga) to attend an information and enrolment day next month to see what career opportunities await.

The event will be held between 9am and 6pm on 16 October at the EIT Tairāwhiti Campus. Events will also be held on the same day between 10am and 2pm at the Wairoa and Ruatoria Learning Centres.

EIT Tairāwhiti Executive Director, Tracey Tangihaere, says that EIT is unique in offering people a full range of qualifications from certificates to postgraduate level, with full-time, part-time and online study options available.

“We are part of our community and we offer people of all ages the opportunity to stay close to whānau but still achieve their tertiary education dreams.”

“Whether you’re looking to get qualified, retrain, upskill, or just exploring your study options, come chat to our staff about how EIT may support you.”

Tracey says that EIT has been serving the Tairāwhiti community and local businesses for many years and is proud to have produced many graduates who are now part of a variety of industries in the region.

Check out EIT Tairāwhiti on Facebook and Instagram for more information or phone 0800 CALL EIT.

EIT horticulture team helps rescue rare Ngutukākā (Kakabeak) plants | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

6 mins ago

Horticulture lecturers Gerard Henry (left), Tania Basher and Tane Cruikshank with Helen Joros (second left) from the Department of Conservation.

Rare Ngutukākā (Kakabeak) plants, that survived Cyclone Gabrielle, have been planted by members of the EIT Primary Industries Horticulture team in a partnership with the Department of Conservation.

The seeds were collected , some by helicopter, from rare and precious wild Ngutukākā plants in the Wairoa region.

Primary Industries Programme Coordinator Lisa Turnbull says it means a lot to the team to have been able to get the plants to this point where they can be returned to the taiao.

Ngutukākā (kakabeak) is a plant of special significance to New Zealand. Its conservation status is Nationally Critical with less than 70 known plants growing in the wild.

These plants were first planted by the Growing Natives class in November 2022.

“DOC had collected the seeds from nine locations across the East Cape.  They entrusted these seeds to Tania Basher our PI Technician, and the night class group of horticulture ākonga were excited to be able to sow these seeds and nurture the plants into young seedlings.”

Last month, some of the PI Horticulture team, students from Ruakituri School and Helen Jonos from DOC worked together to plant them in their new enclosure in the Ruakituri Valley.

“Being able to grow, nurture and return these special plants to the taiao alongside DOC was a wonderful collaboration, and we look forward to doing more to help with Ngutukākā regeneration in the future.”

Lisa says these particular plants became extra special as they survived the cyclone, when they were in the hardening off section on the Hawke’s Bay campus in Taradale.

“They were rescued from the silt, repotted and looked after at home by members of the Primary Industries staff. It certainly has been a journey for them.”

Lecturers from EIT joined the Department of Conservation and students from Ruakituri School to plant rare Ngutukākā (Kakabeak) plants.

While it is the first time, they have partnered with the Department of Conservation to grow Ngutukākā, they hope to do it again.

“We are also exploring the idea of building our own predator proof planting area at the Ōtātara Outdoor Learning Centre (ŌOLC) where our horticulture and environmental management ākonga can grow more Ngutukākā plants along with potentially other endangered species.”

| EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

2 mins ago

Aimey Tahu (third from left) with her nan Nanette (left), aunty Clare and Mother Helen.

A new degree offering at EIT has launched Aimey Tahu (Ngāpuhi) into her dream career after becoming the first to graduate earlier this year.

The Bachelor of Applied Science (Biodiversity Management) was first offered by EIT in February 2023, in partnership with Unitec. This program provides Hawke’s Bay locals the opportunity to gain and upskill their environmental knowledge and apply it to various projects across the region.

Aimey completed the degree in November. Upon graduating in April, she was presented with a special Senior Scholar Award for exceptional graduands from Unitec’s undergraduate degree programmes who have achieved a cumulative grade point average of 8.0 during their studies.

“I felt absolute gratitude upon receiving this award, knowing how much effort everyone had put into my education and helping me succeed – the little EIT fish, in the big Unitec pond. Lisa (my devoted program coordinator) supported the nerd in me from day one and had been advocating for me to receive this recognition in the background, from a much larger institution.”

It wasn’t the first award she had received during her studies, having been awarded the Ōtātara Trust Scholarship two years in a row.

“Throughout my studies I was often fascinated by what I was learning that I would spend days on tangents unravelling more layers to the topics than I needed to pass these papers. I started seeing my level of work as synonymous with my understanding of the content for each paper, and I thrived on this deeper level of learning. While I worked part-time for a few years during my study, I applied for scholarships so I could reduce my hours and spend more time learning about our natural world. In my final year I reduced my hours further so I could continue studying at a high level.”

Since April, the 28-year-old has been working as a Catchment Coordinator at Sustainable HB – Centre for Climate and Resilience.

“My role is focused on supporting and empowering catchment and community groups to create positive environmental impacts through education, water quality testing, monitoring and restoration plans to name a few.

“We have a strong focus on sustainability, which means we advocate for collaborative projects and citizen science projects – which reconnect people with nature, encourage kaitiakitanga, and gets the community actively contributing to the body of environmental data so we have a better picture of the state our nature is in, where information gaps are, and what we can do to enact positive changes.”

In the future, she plans to continue working in the environmental and restoration realm, “connecting people back to nature through sharing of knowledge, education, and hands on projects to recloak Papatūānuku”.

“I hope to focus on nature based solutions, primarily restoration of wetland ecosystems.”

EIT Bachelor of Applied Science graduate pictured doing tree surveying with Hawke’s Bay Regional Council as part of her new role working as a Catchment Coordinator at Sustainable HB.

After finishing at Karamū High School, Aimey started studying at Massey University in Palmerston North before moving to Canada, unsure of what career she wanted.

“This was my second round of tertiary education as it took me a while to figure out what I was really passionate about and wanted to do for a career. I was often the youngest in my classes, with classmates ranging from 18 to 50. If you want to study, to change your current path, now is the right age.”

She “absolutely” recommends people study at EIT.

“The wonderful tutors and small class sizes at EIT (compared to class sizes at larger universities), meant that I was getting high quality classes, with tailored information that interested me, a lot of time to ask questions and receive great feedback which motivated and accelerated my learning. Our cohort being of a small size became a really tight group of friends, and we got to know our tutors really well and formed great relationships over the three years.”

She also appreciated the option of completing the degree in steps, following on from the level 5 and 6 Diplomas in Environmental Management.

“Although I intended on completing the degree from the beginning, having the option of taking a break if I needed it, and still having something to show for one or two years of work really appealed to me as an adult learner, as you never know what will happen in life.”

Primary Industries Programme Coordinator Lisa Turnbull says they are all really proud of Aimey and her accomplishments.

“It has been an absolute pleasure to see the way Aimey applied herself to her learning and her continued development throughout her studies.”

“Aimey’s lecturers describe her as a diligent and a meticulous learner that has worked hard and excelled  – a pleasure to teach.”  

EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus to hold information and enrolment day for those looking for a career path | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

5 mins ago

EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus will be holding an information and enrolment day on Thursday, 13 June 2024.

Prospective learners have an opportunity to identify a career path from many on offer at an EIT information and enrolment day to be held at the Hawke’s Bay Campus next month.

The event will be held on the campus from 9am to 6pm on Thursday, 13 June 2024. Information and enrolment days will also be held at the Maraenui, Hastings and Central Hawke’s Bay Learning Centres from 10am to 2pm on the same day.

EIT Executive Director Operations Glen Harkness says that the Campus has come a long way since the Cyclone caused substantial damage and the information day  is perfect opportunity to showcase what EIT has to offer.

“We are part of this community and we are pleased to be able to open our doors to them.”

“We offer a full range of qualifications from certificates to postgraduate level, with full-time, part-time and online study options available.”

“Whether you’re looking to get qualified, upskill, or just exploring your study options, come chat to our staff about how EIT may support you.”

Prospective students will be given a tour of the campus and a chance to chat to the student liaison team and tutors about what is on offer.

“Our Career Advice Service is available as is information on scholarships and student loans and allowances. Staff will also be available to help you complete the enrolment process,” says Glen.

EIT gives Tairāwhiti school students chance to experience horticulture industry | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

9 seconds ago

Nigel Udy, Head of EIT’s School of Primary Industries, say he is pleased that EIT’s Rural Studies Unit in Tairāwhiti is hosting the Young Grower of the Year regional finals.

EIT’s School of Primary Industries is giving school students from Tairāwhiti the chance to experience the horticulture industry close up by inviting them to attend the Young Grower of the Year regional finals in Gisborne next month.

The Young Grower of the Year is an annual nationwide event that sees promising young orchardists competing at a regional level with the winners proceeding to national finals. The intensive one day competition puts the growers through their paces to find a winner.

This year’s regional Tairāwhiti finals will be held at the EIT Rural Studies Unit in Gisborne from 10am to 2pm on 27 June.

Nigel Udy, Head of EIT’s School of Primary Industries, says that they realised that the event was the perfect opportunity to introduce school students to the horticulture industry.

“We are now welcoming some of our high schools to join us on the day, to witness these Horticulture stars competing, to experience the different skills you can gain from working in the industry and  to meet industry representatives.”

“The students will also have an opportunity to take part in our High School Hort challenge! If schools have students who are interested in a career within the industry or if they enjoy being outdoors, we encourage them to get in touch with us.

Nigel says that schools can invite up to 10 students each. As part of coming to the event there will be six events/sections where members from each school participate in a Horticulture challenge

“There will be a school overall winner of the day. To wrap up the day, there will also be industry speakers,  outlining the opportunities that exist for young people in the Horticulture Industry in the Tairāwhiti region. This will include job opportunities, training and education, and salaries.”

Experienced academic leader appointed to Executive Dean role | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

15 mins ago

John West has been appointed as EIT’s Executive Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Technology.

John West, an experienced academic leader, has been appointed as EIT’s Executive Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Technology.

Mr West, who has most recently been Head of EIT’s Schools of Business and Computing, has been acting Dean since April 2022, when long-serving Executive Dean Fred Koenders resigned.

Mr West says that he is looking forward to taking up the Dean role permanently and working with a new executive team.

“I am pleased to be given this opportunity to lead a Faculty of dedicated professionals and look forward to what the future holds.”

“It has been an uncertain time for many of our kaimahi so I am looking forward to helping create a settled environment where they can focus on what they do best – educating our learners.”

“We have an exciting future ahead and I have no doubt that EIT will continue to build the strong reputation and relationship it has in the Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti community.”

EIT Executive Director Kieran Hewitson welcomed Mr West to the team.

“John has done an excellent job in an acting capacity for a long time. He brings experience and professionalism to the table and I am pleased that he is now a permanent member of the executive team.”

“There is a lot of work ahead of us and it is good to have an executive made up of people of the calibre of John.”

Mr West has been with EIT since 2021 when he was appointed Head of School. Previously Mr West was the Product and Service Manager at eCampus NZ, one of New Zealand’s largest online learning developers, based in Christchurch. He has also held the roles of Head of the Business School and  Director of Student Services at Ara Institute of Canterbury

Originally from Gisborne, he has now made Hawke’s Bay his home.