Advertising Self-Regulation Summit a Success

Source: Advertising Standards Authority

Headline: Advertising Self-Regulation Summit a Success

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) recently held a Summit in Auckland focussing on the value of advertising self-regulation.

The ASA celebrates its 45th anniversary this year and took this opportunity to gather over 60 major advertisers, agencies and media organisations together to acknowledge the work of the ASA in supporting responsible advertising.

Hon. Clare Curran gave the opening address and spoke about the Government’s views on media regulation. Fiona Jolly, Chief Executive of Advertising Standards Australia, the sister organisation to the ASA spoke about the value of self-regulation.

Hon. Heather Roy, independent Chair of the ASA said “It was great to see such strong support for the ASA from the advertising industry and the Summit was a good opportunity to affirm the future of the organisation.”

The ASA sets standards in advertising through its Codes of Practice and funds a free consumer complaints process about advertising content and placement. It recently published a guidance note on ad identification and as part of its commitment to industry training, held a joint seminar with the Commerce Commission in mid-March to support consumer confidence in advertising.