Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand
Stats NZ information release: Household labour force survey estimated working-age population: December 2024 quarter
Source: Statistics New Zealand
Household labour force survey estimated working-age population: December 2024 quarter – information release – 9 January 2025 – The household labour force survey estimated working-age population table shows the population benchmarks used to produce household labour force survey estimates for the upcoming labour market statistics release.
Animal Welfare – SAFE calls for release of delayed rodeo code of welfare following two deaths
Source: SAFE For Animals
Climate News – NIWA Seasonal Climate Outlook January-March 2025
Source: NIWA
Entangled dolphin near Auckland now freed
Source: Department of Conservation
Date: 09 January 2025
The juvenile/subadult dolphin, which was travelling with a fully grown dolphin, was first reported to DOC’s hotline on 29 December.
DOC Operations Manager, Kirsty Prior, says the team located the dolphin and its companion at 12:50 pm yesterday.
“The disentanglement team were able to get a working line with grapnel and floats on the animal. This allowed the team to bring the dolphin close to the boat and work carefully with specialist knives to cut it free by 1:54 pm.
“We monitored the area for several hours and can confirm the dolphin is free of the entanglement and swimming strongly.
“It will now likely take time to heal and rest after before moving out of the area. Please give the dolphins space during this time.
“We would like to thank everyone who called the hotline, the public were vital in helping our team do their job successfully”, says Kirsty.
Jocelin Friend from Te Kawerau ā Maki welcomed the invitation to be on the vessel and see the disentanglement take place.
“Te Wai Roa ō Kahu and Rangitōpuni awa are our ancestral waterways. Our duty as kaitiaki is to ensure our taonga species are treated with utmost care.
“I was impressed with how the team worked together swiftly, carefully and in respect of tikanga Māori to safely free the dolphin”, says Jocelin.
A reminder to everyone to stay vigilant on the water and keep their distance from marine mammals and to report any sightings to 0800 DOC HOT (0800 36 24 68).
For media enquiries contact:
Transport – Congestion charging plans have some fishhooks for road freight
Night closures planned for State Highway 6, Annesbrook Drive, Nelson
Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
Christmas has come and gone, and as we move rapidly into 2025, the State Highway summer maintenance season kicks back into gear in Nelson.
State Highway 6 Annesbrook Drive is next in line for resurfacing and repairs later this month, says NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA).
The highway will be closed between the Whakatu Drive Roundabout and Blackwood Street from 7:30 pm to 5 am between 19 and 27 January (no work on Friday 24 and Saturday 25 January) when asphalting work will be carried out.
Rob Service, NZTA System Manager Nelson – Tasman, says this is essential maintenance work and is crucial for ensuring the highway is up to standard for all road users.
“Annesbrook Drive is one of Nelson’s busier arterial routes and carries more than 13,000 vehicles daily. It is essential it is maintained in good order.
“Asphalting is a longer lasting solution that provides a stronger and more durable road, reducing the frequency of future maintenance. Doing this work now prevents problems and costlier repairs later,” he says.
A local road detour will be in place for traffic in both directions via Parkers Road, Bolt Road, and Quarantine Road. This detour is expected to add up to 10 minutes to travel time.
Once asphalting work is complete, road markings will be reinstated under night works with stop/go controls and a 30 km/h speed limit.
Given the nature of the work and the fact Annesbrook Drive is a busy road, Mr Service says drivers and residents must expect some disruption.
“We will do our best to minimise it as much as possible. This is why it will be done at night when there are fewer cars on the road. We have also deliberately timed the work after the busy holiday period and before Nelson Anniversary weekend.”
However, he warns drivers must factor the work into their travel plans.
“This is still a main route between Nelson and Richmond. Don’t get caught out. Drivers must be aware the detours will mean slightly longer travel times.”
During the work, Whakatu Drive will remain open in both directions between Waimea Road and Quarantine Road.
Access for people travelling to and from Nelson Airport will remain in place via Quarantine Roundabout and Quarantine Road, or by using the detour via Parkers Road and Bolt Road.
The shared cycle and pedestrian path between Gracefield Street and SH6 Annesbrook Drive, opposite Manchester Way, will be closed while work is underway. An alternate route will be in place in both directions.
Works details
- Sunday, 19 January to Monday, 27 January. 7:30 pm to 5 am. No work on Friday, 24 January or Saturday, 25 January.
- Full road closure on State Highway 6 Annesbrook Drive, between the Whakatu Drive Roundabout and Blackwood Street.
- Local road detour in both directions for all vehicles, including heavies, via Parkers Road, Bolt Road, and Quarantine Road. This detour is expected to add up to 10 minutes to travel time.
- Access to and from Nelson Airport will be maintained via Quarantine Roundabout and Quarantine Road, or by using the detour via Parkers Road and Bolt Road.
- SH6 Whakatu Drive will remain open in both directions between Waimea Road and Quarantine Road.
- There will be no access between SH6 Annesbrook Drive and the Whakatu Drive Roundabout.
- Access to/from SH6 Annesbrook Drive and Douglas Road will be closed during the work. Douglas Road will remain accessible via Gracefield Street.
- There will be no left turn onto SH6, Annesbrook Drive from Maire Street during the closure times.
- Access will be available within the site for residents, businesses, and emergency services. There will be no access between Whakatu Roundabout and SH6, Annesbrook Drive.
- A 30 km/h temporary speed limit will be in place during the day outside of work hours. Road users must follow the instructions of contractors and obey all temporary speed limits and traffic controls.
- The shared pedestrian and cycle path between Gracefield Street and SH6 Annesbrook Drive, opposite Manchester Way, will be closed while work is underway. An alternate route will be in place in both directions via the Gracefield Street Overpass, Langdon Overbridge, the Quarantine Road Pedestrian Underpass and SH6 Annesbrook Drive.
Works location
More information
Distinctive colour leads to brush the law
Source: New Zealand Police (District News)
Police have helped staff at Oranga School in One Tree Hill celebrate the return of a large amount of specially prepared paint, that had gone missing from its grounds.
The paint was to be used for important maintenance work on school buildings and had been specially mixed in a sheen known as “all blacks”.
Auckland City East Area Prevention Manager, Inspector Rachel Dolheguy, says the theft of the paint occurred sometime overnight on Sunday.
“Four, ten litre buckets of the special paint had been left at the school for the weekend but was discovered to be missing, and this was reported to Police yesterday.
“A scan of social media identified an amount of All Blacks paint for sale, providing the Glen Innes Tactical Crime Team with quick actions in paying a visit to the seller at their home on the North Shore this morning.
“A search of the property was executed, and the missing paint was located inside.”
A 34-year-old woman was charged with receiving stolen goods and will appear in the Auckland District Court at a later date.
Inspector Rachel Dolheguy says Police enquiries into the matter are still ongoing.
“This was great work from our staff to locate and recover the paint so quickly, and we’re very happy that it is now back with the school.”
Five nights of closures for SH58 Whitby/Paremata, Porirua
Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
Road users and residents need to be ready for night closures on SH58 Whitby/Paremata, says NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA).
“Work is starting this Sunday night, 12 January, for five nights through to Thursday,” says NZTA Wellington Transport Alliance Manager, Roxanne Hilliard.
Road crews will resurface areas of State Highway 58 between Joseph Banks Drive and Postgate Drive for five nights. “They will set up from 7 pm each night so drivers should expect delays from then,” says Ms Hilliard.
Postgate Drive to James Cook Drive – two nights
Resurfacing will be carried out on Sunday 12 January and Monday 13 January. SH58 Paremata Road will be fully closed between Postgate Drive and James Cook Drive, 9 pm to 4.30 am each night until the following morning.
James Cook Drive to Joseph Banks Drive – three nights work
Resurfacing will be carried out on Tuesday 14 January, Wednesday 15 January and Thursday 16 January. SH58 Paremata Road will be fully closed between James Cook Drive and Joseph Banks Drive, 9 pm to 4.30 am each night until the following morning.
“SH58 between Pāuatahanui and Paremata is a critical transport link.” says Ms Hilliard. “Regular maintenance is essential to ensure it remains resilient and accessible to road users and residents. We appreciate everyone taking care around crews and on the detour route while this work is happening.”
Road users and residents are urged to plan ahead for these works.
Works schedule and detour maps
SH58 Postgate Drive to James Cook Drive
- Sunday, 12 January and Monday, 13 January. Road closed 9pm – 4.30am the following morning.
- Local road detour available – see map below.
SH58 James Cook Drive to Joseph Banks Drive
- Tuesday, 14 January, Wednesday, 15 January and Thursday, 16 January. Road closed 9pm – 4.30am the following morning.
- Local road detour available – see map below.
More information
- Wellington Transport Alliance (sign up to roadwork mailing lists here)
- Wellington roadworks
Queenstown’s DOC visitor centre based in Glenorchy for two weeks
Source: Department of Conservation
Date: 08 January 2025
DOC Operations Manager Whakatipu, David Butt, says the temporary site will be convenient and closer to most of the district’s extensive visitor network.
“These two weeks are some of the busiest we get for visitors,” says David.
“Glenorchy is a gateway to the area’s most popular day and multi-day hikes including the Routeburn Track, Greenstone/Caples Track and Dart/Rees Valley, making it a busy place for visitors wanting to get out and experience nature.
“We always want to figure out the best way to serve Whakatipu visitors, so we’re also keen to see how well the temporary site is received.
“The visitor centre in Queenstown (50 Stanley St) will be closed during this period, as staff will be based in Glenorchy. There will be notices on the doors to advise people of the temporary Glenorchy location and contact phone numbers for enquiries.”
The pop-up visitor centre will be run from the former Glenorchy Café on Mull Street and provide DOC information and services.
People checking in for the Routeburn Great Walk from 13-26 January will need to do so when they arrive in Glenorchy.
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