Government Passes Puppy Dog and Ice-Cream Bill

Source: ACT Party

Headline: Government Passes Puppy Dog and Ice-Cream Bill

The Local Government (Community Well-Being) Ammendment Bill should be renamed the Puppy Dogs and Icecream Bill, according to ACT Leader David Seymour

“The Government is proactively removing the requirement for councils to deliver qualty services defined as ‘effective’ and ‘efficient.’ It reflects the Government’s underlying belief that if the intentions are good the results will follow, but the real world doesn’t work that way.”

The requirement ‘to meet the current and future needs of communities for good-quality local infrastructure, local public services, and performance of regulatory functions in a way that is most cost-effective for households and businesses.’ is being replaced with a non-requirement to ‘to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of communities in the present and for the future.’

“These changes are fundamental. They change the early sections of the Local Government Act, those sections that define the purpose of Local Government and set the tone for the Local Government Act and the behaviour of councils up and down New Zealand.

“Councils are poorly focused enough already. This bill will make them completely unfocused. The nuttiest community activists will have free reign to waste ratepayer money on their various well meaning but pointless projects. Meanwhile, the real problems of housing supply, transport infrastructure, and inadeqate water and wastewater infrastructure will remain unsolved while local councils chase puppy dogs and ice creams.

What Bridges should have said on taxes and spending

Source: ACT Party

Headline: What Bridges should have said on taxes and spending

“Simon Bridges’ interview with Stuff this morning sent the wrong message to voters who value freedom, choice, and limited government”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“Mr Bridges should have publicly committed to reversing the coalition’s Provincial Growth Fund, its fees-free policy, and other big spending promises. He should also have guaranteed to raise the age of eligibility for superannuation.

“If he committed to this, ACT would deliver meaningful tax cuts with a top tax rate of 25 per cent.

“Instead, it appears National will continue its tendency to campaign from the right, and govern from the left.

“National is committed to limited government in opposition, but lacks the fortitude to reverse socialist policies when they get the chance.

“You only have to recall recent history to predict how National will behave when it regains the Treasury benches. John Key called Working for Families as ‘communism by stealth’ and then retained it.

“New Zealanders who care about freedom, choice, and personal responsibility deserve much better.

“Only ACT is committed to reversing Labour’s tax and spend policies as part of the next centre-right government”, says Mr Seymour.

New report shows Govt must listen to kids on charter schools

Source: ACT Party

Headline: New report shows Govt must listen to kids on charter schools

“A new report by the Children’s Convention Monitoring Group reinforces the fact that the Government must consider the views of children before closing charter schools”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“‘Getting It Right: Building Blocks‘ focuses on the factors that are needed for childrens’ success, including supporting their participation in decisions that affect them.

“Will Jacinda Ardern and Chris Hipkins take the advice of these experts and listen to the kids?

“The final report by Martin Jenkins on charter schools shows exactly why the Government must consider the views of students before proceeding further.

“Partnership schools are strongly focused on disadvantaged kids with complex needs. Students are largely Maori and Pasifika from low-decile schools. Before attending the Partnership Schools, many students were transient, disengaged, with poor academic histories and complex socio-economic needs. They often lacked positive aspirations and role models.

“The schools are meeting learners’ needs using innovative practices and high-quality standards. Sponsors are driven by a vision to provide an alternative for students who have been underserved. Innovations enabled by the flexible funding model are across the board, in governance arrangements, staffing, student engagement and support, pedagogy, teaching and learning.

“Student engagement has significantly improved. Stand-downs and length of suspensions are lower. Students give positive feedback. Whānau feel more involved and more confident communicating with schools. Very few learners are opting out.

“It simply beggars belief that Jacinda Ardern and Chris Hipkins would end an educational model that has delivered so much for students that have been so poorly served by our state system without consulting with those children.

“I challenge the Prime Minister to meet with the disadvantaged children whose schools she is trying to shut down and listen to what they have to say”, says Mr Seymour.

Bridges must commit to rolling back fuel taxes

Source: ACT Party

Headline: Bridges must commit to rolling back fuel taxes

“Simon Bridges must publicly commit to rolling back Labour’s increased fuel taxes”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“The National Party is running a campaign to ‘stop the fuel tax’ while its leader is unwilling to say whether he will scrap them.

“National Party under Simon Bridges believes it can return to Government by presenting itself as a more competent version of Labour. It has lost track of what it stands for.

“ACT would give local councils a share of the GST collected from the construction of new housing, helping them cover infrastructure costs.

“In 2016 there was about $16 billion worth of construction activity. 15 per cent of that is $2.4 billion. Sharing half of that with councils would wipe out Auckland’s current transport infrastructure deficit overnight.”

“This Government began with a $18 billion surplus over four years. It should not require new taxes to implement its policies”, says Mr Seymour.

Government’s working groups cost $16m

Source: ACT Party

Headline: Government’s working groups cost $16m

“News of another government review highlights the growing cost of ‘review-itis’ infecting the Ardern-Peters administration”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

This morning Peeni Henare announced the appointment of a panel to review Whanau Ora.

“After accounting for fees, flights and accommodation, the average government review costs around $400,000. This Government has announced about 40 reviews, working groups, or panels.

“We can reasonably assume then that the taxpayer is on the hook for about $16 million.

“National has paid lip service to fiscal prudence, but it was no better in government. By one estimate, National launched 87 reviews in the space of two years, at an estimated cost of more than $34 million.

“Both National and now the government parties have been struck down with ‘review-itis’.

“ACT is calling on the government to exercise restraint. Reviews are legitimate in some cases, but taxpayers deserve better than costly government-by-working group.

“Whether it’s due to a lack of intellectual horsepower, unpreparedness for government, or underwhelming leadership, these reviews are are wasteful way to run a government”, says Mr Seymour.

Free Press, 9 April 2018

Source: ACT Party

Headline: Free Press, 9 April 2018

The report the Government didn’t want you to see

The third and final independent report by Martin Jenkins on Partnership Schools has now seen the light of day. After stonewalling for a number months, Education Minister Chris Hipkins finally relented and dumped the report in an obscure part of the Ministry of Education website on a Friday night. So much for Jacinda Ardern’s cry of ‘open and transparent government’.

Glowing report

It is no exaggeration to say the report finds Partnership Schools are the most positive thing happening in New Zealand education today. It is a testament to ACT’s work over the past six years.

Helping students state schools couldn’t 

The report finds Partnership Schools are strongly focused on disadvantaged kids – largely Maori and Pasifika from low-decile schools. Before attending Partnership schools, many kids were transient, disengaged, with poor academic histories and complex needs. They often lacked positive aspirations and role models.

Innovation is key

The schools are meeting learners’ needs using innovative practices and high-quality standards. Sponsors are driven by a vision to provide an alternative for students who have been underserved by the state system. Innovations enabled by the flexible model are happening across the board.

Hard to learn if you’re not at school

Partnerhsip Schools improved student engagement. Stand-downs and length of suspensions are down. Students give positive feedback. Whānau feel more involved and more confident communicating with schools. Very few learners are opting out.

Why is the Government closing Partnership Schools?

The teachers’ unions put Chris Hipkins where he is and they want Partnership Schools gone. But recent polling has shown that the Education Minister and the unions are on the wrong side of public opinion.

What should the Government do now?

This polling and the Martin Jenkins reports give Hipkins enough cover to do the right thing by 1300 disadvantaged students, reverse his position, and keep the schools open.

Where is the Maori Caucus?

Labour’s Maori MPs opted not to be on the Labour Party list. They got into Parliament the old-fashioned way, winning their seats fair and square. They owe the Labour Party and its unions nothing except their ministerial posts. No wonder they will not stand up for Partnership Schools.

What you can do

If you want to add your name to a petition 3000 Kiwis have already signed, go to

Is National Labour-lite? Or is Labour National-lite?

If the political spectrum was a rugby field, Labour and National would be playing the old style of Northern Hemisphere rugby. Rucking and mauling centre-pitch with lots of kicks for touch. It’s becoming harder and harder to tell the difference between the two major parties.

Both parties want to take more of your money…

The Government is proposing a fuel tax increase of between 9 and 12 cents a litre. Amy Adams slammed the move as ‘tax and spend’ Labour. However, documents released under the Official Information Act show former Transport Minister, and now National Leader, Simon Bridges was considering increasing fuel taxes before the election. The Nats also increased fuel taxes by the same amount the week before Christmas in 2012.

…and buy influence with it

Shane Jones’ Provincial Growth Fund is endangering our reputation as the least corrupt country on earth. Jones is travelling the country dispensing corporate welfare in the hope it will boost NZ First’s fortunes. Giving $4.6 million to a project he supported before becoming a Minster beggars belief.

Credibility gap

The Nats are having a hard time criticising the underlying logic of the Fund, though. The problem for them is that Jones’ policies are just a continuation of Simon Bridges’ crony capitalism as Economic Development Minister.

Another reason New Zealand needs an ACT Party

This morning, Simon Bridges wouldn’t commit to scrapping Labour’s fuel tax hikes. What other Labour policies will National will accept when it returns to Government? Given its record, National lacks credibility on fiscal policy. New Zealand needs a strong ACT Party to hold the Government to account on tax and spending.

Socialists to the Left, and Right

Phil Twyford doesn’t like property managers, but enjoys being the the biggest landlord in the country. He owns a massive, ageing stock of houses – worth $21.6 billion – which are poorly-suited for the needs of the poor.

What would ACT do?

ACT has revealed that these state houses cost seven times more to maintain than private homes. The Nats’ attempt to transfer state houses to community groups was a fizzer as few groups would or could take up the offer. They should have embraced full scale privatisation. ACT would transfer this massive liability off the government’s books by privatising all state houses and subsidising the rent of those people who truly need it.

Big government Bridges will keep Labour’s tax hikes

Source: ACT Party

Headline: Big government Bridges will keep Labour’s tax hikes

“Simon Bridges has confirmed his commitment to higher taxes by this morning refusing to roll back proposed fuel tax increases of between 9 and 12 cents a litre”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“This complements his record as a big spending Economic Development Minister.

“When Amy Adams slammed Labour’s ‘tax and spend’ policies the other day, she could have easily been talking about her own leader.

“The National Party under Simon Bridges believes it can return to Government by presenting itself as a more competent version of Labour.

“It has completely lost track of what it stands for.

“It makes you wonder what other socialist policies National will accept when it returns to Government. Will National repeal Labour’s fees-free policy? Will it reinstate the tax cuts that were promised in 2017? Or will it put them in the too hard basket as it did with interest-free student loans and Working for Families, which John Key called ‘communism by stealth’?

“Only a strong ACT Party will persuade National to cut taxes, wasteful spending, and red tape, and reform the Resource Management Act and Superannuation”, says Mr Seymour.

The report the Government didn’t want you to see

Source: ACT Party

Headline: The report the Government didn’t want you to see

“Chris Hipkins has tried to avoid any scrutiny of the final Partnership Schools report by performing a classic ‘Friday news dump’”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“The Government didn’t want anyone to see this report from independent consultants Martin Jenkins because it paints a glowing picture of the Partnership School model.

“If the report has found that Partnership Schools were failing, Chris Hipkins would be shouting it from the rooftops.

“Instead, he dumped the report in an obscure section of the Ministry of Education website on a Friday night.

“So much for this Government being the most open and transparent in New Zealand history”, says Mr Seymour.

Hipkins must reverse charters decision after glowing report

Source: ACT Party

Headline: Hipkins must reverse charters decision after glowing report

“The Education Minister must now reverse his decision to close Partnership Schools after the final report from independent consultants Martin Jenkins painted a glowing picture of the model”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“The report cuts through the spin on Partnership Schools, delivering blow after blow to Government’s hopes it could kill off the model quietly.

“The final report shows Partnership Schools are strongly focused on disadvantaged kids with complex needs. Students are largely Maori and Pasifika from low-decile schools. Before attending the Partnership Schools, many students were transient, disengaged, with poor academic histories and complex socio-economic needs. They often lacked positive aspirations and role models.

“The schools are meeting learners’ needs using innovative practices and high-quality standards. Sponsors are driven by a vision to provide an alternative for students who have been underserved. Innovations enabled by the flexible funding model are across the board, in governance arrangements, staffing, student engagement and support, pedagogy, teaching and learning.

“Student engagement has significantly improved. Stand-downs and length of suspensions are lower. Students give positive feedback. Whānau feel more involved and more confident communicating with schools. Very few learners are opting out.

“It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most positive news our education system has had for some time.

“It simply beggars belief that Jacinda Ardern and Chris Hipkins would end an educational model that has delivered so much for students that have been so poorly served by our state system

“The Government must now reverse its position on Partnership Schools”, says Mr Seymour.

Twyford’s state homes cost 7x more to maintain

Source: ACT Party

Headline: Twyford’s state homes cost 7x more to maintain

“Phil Twyford is spending seven times more than a private landlord in maintaining his stock of government-owned houses”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“Twyford must transfer this massive liability off the government’s books by privatising all state houses and subsidising the rent of those people who truly need it.

“TVNZ revealed this week that the Government spends $474 million maintaining state homes. That is over $7500 a year for each state house owned by the Government.

According to Barfoot and Thompson, landlords in the private sector spend seven times less than that. The average yearly maintenance costs for a private sector home is about $1024.

“The Nats’ ham-fisted attempts to transfer state houses to community groups were a complete and utter failure.

“Transferring state houses to the private sector would allow the government to leverage private sector capital and capability, increase the supply of houses, and promote choice and competition.

“Most importantly, would allow the Government to better focus on providing a safety net to those with the greatest need.

“Instead, Twyford seems to believe it is acceptable for New Zealand taxpayers to own a massive, ageing stock of houses – worth $21.6 billion – which are poorly-suited for the needs of the poor” says Mr Seymour.